Προς το περιεχόμενο

synartisi div se matlab


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Σου αντιγραφω απο το help του Matlab. Υποθετω πως ψαχνεις για την divergence (δεν βρηκα κατι για div). Α, ψαξε μπας και βρεις το 6.1 τουλαχιστον. θα δεις τεραστια διαφορα απο το 5.3... Εκτος απο τις συναρτησεις που εχει επιπλεον το help του σου εξηγει σχεδον τελεια τα παντα.



Computes the divergence of a vector field



div = divergence(X,Y,Z,U,V,W)

div = divergence(U,V,W)

div = divergence(X,Y,U,V)

div = divergence(U,V)


div = divergence(X,Y,Z,U,V,W) computes the divergence of a 3-D vector field U,

V, W. The arrays X, Y, Z define the coordinates for U, V, W and must be monotonic

and 3-D plaid (as if produced by meshgrid).


div = divergence(U,V,W) assumes X, Y, and Z are determined by the expression:


[X Y Z] = meshgrid(1:n,1:m,1:p)

where [m,n,p] = size(U).


div = divergence(X,Y,U,V) computes the divergence of a 2-D vector field U, V. The

arrays X, Y define the coordinates for U, V and must be monotonic and 2-D plaid (as if

produced by meshgrid).


div = divergence(U,V) assumes X and Y are determined by the expression:


[X Y] = meshgrid(1:n,1:m)

where [m,n] = size(U).



This example displays the divergence of vector volume data as slice planes using color

to indicate divergence.


load wind

div = divergence(x,y,z,u,v,w);

slice(x,y,z,div,[90 134],[59],[0]);

shading interp

daspect([1 1 1])


Σου αντιγραφω απο το help του Matlab. Υποθετω πως ψαχνεις για την divergence (δεν βρηκα κατι για div). Α' date=' ψαξε μπας και βρεις το 6.1 τουλαχιστον. θα δεις τεραστια διαφορα απο το 5.3... Εκτος απο τις συναρτησεις που εχει επιπλεον το help του σου εξηγει σχεδον τελεια τα παντα.



Computes the divergence of a vector field



div = divergence(X,Y,Z,U,V,W)

div = divergence(U,V,W)

div = divergence(X,Y,U,V)

div = divergence(U,V)


div = divergence(X,Y,Z,U,V,W) computes the divergence of a 3-D vector field U,

V, W. The arrays X, Y, Z define the coordinates for U, V, W and must be monotonic

and 3-D plaid (as if produced by meshgrid).


div = divergence(U,V,W) assumes X, Y, and Z are determined by the expression:


[X Y Z'] = meshgrid(1:n,1:m,1:p)

where [m,n,p] = size(U).


div = divergence(X,Y,U,V) computes the divergence of a 2-D vector field U, V. The

arrays X, Y define the coordinates for U, V and must be monotonic and 2-D plaid (as if

produced by meshgrid).


div = divergence(U,V) assumes X and Y are determined by the expression:


[X Y] = meshgrid(1:n,1:m)

where [m,n] = size(U).



This example displays the divergence of vector volume data as slice planes using color

to indicate divergence.


load wind

div = divergence(x,y,z,u,v,w);

slice(x,y,z,div,[90 134],[59],[0]);

shading interp

daspect([1 1 1])


File mou ti vrika kai sto google afth th synartisi!Dystyxws den yparxei sto 5.3 par'olo pou yparxei i mod!!!

Mipws mporeis na mou ti steileis opws kai proigoumenws?

Se efxaristw kai pali!


Παρε και αυτη τη συναρτηση, αλλα να ξερεις πως πριν ησουν τυχερος που ειχε dependancies η προηγουμενη τα οποια υπαρχουν στο 5.3. Και στο google αμα ψαξεις για divergence.m πιστευω να την βρεις παντως...


function div=divergence(varargin)
%DIVERGENCE  Divergence of a vector field.
%   DIV = DIVERGENCE(X,Y,Z,U,V,W) computes the divergence of a 3-D
%   vector field U,V,W. The arrays X,Y,Z define the coordinates for
%   U,V,W and must be monotonic and 3-D plaid (as if produced by
%   DIV = DIVERGENCE(U,V,W) assumes 
%         [X Y Z] = meshgrid(1:N, 1:M, 1:P) where [M,N,P]=SIZE(U). 
%   DIV = DIVERGENCE(X,Y,U,V) computes the divergence of a 2-D
%   vector field U,V. The arrays X,Y define the coordinates for U,V
%   and must be monotonic and 2-D plaid (as if produced by
%   DIV = DIVERGENCE(U,V) assumes 
%         [X Y] = meshgrid(1:N, 1:M) where [M,N]=SIZE(U). 
%   Example:
%      load wind
%      div = divergence(x,y,z,u,v,w);
%      slice(x,y,z,div,[90 134],[59],[0]); shading interp
%      daspect([1 1 1])
%      camlight

%   Copyright 1984-2001 The MathWorks, Inc. 
%   $Revision: 1.3 $  $Date: 2001/04/15 12:04:13 $

[x y z u v w] = parseargs(nargin,varargin);

% Take this out when other data types are handled
u = double(u);
v = double(v);
w = double(w);

if isempty(w)  % 2D

 [msg x y] = xyuvcheck(x,y,u,v);  error(msg)
 if isempty(x)
   [px junk] = gradient(u);
   [junk qy] = gradient(v);
   hx = x(1,; 
   hy = y(:,1); 
   [px junk] = gradient(u, hx, hy);
   [junk qy] = gradient(v, hx, hy);
 div = px+qy;
else   %3D
 [msg x y z] = xyzuvwcheck(x,y,z,u,v,w);  error(msg)
 if isempty(x)
   [px junk junk] = gradient(u);
   [junk qy junk] = gradient(v);
   [junk junk rz] = gradient(w);
   hx = x(1,:,1); 
   hy = y(:,1,1); 
   hz = z(1,1,; 
   [px junk junk] = gradient(u, hx, hy, hz);
   [junk qy junk] = gradient(v, hx, hy, hz);
   [junk junk rz] = gradient(w, hx, hy, hz);
 div = px+qy+rz;

function [x, y, z, u, v, w] = parseargs(nin, vargin)

x = [];
y = [];
z = [];
u = [];
v = [];
w = [];

if nin==2         % divergence(u,v)
 u = vargin{1};
 v = vargin{2};
elseif nin==3     % divergence(u,v,w)
 u = vargin{1};
 v = vargin{2};
 w = vargin{3};
elseif nin==4     % divergence(x,y,u,v)
 x = vargin{1};
 y = vargin{2};
 u = vargin{3};
 v = vargin{4};
elseif nin==6     % divergence(x,y,z,u,v,w)
 x = vargin{1};
 y = vargin{2};
 z = vargin{3};
 u = vargin{4};
 v = vargin{5};
 w = vargin{6};
 error('Wrong number of input arguments.'); 


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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