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windows 2k kai windows me dual boot


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yparxei kanenas tropos gia na ta kano na bootaroun kai ta 2 exontas balei prwta ta 2k kai meta ta me? ta 2k ta exo ston primary slave kai ta me ston primary master. mexri twra eixa ta whistler sth thesh twn me pou eblepan ta 2k kai bootaran kai ta 2 alla twra ta me den ta blepoun. ti mporo na kano?<P>------------------<BR>FERRARI FOR EVER!


Dokimase na anoi3eis to boot.ini.<BR>Sto telos tou dokimase na tou dwseis to gramma tou diskou pou einai ta Me <BR>gia paradeigma : C:\="Vale oti onoma thes edw"<BR>Elpizw na doulepsei.Den to exw dokimasei alla den xaneis kai tipota na to dokimaseis esi.<P><BR>Filika GeoGR<BR><IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm1.gif" border=0> <p>[This message has been edited by GeoGR (edited 06-03-2001).]


Για την ακρίβεια το δικό μου boot.ini έχει ως εξής:<P>[boot Loader]<BR>timeout=30<BR>Default=C:\<P>[Operating Systems]<BR>C:\="Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition"<BR>multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect<P>Με τα millenium στον primary master και τα 2000 στον primary slave...


Afou kaneis setup ta Win ME meta apo ta W2K kane boot apo to CD twn W2k ('h tis disketes an exeis) kai diale3e repair. Afou kaneis repair to boot partition ('h kati tetoio) to PC 8a pai3ei kanonika. 8a xreiastei bebaia na 3anabaleis to service pack. To exw kanei arketes fores kai douleuei.


O loader twn NT/2K borei na fortwsei kai<BR> alla OS px Linux. Otan protosthnetai <BR>antigrafei to boot sector tou primary se ena<BR>arxeiaki bootsect. Otan tou les na fortwsei <BR>to allo OS apla fortwnei to bootsector kai <BR>pernaei thn ektelesh se ayton. Se hdh <BR>egatesthmeno disko opws esy prepei na pareis <BR>ton 1o sector tou diskou soy kai na ton <BR>grapseis se arxeio. Apo Linux kserw pws <BR>ginetai (dd) alla gia allo programma gia DOS<BR>px den kserw. pantws to Repair pou protathike einai kalh lysh.<P><P>------------------<BR> -=[ CHaNaZ ]=-<BR>What feeds me, destroys me.


Den tha xreiastei repair disk.Sta Win2K exeis<BR>epilogh na epidiorthwseis mono to boot sector<BR>an thes.<P><P>------------------<BR> -=[ CHaNaZ ]=-<BR>What feeds me, destroys me.

  • 5 μήνες μετά...

exo win me kai sto deytero disko win 2000<P>gia ligo evala ta xp alla molis ta evgala emeine h epilogi toys sto dual boot pos mporo na ti vgalo?<p>[ 09-08-2001: Message edited by: adi32 ]


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