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Wii Sports: Custom Faces


In a recent interview with MTV News, Senior Managing Director and General Manager of Entertainment Analysis and Development Division Shigeru Miyamoto discussed character customization on Wii Sports, a launch title planned for the Wii console by the end of 2006.


When asked what new games Miyamoto has planned in the works, the Mario creator said, "This isn't [new, but] I'm directly involved in Super Mario Galaxy. Apart from that, I am involved in the Wii Sports series. Although these really aren't new characters so to speak, the Wii Sports series features these little models which you can put your own faces on ... and then you may start to see those characters, with faces you've created, appearing in different games on the Wii system. Beyond that, it's true that I am working on some different ideas. It's just a little bit too early for me to show those off yet."


MTV News did not ask Miyamoto whether said customization would be placed on the characters via custom-made templates, such as the ones found in The Sims franchise, or if face customization could be implemented by external media.


Another point of interest derived from the article is how Miyamoto came up with the Wii controller. "When we first launched the Nintendo Entertainment System," said Miyamoto, "people would look at that controller and immediately know which buttons to press [corresponding] on the screen. There were very few buttons and it was very simple; it was very different from computer games where you've got this keyboard in front of you and you really don't know which button to press to get started. So we saw a very big difference between those two audiences. But gradually, as video games have evolved, the controllers have become more evolved and they've added more buttons because we want to allow the players to do more and more things. With the motion-sensing and the pointing and these new types of interfaces on the Wii and the nunchaku, we're able to give players the freedom to do the types of actions that they want to do in video games without so many complicated buttons — thereby making it both intuitive for longtime game players and for people who have never played video games before."


The article can be found here.

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Gates: Motion-Sensing Not Mainstream

Microsoft's main man questions his competitors' kinetic controllers.


With both the Wii and the PlayStation 3 tracking the twitching of gamers' hands, has Microsoft's Xbox 360 missed out on a trend? Regardless of whether players take to the new systems, it doesn't appear that Microsoft is worried, at least judging by the reaction from its number one man.


Speaking to MTV News, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates offered his own take on the motion-sensing controllers coming with Sony's and Nintendo's new consoles. While fellow Big M higher-up Peter Moore has expressed enthusiasm for the Nintendo Wii and its unique control scheme, Gates was cautious.


"There's room for innovation here," Gates said, "but moving that controller around -- it's something that's not mainstream for most games."


Gates mentioned the motion-sensing SideWinder Freestyle Pro controller Microsoft released years back, which failed to gain momentum (no pun intended).


"It's tough because sometimes you move the controller, and you don't [mean] to fly into the ground. You just want to put the controller down," he told MTV. "People aren't that good at totally standing still. Even pilots actually sit in a chair when they do their flying. So there's a lot to be learned about these controllers."


With developers wielding more than a year of experience with the Xbox 360, Microsoft plans a formidable line-up of titles to match the PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii launches this holiday season -- hoping to keep the X360 hot, even if its players are sitting still.


Gay mag "Hot" for Link

The Legend of Zelda protagonist named "Hottest Video Game Character" by gay and lesbian monthly Out.


The Legend of Zelda series has won numerous awards in its near two-decade run, but one magazine is calling out the game's hero, the boyish elf Link, as a perfect 10. The June issue of Out, a magazine focusing on gay and lesbian culture, named the green-leotard-wearing hero as the Hottest Video Game Character in its "What's Hot Now" section for his role in the upcoming GameCube and Wii release, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.


From the mag: "When darkness enshrouds the land, Nintendo's sexy farm-boy-turned-wolf sets out to save the day in this upcoming game. His weapons: a sword, a bow, arrows, and kick-ass grooming skills."


This isn't the first time Link has been associated with gay culture--he was the inspiration for Xandir P. Wifflebottom, the homosexual video game character in Comedy Central's Drawn Together.


Gay characters have largely been passed over by game designers, with many leading men and ladies being the prototypical alpha male or buxom sexpot. The Sims, Fable, and a few others allow same-sex marriages, but most games fail to even broach the issue.

Pick your (reevaluated) console combo:

Selection Votes

PS3 and Wii 8% 1' date='427

Xbox 360 and Wii 45% 7,763

PS3 and Xbox 360 2% 347

Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii 6% 1,048

Wii 28% 4,818

PS3 5% 841

Xbox 360 6% 1,065


17,309 votes total








Μετά από την Ε3 τα πράγματα αλλάξαν πάρα πολύ.


87% θα αγοράσει το Wii


59% το XBOX360 και......


21% το PS3




To Wii tha einai i prwti mou kosnola pou tha agorasw "preordered",STANDAR kai tha parw kai ena 360 to kalokairaki mallon.

Gia ps3, ama to kerdisw se kanwna diagwnismo tou Gamepro tote ok(xwris na agorasw to periodiko ennoeite :P)


Εγώ θέλω το Wii και το One Piece οπωσδήποτε!!!


Έχει τώρα τις τελευταίες μέρες που προθερμαίνομαι.


Είδα τα 40 από τα 260-κάτι επεισόδια του One Piece, και περιμένω το θείο που σέρνεται να μου στείλει και τα υπόλοιπα.


Πάντως μετά από το Καμπαμαρού, το One Piece είναι ότι καλύτερο.


Θα τολμούσα να πώ ότι είναι καλύτερο από το Καμπαμαρού, αλλά αυτό είναι πολύ βαριά κουβέντα.

lol eleos...siga to anime to Kabamaru...poly metrio kai ligo...



Φίλτατε, μπορεί σήμερα ο Καμπαμαρού να σου φαίνεται μέτριος ή λίγος, αλλά με αυτόν μεγάλωσε μιά ολόκληρη γενιά μας.


Ποιά βρε τα Medabots; Καλή ήταν σαν σειρά αλλά σαν game δεν μπορώ να φανταστώ τι βάθος θα είχε (βλ. Pokemon Stadium).


Πάντως αυτά και η νέα σειρά Megaman είναι ξεδιάντωπα κακέκτυπα των Πόκεμον (να μην πω τίποτα για Ντίτζιμον δηλαδή...).


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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