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The Official Nintendo Wii topic {8 Δεκεμβρίου κυκλοφορία σε Ευρώπη/250?}


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Στις 2 Οκτωβρίου η κυκλοφορία του Wii;

Στέλεχος ενός από τα μεγαλύτερα ηλεκτρονικά καταστήματα της Αμερικής που εμπορεύεται videogames διέρρευσε χθες ότι τρεις τίτλοι του νέου συστήματος οικιακής ψυχαγωγίας της Nintendo, του Wii, θα κυκλοφορήσουν στην τοπική αγορά στις 2 Οκτωβρίου. Συγκεκριμένα, σύμφωνα με το Gamestop, τα: Rayman Raving Rabbids, Avatar: The Last Airbender και SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab έχουν ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας την 2η Οκτωβρίου, κάτι που ίσως μαρτυρά και την ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας του ίδιου του συστήματος. Στο πρόγραμμα κυκλοφοριών ακολουθούν μέσα στον Νοέμβριο τα: Madden NFL 2007, Need for Speed: Carbon, Red Steel, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Call of Duty 3 και Tony Hawkʼs Downhill Jam ενώ η κυκλοφορία του Medal of Honor: Airbourne της EA τον Φεβρουάριο του 2007 κλείνει τον κύκλο των «αποκαλύψεων». Αυτό που απομένει πλέον είναι η επίσημη επιβεβαίωση ή διάψευση από την ίδια την ιαπωνική εταιρία, κάτι που προβλέπεται να συμβεί μέσα στις επόμενες ώρες, εκτός και αν ο Reggie-Fils Aime εκμεταλλευτεί και αυτή την ευκαιρία ποικιλοτρόπως...



Στις 2 Οκτωβρίου η κυκλοφορία του Wii;

Στέλεχος ενός από τα μεγαλύτερα ηλεκτρονικά καταστήματα της Αμερικής που εμπορεύεται videogames διέρρευσε χθες ότι τρεις τίτλοι του νέου συστήματος οικιακής ψυχαγωγίας της Nintendo' date=' του Wii, θα κυκλοφορήσουν στην τοπική αγορά στις 2 Οκτωβρίου. Συγκεκριμένα, σύμφωνα με το Gamestop, τα: Rayman Raving Rabbids, Avatar: The Last Airbender και SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab έχουν ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας την 2η Οκτωβρίου, κάτι που ίσως μαρτυρά και την ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας του ίδιου του συστήματος. Στο πρόγραμμα κυκλοφοριών ακολουθούν μέσα στον Νοέμβριο τα: Madden NFL 2007, Need for Speed: Carbon, Red Steel, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Call of Duty 3 και Tony Hawkʼs Downhill Jam ενώ η κυκλοφορία του Medal of Honor: Airbourne της EA τον Φεβρουάριο του 2007 κλείνει τον κύκλο των «αποκαλύψεων». Αυτό που απομένει πλέον είναι η επίσημη επιβεβαίωση ή διάψευση από την ίδια την ιαπωνική εταιρία, κάτι που προβλέπεται να συμβεί μέσα στις επόμενες ώρες, εκτός και αν ο Reggie-Fils Aime εκμεταλλευτεί και αυτή την ευκαιρία ποικιλοτρόπως...




to teleio dwro gia ta genethlia m....:mrgreen:


Nintendo Wii to Launch on November 6th in USA, say Cubed3


According to an industry source speaking to Cubed³, the Nintendo Wii is set to launch in the "Thanksgiving period in the USA" (Thanksgiving falls on November 23rd this year), with Japanese and European launches set to be "in the same timeframe". With Nintendo trying for a worldwide launch of their new system, this would probably lead to the system coming out marginally before in Japan and “a few weeks later in Europe”.


Our source tells us that the Wii will be on sale in the USA "well in time for Thanksgiving and well in time for Christmas in Europe". Details on the Japanese launch were not so clear, but our source did suggest that it would fall very close, if not before the American launch of the system.


So, we're looking at an early November release for the system. This falls quite nicely in line with a recent announcement by Nintendo where they gave dates for their DS, GameCube and GBA titles for later this year. All titles stopped before November. With this information in hand, we pushed our source a bit further to see if they had an idea of a more exact date. Today, we were provided with the following information...


"So, at the moment Nintendo are aiming to launch the Wii on November 6th"


Our source emphasised that this date is correct at present, but pointed out: "Nintendo aren't going to have an exact date in mind until they are sure they can meet the deadlines". Take it as a guide then if you will, but "they are very keen to be ready in time".


Obviously this shouldn't be taken as gospel and we're not about to shout from rooftops that we have the final Wii launch date, but we are confident that the information we have is correct; we wouldn't share it with you if it wasn't. Hopefully Nintendo will clear up all confusion very soon by confirming the launch details of the Wii. We'll have more for you as and when it happens.


Sakurai's Smash Bros. Update


The director of Brawl comments on the mascots in the upcoming Wii fighter.


intendo has periodically updated its official Super Smash Bros. Brawl website with new information and screenshots on characters in the game. The Big N even posted a poll asking viewers which stars they'd like to see in the sequel.


Earlier this week the game's director, Mr. Sakurai, posted on Nintendo's message board about some of the fighters making appearances in the title. We've quoted his words verbatim below.




This is Masahiro Sakurai, the game designer on Smash Bros. Hi.


Thank you all very much for your responses! It looks like people are split pretty evenly over which of the four new characters is their favorite. That's good.


I was well aware that Pit was a popular character in both America and Japan. I tried as best I could to design this version of him in a way that reflected current tastes, so I'm happy to see him so well received.


The creator of Kid Icarus has even jokingly asked if he could make a spin-off using this Pit model.


As for Meta Knight, when I left my previous company I never thought I'd be laying a hand on this character again, let alone on Smash Bros.


Kirby is a character I designed when I was 19 years old, but I created Meta Knight when I was 22. I knew the character was popular in Japan, but last time around I held off and didn't include him in the game. I wanted to put other people's titles ahead of my own.


I put Zero Suit Samus in thinking I wanted to include more characters from the popular Metroid series. Also, since Smash Bros. has few female characters, I was quite happy to include her.


I bet you were all surprised by the appearance of Snake!


Finally we've gotten over the wall that separates different game makers, but of course this was due to the cooperation of many different people. Now, Smash Snake is fighting furiously and sneaking before my very eyes.


Wario seems to be the only character who isn't very popular. Is it bad I included him? No, I don't think that's the case. You can all look forward to his unprecedented "contributions."


Thank you all very much for voting. I'm sure there are a lot of different expectations out there, but I'll work to create something that everyone will enjoy.




Game Critics Best of E3 Winners

Nintendo, Spore, and Gears of War are the critics' favorites.


Nintendo leads the pack with five awards, including Best of Show and Best Hardware. Spore won more awards than any other game, taking home Best Original Game, Best PC Game, and Best Simulation Game. Right behind Spore was Gears of War, with Best Console Game and Best Action Game.


The Game Critics Awards is an independent group of journalists from 37 leading North American media outlets that cover the videogame industry, including our very own goat-bearded satyr of an editorial director: Tal Blevins.


The full list of winners is included below:








(Maxis/Electronic Arts for PC)




(Maxis/Electronic Arts for PC)



Gears of War

(Epic Games / Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)



The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

(Nintendo for Nintendo DS)







Gears of War

(Epic Games / Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)



Assassin's Creed

(Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for PlayStation 3)



Heavenly Sword

(Ninja Theory / Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3)



Mass Effect

(Bioware / Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)



Excite Truck

(Nintendo for Wii)




(Maxis / Electronic Arts for PC)



Wii Sports

(Nintendo for Wii)



Supreme Commander

(Gas Powered Games / THQ for PC)



Guitar Hero II

(Harmonix / Red Octane for PlayStation 2)



Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

(Splash Damage/id/Activision for PC)





Iwata Reveals More On Wii Connect 24 - DS Crossover!


In a recent interview from TechOn with Satoru Iwata, alot of information is revealed on the creation of the Wii - however one part of the interview reveals quite a bit more about the Wii's online plans and it's connect 24 service. Iwata gave an example of your Wii being online 24 hours a day, this would allow Nintendo to send to you promotional demo's even for the DS, which come in the morning when you wake up, you could transfer and play the demo downloaded to the Wii on your DS!




Q: What will the Wii offer when connected to the Internet?


Iwata: I'll give you a specific example we are planning for. Let's say your Wii is connected to the Internet in a mode that allows activation on a 24-hour basis. This would allow Nintendo to send monthly promotional demos for the DS, during the night, to the Wii consoles in each household. Users would wake up each morning, find the LED lamp on their Wii flashing, and know that Nintendo has sent them something. They would then be able to download the promotional demo from their Wii's to their Nintendo DS's. This will, of course, be possible in gaming stores too, but I think users will enjoy being able to do this within their homes. The key merit here is having promotional material delivered to your home, instead of having to go collect it yourself.


Q: So you hope users will use their gaming consoles every day?


Iwata: More and more users have concentrated periods of gaming following major releases, and stop playing for months once that is over. I hope the Wii, like the Nintendo DS, will have its power turned on every day. To lead users to do that, we need to offer something new each day. That is why we thought of a system that would allow us to change our offerings during the night. I feel that allowing the system to stay connected to the Net throughout the night is a valid application of semiconductor technology.


We have nothing against advanced technology. Though many seem to feel that Nintendo is anti-technological, this is totally untrue. There are multiple ways in which you can apply new technology. Some design Formula 1 cars, others design hybrid cars. We have merely spent a lot of time discussing which approach would help us increase our customer base.



Read More: Techon


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