Προς το περιεχόμενο

E-mail mesw site?


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Psaxnw ton kwdika gia th dhmiourgia selidas opou an mou grafei kapoios to onoma tou,to e-mail tou ktl kai to minima tou na mou erxetai e-mail me to minima tou..opoios empeiros as voithisei giati ta vriskw ligo dyskola!



Καταρχήν θα πρέπει ο server που έχεις την σελίδα σου να υποστηρίζει asp ή php...


Έτοιμα script μπορείς να βρεις στο http://www.hotscripts.com


Αν κολλήσεις πουθενά... εδώ είμαστε.


Υ.Γ. υπάρχει και μια μπακάλικη λύση με javascript αλλά προϋποθέτει ο χρήστης να έχει λογαριασμό email, γιατί χρησιμοποιεί το outlook


$Send_email_to = "[email protected]";
$send_from_url ="test";

$use_verification = true;
$report_abuse_to ="[email protected]";

$color_table_background = "#DADADA";
$color_error_background = "#FFFFFF";
$color_normal_text = "#000066";
$color_error_text = "#990000";


<form name="Email" method="POST" action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
 <table width=100% align=center border=1 bgcolor=<? echo $color_table_background; ?>>

       <table width="100%" align="center" border="0">
         <tr bgcolor=<? echo $color_table_background; ?>> 
           <td valign="top"> 
	if ($use_verification == true) { 
	  echo "              <div align=right><font color=$color_normal_text><b>Your email address:</b><br><i>(A verification email will be sent to the email address you specify)</i></font></div>";
	else { 
	  echo "              <div align=right><font color=$color_normal_text><b>Your email address:</b></font></div>";
           <td valign="top" width="50%"> 
             <div align="left"> 
               <input type="text" name="Email_addr" size="35" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif; font-size: 10px">
         <tr bgcolor=<? echo $color_table_background; ?>> 
           <td valign="top"> 
             <div align="right"><font color=<? echo $color_normal_text; ?>><b>Your message:</b></font></div>
           <td valign="top" width="50%"> 
             <div align="left"> 
               <textarea name="Email_message" cols="80" rows="10" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif; font-size: 10px"></textarea>
       <div align="center"> 
         <input type="submit" name="Email_submit" value="Send this email message..">
   <tr bgcolor=<? echo $color_error_background; ?>> 
       <div align=center> <b><font size="3"> 

//Lets fill the OS and BROWSER buffers..
$os_search = array("Windows 2000", "Windows 98", "Windows 95", "Win95", "Win98", "Windows NT 4.0", "Windows NT 5.0", "Windows NT 5.1", "Windows XP", "Windows ME", "WinNT", "Mac_PowerPC", "Macintosh", "SunOS", "Linux", "Windows NT");
$os = array("Windows 2000", "Windows 98", "Windows 95", "Windows 95", "Windows 98", "Windows NT 4.0", "Windows NT 5.0", "Windows XP", "Windows XP", "Windows ME", "WinNT", "Macintosh", "Macintosh", "SunOS", "Linux", "WinNT");
$browser_search = array("MSIE 6.0", "MSIE 5.5", "MSIE 5.0", "MSIE 4.0","Opera","Konqueror","Mozilla/5", "Mozilla/4", "Mozilla");
$browser = array("Internet Explorer 6","Internet Explorer 5.5", "Internet Explorer 5", "Internet Explorer 4", "Opera","Konqueror","Netscape 6.x", "Netscape 4.x", "Netscape");
//Lets find the used OS and BROWSER
$other = 1;
while(list($key, $value) = each ($browser_search)) {
 $pos = strpos ($HTTP_USER_AGENT, $value);
 if($pos !== false){
   $IBROWSER = $browser[$key];
   $other = 0;
   break 1;
if($other != "0"){ $IBROWSER = "Other"; }	
$other = 1;
while(list($key, $value) = each ($os_search)) {
 $pos = strpos ($HTTP_USER_AGENT, $value);
 if($pos !== false){
   $OPSYS = $os[$key];
   $other = 0;
   break 1;
if($other != 0){ $OPSYS = "Other"; }				
$time = date("j M Y - G:i:s T");
$HOSTMASK = gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR);
$Message = "Mail send on $time\nBy $HOSTMASK ($ip)\nUsing: $OPSYS - $IBROWSER";
$Email_message = preg_replace("/([^\s]{100})/", "$1\n", $Email_message);
$Email_respones = "This email was send to you because someone ($HOSTMASK / $ip) send an email message on our site with this reply address. If this is in error then please let us know by replying to $report_abuse_to\nThe message send contained the following text:\n";
if (isset($Email_addr) && isset($Email_message)) {
 if (empty($Email_addr) == false && empty($Email_message) == false) {
   if (strstr($Email_addr,'@') == false or strstr($Email_addr,'.') == false) {
     echo "<font color=$color_error_text><b>$Email_addr</b> is not a valid email address..</font>";   
   else {
     if ($use_verification == true) {    

       if (mail($Email_addr, "$send_from_url - Your email message", "$Email_respones\n\n$Email_message", "From: $report_abuse_to") == true) {
         echo "<font color=$color_error_text>Verification email send to $Email_addr</font><br>";
         if (mail($Send_email_to, "$send_from_url - Site Response", "$Message\n\n $Email_message", "From: $Email_addr") == true) {
           echo "<font color=$color_error_text><B>Thank you!</b> Your message has been send..</font>";
         else {
           echo "<font color=$color_error_text><Unable to send your message.</b></font>";
       else {
         echo "<font color=$color_error_text><b>Unable to send verification message..</b></font>";
     else {
       if (mail($Send_email_to, "$send_from_url - Site Response", "$Message\n<-- MESSAGE -->\n\n $Email_message", "From: $Email_addr") == true) {
         echo "<font color=$color_error_text><B>Thank you!</b> Your message has been send..</font>";
       else {
         echo "<font color=$color_error_text><Unable to send your message.</b></font>";
 else {
   echo "<font color=$color_error_text>No message or email address specified</font>";

   <tr bgcolor=<? echo $color_table_background; ?>> 


το παραπανω στελνει ακομα και verification email στο χρηστη. αν ξερεις php μπορεις τροποιησεις καταλληλα οπως θες ;)


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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