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The Director Who Films Your Life Test


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

  • Απαντ. 45
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Edward D. Wood, Jr.

Your film will be 52% romantic, 33% comedy, 21% complex plot, and a $ 35 million budget.

Ed Wood will get your film done waaaaay under budget, and will likely make it into a classic film of all time -- for all the wrong reasons. Let's face it, your life isn't terribly exciting to begin with, and it needs some camping up. His resume includes classics such as Plan Nine From Outer Space and Glen or Glenda? He's not afraid to tackle controversial topics, and may insist on portraying a transvestite in your film -- even if you've never seen a transvestite before. He was immortalized in the Academy Award winning Tim Burton film, Ed Wood -- go see it.


Aν και δεν έχω δει ταινία του συγκεκριμένου, σε αυτά τα δύο σημεία έχει πέσει μέσα. Aσε που μου προτείνει να δω το Ed wood, κάτι που πρωτίστως είχε κάνει ο μανουέλ... ή μήπως ήταν ο ακου; Xμμμ...


Roger Corman

Your film will be 49% romantic, 34% comedy, 44% complex plot, and a $ 32 million budget.

An action-complex tale about a complex character that is you. Corman was responsible for Jack Nicholson's film debut in 1963's The Terror. The actor who plays you will emote complexity like Jack ... maybe Christian Slater or Gwyneth Paltrow. Also, Roger filmed the original Little Shop of Horrors film -- which in the 1980s was the basis for a hit Broadway musical and another film. All his films were shot for mere thousands of dollars. Roger knows talent, and knows how to keep costs down with complex stories such as your life story. His versions of Edgar Allen Poe stories are considered classics (The Raven, The Pit and the Pendulum), and also directed Deathsport and Bloody Mama in the 1970s. Oh, yeah, man, this guy will make your film a cult classic!


E όλο Εδ Γουδ βγάζει επειδή έτσι όπως είναι οι ερωτήσεις είσαι αναγκασμένος να απαντάς ότι "Δε σε έχει κυνηγήσει η αστυνομία", ότι "Δε έχεις δει πτώμα" κτλ, άρα η ζωή σου είναι βαρετή. Λες και όποιος δεν έχει ζήσει αυτές τις <φοβερές> εμπειρίες δεν έχει ενδιαφέρουσα ζωή, και χρειάζεται έναν περίεργο σκηνοθέτη για να βγει ενδιαφέρουσα η ταινία. Βασικά, ο ίδιος ο Ed Wood θα ήταν καλός να με παίξει, γιατί μου μοιάζει με κάποιο τρόπο σαν προσωπικότητα. Αλλά επειδή ακριβώς του μοιάζω, θα ήθελα να παίξω εγώ τον εαυτό μου ;-)


Woody Allen

Your film will be 59% romantic, 43% comedy, 34% complex plot, and a $ 38 million budget.

Be prepared to have your life story shot entirely in New York City -- though lately Woody's been loving shooting in London. Also, your music soundtrack is all jazz from before 1949. Filmography: Annie Hall, Manhattan, Stardust Memories, Everyone Says I Love You, etc. Woody has released one film per year consistently for the past 35 years. For the past 15 years he's been trying to make films like his older, funnier ones, just like characters in his Stardust Memories film suggest throughout. Regardless of his personal life, his films are American classics.


Έχω και το μεγαλύτερο budget μέχρι στιγμής :-P


Ingmar Bergman

Your film will be 57% romantic, 35% comedy, 48% complex plot, and a $ 41 million budget.

Your life will be portrayed on film as an intense psychological drama, likely with some actresses screaming at the camera (Persona), or maybe a pleasant chess game between the Grim Reaper and a Crusader (The Seventh Seal). This Swedish director's films are intensely scrutinzed and studied in colleges all over the world to this day. This means that most Americans still don't understand his films! Still alive, he released in the U.S. in 2005 his first film in 23 years (Saraband), and he can still take on one more project to make your film biography. If curious, start with his films Wild Strawberries and Smiles of a Summer Night.



You scored higher than 74% on action-romance


You scored higher than 46% on humor


You scored higher than 84% on complexity


You scored higher than 83% on budget


Edward D. Wood, Jr.


Your film will be 35% romantic, 31% comedy, 30% complex plot, and a $ 24 million budget.


Ed Wood will get your film done waaaaay under budget, and will likely make it into a classic film of all time -- for all the wrong reasons. Let's face it, your life isn't terribly exciting to begin with, and it needs some camping up. His resume includes classics such as Plan Nine From Outer Space and Glen or Glenda? He's not afraid to tackle controversial topics, and may insist on portraying a transvestite in your film -- even if you've never seen a transvestite before. He was immortalized in the Academy Award winning Tim Burton film, Ed Wood -- go see it.



You scored higher than 2% on action-romance


You scored higher than 28% on humor


You scored higher than 17% on complexity


You scored higher than 9% on budget

tyxere ClouD.

tipota allo.

mono auto.

tyxere clouD.


Ase...kai 'gw eskasa apo th zhlia mou ( ela, omologa to! )


David Lynch

Your film will be 43% romantic, 37% comedy, 40% complex plot, and a $ 36 million budget.

We apologize now. Future generations will view your life story by David Lynch and not know what the hell just happened. A lot of events occur around you, but you seem to be involved in all the wrong ways. Even you probably think your life is WEIRD. Why does that bald lady insist on sitting on that basketball she carries inside that milk crate? Robert Blake will play your grandfather, and Kyle MacLachlan will play your dad.


Sofia Coppola

Your film will be 57% romantic, 29% comedy, 26% complex plot, and a $ 28 million budget.

Relatively inexperienced (The Virgin Suicides, Lost In Translation) as a director, but already highly respected and connected -- her dad, Francis, directed all The Godfather movies, Apocolypse Now. Also, at last word she's dating Quentin Tarantino, so I'm sure he'll have some input into the substance of your film. Sofia's good at making the romantic drama that is your life. Who didn't have at least a lump in the throat at the end of Lost In Translation? She's already won one Academy Award for her writing, now she'll be the first woman to receive one for directing -- YOUR FILM!


μου την σπανε τα ρομαντζα! :-x


Woody Allen

Your film will be 58% romantic, 37% comedy, 27% complex plot, and a $ 19 million budget.

Be prepared to have your life story shot entirely in New York City -- though lately Woody's been loving shooting in London. Also, your music soundtrack is all jazz from before 1949. Filmography: Annie Hall, Manhattan, Stardust Memories, Everyone Says I Love You, etc. Woody has released one film per year consistently for the past 35 years. For the past 15 years he's been trying to make films like his older, funnier ones, just like characters in his Stardust Memories film suggest throughout. Regardless of his personal life, his films are American classics.


Terry Gilliam


Your film will be 41% romantic, 49% comedy, 56% complex plot, and a $ 46 million budget.


Gilliam is notorious for his angry outbursts to studio executives and production shutdowns when told he has to compromise his vision. So if while making the film about your life he wants chicken-headed fighter pilots flying large time-release capsules that drop foam-rubber knee pads onto your reunion family picnic, you better let him lest you get nothing done at all. In the end, however, the movie will be a fantastic cult classic. Good luck.


You scored higher than 7% on action-romance

You scored higher than 92% on humor

You scored higher than 96% on complexity

You scored higher than 93% on budget




Εντάξει, ήταν η 4η, ξέρω 'γω, επιλογή μου, αλλά είναι από τους αγαπημένους μου σκηνοθέτες, και από το να έβγαζε και εμένα το Σοφάκι...


ΥΓ: "You scored higher than 7% on action-romance" AND "$ 46 million budget": Δηλαδή θα είναι ακριβή ταινία, αλλά εισπρακτική αποτυχία, ε; :-P


Screw it, I 'm the Messiah...


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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