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The Official Nintendo Wii topic {8 Δεκεμβρίου κυκλοφορία σε Ευρώπη/250?}


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Nibris asked that the purpose of these images not be revealed at this time. However we can confirm that they are not - contrary to recent speculation - screen captures of a Sadness film.

plaka mas kanoyn etsi?

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Nintendo wants to know about Wii


Kotaku has received a tip from a reader telling them that there seems to be a survey floating around concerning the Nintendo Wii. This survey itself was requested by Nintendo, and is from Greenfield, a company that has provided surveys for many other outlets in the past. You can check out a snippet of the survey below courtesy of Kotaku. Click the thumb to check it out.






Kai mono oti exei ginei tosos 8orubos gurw apo to onoma to 8ewrw epituxia.

An deite kai ta epixeirhmata exei mia bash. To gamecube skefteite poso duskolo akougetai gia kapoion pou den kserei agglika.


Einai "piasariko" onoma. Menei na doume thn konsola live giati polu mas exoun kanei na adhmonoume me ola ta prwtoporiaka kaloudia pou fainetai na exei.


Pisteuw akradanta oti h Nintendo 8a dwsei gro8ia sta limnazonta nera kai ton koresmo twn video games kai 8a anazwphrwsei thn "game-mania" pou hpurxe sta 90s.




Διέρευσε καινούργιο βιντεάκι για το Wii.


Αν και ορισμένοι λένε ότι ίσως να είναι fake, τα στοιχεία δείχνουν ότι μάλλον πρόκειται για αυθεντικό βίντεο της Nintendo!




SNK Slugs Wii

Classic Metal Slug games hit Nintendo's new system with added free-hand style controller functionality.


SNK revealed exclusively to IGN today that after a long absence from Nintendo's home consoles it has signed up to develop games for Wii, the platform formerly code-named Revolution. SNK's first title for Wii is Metal Slug Anthology, a compilation of classic Metal Slug projects. Best of all, these games have been enhanced to take full advantage of Wii's innovative free-hand style controller, which translates gestures made by players into on-screen movement.


"Fans worldwide have been looking forward to our return to Nintendo platforms and what better way then to bring our complete Metal Slug arcade collection to Wii," SNK Playmore USA Corporation president Ben Herman said in a statement. "The Wii controller will be used in a new and unique way that enhances the gameplay. Our fans have demanded that we support Nintendo platforms. Let the celebration begin."




Metal Slug Anthology will feature such classics as Metal Slug, Metal Slug 2, Metal Slug X, Metal Slug 3, Metal Slug 4 and Metal Slug 5. SNK has not yet confirmed if Metal Slug 6 will be on the compilation, but that is a very real possibility. The publisher would only officially state: "This will be a full arcade collection including many additional surprises."


A version of Metal Slug Anthology is also expected for Sony's PSP handheld, but the Wii version will obviously boast exclusive controller functionality in addition to any separately added games or features.


The Metal Slug franchise was born to life in 1996 for the now-defunct Neo-Geo console. The arcade shooter took inspiration from the hit Contra series and served up a healthy dose of frantic run-and-gun-style cooperative two-player gameplay. The Metal Slug name describes a massive tank in the game, but much of the side-scrolling missions in the series challenge players to go on foot as Lieutenant Marco Rossi, a tough-guy military leader whose mastery of projectile weapons is second to none.


All of the Metal Slug games retain the original's style: 2D side-scrolling missions with beautiful hand-drawn art. Old-school players even today trumpet the franchise's extremely fluid animation and impressive on-screen carnage.


Further specifics about the Wii version of Metal Slug Anthology will be made available at E3 2006, where the game is expected to be playable in some form. Official screenshots will be released at that time.




NEC Electronics working on the Wii


It appears that NEC Electronics is knee deep in the Wii. In March, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata used his Game Developers Conference keynote address to announce that the company's upcoming console would be able to download and play games from the NEC-developed TurboGrafx system of years past.


The company's ties to the Wii run a little deeper, however. During NEC Electronics' annual earnings call last week, the company revealed that it was working with Nintendo to produce large-scale integration chips (LSIs) for the game maker's new console, according to a Reuters report.


During the call, NEC Electronics CEO Toshio Nakashima revealed that the company had received an order for "system LSIs for Nintendo's next-generation game console." To produce the chips, NEC is planning to beef up the production capacity of the 300-millimeter line at its Yamagata factory, with the upgrades to be completed by September .




Us Vs. Wii


Revolution's new name is inexplicable... and irrelevant.


Nintendo is unique in many ways, but perhaps most of all in its ability to stir up gamers' emotions. Sure, plenty of people like or dislike Sony -- and quite a few people hate Microsoft -- but for sheer polarizing power, no one comes close to Nintendo. Its detractors genuinely despise the company and everything it stands for, while its supporters are a living reminder that "fan" is short for "fanatic." Mario himself could kill a Nintendo fan's parents and he'd still find some way to rationalize his loss as a brilliant business move by Nintendo that truly speaks to him as a gamer.


Watching the rush of bodies to Nintendo's E3 booth each year is an amazing thing -- fans literally sprint into the convention hall to be the first in line to touch Mr. Miyamoto's latest brain droppings. It's like the running of the bulls in Pamploma, but nerdier, and with swag bags. Personally, I really like Nintendo's games, and I honestly respect their interest in approaching the next generation from a completely unique direction. But I don't have the Jonestown mentality it takes to be a true fanatic. Nintendoods are frighteningly intense, and that frequently makes them the object of derision for just about everyone else.


Still, even the biggest fanboy hater has to feel a little sympathy for them this week. The surprise revelation of the Revolution's final name -- Wii -- pretty much brought the videogaming portion of the Internet to a standstill Thursday, and we're still trembling from the aftershocks. The world was stunned by the sheer preposterousness of it all; the name dropped from nowhere, with no warning, and sat there surrounded by awkward whispered conversation as everyone tried to make sense of it.


The general consensus seems to be that it is a very, very stupid name.


And the Nintendoods, bless their zealous little souls, have Twistered their minds through the spaghetti logic necessary to explain why the name, in fact, rocks. Left lobe red, right lobe yellow, hey presto -- Wii is genius!


I'm here to say that it's OK, guys. Nintendo will be fine without you leading the cheer section. You can join the rational 99% of the world and shrug and sigh and accept that Nintendo's next console is going to have a really goofy name. Because in the end, it doesn't matter. It's going to have a goofy name sitting in your living room, and mine, and in millions of others the world over.


Fanboy or hater, everyone has his or her own pet theory to explain what Nintendo was thinking when they came up with "Wii." Of course, the latter group's thinking is easy to summarize -- "Nintendo is stupid" -- but in the less knee-jerk quarters of the Internet there are already more theories to explain "Why Wii?" than to determine who shot Kennedy.


The most popular, and frankly the laziest, is that the company intentionally picked a bad name so that people would start talking about it. The theory, of course, is that there's no such thing as bad publicity. Which is a ludicrous theory; can you honestly say that Michael Jackson's media appearances over the past five years have done him any favors? Granted, Wii doesn't rate a "self-mutilated alleged child molester" ranking on the public relations Disaster-O-Meter. It doesn't even reach "New Coke" status. But lord knows it isn't good, either. Yes, it's nice to have brand awareness and buzz is good -- but everyone wants positive buzz, and that's not what Nintendo is generating at the moment.


I tend to agree with 1UP contributor and general Nintendo enthusiast Chris Kohler: the name is so bad that Nintendo decided to announce it ten days before E3 rather than revealing it at the show. Thus people have time to adjust to this bizarre new reality where the coming Revolution is just a Wii, and the focus of the company's pre-E3 press conference will be entirely on business strategies and software rather than flabbergasting names.




Science indicates that every possible "Wii" joke

has already been made, less than 72 hours after its

revelation. Well done, Internet! You can stop now.


Of course, it's possible to take that mindset a little too far; thus the outlandish theory that Wii is a big old fake-out, a red herring intended to soften up gamers and trick them into welcoming the eventual revelation of the real name. The basis for this postulate is that the trademark office doesn't currently show Wii as a registered trademark. The lack of a trademark app seems a little strange until you realize that the Patent and Trademarks Office's online database lags a little and Nintendo presumably waited until the last minute to register it. Besides, pulling a double-whammy fake-out is the kind of thing you'd do only if you were shooting for the teen demographic who could appreciate the joke. And last we checked, that isn't Nintendo's primary market at all.


Which is why the name Wii doesn't really matter at all, in the long run. Gamers may choke on bile when they try to call the system by name, but if the software is there they'll buy it anyway. Very few serious gamers are going to refuse to buy a console because of its name -- and the ones who will are very likely the same ones who decided Nintendo was uncool ages ago anyway. The DS is the hottest system in the world right now, which seems like pretty decent proof that the most bewildering hardware decision can still work out if the games are good enough. The net loss as a result of Wii is likely to be, roughly, zero.


As for Nintendo's primary market -- people who aren't serious gamers -- they don't have the same vested interest in the Revolution name. And for the most part, they don't even know of the colloquial connotations "Wii" has in English-speaking countries, because they don't speak English.


It's important to remember that Nintendo is a Japanese entity first and foremost, and the company's decisions are heavily weighted toward what works in their home territory. They'll turn Metroid into a shooter and make Link all angsty for Americans, sure, but those are harmless compromises; Metroid doesn't sell in Japan, and Link's still button-cute on DS, which is where most Japanese gamers are spending their time anyway. For big decisions -- like, say, the name and branding of their next-gen console -- Nintendo caters to its own interests. Which is to say, Japan. And not just hardcore Japanese gamers, but the same non-traditional gamers who have pushed sales of Nintendogs, Brain Age and Animal Crossing into the millions.


Watch the Wii intro video. Those little bouncing letter i's playing ball with their own dots, the light grey-on-white aesthetic of the logo, the gently rounded typeface -- they're carefully calculated to give that same sophisticated-but-friendly feel as the iPod. Nintendo's been biting off Apple for the past decade, but unlike nearly everyone else swiping from Cupertino these days, Nintendo actually gets what makes Apple so successful. It's not market share, it's not hardware power, it's not lower-case-i as a prefix. It's careful branding, it's attractive design, it's inviting ads, it's exuding a sense of cool without the need to Play it Loud.


Of course, if they'd done a little more focus group testing they'd likely have come to the obvious conclusion: Wii doesn't exude a sense of cool for anyone who speaks English. But it probably doesn't have to. Everything that was intriguing about Revolution is still intriguing about the Wii, and now the system has a name that's compatible with its core audience. Which means that now more than ever, Wii is likely to be DS redux: Japanese buyers will flock to it, Japanese developers will produce an impressive array of quality content for it, westerners will shrug and give in to the inevitable, and it will do well despite actively defying all common sense.


Of course, Wii will inevitably be plagued by urine jokes throughout the course of its life. Big deal. In case you haven't been on the Internet, well, ever, the sort of people who flock to the videogaming corners of the web are the sort who will go to any length to find a scatological or sexual variant on any name. There is no power in this world quite so determined as a childish mind, which is why we have "GayCube," "PSPee," "XCocks" and who knows what else. Whatever ridicule Wii inspires, it'll be a drop in the bucket.


...so to speak.


The bad puns are already flowing [cough] heavily. A few come readily to mind:


I need a Wii now! I can't wait until this fall!

"Mum, I finished my homework. Can I play with my Wii some more?"

"Hey Mom, Roger's bringing his Wii over. We're going to connect his Wii to my Wii and then we'll play all night."


"We are the Knights who say Wii!"

Wii Willy Winky runs through town, upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown. Knocking on the window, crying through the lock "Are the children all in bed? Itʼs past eight oʼclock."

"Pass me that wemote contwol pwease?" -- Elmer Fudd redux

"Do you have any Wii in stock?" asked the customer. "Or course we do," exclaimed the clerk, "Urine GameStop!"

When you're a kid and you wanna go "whee" but you ain't got drugs yet. [NSFW, but funny as all heck.]


Wii Pilotwings Confirmation?




Ενα κομματι απο του Sam Kennedyʼs (Editor) 1up blog

"Friends of mine tell me Pilotwings is absolutely perfect - itʼs something anyone can pick up and enjoy.

Nintendoʼs changing all of the rules - theyʼve created an experience anyone can enjoy. Theyʼve created a system for everyone."




Nintendo's Official E3 Page


Nintendo has opened up their official page for E3 which starts next week. The page states that there will be live coverage of the press press event on May 9th, so if you guys were looking for a website to watch the event on, you have an official one from Nintendo. The page is sure to explode with all sorts of info once E3 kicks into high gear, so keep an eye on it all throughout E3 week.


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