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Wii copies 360 with NEC eDRAM


The Nintendo Wii will use the same NEC eDRAM for its graphics processing as the Xbox 360, NEC has revealed today.


10MB of fast RAM, embedded in the graphics chip, allows enough buffer space for anti-aliasing to be added to graphics 'for free'.


The same technology is in Xenos, the graphics chip for the Xbox 360. That chip was developed by ATI - so is the 'Hollywood' chip that powers the graphics inside the Wii.


Whilst some have been speculating that the Wii will lack the visual quality of the Xbox 360 and the PS3, this latest announcement seems to suggest that Nintendo is serious about graphics.


What's slightly odd is that the Wii is rumoured to lack high-definition outputs, which is really where anti-aliasing is needed - AA on standard definition isn't really a good use of hardware. Could this mean the eDRAM is being used for something else?


Games journalists at E3 were generally underwhelmed with the Wii's graphics, but this is because Nintendo had the games running on Revolution-ised Gamecubes with the Wiimote attachment.

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Τώρα αν εσύ πιστεύεις ότι τα γραφικά θα αποτελέσουν το καθοροστικό παράγοντα (που ούτως ή άλλως ποτέ τα γραφικά δεν παίξαν αυτό το ρόλο στις κονσόλες), γνώμη σου είναι.
oi konsoles panta ht6an state of art opote ebgathe inan apo to prwto atari ews to xbox, h entypwsiakh apodosh twn grafikwn htan panta delear gia tous katanalwtes to ps2 den nomizw oti poulhse toso gia to koryfaio gameplay oso gia thn poikilia kai ta entypwsiaka grafika gia thn epoxh tou,klasiko paradeigma argotera to dc me arketes nees texnologeies kai paixnidia me fobero gameplay phge sxetika apato mono apo ena hype grafikwn, to xbox ekane outsell to gc sxedona pantou ektos jap prosferontas paixnidia grafikwn. To xeirotero olws einai oti an bgei to wii me grafika red steel se 2 xronia pou oi devs 8a 3eroun ta dev kits ta paixnidia 8a fainonte arketa palia, oi times 8a xoun pesei h ms kai h sony 8a xoun antistoixo wiimote kai 8a katalh3ei na ginei allo ena n64-gc me 5-6 koryfaia paixnidia kai ena brand typou pokemon pou 8a paizoun oi giapwnezoi kai 8a xeronte.
Wii copies 360 with NEC eDRAM


What's slightly odd is that the Wii is rumoured to lack high-definition outputs, which is really where anti-aliasing is needed - AA on standard definition isn't really a good use of hardware. Could this mean the eDRAM is being used for something else?

στην πορεια, το wii (ιδανικα) θα προσφερει 480p με 4xAntialiasing και ισως και 8xAnisotropic Filtering στα 60 καρε.

το hollywood (gpu) εχει την edram ωστε να προσφερει τα παραπανω φιλτρα σε αυτη την αναλυση χωρις εξτρα υπολογιστικο κοστος. (ωστε να υπολογιζει και καννα physics ρε παιδι μου!! :D)



P3tran, η όλη λογική σου ανήκει πιό πολύ σε νεαρούς power PC gamers παρά σε κονσολάκιδες.

δεν ειμαι ουτε power pcής, ουτε κονσολακιας. απλως ειμαι ενας gamer με πολλα ...ενσημα :D


το Red Steel πισω στα σκαρια για βελτιωσεις.




υστερα απο τις ασχημες εντυπωσεις που αφησε σε δημοσιογραφους και καταναλωτες στη Ε3

κυριως για τον τροπο χειρισμου αλλα και τα γραφικα του,

η ubisoft ανακοινωσε οτι το τραβαει πισω για επανασχεδιασμο.

εμενα μου μυριζει οτι δεν θα ειναι launch title. αλλιως τι νοημα εχει να δηλωσεις κατι τετοιο...?



joystick: Ubisoft confirms Red Steel redesign in the works

δεν ειμαι ουτε power pcής, ουτε κονσολακιας. απλως ειμαι ενας gamer με πολλα ...ενσημα


Το κακό (?) με τους gamers P3tran είναι οτι αργούν να βγούν στην σύνταξη!


κακο για αυτους που διαβαζουν αυτα που γραφω :D


ακομα και για αυτους που με εχουνε αντιπαλο στο uno ;PppPp

το Red Steel πισω στα σκαρια για βελτιωσεις.



υστερα απο τις ασχημες εντυπωσεις που αφησε σε δημοσιογραφους και καταναλωτες στη Ε3

κυριως για τον τροπο χειρισμου αλλα και τα γραφικα του' date='

η ubisoft ανακοινωσε οτι το τραβαει πισω για επανασχεδιασμο.

εμενα μου μυριζει οτι δεν θα ειναι launch title. αλλιως τι νοημα εχει να δηλωσεις κατι τετοιο...?



joystick: Ubisoft confirms Red Steel redesign in the works



Δεν το τραβάει πίσω για επανασχεδιασμό. Συνεχώς πειραματίζονται με διαφορετικούς τρόπους χειρισμού στις ξιφομαχίες ειδικά μέχρι να καταλήξουν στο τέλειο. Το joystiq πήρε την αρχική είδηση από το IGN (άρθρο 23 Ιουνίου).




Since E3 2006, Ubisoft's upcoming Wii FPS Red Steel has been under the microscope for Nintendo fans worldwide. As one of the key players in the Wii launch, Red Steel headlines the third party attack, and fans are expecting big things. When we had a chance to go hands-on with the game just a few months ago, however, it didn't quite give the splash we were hoping for. Having only been in development for a short time, Ubisoft assured us that there were changes to be made, and apparently those changes are well in motion.


In a brief chat with French press outlet JeuxFrance, Ubisoft expressed that changes to the E3 2006 build were already being implemented, specifically in the swordplay department. In fact, as far as gameplay goes the sword combat was the least impressive part of Red Steel at E3, so we're happy to report that some much-needed gameplay issues may in fact be ironed out in the few months before launch.


It is also important to note that when speaking with Red Steel at E3, members of the team expressed to us that there were already multiple gameplay versions of Red Steel that had been tested. As it stands right now, sword motions are put in by the player and then are translated in the game with one of only a handful of swipes. Ubisoft confirmed that it had previously tried simulating the sword in a one-to-one motion, so that all hand movements would translate directly and instantly into the game's combat, but that the gameplay was dismissed as too clunky and surprisingly unrealistic. Perhaps they are going back to the drawing board, or trying to work off the one-to-one motion combat once again.


source: IGN


Nintendo Currency?


Pre-paid cards may be on the way...


In a recent Wii presentation in Spain, Nintendo again put its new generation system in the hands of the people and opened itself up for questions from the Spanish press. Reported originally from Spanish website Vandal.net, Marketing Director for Nintendo of Spain Nico Wegnez represented the Big N, commenting (among other things) on a small detail regarding the Virtual Console.


Though it is still in a preliminary state, Wegnez stated to press that Nintendo of Spain (specifically) was considering implementing pre-paid Virtual Console download cards as a method for purchasing games online via the Wii. In a system much like the current Xbox 360 point cards, Wii consumers could cash in on pre-paid points as an alternative to using their credit cards. While no confirmation could be made, Wegnez did state that his was one of many ideas Nintendo had for the Virtual Console service.


Please note that each branch of Nintendo handles marketing in a different way, so there is no way to know if the pre-paid cards are being considered for American consumers as well. The system seems to be working great for Microsoft, however, as players are given the option of either buying online or at local game stores.


We'll have more on the Wii Virtual Console as details emerge.


SEGA Looking Ahead to "Second Generation" of Titles


In an interview with GameDaily.BIZ, SEGA of America's Vice President of Marketing Scott Steinberg discussed the company's future plans, his thoughts on the next generation of gaming and Wii's affordability to developers.


BIZ: One of the supposed advantages of developing for the Wii is that it should cost far less than developing on Xbox 360 or PS3. How much would you estimate Wii development to be on average, or how much less than 360 or PS3 do you think it is?


Steinberg: Yeah, I've been asked this question a lot and it's difficult to put it [in terms] of the kind of relationship you want, headline type relationship, because it's like buying a car... You can buy a $100,000 car or you can buy a $20,000 car. Next-gen games don't automatically cost $20 million dollars. It really depends on what you want to create. And you can spend, and people do, spend $15 million on today's gen games. So, there's no doubt that Wii is a more affordable [console] for developers and publishers to build games on; it's much more analogous to the GameCube. And there's no doubt that you can spend a lot of money chasing billions of polygons on the 360 and PS3, but you also don't have to. I think the industry uses the 2X factor on next-gen games and that's certainly a decent rule of thumb--it doesn't always have to be that way--and we're far below that on the Nintendo Wii. There's no need--well you can I guess--but there's no need to go that high.


So, family friendly, by that definition you're not trying to do a lot with violence and with guns, and so on the Nintendo Wii we're able to cost control a lot better. I think the economics with how the machine is going to be more affordable for the family and having games that are probably a bit more affordable for the family is really going to strike a nice installed base and we're one of the few third-party companies, as Sega, that has had success on GameCube and quite frankly it's easier to bring that success to the Wii because we've already introduced our brands to the [previous] platform holders.


BIZ: Do you think this affordability is going to allow for much greater third-party support on the Wii than Nintendo has seen on previous consoles?


Steinberg: Well, we have always supported Nintendo, so we're one of the top third-party companies, and we're the top third-party company on GameCube, so I would think they would have to rethink their strategy if they're not building Wii titles. I recently got back from a little tour around, and I've not seen a lot of third parties developing [on Wii], so they're behind. There's a bit of a design, creative learning curve on how to fully exploit the nunchuks and Sega is already thinking about its second generation software. So if they're not already here, they probably weren't on board at the beginning and the companies are going to have a harder time thinking about ways to innovate and Sega's already thinking second generation.


On a separate note, Steinberg reiterated Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz is expected for Wii's launch, and stated SEGA's Wii-exclusive Sonic title, tentatively dubbed Wild Fire, would "be shipping probably in March [2007]". This is the first semi-solid release date noted for the game since its pre-E3 announcement.


The full GameDaily.BIZ interview can be read here.


Red Steel Developer Blog #1




My name is Marie-Sol Beaudry, producer of Red Steel here in the Ubisoft Paris studio. Weʼre excited to share bits of information here on the ongoing development of this Wii exclusive launch title. Along with me, youʼll get to hear from our creative director, lead designer, art director and others on their areas of expertise.


We were really excited by everyoneʼs response to the Nintendo Wii at E3 and were thrilled to showcase Red Steel at the Nintendo press conference. After working so long on this project in complete secrecy, it was great to not just show the game but to also let people play it for the first time.




For this initial Blog entry, we want to talk about the Wii controller and how weʼre using it to it is fullest.


The challenge for working on a new system, especially one that has such a focus on the interface with the Wii controller is that everything weʼre doing in the game is directly effected by the controller. This includes everything from level design, overall game design, movement and storyline. When we first received the controller our imaginations were limitless but then we spoke to our programmers and determined that there were guidelines and rules of which weʼd need to adhere to in regard to both functionality as well as game play.


In other words, while the shooting was fairly straight forward, point-and-shoot, it was the sword play that proved to be a true challenge. We quickly learned that wielding a sword and manipulating the controller was a lot of fun, but we didnʼt want to force people to become actual professional swordsmen – just have fun. Also, we have to consider the animations of the sword and matching it up with what you see on screen. We didnʼt want any delay whatsoever in response to what was happening with the controller and what you saw on the screen.


Weʼre continuing to tweak the controls to optimize the game and ensure itʼs a great experience on all levels, for example keeping the precision and accuracy of the aiming but working on the sensitivity and the stability. Also the sword fighting is going to offer more diversity in movements and couple of special moves I will not talk about this time...


Well, thatʼs it for now. Stay tuned and see you again in two weeks!


Αυτό σημαίνει άλλο ενα τουβλάκι στο σαλόνι μας...

Δεν πειράζει, αυτό που με αγχώνει πιο πολύ ειναι οτι θα σπάσω όλο το σπίτι παίζοντας Ζέλντα...:-)


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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