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Κάνα καλό προγραμματάκι για εξαγωγή filenames από directories ... (printdir)


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The JR Directory Printer Utility allows you to print a listing of every file contained within a directory and/or subdirectory(ies).


he result displayed in NotePad or default text editor as "dirprint.txt" file. This file is created in "JR Directory Printer" installtion folder, each time you click "Start" button.




Check Recurse Sub-directories option to see a complete list of all subdirectories and all files in all directories.


The Lowercase Filename option will force all file names into lowercase regardless of the actual file name.


Dos style filename option will limit the file name length within 8 chars.


Display Sub-directories will result in a list of all subdirectories contained under the selected directory along with a list of all individual files contained under the root directory. It will not list all subdirectories or individual files contained in the main subdirectories. To see a complete list of all subdirectories and all files in all directories, you would check the Recurse Sub-directories option and click on the Start button. This would rewrite the"dirprint.txt" file using the new options.


You can limit length file names so that they fits properly in list. By default this value is 35 chars.


You can check/uncheck Display Size, DateTime and Attributes option to list/unlist the file size, modified date/time and file attributes (a - Archives, r - Read Only, s - System, h - Hidden).


Eίναι μόνο 173Kb, είναι Free, και ΔΕΝ χρειάζεται Install.






pah...neolaia....ena dyskolo programma alla apotelesmatiko einai to eksis:

pas start-->run-->cmd

ekei grafeis

dir >arxeio.txt

oti yparxei ston katalogo, sto kanei "print" sto arxeio.txt

paizeis me ta commands gia na kaneis list analoga me mege8os, hmerominia, hidden klp klp klp....

kai tzampa kai grhgoro :pppppp

pah...neolaia....ena dyskolo programma alla apotelesmatiko einai to eksis:

pas start-->run-->cmd

ekei grafeis

dir >arxeio.txt

oti yparxei ston katalogo' date=' sto kanei "print" sto arxeio.txt

paizeis me ta commands gia na kaneis list analoga me mege8os, hmerominia, hidden klp klp klp....

kai tzampa kai grhgoro :pppppp[/quote']

Φϊλε μου, αν το παλικάρι γνώριζε DOS, δεν θα μας ρωτούσε καθόλου.

Και από τον τίτλο, βλέπεις ότι ζητάει πρόγραμμα για να του κάνει την δουλειά.



Επί της ουσίας καμία.

Έχει να κάνει περισσότερο με την φιλικότητα προς το χρήστη!

poia h diafora dld an to kanei me programma h me dos command?


einai kati pou legetai "e3eli3i" ...


exo ena disko me kammia 50 dirs ...

auto pou 9a i9ela einai na kano de3i klik se ka9e dir kai na mou vgazei epilogi to directory listing ...


fantazesai poso xrono 9a exana me to na grapso mono ta onomata ton directories ???


einai kai megala pana9emata !!! :)

m'aresei o tropos pou skeftesai :)


alla protimo to Directory Lister giati vgazei ta results se html ...


tora to mono pou leipei einai ena prog pou na vgazei kai epilogi sta drop down menus tou windows explorer + results se html ...

kati san na pas sto arxiko dir dld kai na kaneis dir/s >arxeio.txt ? na soy bgalei kai ola ta subs?h mhpws otan den exeis arxiko dir' date=' opote prepei na baleis dir *.* /s ?



kai an esy 9es 40 apo ta 50 subs ... 9a ta ka9ariseis meta xeirokinita sto txt arxeio eee? :)


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