ikarioths Δημοσ. 25 Ιανουαρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 25 Ιανουαρίου 2002 phra mia karta thlewrashs,metaxhrhsmenh,kai de brhskw to site ths gia na katebasw drivers gia xp/2000 h karta einai ths aimslab kai grafei www.aimslab.com ala den einai ekei. epeishs to programa pou exei mesa einai to xtreme highway... opoios kserei tipota gia drivers,site,hgia to programa parakalw na apanthsei
sakis Δημοσ. 25 Ιανουαρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 25 Ιανουαρίου 2002 Για δες εδώ: http://forum.insomnia.gr/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=6&t=002194
kavaliotis Δημοσ. 25 Ιανουαρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 25 Ιανουαρίου 2002 Ki ego file exo thn idia karta me sena alla thn eixa apo polu palia, otan akoma xrhsimopoiousa ta 98..Meta efyga Agglia kai thn ksexasa kai tora pou gurisa Ellada thn evala se ena mhxanhma me XP alla tipota, h etairia exei kleisei opote den uparxoun official drivers. Omws exoun bgei kati "san" generic, pou sunh8os einai hacked versions apo alles kartes, pou doulevoun me thn karta mas..Exo vrei 2 sites pou tous exoun me analutikes odhgies ti na kaneis..Dokimasa kai tis 2 me8odous apo ta 2 diaforetika sites kai h karta mou anagnorizetai kanonikotata apo ta XP..Bebaia to paketo einai oti eno thn vlepei kanonika se mena, den mporei na piasei kanalia me to autotune kai as to bazo PAL-BG kai oute h videokamera mou doulevei otan thn vazo sto composite-in apo piso..Den ksero ama einai provlima ths dikias mou kartas mono giati apo enan allon pou eixa rothsei ston internet h dikia tou douleve mia xara me ta XP.. Sou kano copy paste to email pou mou esteile (apo Argentinh einai autos nomizo) pou leei ti na kaneis akrivos..<p>Yes, I know how to make it work, and it works very well! go to <p>http://www.iulab.com/<p>and get the bt848 wdm tweaked drivers. install them! you must remove the old 848 drivers you're using. with this driver, you will have your xtreme properly configured, and all the programs will work with it. you may then go to <p>http://www.geocities.com/mikecrash.geo/<p>and get the atv2000. In my opinion, this is the best tv program that exists!!!!! don't forget to get the btdrv driver (from the same page) and install it too.<p>and that's it.<p>Elpizo na doulepsei esena, an nai steile mou ena PM na mou to peis mhpos vro kai ego kammia lush..
ikarioths Δημοσ. 26 Ιανουαρίου 2002 Μέλος Δημοσ. 26 Ιανουαρίου 2002 ok,eyxaristw poly paidia,de dokimasa akoma tha sas pw ayrio giati eixa kapoia winproblems
zaxoys Δημοσ. 29 Ιανουαρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 29 Ιανουαρίου 2002 Πήγαινε στο : http://deinterlace.sourceforge.net/ και κατέβασε το Dscaler ,δεν χρειάζεται να έχεις drivers για να το χρησιμοποιήσεις αφού βάζει δικούς του ,Δουλεύει πολύ καλά και σε XP
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