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The Official Lost Season 2 Topic


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Egw anisixisa me to character-driven kai oxi mythology-driven.Den exw tipota me character-driven shows,isa-isa,ta perisotera pou blepw/evlepa opws to Smallville,to Angel,to Supernatural akoma akoma kai to Prison Break einai arketa character-driven.Omws to Lost den xekinise etsi.Xekinise me ena polyploko background.Kai fovamai oti etsi pou tha to pane,kathe apantisei tha gena 2 erwtiseis pou den skopeuoun na apantisoun

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Summary of spoilers given by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse: Next season' date=' we will understand the real ramifications of Desmond activating the failsafe and what that did. The central issue of season three will be what did happen. It sounds like Desmond's coming back. They said they want him back, we want to know why he was in prison, we want to know what happened when he turned that key that affected the entire island. That will become very important. The island was visible but only for an instant. It was also visible for an instant on 9/22/04 when the plane crashed. The foot statue represents the history and archeology of the island. Season three will explore what happened on the island before Dharma arrived in the late 70's and who was there. The smoke monster will definitely be back in Season three. There is a good chance we saw the monster this year and didn't realize we were looking at it. By the end of next year we will realize what it was and when we saw it. Why did the Others take Jack, Kate and Sawyer? Where is their home? That will be the story told over the first six episodes. Season 3 will also be about the main characters and their relationships. They want to service the relationships next year more than the mythology. How Locke got in the wheelchair, how Jack got his tattoos will be revealed in Season three. Source: Lost Podcast[/color']


hmm too good to be true...mallon to lene gia na krathsoun thn agonia eno h alitheia tha einai peripou h ekshs:


How will the love story end between charlie and claire??

How many gramms will loose the fat boy??

Will the koreans have a boy or a girl??is it gonna be yellow or black??

we will finally have a kiss between kate and jack??or between kate and sawyer??or maybe between jack and sawyer???

Can michael say other words than "my boy", "my son", "waaaaaalt"..

Do the "others" call the others "the others"??

Is Dharma's leader the same dharma of the comedy sitcom "dharma and greg"

This and lots more on the new season of lost!!!!


P.S. sorry pou den ta xromatisa alla den nomizo na einai tooooso spoiler ayta pou leo :D :D :D

Egw anisixisa me to character-driven kai oxi mythology-driven.Den exw tipota me character-driven shows,isa-isa,ta perisotera pou blepw/evlepa opws to Smallville,to Angel,to Supernatural akoma akoma kai to Prison Break einai arketa character-driven.Omws to Lost den xekinise etsi.Xekinise me ena polyploko background.Kai fovamai oti etsi pou tha to pane,kathe apantisei tha gena 2 erwtiseis pou den skopeuoun na apantisoun


Το αντιθετο θα ελεγα.Η 1η σαιζον του Lost ηταν ο ορισμος του character-driven show...Ασχοληθηκε πολυ περισσοτερο με την αναπτυξη και το backround των χαρακτηρων, σε σημειο "υπερβολης" θα ελεγα.Παρ'ολα αυτα,συμφωνουμε οτι η 1η σαιζον ηταν by far καλυτερη της 2ης.


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hmm too good to be true...mallon to lene gia na krathsoun thn agonia eno h alitheia tha einai peripou h ekshs:


How will the love story end between charlie and claire??

How many gramms will loose the fat boy??

Will the koreans have a boy or a girl??is it gonna be yellow or black??

we will finally have a kiss between kate and jack??or between kate and sawyer??or maybe between jack and sawyer???

Can michael say other words than "my boy"' date=' "my son", "waaaaaalt"..

Do the "others" call the others "the others"??

Is Dharma's leader the same dharma of the comedy sitcom "dharma and greg"

This and lots more on the new season of lost!!!!



lol....na pros8esw merika...

- Will Sun have more morning sickness, and will Danielle Rouseu shoot her because of it?

- What would happen if Rouseu gets laid after fourteen years?

- Why did Sun's garden dry up and will Dharma fertilizers save the day?

- How much wood would Eco chuck, if Eco should chuck wood?

- How soon will Claire's baby be teething? Will it cry the hell out of the camp?

- How long till massive diarrhoea issues hit the survivors?

- Will we see giant penguins, blood -thirsty coala, vampire monkeys and possibly some Yeti on the island? Wiil they be friendly? Will they mutilate someone?

- Is Jack's long awaited tattoo flashback going to be as boring as the rest of them? Can it be topped by Kate's marriage flashbak?


You ll just have to wait for the brand new season of LOST only on ABC

Το αντιθετο θα ελεγα.Η 1η σαιζον του Lost ηταν ο ορισμος του character-driven show...Ασχοληθηκε πολυ περισσοτερο με την αναπτυξη και το backround των χαρακτηρων' date=' σε σημειο "υπερβολης" θα ελεγα.Παρ'ολα αυτα,συμφωνουμε οτι η 1η σαιζον ηταν by far καλυτερη της 2ης.


Koita,to thema einai oti afenws i 1i leitourgise ws background kai ara kala ekane,kai afeterou oti edine polla aorista stoixeia pou perimename na exigithoun.Min paramythiazesai me ta teleytaia 5-6 episodeia tis 2is,thymisou ti ginotan sta prwta 15...(parepiptontws opws eixa provlepsi,poly kali kinisi i prosplipsi tou Jeph Loeb)

Alla kai opws les na itan ta pragmata,kaka ta psemata,den vlepei kaneis to Lost gia na dei ti tha kanei i Kate me ton Jack etsi?


[highlight]spoiler[/highlight]Δεν είμαι σίγουρη αν έχει γραφεί ήδη αλλά τον Kevin τον έχουμε δει ήδη στην "ιστορία" του Sayid στο Ιράκ όπου τον βοήθησε στο τέλος (ήταν μαζί σε ένα τζιπ σε έναν μακρύ δρόμο)...


Παντως αυτο --> The island was visible but only for an instant. It was also visible for an instant on 9/22/04 when the plane crashed.


σημαινει τελικα πως οντως,το νησι ισως περιβαλεται απο εναν θολο ηλεκτρομαγνητικου πεδιου που το κανει αορατο!!!!!!!

logika meta to simban sto season finale to nisi the prepei na einai orato synexeia pleon

Όχι απαραίτητα.

Αν η μαγνητική διαδικασία είναι γηγενής και όχι τεχνητή, δε νομίζω πως όλα πέρασαν. Αν όντως διευρύνθηκε το πεδίο μπορεί μεν να αποδυναμώθηκε αλλά ακόμα θα ισχύει. Ούτως η άλλως παρατήρησαν ανωμαλία στην οθόνη τους οι Πορτογάλοι. Θα δούμε αν εν τέλει η ανωμαλία επέφερε εμφάνιση ή στιγμιαία εμφάνιση πάλι του νησιού.

It was also visible for an instant on 9/22/04 when the plane crashed.


Mipws auto to kommati deixnei oti kapoios toxe parei prefa kai tote?(px oi typoi stin Siviria)


Pantws thaxei endiaferon na doume tin exigisi.An kaneis den mporei "na dei" to nhsi,pws kanena ploio den perase apo "mesa"??Epeidi einai aorato einai kai aylo?



Les na mas poune oti einai kati san to trigwno twn Vermoudwn?

yep,topame auto kai eipame kai gia tin ataka "tha sou fanei xrisimo auto pou soumatha" kai apola.We're coverd


Ουπς, δεν σας προλαβαίνω! Έχουν πέσει πολλές ιδέες και παρόλο που έχω διαβάσει σχεδόν όλα τα πόστ, μάλλον κάποιες λεπτομέρεις μου ξεφεύγουν!

Ας επιχειρήσω κάτι άλλο που προς το παρόν δεν το έχω διαβάσει:

1. Ο Desmond διαβάζει το βιβλίο του Dickens "Our mutual friend", δείτε την σελίδα... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Mutual_Friend , η υπόθεση του βιβλίου είναι για κάποιον που αναγκάστηκε να παντρευτεί κάποια για να κληρονομήσει μεγάλη περιουσία, και όλοι νομίζουν ότι πέθανε αλλά αυτός είναι ζωντανός!

2. τραβηγμένο, αλλά θα το πω: To όνομα Penelope (Penny) ίσως είναι συμβολικό: η γυναίκα που περιμένει τον άντρα, και ο άντρας (desmond) που περνά την "Οδύσσειά" του και επιστρέφει μετά από χρόνια


2. Ουδόλως τραβηγμένο. Το συγκεκριμένο μπήκε εκεί γιατί εκεί αποσκοπούσε να οδηγήσει το μυαλό μας. Εσάς εκεί δεν πήγε;


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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