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The Official Nintendo Wii topic {8 Δεκεμβρίου κυκλοφορία σε Ευρώπη/250?}


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Μέχρι στιγμής' date=' τα επιβεβαιωμένα launch titles είναι:


[b'] * Call of Duty 3

* Dragon Quest Swords

* Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

* The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

* Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

* Disaster: Day of Crisis

* Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

* Rayman Raving Rabbids

* Red Steel

* Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam

* Trauma Center: Second Opinion

* Wii Sports[/b]


H μέχρι στιγμής gaming list αποτελείται από 130-κάτι παιχνίδια!


Tώρα, το αν θα συμπεριλάβουν και το κλασσικό χειρηστήριο δεν ξέρω.


Προσπαθούν να κρατήσουν τη τιμή του πακέτου όσο το δυνατόν πιό χαμηλά.


Γι'αυτό το λόγο και το χειρηστήριο ΔΕΝ θα είναι rechargable!


Θα παίρνει μπαταρίες ΑΑ, και όπως δήλωσαν οι υπεύθυνοι, πιθανώς θα βγάλουν rechargable pack ώς εξτρα περιφεριακό. Όπως και να έχει σε καμία περίπτωση δεν θα μπορεί να φορτίσει από το βύσμα που έχει από κάτω.


Το Wavebird κρατούσε 100 ώρες με 2 ΑΑ μπαταρίες. Αυτό δεν πρόκειται να ισχύει με το Wii. Θα κρατάει αρκετά λιγότερο.





6 games thelw mexri stigmis ektos tou cod3,pou to thelw gia 360 gia pollous logous.me tis mpataries kati tha kanoume tha doume.den einai kei to thema.lete na bgei europe xristougenna?mi mas kanei kammia strabi k bgei 2007..giati den exoun pei k tpt.pantw sto nero 230e to wii.de pisteuw katw apo 200e


150 με 200 ακουγεται οτι θα κανει. (θα το ψαξω και καλυτερα)

εγω θα το χτυπησω μαζι με ενα metroid και ενα wii sports.

απο κει και περα βλεποντας και κανοντας.

το πολυ-πολυ να το δωσω στ'ανηψακια μου αν δεν μου αρεσει..


Εγώ πιστεύω ότι στα 199eu θα το βγάλουν, για να χτυπήσουν και τη Microsoft που θα έχει κάνει μειώσεις μέχρι τότε, ή πιθανότατα θα κάνει και άλλες πριν τα Χριστούγεννα. Αλλά το χειριστήριο θα το προτιμούσα rechargable... Ξέρουμε περίπου τι βάρος θα έχει?


E3 2006: Eyes-on: Sengoku


We take a look at Koei's first Wii attempt in action.


During a clips trailer at Nintendo's conference, the company showed off a few brief seconds of Sengoku Action, a project being developed by Koei exclusively for the Nintendo Wii. No information went along with the incredibly short clip, but we do have a few small tidbits for fans that are waiting for this intriguing title.


Sengoku Action seems to be based off of a samurai game called Sengoku Musou, or "Samurai Warriors" for the PS2. Released in 2004, Sengoku Musou is an offshoot from the popular Dynasty Warriors franchise.


Putting players in control of a group of warriors from feudal Japan, Sengoku Musou looks, plays and feels similar to the more-known Dynastly Warriors franchise. For Wii, it seems like Koei is taking a bit of a different approach. As the short video indicated, Sengoku runs in first person, having the player control the character, while swinging their sword with the Wii-mote. Aside from this basic function, nothing else was hinted at during the demo. There were two different types of attacks to be seen, however, so we know players will be able to at least jab and slice enemies as they come within range.


very small video----->


E3 2006: Hands-On Avatar: The Last Airbender


Our first impressions


Play as Aang, Katar, and Sokka as you grow your team into an unstoppable force, utilize your bending powers, and explore the Avatar universe. Bring to life an adventure of intrigue, deception, and revelation that exposes an even greater threat than the Fire Nation as you battle new enemies and master your bending skills.



* Awesome kung fu style combat


* Full customizable and upgradable bending powers - you decide how your character improves in the bending disciplines


* Epic adventuring - journey through all the Great Nations of the Avatar world


* Environments and characters from the TV show PLUS never before seen enemies and creatures.


sorry re panther alla bgainoun k kati moufes....dld iparxoun polla games pou xete parousiasei pounai xalia ta games..lol.bebaia pantou iparxoun moufes.sxetika me to crystal chronicles k dragon quest exoume plirofories?


E3 2006: Hands-On Madden NFL 07 Wii

How does it play with Nintendo's revolutionary new controller? We go hands-on to give you the scoop.


-Using the Wii remote is a shock at first, but within a short amount of time you feel like you are getting completely immersed into the game of football.


-The demo that EA had running within the Nintendo booth was amazingly fun


- the control for this incarnation of Madden football is where the game shines. Made to be as easy as possible, the control scheme never felt contrived or difficult, but rather felt natural and simple to pick up on.


-We can't express enough how much fun the control scheme was


-Even the most hardened Madden fans will find something to love with the Nintendo Wii's control scheme.


-As for the graphics, you will notice that they are more fleshed out than most of the other games in the Wii lineup. In comparison to the X-Box 360 and PS3, it may be behind, but it still looks very good. The game is running smooth and the players look realistic enough to notice who you are playing with


-All in all, we would say that is one of our favorite games that we have played so far on the Nintendo floor. The gameplay is slick and makes you feel as if you are really playing the game. We know we can't wait to play this game around our office, and we are sure that once you put your hands on the game, you will feel the same way. Simply put, Madden '07 embodies Nintendo's Wii's catchphrase: playing = believing.




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