Προς το περιεχόμενο

Μπορει καποιος να μου εξηγησει τι ειναι το Firmware???


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Θα σού πω έτσι χονδρικά.Είναι ένα προγραμματάκι πού πάει καί κάθεται μέσα ας πούμε στο dvd rw σου καί στο κάνει να δουλεύει καλλίτερα.Κατά καιρούς οι εταιρείες βελτιώνουν έτσι την λειτουργικότητα των συσκευών τους.Δεν εγκαθίσταται στο σκληρό δίσκο όπως ίσως θα νόμιζες.


Θα εξηγούσα εγώ αλλα αφήνω τους ειδικούς να μιλήσουν.

Απο http://www.google.com και με keyword: "define:firmware" έχουμε τα:


Ορισμοί του όρου firmware στον παγκόσμιο ιστό στα Αγγλικά:


Software contained in a read-only memory (ROM) device.



Firmware is the electronic heart of a receiver' date=' where coded instructions relating to receiver function, and sometimes data processing algorithms, are embedded as integral portions of the internal circuitry.



instructions and data programmed into the circuits responsible for controlling the operation of peripheral devices



An Often-used microprogram or instruction set stored in ROM. Usually refers to the ROM-based software that controls an unit. Firmware is found in all computer based products from Cameras to Digital Peripherals



Programs or instructions which are stored in read-only memory.



A computer program or software stored permanently in PROM or ROM.



Firmware is programming that is inserted into programmable read-only memory (programmable ROM), thus becoming a permanent part of a computing device. Firmware is created and tested like software (using microcode simulation). When ready, it can be distributed like other software and, using a special user interface, installed in the programmable read-only memory by the user. Firmware is sometimes distributed for printers, modems, and other computer devices.



Software (programs or data) that has been written onto read-only memory (ROM). Firmware is a combination of software and hardware. ROMs, PROMs and EPROMs that have data or programs recorded on them are firmware.



Computer instructions stored in ROM, as in a game cartridge.



Software stored in the computers read only memory (ROM) and cannot be changed. Usually associated with the boot up process.



Proprietary code that is usually delivered as microcode as part of an operating system. Firmware is more efficient than software loaded from an alterable medium and more adaptable to change than pure hardware circuitry.



These are permanent instructions and data programmed directly into the circuitry of read-only memory for the purpose of controlling the operation of the computer or disk drive.



Software that is stored in ROM.



What is firmware?



is low level software that controls the system hardware.



Programs kept in semi-permanent storage, such as various types of read only memory. Software is “burned in” on the memory device so that it is non-volatile (will not be lost when power is shut off).



Programs stored in PROM’s.



The SeaBat's software program stored permanently in the EPROM). There are two firmware locations, each having their own version number. (1) Processor and (2) Sonar Head.



In a CD recorder, firmware is the programming instructions contained on a ROM chip within the CD recorder which tell the recorder how to respond to commands issued by software. Some firmware is flash-upgradeable, meaning that you can upgrade the firmware by running a piece of software on the computer attached to the recorder. Other firmware is coded into non-rewriteable chip, so the entire chip must be changed in order to upgrade the firmware.



Computer instructions which are permanently imbedded in the circuitry, usually in a ROM chip.



Programs written permanently into ROM chips.



The same as software, except it is executed from ROM, and does not disappear when the computer is turned off. Almost any software could be in ROM, except programs that modify themselves as they run.



Software that is permanently stored in a chip. The BIOS on a motherboard is an example of firmware.



The computer code stored in Read-Only Memory (ROM); the command codes in modems. The firmware code in modems and other telecommunications devices is upgradeable. Therefore, a 33.6 Kbps modem can be upgraded to 56 Kbps by upgrading the firmware.



this refers to software, applications and/or data which is stored in a ROM



(computer science) coded instructions that are stored permanently in read-only memory



In computing, firmware is software that is embedded in a hardware device, that allows reading and executing the software, but does not allow modification, e.g., writing or deleting data by an end user.



Αν και δεν ξερω την ακριβη μεταφραση θα σου πω περιλιπτικα τι ειναι και που το χρησιμοποιουμε.

Firmware εχουν ολες οι συσκευες(dvd players,cd-roms,cd/dvd-recorders, mp3 players, divx players κτλ) και ειναι το λειτουργικο συστημα τους. Πως το pc εχει τα windows/linux ετσι και αυτες οι συσκευες εχουν το firmware.

Προφανως θα εχεις ακουσει και για αλλαγη του firmware. Αυτο που γινεται ειναι να αλλαζεις το firmware εαν θες να βελτειωσεις και να αξιοποιησεις 110% τις δυνατοτιτες του (τρανο παραδειγμα τα divx players που δεν υποστηριζουν ελλινικουσ χαρακτιρες στους υποτιτλους και με ενα απλο Udpate του firmware φτιαχνουν......)

Ελπιζω να σε καλυψα.αν εχει κατι αλλο κανεις να προσθεσει plz ας το κανει!!!!



<edit>μολισ ειδα και τις αλλες απαντισεις.....περριτοσ μου φαινεται ειμαι πλεον :( </edit>


Πας εκεί που το κατέβασες και κατεβάζεις και τις οδηγίες. [αν δεν τις έχει κατεβάσει ήδη μαζί με το αρχείο..]Ακολουθείς πιστά τις οδηγίες διότι σε πιθανή στραβή κίνηση πάει το αντιγραφικό σου. :)


Αν δεν ξέρεις πως το κάνουνε μην το κάνεις μόνος σου εκτός και αν γουστάρεις τα ρίσκα, οπότε N/p απο μένα.Φώναξε κάποιο φίλο σου που να ξέρει.


Den exw na pros8esw apanthsh, mono eyxaristies.

Ston "crach13" poy e8ese to erwthma poy eixa ki egw kai ston "geovard" gia thn synoptikh kai oysiastikh apanthsh kai ton "kleidokratwr" poy apanthse me links kai ema8a to "define:...." ws keyword sto google!

Na' ste kala!


  • 3 χρόνια αργότερα...

ρε παιδια ποθ ακριβως μπορώ να βρώ το καταλληλο firmware????..........πηρα μολισ τωρα ενα divx player της pioneer( συγκεκριμένα το DV-120-k) και δε μοθ διαβαζει ελληνικη γραμματοσειρα........please help!!!!


Άλλη μια super ανασκαφή thread.

Θα πρέπει να ψάξεις στο google για το μοντέλο του dvd σου. Ίσως να μην διαβάζει καν ελληνικούς υπότιτλους, είναι κάτι που θα έπρεπε να ελέγξεις πριν την αγορά...


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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