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Flash Contact Form????


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filtatoi exo ena provlima me ena contact form se flash mazi me php apo kato.


to flash doulevei kanonika to php mazevei ola ta pedia apo to flash kai mou ta stelnei mail kanonika alla oxi ta ellhnika,


o sever denexeo provlima me ta ellinika paizei ok

evala mesa sto php ena txt ellinika kai ayto irthe kanonika ara kati paizete sto flash to opoio den mporo na vro me tipota.


ama kaneis mprorei na pei kamia idea ......................

eyxaristo olous.


2 ine ta tina


i den exis epilexi UTF-8 sto php arxio su (gia to send)

i sta dinamika pedia den exis epilexi tus elinikus xaraktires (properties->character)


mporis episis na bris anexadlita resources stin (ime siguros oti tin gnvrizis) dief8insi http://www.flashkit.com (klik se movies)


nai nai flashkit einai ok ;)

oso gia to greek sto flash to exo dokimasei den.....


oso gia to php ayto mesa exei ayto ton kodika





** This script is easy to configure. Just change the variables below to

** suit your environment and PHP does the rest!


** http://www.bigjolt.com'>http://www.bigjolt.com




// Enter your email address here

$adminaddress = "[email protected]";


// Enter the address of your website here MUST include http://www.

$siteaddress ="http://www.intechs.gr";


// Enter your company name or site name here

$sitename = "Intec Hosting Solutions";


// Gets the date and time from your server

$date = date("m/d/Y H:i:s");


// Gets the IP Address

if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") $ip = "no ip";

else $ip = getHostByAddr($REMOTE_ADDR);


//Process the form data!

// and send the information collected in the Flash form to Your nominated email address

IF ($action != ""):

mail("$adminaddress","Info Request",

"FAO: Admin @ $sitename \n

Last Name: $lname

Email: $vemail

The visitor commented:





pos sto diaolo to vazo ayto to ellinko

ops pardon my french ;)


thnx poly file mou .


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