Moderators Praetorian Δημοσ. 13 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Moderators Δημοσ. 13 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Ένα πολύ καλό επεισόδιο το 4ο. Ευτυχώς καμμιά σχέση με τις εντυπώσεις που μου άφησε το 3ο.Ιδιαίτερα έξυπνο μου φάνηκε το ότι ο άντρας της Rose δεν ήταν τελικά ο μαύρος επιζών, αλλα ένας λευκός. Σαν να έχει ψιλοαποδεκατιστεί όμως η παρέα της Anna Lucia. Καπου στο 7ο επεισόδιο λέγεται ότι θα μάθουμε πιο αναλυτικά την ιστορία των επιζώντων απο την ουρά του αεροπλάνου
DimitRi_Del Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Καλο το καινουργιο επισοδειο ,καλυτερο απο το προηγουμενο.Θα μας πουνε τιποτα καλο ομως ή θα μας αφησουν ετσι για καμια 10αρια επισοδεια με τις συνειδήσεις και τα flashbacks του καθενα!
vagelisv Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Ki an den epese pote to aeroplano? Ki an i dharma apla exei agorasei ena nisi kai kanei peirama? Metaksy mas to video tis dharma fainetai san na einai pseutika pallio. An i8elan mporousan na to kanoun na fainetai san na einai pragmatika palio
agiosall~ Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 vagelisv [*color=white*]κείμενο[*/color*] χωρίς τα *
vagelisv Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Ta links einai spoiler min to anoiksete!!!!! Kai epidi molis gyrisa gia na dw to video an ontws mou fainotan pio kainourgio apo oti isxyrizotan oti einai prosexa kati allo. To oti sto video leei oti to Dharma Project vasizotan stin ereuna tou B.F. Skinner. Kai skeftomenos oti autos isws kai na einai pragmatiko proswpo to googlisa kai vrika auto: Polla tairiazoun gia to hatch hatch kapoios to apokalei episis "box" opws episi kai to oti sto hatch yparxoun polla efodia opws kai sto skinner's box... Gia rixte mia matia ki eseis... Ki epidi kanenas sto aeroplano den leei oti eidame tin oura na feugei apo oti 8umamai (para mono lene "akousa enan 8orybo kai iksera oti i oura eixe fygei alla fobomoun na koitaksw pisw") ypo8etw oti mporei na itan mesa se enan e3wmoiwti ptwsis aeroplanou kai otan tous kalesan na foresoun tis maskes tous na tous narkwsan me tis maskes tous (an deite to episodio oloi osoi itan sto nisi forousan tis maskes tous sto aeroplano) Oso gia ta ptwmara pou itan to mono pou den mou kollouse blepontas to video 8umi8ika oti to peirama to xrimatodotise enas emporos oplwn pou 8a e3igouse opoiadipote abrotita. Den kserw mporei kai na kanw la8os vevaia alla nomizw oti etsi eksigountai ME THN LOGIKH diafora pragmata (episis einai polu boliko pou i atraktos exei kaei kai etsi sxedon kanenas apo tous epizwntes den 8umate to sima tis dharma sto aeroplano). Episis ka8e fora pou grafontai autoi oi ari8moi (oi opoioi einai oi syntetagmenes tou nisiou) to nisi prepei na ekpempei auto to sima pou enimerwnei oti yparxei kapoios sto nisi. An den yparxei kapoios sto nisi pia to peirama mporei na stamataei me kapoion tropo. Twra entaksei den eimai kai mesa sto myalo tou skino8eti pou mporei na 8elei na katevasei brykolakes, ekswgiinous kai deinosaurous apla ta syndyazw ola ta stoixeia kai kanw mia ypo8esi...
agiosall~ Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Αν και ήταν στο όνειρο του Χέρλι είναι πολύ περίεργο.
Moderators Praetorian Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Moderators Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Κάποιες άλλες παρατηρήσεις πάνω στο νέο επεισόδιο πέρα απο το κουτί με το γάλα που ανέφερε ο agiosall~: Οι επιζώντες απο την ουρά είναι (ή ήταν -χε χε) 23 (άλλη μια εμφάνιση των "αριθμών") Ο συνεργάτης του Locke που τον χλεύαζε στο Walkabout (Randy) είναι ο ίδιος τύπος με το αφεντικό του Hugο στα Mr. Cluck H Rose φαίνεται να σιγοτραγουδάει το Reggae τραγούδι που άκουγε στον ύπνο του ο Hugo. Στην τελευταία σκηνή η Sun στην αρχή δε φοράει το δαχτυλίδι της, ενώ στην αμέσως επόμενη σκηνή το φοράει. (!!!) Το σήμα Dharma στο καταφύγιο των επιζώντων απο την ουρά δεν έχει κύκνο αλλα ένα άλλο σχέδιο στη μέση Για βιαστικούς εδώ κάτω απο τα "previews & clips" είναι ένα promo του επόμενου. Major spoilers inside φυσικά...
vagelisv Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 14 Οκτωβρίου 2005 To sima tis dharma den exei ton kykno. Mono to sima tou sta8mou 3 exei ton kykno mesa an den kanw la8os epidi o sta8mos 3 legetai swan
georgeadams Δημοσ. 16 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 16 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Ki epidi kanenas sto aeroplano den leei oti eidame tin oura na feugei apo oti 8umamai (para mono lene "akousa enan 8orybo kai iksera oti i oura eixe fygei alla fobomoun na koitaksw pisw") ypo8etw oti mporei na itan mesa se enan e3wmoiwti ptwsis aeroplanou kai otan tous kalesan na foresoun tis maskes tous na tous narkwsan me tis maskes tous (an deite to episodio oloi osoi itan sto nisi forousan tis maskes tous sto aeroplano) Εγώ θυμάμαι όμως σε ένα από τα πρώτα επεισόδια να δείχνει την ώρα του ατυχήματος το πίσω μέρος της καμπίνας να ξεκολάει...
Toufas Δημοσ. 19 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 19 Οκτωβρίου 2005 MEGA SPOILERS: Below are the known spoilers for the upcoming episodes plus general spoilers for the new season 2. If you know of any others please let me know. General Season 2 Spoilers Spoiler 1: The "Orientation" film's jarring jump cuts are actually what Lindelof calls "missing pieces" that resulted when former hatch hermit Desmond spliced the broken movie back together after watching it too many times. Those missing pieces will become "very important plot points down the road." Spoiler 2: Lindelof confirms that Walt said, "Push the button. Don't push the button. Bad." Spoiler 3: Cuse admitted that Shannon's jungle encounter with Walt was a dream. Spoiler 4: Says Lindelot: "I think the audience is very compelled to figure out exactly where Desmond was running to and, once he gets there, what is he going to do. We told you that he was in a [ship] wreck, but I think there are a lot of questions about how exactly he came to be here. That's certainly a story on the horizon." Spoiler 5: "It's important to note," Lindelof says, "that we've never said when the plane crashed. I think the assumption is that it happened in 2004 when the show premiered, but we've never said that." Spoiler 6:"The Helen we meet in flashbacks is not the same Helen that Locke was speaking to on the phone," Lindelof clarifies, sort of. Spoiler 7: Lindelof says, "What happened to the 'tailies' that so drastically whittled their numbers is a very compelling mystery that drives us through the first third of the season." Spoiler 8: It is Shannon that dies. Spoiler 9: Expect a reunion between Rose and husband Bernard. Spoiler 10: Marvin Candle only has 1 hand. Spolier 11: We will be seeing less of Walt. Spoiler 12: The link with Shannon's dad will be explained in November Spoiler 13: Kirstin says. "I just found out HOW the female(SHANNON) on Lost dies and.I want to cry. I'm not kidding. It's so shocking. So good. And so unbelievable. The doomed female dies NOT at the hands of the monster. But it is at the hands of someone we know who .... well, given this twist, just might BE a monster. Spoiler 14: Desmond will be back. Spoiler 15: The person (SHANNON) that is killed is intentionally killed, although the reason will not be known to us immediately. This is not a LOST murder mystery though, it's more of a why'd they do it. The person who dies is a crash survivor. The person who kills them will not be revealed until the November sweeps week episode (of course). The network will dangle this information for a while to build anticipation. (Another "who shot JR" moment.) The full time-line is: Death in Episode 6. Rerun the following week. Then episode 7 which is mostly told in flashback from the tail-section point of view, but ends with a teaser of who killed SHANNON. Then Episode 8 which reveals who the killer is. Look for this person to deceive everybody except for a select few. Spoiler 16: Name of Ana-Lucia friend is Mr. Ecko Spoiler 17: Jack is NOT the killer Spoiler 18: The airport encounter between Jack and Ana-Lucia was not accidental. "...and Found" : Episode 2:5 : Episode Centric = Jin & Sun Michael sets off into the jungle by himself determined to find Walt, but discovers that he is not alone. Meanwhile, Sawyer and Jin are ordered by their captors to take them to their camp, and Sun frantically searches for her missing wedding ring. The name of Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje's character is revealed. He and Cynthia Watros' Libby are two of the lucky "tailies" still alive and kickin' In this episode we also find the identity of the bearded man on the boat that took Walt. The bearded man is Kelvin, the person who Desmond claimed was in the bunker before he arrived. You can see this from the actor's IMDB page under notable appearances. Judging from the promos, there appears to be some flirtatious Ana/Sawyer interaction as they make their way across the island. Guest starring: Sam Anderson as Bernard, Kimberley Joseph as Cindy, Robert Dahey as poor man, June Kyoko Lu as Mrs. Paik, Tony Lee as Jae Lee, Rain Chung as Mr. Kim, Kim Kim as Mrs. Shin, Josiah D. Lee as Tai Soo and Tomiko Okhee Lee as Mrs. Lee. Written by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. Directed by Stephen Williams. Video Preview 1: (4Mb) Video Preview 2: (11Mb) Video Preview 3: Video Preview 4: Photo Preview 1: Photo Preview 2: "Abandoned" : Episode 2:6 : Episode Centric = Shannon Sawyer's wound becomes life-threatening as he, Michael and Jin make their way through the interior of the island with the tail section survivors. Meanwhile, Shannon is once again haunted by visions of Walt, and Charlie becomes jealous of Locke's interest in Claire, on "Lost," A major female character dies in this episode. We know for sure it's not Claire, leaving Kate, Shannon, or Sun as the possibilities. Guest starring are Malcolm David Kelley as Walt, David Ely as intern, L. Scott Caldwell as Rose, Sam Anderson as Bernard, Kimberley Joseph as Cindy, Ian Somerhalder as Boone, Lindsay Frost as Sabrina, Francois Guetary as Philippe, Ashleigh Ann Wood as Nora, Maree Miller as Sophie, Patti Hastie as nurse, Michael Cowell as doctor and Sandra Le Bat as Dominique. Photo Preview: "The Other 48 Days" : Episode 2:7 : Episode Centric = ANA-LUCIA The entire seventh episode is devoted to the other survivors backstory, meaning we find out precisely what happened to them for the past month and a half they've been on the island. And I hear (don't read if you don't want to know!) their group has been tortured by the others. Some have been kidnapped and many killed. This is going to be the "concept episode" the producer spoke of where we find out what happened to Ana Lucia from the moment she gets on the plane until the current time period....chronicaling her time on the island and what she has gone through the past 48 days along with the other tail-end survivors. This episode will also feature her flashbacks to her life before the plane crash. Episode 2.08: Old Habits : Episode Centric - CHARLIE We find out in this episode who killed the main female character back in episode 6 and why. It is someone we know and love. Desmond will be appearing in this Episode Dr Marvin Candle will be appearing in this Episode Episode 2.09: The Real Mr. Sawyer : Episode Centric - Sawyer No Synopsis available. Episode 2.10: Merged : Episode Centric - UNKNOWN No Synopsis available. Episode 2.11: Early Bird : UNKNOWN No Synopsis available. Episode 2.12: Vindication : Episode Centric - UNKNOWN No Synopsis available.
Moderators Praetorian Δημοσ. 19 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Moderators Δημοσ. 19 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Wow! Πήγα να διαβάσω την πρώτη γραμμή και ευτυχώς σταμάτησα στις πρώτες λέξεις... Δε μιλάμε για spoiler βάσει αυτών που ξέρουμε αλλά για κάτι που θα αποκαλυφθεί (?) σε επόμενα επεισόδια. Έχοντας ακολουθήσει ανάποδη ροή παρακολουθώντας τον κύκλο της 1ης season (είδα πρώτα τα δύο τελικά επεισόδια και μετά τα υπόλοιπα) μπορώ να πω ότι τέτοια "γνώση" καταστρέφει ένα μεγαααααάλο μέρος της εμπειρίας του LOST. Λέω όσο μπορώ να αποφύγω το ίδιο λάθος ξανά ...Εγκράτεια people...
LL_NEO Δημοσ. 20 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 20 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Ρε σεις, είδα σήμερα το Lost και στο τέλος έλεγε ότι θα έχουμε καινούργιο επεισόδιο σε 3 βδομάδες απο σήμερα. Ρε την παλεύουν οι παλιοπρεζάκηδες; Να το ρίξουμε στα ναρκωτικά θέλουν μέχρι τότε;
winmik2kx Δημοσ. 20 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 20 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Μόλις ήμουν έτοιμος να post-άρω το ίδιο ακριβώς πράγμα... I NEED MY LOST FIX
vagelisv Δημοσ. 21 Οκτωβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 21 Οκτωβρίου 2005 egw kollisa sto oti mia olokliri wra to episodeio edeixne tin sun na xanei tin vera tis kai na tin ksanabriskei xwris na deixnei apolutws tipota allo. To epeisodio itan tragiko kai arxisan na to kourazoun me tosa epeisodia stin 2i season pou den lene tipota apolutws. Me eksairesi isws tin tainia pou eidan an kai auti den elege sxedon tipota to mono pou eidame ws twra einai oti yparxoun kai alloi epizwntes. Kai ola auta se 4 epeisodia mias wras. Oute i lampsi pia... Ante 8eloume na ma8oume ti ginetai para katw Next Episode: Wednesday, Oct. 26, 9/8c "Adrift" <--- ara epanalipsi opote ontws se 3 evdomades... ksana
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