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paidia exw to pro evolution 4 kai eida se ena filo mou to patch wolf kai mou arese kai eipa na to katevasw.to katevasa loipon girw sta 650 mb!!!

to ekana egatastasi...kai ola kala....!!!

h omades wrees oi emfaniseis....mpales gipeda..ktl

alla se mia fasi kolise gia 5 deyterolepta kai ksekolise sinexizwntas kanonika alla otan ekane kontina replays eixe xalia pixel..


sti selida pou to katevasa to patch eida to ekseis


For people who have crash problems after installing this patch it is because of the new balls and the TnL graphical requirements on your PC. For 95% of people who have issues, this is solved using a program called 3D analyzer. http://www.3dcht4u.de/3dc/kfd53t5fes8z/3d-analyze.zip


Make sure you're using DirectX 9 or higher (from Microsoft website but you should have it anyway). Here's a guide by 'misiki' from Soccer Gaming:


1. open 3d-analyze, click 'select'


2.select PES4.exe ex)Programfiles\konami\Pro Evolution Soccer 4\




emulate hw tnl caps

force sw tnl

force 16bit zbuffer


4.click 'RUN'


3D Analyzer has some problems with KitServer I think but then with this patch you shouldn't need to use KitServer anyway. For those wanting to use their own uniforms, I believe a new version of Graphics Studion allowing you to import directly into the uniform .bin files will be available within the week.


mporei kaneis na mou pei kamia idea gia na to lisw...ayto to problima..??

mipws ftei i karta grafikwn mou(Geforce 4 5600fx) mipws theli update ta drivers??apo pou tha ta vro???

ayta...!!an kapios kseri as me voithisei plz...giati einai enoxlitiko...!!!tnx


ναι καλά. Σιγά μην πάει κάποιος από το pes4 στο fifa 2006, όταν μάλιστα βγαίνει όπου να'ναι το pes5.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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