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NBA Live 2006 RELEASED (Australia)


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

  • Απαντ. 54
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Αναρωτιέμαι αν θα είναι ακριβώς όπως τα ΝΒΑ 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 και 2005, που είναι ίδια και απαράλαχτα. Δηλαδή πολύ ωραίο στα replay και πολύ μέτριο στο παιχνίδι, όπως δηλαδή και το FIFA. Τα κλασσικά όπως ηλιθίως γρήγορο παιχνίδι με ξαφνικές επιβραδύνσεις για τις ωραίες motion captured κινήσεις της ΕΑ, ή το φαινόμενο της εμφάνισης της μπάλας στα χέρια του παίχτη αντί να πηγαίνουν τα χέρια στην μπάλα, θα υπάρχουν ακόμα; Μάλλον θα κάνω πάλι το λάθος να αφιερώσω χρόνο και σε αυτό το ΝΒΑ live. Να δω πότε θα καταφέρουμε να παίξουμε ένα μπασκετάκι της προκοπής...


Παραδόξως το 2003 μου άρεσε αρκετά και το είχα λιώσει στην έκδοση για PC, μέχρι βέβαια που έμαθα τα κόλπα του και έπαψε να έχει ενδιαφέρον, καθώς κέρδιζα συνέχεια με μεγάλες διαφορές. Βέβαια είχα να παίξω NBA Live από την έκδοση του...99 (η έκδοση του '95 πάντως παραμένει η κορυφαία!), οπότε λογικό ήταν να με εντυπωσιάσει.


Τώρα το 2004 μου είχε φανεί πολύ ίδιο, γι'αυτό δεν το έπαιξα καθόλου. Λογικά στο νέο Live θα έχουμε μία από τα ίδια, οπότε καλό 2008 να έχουμε...:P


Exoun prosthesei polu liga pramata se sxesi me to 2005, alla k pali einai to mono paixnidi basket gia pc opote den uparxei epilogi. Na tonisw oti to game an den exeis joypad me 2 analog sticks k an den exeis peiraxei ta sliders den exei noima. Egw akoma den exw varethei to 2005 (leme twra) k kathe xrono goustarw to game (afou den exei k allo..). Auta.


Exw ruthmisei tous sliders sumfwna me ta roster pou vgazei o Andrew sto NLSC mazi me ta rosters.

(me merikes paralagges sta Game Speed(+), User Short Range Shooting(-) , User Medium Range Shooting(-) epeidi paizw 5min quarters k oxi 12min)


NLSC Current Roster Update v1.18 (25/09/05)



Andrew Sliders v2.0

(Optimised for 12 minute quarters on All-Star & Superstar)




Game Speed: 36

Free Throw Difficulty: 70

Boundary Force Field: 60

Injury Frequency: 50 (but up to 75 on All-Star)

Fatigue Effect: 52 (65 for All-Star Game)

Charge/Block Foul Frequency: 60

Shooting Foul Frequency: 35

Reach-in Foul Frequency: 22

In-air Collision Foul Frequency: 75




User Steal Ability: 44

User Interception Ability: 35

User Shot Block Ability: 0

User Dunk/Lay-up Block Ability: 5

User Freestyle Effectiveness: 45

User Dunk vs. Lay-up Frequency: 30

User Substitution Frequency: 0 (50 for Auto-Subs)

User On-ball Defense Assist: 42

User Offensive Rebounding: 40

User Defensive Rebounding: 75

User Fakeout Discipline: 100

User Short Range Shooting: 50

User Medium Range Shooting: 50

User Long Range Shooting: 50

User Dunk Percentage: 50

User Lay-up Percentage: 50

User Adjusted Shot Percentage: 50

User On-ball Defense: 50

User Poor Release Shot Percent: 50

User Double-team Effectiveness: 50

User Pro Hop Effectiveness: 30

User Drop Step Effectiveness: 50




CPU Steal Ability: 28

CPU Interception Ability: 9

CPU Shot Block Ability: 0

CPU Dunk/Lay-up Block Ability: 5

CPU Freestyle Effectiveness: 40

CPU Dunk Frequency: 30

CPU Substitution Frequency: 50 (90 for All-Star Game)

CPU Offensive Rebounding: 40

CPU Defensive Rebounding: 75

CPU Fakeout Discipline: 50

CPU Short Range Shooting: 50

CPU Medium Range Shooting: 50

CPU Long Range Shooting: 50

CPU Dunk Percentage: 50

CPU Lay-up Percentage: 50

CPU Adjusted Shot Percentage: 50

CPU Adjusted Shot Frequency: 50

CPU On-ball Physical Defense: 33

CPU Poor Release Shot Percent: 50

CPU Double-team Effectiveness: 50

CPU Pro Hop Effectiveness: 50

CPU Drop Step Effectiveness: 50


NOTE: Still subject to change based on further research and suggestions. Please also note that due to differences in all of our playing styles, you might need to make some personalised tweaks to my slider set. These will probably replace v1.0 as the suggested sliders in the roster update and over on the main site, once they've been tested.

Έχω διαβάσει για αλλαγές στις πάσες κυρίως ....

Fetos h EA exei prosthesei sto game tous freestyle superstars. Oi paiktes pou exoun auximena ratings se 1-2 sugkekrimenes katigories legontai freestyle superstars kai mporei o user me tin voitheia enos joypad me 2 analog sticks na kanei kiniseis pou oi regular paiktes (autoi pou den einai freestyle superstars) den mporoun na pragmatopoihsoun. Oi freeestyle superstars exoun 8 kathgories : Highflyer (kanei karfmata), playmaker (mporei na kanei diafores kiniseis me tin mpala, opws fake pass etc.), power (mporei na plakwthei stis mpounies me ton shaq :razz: ), Outside Shooter, Inside shooter, Shooter, Inside stopper (block) kai Outside stopper (steal). Pio katw dinw mia mia lista me ta ratings pou prepei na exei enas paiktis gia na einai freestyle superstar k alli mia lista me ola ta freestyle moves gia na exetai oloklirwmeni apopsi.



Highflyer= dunking 85, jumping 85, speed 75

Playmaker= passing 80, dribbling 85, O. aware= 81

Power= dunking 85, strength 85, hardiness 80

O. scorer= FG 80, dribbling 80, O. Aware 87

I. scorer= FG 75, I. scoring 80, O. Aware 85

Shooter= FG 80, 3 pnt 80, FT 85

I. Stopper= D. reb 80, blocking 80, D. aware 80

O. Stopper= speed 85, stealing 80, D. aware 80







Hold the Left Trigger and Tap A,Cross: Two Hand, Two Foot Tomahawk

Hold the Left Trigger and Hold A,Cross: Two Hand, Two Foot Tomahawk Hang


Hold the Left Trigger and Tap Y,Triangle: One Hand Tomahawk

Hold the Left Trigger and Hold Y,Triangle: One Hand, Two Foot Tomahawk


Hold the Left Trigger and Tap B,Circle: One Hand, One Foot Tomahawk

Hold the Left Trigger and Hold B,Circle: Barkley Dunk


Hold the Left Trigger and Tap X,Square: Two Hand Power Dunk

Hold the Left Trigger and Hold X,Square: One Hand Two foot Leaning Power Tomahawk




Hold the Left Trigger and Tap A,Cross: Two Hand, Two Foot Tomahawk

Hold the Left Trigger and Hold A,Cross: Two Hand, Two Foot Tomahawk Hang


Hold the Left Trigger and Tap Y,Triangle: One Hand Tomahawk

Hold the Left Trigger and Hold Y,Triangle: Windmill


Hold the Left Trigger and Tap B,Circle: One Hand, One Foot Tomahawk

Hold the Left Trigger and Hold B,Circle: Barkley Dunk


Hold the Left Trigger and Tap X,Square: Two Hand Power Dunk

Hold the Left Trigger and Hold X,Square: One Hand Two foot Power Tomahawk




Hold down the left trigger and tap A,Cross (close): Two Foot, One Hand Tomahawk


Hold down the left trigger and tap A,Cross (far): Two Foot, One Hand Leaner


Hold down the left trigger and hold A,Cross (close): Double Pump


Hold down the left trigger and hold A,Cross (far): Two Foot Windmill


Hold down the left trigger and tap Y,Triangle (close): Two Hand, Two Foot Windmill


Hold down the left trigger and tap Y,Triangle (far): Bounce off the Floor


Hold down the left trigger and hold Y,Triangle (close): Two Hand, One Foot Stretch


Hold down the left trigger and hold Y,Triangle (far): Self Alley Oop


Hold down the left trigger and tap B,Circle (close): Two Foot, Two Hand Tomahawk


Hold down the left trigger and tap B,Circle (far): One Hand, Double Clutch Layup


Hold down the left trigger and hold B,Circle (close): Double Power Pump


Hold down the left trigger and hold B,Circle (far): One Hand, One Foot Finger Roll


Hold down the left trigger and tap X,Square (close): One Hand Double Pump


Hold down the left trigger and tap X,Square (far): Jordan


Hold down the left trigger and hold X,Square (close): Two Foot Windmill Reverse


Hold down the left trigger and hold X,Square (far): LeBron




Hold the left trigger and tap A,Cross: Bounce Pass


Hold the left trigger and tap Y,Triangle: No Look Pass


Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle: Fake Pass


Hold the left trigger and tap X,Square: Behind the Back Pass






Hold the left trigger and tap Y,Triangle: Block/Rebound


Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle: Take Charge


Hold the left trigger and tap X,Square: Steal/Interception





Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle: Take Charge


Hold the left trigger and tap X,Square: Steal/Interception




Outside Scorers


Hold the left trigger and tap A,Cross: Windmill Layup


Hold the left trigger and hold A,Cross: Switch Hands Layup


Hold the left trigger and tap Y,Triangle: Runner


Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle (when going toward basket): Double Clutch


Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle (when going away from the basket): Turnaround J


Hold the left trigger and tap X,Square: Fake Behind the Back Layup


Hold the left trigger and hold X,Square: Behind the Back Layup


Outside scorers also have a variety of moves utilizing the right analog stick. Here are some Triple Threat moves when facing the basket.


Hold the left trigger while holding right on the right analog stick: Jab and Hold


Hold the left trigger while holding down on the right analog stick: Cradle and Hold Back


Hold the left trigger while holding left on the right analog stick: Create Space


Hold the left trigger while holding up on the right analog stick: Hold between the legs


Once in the Triple Threat position, try one of the following moves:


Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Right + Left analog Left: Spin Left


Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Down + Left analog Left: Behind the Back


Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Up + Left analog: Blow Out Dribble


Left trigger + Right Analog Flick Down: Fake Dribble Right, Spin Left


Inside Scorers


Hold the left trigger and tap A,Cross: Hook Shot


Hold the left trigger and tap Y,Triangle: Runner


Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle (while going towards basket): Double Clutch


Hold the left trigger and tap B,Circle (while going away from the basket): Turnaround J


Hold the left trigger and tap X,Square: Avoid Strip Layup


Inside Scorer Right Analog Moves


Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Right: Face Up


Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Down: Up and Under


Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Left: Shoulder Fake


Go Moves (while you are in a back to the basket, Triple Threat position from the post)


Left trigger + Right Analog Hold Right + Left Analog Left: Blow Out Dribble Left


Left Trigger + Left Analog Left: Spin Left


Left Trigger + Left Analog Right: Spin Right




Hold the left trigger and press A,Cross: Fake Pass and Shoot


Hold the left trigger and press Y,Triangle: Bank Shot


Hold the left trigger and press B,Circle: Set Shot


Hold the left trigger and press X,Square: Hold Your Follow Through


Πηγή : NLSC Forum


αυτές οι κινήσεις πιάνουν και στο nba 2005; παιδιά βοηθήστε με λίγο τον καημένο ψάχνω να βρω τις advanced moves ώστε να γίνω master στο nba 2005


A,και οι ρυθμίσεις που έχεις για τα sliders είναι αυτές που έχεις και εσύ έτσι dour46;


Proswpika apogohteuthka apo to neo nba live, toso me thn ekdosh tou ps2 oso kai me tou pc. Mporei to freestyle superstars na akougetai kalo san idea, omws h ea kleinei t autia ths sto 8ema gameplay edw kai xronia...Gia akoma mia fora oi paiktes...epipleoun sto ghpedo, kanoun mia ntripla kai 5 vhmata, h allagh apo th mia kinhsh sthn allh exakolou8ei na einai apotomh ki asundeth px akoma kai me plath sto kala8i mporei epitopou na gurisei o paixths na kanei lay up me spasimo kai to pio vasiko gia mena, to back down to xei sto dexi analog (katw) se amuna kai epi8esh pragma pou shmainei pws den mporeis na paixeis me plath giati de voleuei ka8olou...Perimena polla perissotera kai apogoteuthka...


P.S. A kai mhn ksexasw to polu wraio bug tou paixnidiou pou sto telos ka8e periodou h agwna, ean mpei kala8i sto ligo xrono pou sou afhnei META ton hxo tou buzzer kai PRIN to pause menu, oi diaithtes tis perissoteres fores TO METRANE...eleos...


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