Προς το περιεχόμενο

Highlander: The Source


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Highlander: The Source (2007)


Newly-Introduced Characters


Anna Teshemka: Duncan MacLeod's mortal wife thrown into the world of Immortals when she met and fell for him. Beyond the shock of his Immortality, there was another obstacle: Immortals canʼt have children.Then, something that she couldnʼt explain was pulling her away from him, ultimately causing her to leave...and with her went MacLeodʼs reason for living.


The Guardian: The Guardian wears black armor with Roman influences. With his superhuman speed, this ancient immortal seemingly invincible. He stalks the Immortals along their journey.


Cardinal Giovanni: This immortal is a religious fanatic obsessed with the legend of the Source. He has enlisted a group of Immortals to help him find the Source. He doesn't get along with Methos, who tells him, "I saw Christ teach. I saw Christ eat. I saw Christ heal. And you, you son of a bitch, are not a true Christian."


Reggie Weller: This astronomer is recruited by Cardinal Giovanni to search for the Source. He sees the stars align in a way they havenʼt for hundreds of years. This overcomes his skepticism about the Source and motivates him to join the quest. A cheeky cockney who grew up in the slums of East London, Reggie uses humor and bluster as survival skills.


The Elder: The Elder is a repulsive figure -- his blue skin hangs in loose folds like blankets -- and he explains how long ago he and others were trying to find the Source but took each other's heads, he later found the Source and fought the Guardian. He was defeated and punished with a fate far worse than death. He cannot die but his body continues to age, withering away and turning him into an abomination.


Storyline (spoilers)


This storyline is taken from the Russian DVD cut of Highlander: The Source.


10-15 years after the death of Connor MacLeod in Highlander: Endgame, the world is falling into chaos. As he roams a crumbling city somewhere in Eastern Europe, Duncan MacLeod, the Highlander, rescues a woman from her assailants. She reminds him of Anna, his wife, who has left him.


Across town an Immortal named Zai is breaking in to the central comm tower for the Eastern European block. He accesses an online video conference with Methos, Reggie and Giovanni, all immortals trying to find the Source, a story whispered among Immortals of their place of origin. Zai is intercepted by the Guardian, the Source's protector and killed - but not before he tells the other immortals to seek the monastery of the Elder.


MacLeod investigates Zai's quickening and is nearly killed by the Guardian, who says MacLeod has "pissed away" his gift of Immortality. MacLeod is rescued by Joe Dawson, last of the Watchers, a now-disbanded group of mortals who observe and chronicle the Immortals living among them who no longer function. In spite of Duncan's lost faith he keeps close tabs on the Highlander because he firmly believed, even still, that if there can be only one it would be MacLeod.


Driving away in a truck, Joe takes him to the monastery of the Elder where MacLeod meets Methos, Reggie and Giovanni. Anna appears - attempting to break into the monastery. The Elder senses something about Anna, her connection to the Source, and the group is admitted to the monastery. As the Elder's ancient finger caresses her cheek, she has a vision - a constellation of stars rising over her.


Outside the monastery, Reggie is attacked and Dawson is dealt a fatal blow by the Guardian - who uses MacLeod's broken katana. Before Joe slips away, MacLeod scolds the dying Watcher, "You weren't supposed to get involved!"


After burying Dawson the five heroes continue the quest on a boat, following the stars. After reaching land and an altercation with cannibals they stop for the night in a house. The Guardian appears in the night and kills Reggie - without taking his head. The four immortals are now mortal due to their proximity to the Source - and Reggie fails to revive after several hours.


The group encounter the cannibals again and are overpowered. The Guardian frees Anna to take to the Source while Giovanni is released by chance and abandons the group, kneeling before the Guardian and being beheaded. Finally, of the group of Immortals only MacLeod and Methos are left. Methos distracts the cannibals, allowing Duncan to reach Anna just as a column of energy surges around her, climbing up into space to the constellation of stars. MacLeod runs to her but the Guardian blocks his path.


MacLeod must defeat the Guardian to be the One who will enter the Source with Anna. Dual-wielding two butterfly swords MacLeod manages to defeat the Guardian, but refuses to take his head. He joins Anna in the Source and it is suggested she is pregnant with Duncan's child who is "The One".


Λοιπόν, θα σας πω τι ξέρω κι εγώ που είμαι μεγάλος φαν της σειράς (μεγάλεεεε) και έχω δει και το The Source.

Πώς το έχω δει ρωτάτε; Γιατί εδώ και κάτι μήνες έχει κυκλοφορήσει μια leaked version. Οι Panzer - Davis βέβαια (οι παραγωγοί ντε!) βγήκαν και είπανε ότι δεν έχει σχέση με το τελικό προϊόν, θέλει πολύ μοντάζ ακόμα, τα εφέ θέλουν ρετουσάρισμα κλπ. Τεσπά, αυτό που είδα εγώ έμοιαζε πολύ με τελικό προϊόν (κομπλέ με μουσικές, εφέ, όλα).

Επί της ουσίας τώρα, η γνώμη μου είναι η εξής (όπως και η γνώμη του επίσης καμμένου highlander fan με τον οποίο το είδαμε μαζί):

Το σενάριο ήταν ΑΘΛΙΟ!

Η σκηνοθεσία ήταν ΑΘΛΙΑ!

Τα εφέ ήταν ΑΘΛΙΑ!

Οι χαρακτήρες είναι ΑΘΛΙΟΙ! (έχουν αλλάξει πολύ από το ύφος που είχαν στη σειρά. Και ειδικά στον Μύθο, με ξένισε πολύ αυτό).

Η διάρκεια είναι ΑΘΛΙΑ!

Δεν θα πω τίποτα για την ηθοποιία, γιατί είμαι πολύ προκατειλημμένος με τους ηθοποιούς της σειράς (Methos all the way baby!)

Παρά τα όσα είπαν οι Panzer - Davis, ΟΣΟ μοντάζ/ρετούς και να κάνουνε σε αυτό το πράγμα, δε νομίζω να βγάλουν κάτι που να βλέπεται. Η ταινία χωλαίνει σε βασικούς παράγοντες, και όχι στο μοντάζ. Εντάξει, έκανε μπαμ ότι ορισμένα σκηνικά ήταν τελείως ασύνδετα, αλλά όχι περισσότερο από τις b-movies του star.

Κατ' εμέ, οι παραγωγοί κάθισαν και είπαν: "Τι μπορούμε να κάνουμε για να γ@μήσουμε τελείως το franchise". Πραγματικά, δεν εξηγείται αλλιώς. Οι τύποι πήραν όλα τα καλά/cool στοιχεία της σειράς και τα κατέστρεψαν. Αν έπαιρνες δηλαδή τον χειρότερο εχθρό της σειράς και του έλεγες "ορίστε, κάνε ό,τι μπορείς για να την καταστρέψεις", δε θα κατάφερνε να βγάλει χειρότερη ταινία από αυτό το πράγμα που είδα εκείνο το επάρατο μεσημέρι.

Επαναλαμβάνω, αυτά τα λέει ένας που αν τον βάζανε να βλέπει τον Adrian Paul να κάθεται σε μια καρέκλα επί δύο ώρες θα έλεγε "γουάου, και γ@μώ τις ταινίες!"

Η μόνη ελπίδα είναι να σώσουνε κάπως την κατάσταση στις δύο επόμενες ταινίες που θα κυκλοφορήσουν (γιατί είχανε ανακοινώσει ότι θα είναι τριλογία το Source).

A, και το storyline είναι ακριβώς όπως το περιγράφει ο FarCry.


Πρέπει να είναι μία από τις χειρότερες ταινίες ever, ειλικρινά δε θυμάμαι να έχω δει χειρότερη ταινία.


Για ανάλυση διαβάστε παραπάνω, μην ξαναγράφω τα ίδια.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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