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The Official Nintendo Wii topic {8 Δεκεμβρίου κυκλοφορία σε Ευρώπη/250?}


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paidia einai wraio to onoma.ti tha thelate dld?gamecube2 i snes244?einai Nintendo i konsola k telos.to Wii einai piasariko name,eukolo k paixnidiariko.i Ninty eidi petixe auto pou ithele.na paizoume me to Wii sto stoma mas,k o kathenas na to "paizei"opws thelei

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Aυτό είναι το μόνο σίγουρο.


Όπως αναφέρθηκε και πρίν, η μεγάλη Ν έχει καταφέρει να μας κάνει όλους μας να μιλάμε γι'αυτήν χωρίς να ξοδέψει ούτε σέντ ακόμα σε διαφημίσεις.




exw ena erwtima pou me apasxolei apo tote pou pira tin HD mou.to cube pou exw deixnei xalia.an tixon parw Wii tha pou den ipostirizei HD tha deixnei etsi xalia opws i past gen stiS LCD?


Famitsu Polls E3 Anticipation


The recent issue of Famitsu magazine polled an unspecified amount of gamers and developers where it asked which platform has their interest at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo.


Nintendo and its recently-renamed hardware saw the highest numbers, with 47.3% of developers and 45.3% of gamers showing interest in Nintendo's announcements at the annual press event. Sony's PlayStation 3 shows a near-equal interest in gamers at 44.8% and a decrease in developer interest at 36.8%. Gamers also listed a 4.4% interest in Xbox 360's E3 showing and 5.5% in other unspecified hardware. 15.8% of developers did not comment on the question.


When developers were asked how many secret game announcements they were holding back for the event, 12 of the 19 developers polled said they had secret projects to announce, while 5 developers chose not to respond and 2 said they had no secret projects. Of the 12 developers with secret projects, 5 of them - just under half - said they have at least one secret project to show for Nintendo's next-generation console. PSP and PS3 were each listed by 2 of the polled developers, while PS2, DS and GameCube each have one secret project from the polled developers.


Pleased be advised that these numbers were compiled prior to recent announcements over the past few days, such as the announcement of Elebits and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz, among other titles


...πανω που τα αγγλακια πηγανε να σταματησουνε να γελανε με το ονομα "Wii"


σκαει η nintendo και τους ξαναλυνει στα γελια...


ο διανομεας του "Wii" στην αγγλια λεγεται "Koch", και φυσικα προφερεται "ko-ck"

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:




.....αμα βρουνε και αλλον ενα partner που να λεγεται "like" ή καπως ετσι, τοτε "wii like kock" will rule, τουλαχιστον στους ...ντιγκινταγκες :mrgreen:


Θέμα χρόνου είναι.


Απλώς συνηθήσαμε όλοι το Revolution και τώρα μας κακοφαίνεται το Wii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .


Να δείτε που θα περάσει λίγος καιρός και στο τέλος θα μας αρέσει κιόλας.


Ήδη στα διάφορα forums οι τόνοι άρχισαν να πέφτουν σιγά σιγά.


Επίσης να επισημάνω στο φίλο privateer, ότι πρέπει να αλλάξει το τίτλο του thread.


Το μηχάνημα δεν λέγεται Nintendo Wii. Είναι σκέτο Wii .


Κοsta, πρώτα απ'όλα μεγειά το blog σου!


Δεύτερον, είναι εξαιρετικά ελπιδοφόρα τα νέα σου, ειδικά μάλιστα όταν βλέπουμε τόσα μα τόσα πολλά παιχνίδια από 3d-party devs. Μόλις 16 ή 17 από τα 73 είναι της μεγάλης Ν.


Τρίτον, Θεσσαλονικιότης είμαι κι εγώ, αλλά ζώ και εργάζομαι Κύπρο. Που θα έρθω Θεσσαλονίκη το καλοκαίρι, να κανονίσουμε καφεδάκι.


New Details on Sadness


Nibris gets specific about its premiere Wii title.


Well, it's official. We've got a name, we've got games slated for E3 and the Nintendo Wii is on the way. The list of games continues to grow as well, whether it's Madden or Monkey Ball, Trauma Center or "Cooking Game." We know more about some than others, but one thing's for sure: Nintendo is getting support.


On a bit of a different side of the development world sits Nibris, a development team determined to bring a gaming revolution one way or another. Despite not having an official publisher for its titles, Nibris has divulged a bit more information on its solo efforts for Wii. We've seen concept art for two titles thus far - Raid Over The River and Sadness - and while there's still a long road ahead, Nibris seems determined to deliver.


IGN received new information on Sadness today, as the development team is out to set a few things straight for its fans. Since the somewhat sparse news on Sadness was released, sites across the Net have been covering the game piece by piece. Nibris had a few things to add to the puzzle today:


First off, Sadness is not a working title for their premiere Wii title. It's the final name. The story takes place before World War I, slated earlier than 1914. In addition, Nibris officially stated that the style for Sadness is meant to be totally unique. It isn't inspired by Sin City, it isn't a "classic comic book feel," it's its own style. In fact, the look it chose is more influenced by the era's black and white cinema. Players should get the feeling of a pre-1920s movie. In addition, Nibris added that Sadness will focus in a Slavic country. Specifics will be released later.


In addition to a few clarifications, Nibris also commented on a few speculations that have arisen. Raid Over The River is being put on the back burner for now, as the development team is looking to make Sadness their premiere Wii title. The DS version is being worked on by a separate team, however, so the possibility of development in Nintendo's handheld is still out there. Our guess is that they will be released simultaneously, though that may not be the case if a publisher is found.


In addition, rumors have started across the Net regarding a movie based on Sadness. While it doesn't deny talking with film studios about a movie deal, no actual agreements have been made. Designers did, however, have the following to say about a possibility of a Sadness movie to accompany the game:


"... the truth is that we were contacted but there have been no agreements. We cannot disclose the topic of our talks however. Still we can assure players that Sadness will not be filmed earlier than 2 years after it is introduced to the market (if it will be filmed)."


Details on Sadness are still quite mysterious, but the developer promises to continue to stay open about its work-in-progress. More details will be delivered soon.




Racing Game At E3 Using The Wiimote!


Yesterday in New York City at Nintendo World Store there was a special event with Reggie Fils-Aime present and... Reggie announced that there will be a racing game shown at E3 that is going to use the Wiimote in a way that no one would expect!


"Only one little secret, and hopefully I won't lose my job. We're going to show a racing game at E3 where you use the core controller in a very different way. That will answer all the questions to how you'll play a racing game."






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