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Age Of Empires III


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  • Απαντ. 206
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Age of Empires III patch v1.01




Age of Empires III: Age of Discovery by Ensemble Studios - English retail v1.0

-> v1.01 patch




- Fixed a bug in the command manager that caused slow performance when CPAIs

were in the game

- Fixed a bug that caused sound effects (and sometimes music) to stop playing

- Fixed a problem where unplayed dialogue lines made the Campaign scenarios

stop working

- Fixed a bug on the Postgame screen that allowed players' names to be edited

- Fixed a bug where all players would hear the selection sound for HC cards


- Fixed a bug that kept the ESO connection problem dialog box from closing

- Fixed a bug in the Portuguese tech TEAM Early Dragoons that kept some

civilizations from training their anti-cavalry units until the Industrial age

- Fixed a bug that made abundant resources available in the single-player


- Fixed a bug that did not let the host launch the game once the number of

players was reduced below the number that had clicked ready

- Tweaked movement code to improve the responsiveness of units

- Changed formations so that unit types keep their setting even when grouped

with different types




- Fixed a bug in the Unresponsive Player dialog box so that it closes once

consensus is reached


Loipon ego exo 1 trello bug, h mia trellh vlakeia pou kano..otan kano 1 save game & meta kano reload to game ksekinaei se paused kai den vrisko tropo na to ksekinhso,oti kai na pathso menei pali paused, eleosss...

epishs dokimasa na paikso direct ip alla otan pao na kano connect sto allo kompiuter mou vgazei "the host has cancelled the game"..

Kamia idea??


P.S. na fantasto oti to patch leitourgei mono me ta gnhsia right???

Loipon ego exo 1 trello bug, h mia trellh vlakeia pou kano..otan kano 1 save game & meta kano reload to game ksekinaei se paused kai den vrisko tropo na to ksekinhso,oti kai na pathso menei pali paused, eleosss...

Πάτα το κουμπί pause-break.Βέβαια ίσως είναι το μοναδικό παιχνίδι που χρησιμοποιεί το κουμπί του pause.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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