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Ubisoft's Red Steel Revealed

Revolution-exclusive first-person shooter with big guns and swords? Game Informer Mag has the details.


April 7' date=' 2006 - The latest issue of Game Informer Magazine has a cover story on an ambitious new game developed from the ground up for Nintendo's next generation console, codenamed Revolution. The title, called Red Steel, according to the publication, is a first-person shooter that enables players to take control of a sharp sword in addition to an assortment of guns to fight off enemies. The mag published first screens of the title in motion, which appear to be in 16x9 widescreen, and they look pretty good to us. We encourage readers to pick up the latest issue to see the images for themselves.


The title utilizes the Revolution's free-hand style pointer for some innovative control mechanics, Game Informer reports. For instance, players are able to hold swords or guns normally or side-armed depending upon how they hold the controller. Meanwhile, it's possible to block incoming attacks using the sword, too. The publication also states that gamers will be able to jump over and take cover behind objects with the flick of the Revolution controller. On top of everything else, the mag promises that Red Steel will not only support an online multiplayer mode, but arrive as a launch title later this year.


The new issue of Game Informer Magazine is already hitting the homes of subscribers, as evidenced by the numerous scans that have flooded the Web. But it doesn't pay to steal. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy. The screens alone are worth the price of admission.






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Big changes in store for Animal Crossing Revolution


Wired News : Animal Crossing is on the way for Revolution. Can you talk about features of the Revolution that you think are going to be good for the series ?


Katsuya Eguchi : Because the DS is selling so well, itʼs given us a large fan base. Look at the DS version ? we had to make a lot of changes in the series in order for it to suit the functionality of the system. In order to make [Animal Crossing Revolution] a game that we want to make and that the fans would be satisfied with, weʼd have to make sure that it fits on the console. It canʼt be a direct port, just like the DS version wasnʼt a port of the GC version. Weʼd have to make changes if we were to move forward in that direction.




Red Steel for Revolution

"comes from the Ubisoft Paris team, which is comprised of industry veterans who worked on franchises like Prince of Persia, Far Cry Instincts, Ghost Recon, and Splinter Cell".






Κομμάτια από το άρθρο του Gameinformer :


Γενικά για το παιχνίδι :

"...most games try to push immersion with better graphics, more intense action , or overwhelming sound. but one upcoming console is doing something different , trying a new way to make that controller in your hand become something more. that console is the nintendo revolution.


with the unveiling of the revolutionʼs motion based controller, most gamers envisioned the kaleidoscope of unique ideas that nintendo would use it for. but while the gaming public was preoccupied with demos of cooking and fishing games, one developer asked itself the question of how the revolution could be used to take a familiar genre to the next level.this company wanted to figure out how to use its unique controller not to develop an entirely new type of game, but to elevate an already-popular style. that company is ubisoft, and the answer to its self-imposed challenge is the revolution launch title known as red steel.


it is highly unusual for a company like nintendo to allow the axclusive first look at one of its consoles through a 3rd party game like red steel.but as it turns out , nintendo has been closely involved in the development of this game, and has great confidence that it is a perfect way to introduce the world to revolution . developed by ubisoft paris , one of the publishers oldest and most experienced teams , red steel is a mixture of old and new: a fps that that uses the revolutions controller for aiming - and much more. while nintendo obviously has several games in development for the revolution launch , the company simply doesnt make games like red steel , so letting a respected publisher like ubisoft introduce the revolution through an easy -to - understand game type allows both companies to demonstrate what they do best ..."


Λεπτομέρειες από το gameplay :

"...Also worth noting, this game is not an on-rails shooter. It is a fully 3d FPS game. The longer we played with it the more natural if felt, and the more quickly we mowed down the targets. strafing around the targets is incredibly easy, as keeping the controller pointed at the object, while you move around with the analog stick keeps you focused on the target. aim felt similar to using a computer mouse, as it is possible to quickly explore every direction in a three dimension space with quick gestures.


In many situations, there will be a higher-ranking enemy who commands the others in the area. By defeating him, and sparing his life, he will offer you his respect, and help. The enemies will surrender their guns, and the boss may offer you a new weapon, a special path, or another reward. Any time you spare an enemy, you will be rewarded. As it always takes more skill to spare a life, than to take it.


Although the majority of Red Steelʼs gameplay will stress ranged combat, there will be times you need to get up close, and personal. You can switch to the sword at any time, and if you can get close enough to an enemy, you can use it for one-hit stealth kills. In other moments youʼll find yourself locked into intense one-one sword duels. Any time you take on

an enemy with a sword of his own, youʼll need to take yours out right away, or his blade will make short work of you. Swinging the Revolution controller in front of you, you will see the sword onscreen (cut off).


Apparently you can also jump over and take cover behind objects by moving the revʼs remote towards a upturned table or a wall, and reload by pulling the remote back. Split-screen and online multiplayer planned!"


Team Member Of Ubisoft Posts For Red Steel


Prince NineOne1 is a team member of Ubisoft that has been known to post on IGNʼs forums. His job status has been 100% confirmed by IGN. Having said that, Prince NineOne1 has commented on the screeshots of Red Steel, trying to squash rumors that these are artwork, or renders. The post:




List of all that Prince NineOne1 has said about Red Steel:


Post 1:

"Well guys, Iʼll be honest?I wasnʼt sure how people would react to a new game that was not 1st party or an existing brand.

I want to thank you for keeping an open-mind and supporting 3rd Party Developers like Ubisoft.

We have truly studied this innovative console and I promise that weʼll do our best to deliver the ultimate experience at launch and, as always, we keep our ears open to what gamers want - so keep your voices heard?we are listening.

Thanks again! love




p.s. Weʼll be back in a few months to ask you guys what you want for a pre-order item. Why? Cuz thatʼs how we do. cool"



Post 2:

"Once the magazine comes out - I will elaborate more. I wish I could talk right now but Iʼm in a bit of a ?silent mode? - you know? You guys werenʼt supposed to see this magazine until next week!

I want to tell you all my thoughts on the power of the system, what I thought of the controls, etc.

And I will?at the approriate time. (ie. Next Week)


For now, I will say - NINTENDOMEGATON!





Post 3:

"OK - maybe I will comment on 1 thing because it so absurd for a next-gen game.

This game is not a rail shooter - that would be 100% NES and not Next-Gen.






20 Titles At Launch For Revolution?


As we reported, George Harrison, Vice President of Marketing & Communications for Nintendo, is supposed to have a big interview in the latest issue of Game Informer magazine. As if the issue werenʼt bursting with enough Revolution information, Mr. Harrison spoke a little bit about what to expect at launch.


Gamefront.de is stating that in the article, Mr. Harrison has announced that there will be 20 titles available at the Revolution launch, with 1/3 of the titles being developed by Nintendo themselves. That is quite a staggering number…both in terms of launch titles, and the amount that Nintendo is contributing. E3 should help to confirm what titles we can expect at the Revolution launch, which Mr. Harrison states will be approximately at the end of 2006.




Οτι Θελετε Να Μαθετε Για Το Red Steel!



- Game development started shortly after E3 2005. Ubisoft saw and demoed the controller before E3 2005.


- Ubisoft Paris took their idea directly to Iwata and Miyamoto, and were given the go ahead. After that meeting they were given prototype controllers. The article states that Ubisoft worked "closely" with Nintendoʼs engineers in Japan on the title.


- Game Informer mentions that while conducting the interviews with Ubisoft, they were handed the "latest version" of the controller.



- During the beginning of the game, you are encouraged to use your weapons ruthlessly, but as the game progresses you become more proficient and strategic. This gameplay idea led Ubisoft to decide to give the game a martial arts setting. "Enter the Yakuza".


- The first third of the game will be all about being "brutal by necessity".


- As you start out you will be less precise and probably favor more devastating weapons (machine guns). As you progress and become more precise, smaller guns will be more preferred. "The overall goal…is to use five bullets to kill five enemies".


- "When fighting with this level of skill, the music and sound effects will reflect it, remaining calm and peaceful".


- "When you fight brutally, the sounds around you grow increasingly more intense".


- Freeze shot: by fighting efficiently you fill the Freeze Shot gauge…fighting chaotically causes to decreases. When the gauge is filled you can hit a button to momentarily stop time, and then target specific locations on enemy bodies.


- Headshots thus are tempting, but non lethal shots, such as shooting guns out of enemy hand, can be more beneficial.


- By defeating high ranking leaders who command others and sparing their lives, you will be rewarded. He will offer you respect and help (guns, help, new weapons, alternate paths, etc).


- Respect plays a MAJOR part in the game.


- Flailing your sword isnʼt a smart idea.


- Specific motions with the controller will trigger combos (in the final game). Tracing an X in the air, for instance, will unleash a devastating attack.


- You can stop these combos at any time by simply pausing your own movement. So if you do something that leaves you open to attack, you wonʼt be screwed.


- New moves will be taught to you by two mentors in the game. One will teach you gun tactics, and another will teach sword tactics. If you donʼt show the proper respect to them, they wonʼt help you.


- Training sessions are offered by the two masters so you can hone your skills.


- Friendly/respectful interaction is tied to the controller. You signal “yes/no” answers by nodding the controller up or down or shaking it from side to side. You show extra respect by bowing to the masters.


- Ubisoft is still coming up with other interactions.


- "You can act disrespectively as well: there are no cut scenes in the game - all conversations take place in game, as in Half Life 2. However unlike that game, characters wont keep prattling on if you walk away from them. They will react angrily to your imputent behavior".


- Staying in the masterʼs good graces is key: they give you missions that can be tackled in any order.


- You track down the gang leaders and try to turn them to your side. If you donʼt, they will join Tokaiʼs (the main villian) gang.


- You have to prove you are worthy to them by battling them and sparing their lives. You will need as many of them with you as possible to face Tokai. Without their help, youʼll have a rough time when you finally face him.


- You turn gang leaders to your side by besting them in battle and stopping a deadly blow miliseconds before it strikes.



- The two triggers on the front of the analog unit activate ducking and jumping. The analog stick controls movement, and the revmote controls aiming. No rails.


- Level consisted of shooting ranges that popped out from behind cover.


- "Aiming with the controller is as simple as using a laser pointer. You point your hand at a target and hit the trigger on the underside of the controller to fire".


- "Unlike other FPS games, which tie the camera and aiming together, Red Steelʼs camera follows your aim with a slight delay. If, for example, you point to the edge of the screen, the camera will turn to re-center on your view after a second. With the sensitivity of the controller, a standard FPS control would move too much, potentially making the player feel ill".


- "Thanks to the improved reaction that the controller offers, the team can create gunfight scenerios that would be extraordinarily diffilcult with a standard controller".


- Most console FPS games limit their enemies to horizontal planes to prevent player frustration, but targets on a verticle plane are just as easy to hit with the Revolution controller.


- You can aim at a target as quickly as you can move your hand.


- In the demo targets popped up on rooftops and in second story windows, as well as behind cover points on the ground, and all were equally easy to hit.


- While you can quickly shoot enemies anywhere on screen, Red Steel never feels in a light-gun game - this is a true FPS, one that feels like it has drawn from the best of both the PC and console shooter worlds.


- According to lead game designer Oriola, it takes roughly three seconds to turn completely around around in most console shooters, while it takes about one-quarter second in a PC game. In Red Stel, it takes one second.


- AI characters will care for themselves. They will go for cover, attack you while youʼre reloading. They focus on risk management.


- "They wonʼt walk around a table to get to you. They will simply jump over the table".


- "The benchmark for their intelligence and aggressiveness, says Oriola, is the PC title F.E.A.R., which has widely been praised for itʼs AI".



- Split screen multiplayer with traditional deathmatches.


- Totally original multiplayer modes Ubisoft is not revealing yet. Wait until E3.


- They didnʼt talk about Nintendo Wi Fi (NDAs). Full details havenʼt been revealed yet.


- Revolution works by placing a small sensor bar either above or below any TV.


- You can stand at any angle and not lose any accuracy. You can even take your controller to a friendʼs house and instantly start playing without syncing up the controller.


- "Perhaps most impressive is the fact that although splitscreen reduces the amount of onscreen space you are playing in, you donʼt have to make smaller movements - you can gesture as wildly as you want, and it wonʼt interfere with the other playerʼs onscreen quadrants"




GarageGames interested in Revolution Virtual Console?


Little Mathletics did an inteview with Jay Moore, GarageGames promoter. The interview contained a question related to Nintendoʼs Virtual Console, and the possibility of seeing some of their work available for download.


Question: Now that Satoru Iwata from Nintendo has essentially confirmed that the Revolution will feature original content on their download service, do you see yourself establishing the same kind of relationship with them?


Jay Moore: Weʼve always said weʼll be everywhere there is an opportunity to bring fun games to players with our tools and our games. I can neither confirm or deny any relationship with Nintendo or why GarageGames booth was right next to the Nintendo Gamers Lounge at GDC.


Full interview: http://www.littlemathletics.com/jaymoore.php


Λείψαμε μιά μέρα και έγινε χαμός από αποκαλύψεις εδώ μέσα!!!


Επιτέλους εικόνες από παιχνίδι!!!!!!!


Και τί παιχνίδι!!!!


Αυτά είναι!!!


Διάβασα και το προηγούμενο πόστ του Kostacurtas και έχω μείνει άφωνος!


Αν πράγματι όλα αυτά που αναφέρονται γίνονται, τότε μιλάμε για την απόλυτη εμπειρία στα FPS στις κονσόλες!!!!


Έρχεται η επανάσταση!!!!!

....Αν πράγματι όλα αυτά που αναφέρονται γίνονται' date=' τότε μιλάμε για την απόλυτη εμπειρία στα FPS στις κονσόλες!!!!


Έρχεται η επανάσταση!!!!![/quote']


"απολυτη εμπειρια", δεν το ξερω....θα πρεπει να το δω.


ομως οτι θα χοροπηδανε ολοι σα χαζα μπροστα στις τηλεορασεις, κρατωντας αορατα σπαθια και αορατα πιστολια,

αυτο και το φανταζομαι και το πιστευω και νομιζω θα εχει και πολυ πλακα. :mrgreen:


viva la revolution!

Αρχικό μήνυμα απο p3tran

"απολυτη εμπειρια" με λιγο πιο πολυ δυναμη απο το xbox1, δεν το ξερω....θα πρεπει να το δω.


Λιγο πιο πολυ δυναμη απο το XBOX? :confused:

Απο που εβγαλες αυτο το συπερασμα; Απο το απιστευτα "ερασιτεχνικο" αρθρο του IGN για τα τεχνικα χαρακτηριστικα του Revolution;


Ειναι δυνατον το XBOX με εναν modified Pentium III 733 MHz και το Revolution με εναν custom PowerPC 729 MHz να εχουν την ιδια δυναμη;

Ειναι δυνατον να συγκρινουμε εναν CISC με εναν RISC επεξεργαστη που "τρεχουν" στην ιδια συχνοτητα; Ηταν τουλαχιστον αστειο το αρθρο του IGN.

Παλι καλα που δεν εβγαλαν το συμπερασμα οτι το XBOX ειναι πιο δυνατο απο το Revolution επειδη ο επεξεργαστης "τρεχει" με 4 MHz πιο πολυ!


Ακριβης λεπτομερειες για το hardware του Revolution επισημα απο την Nintendo δεν νομιζω οτι θα μαθουμε ποτε, οπως εκανε και με το Gamecube.

Πολυ καλα κανει και δεν συμμεριζεται τον "περιεργο ζηλο" των Sony και Microsoft για τα υπερβολικα τεχνικα χαρακτηριστικα.


:mrgreen: Επιτελους εχουμε τις πρωτες εικονες απο παιχνιδι του Revolution! :mrgreen:


Ολο αυτο τον καιρο απο την στιγμη που αποκαλυφθηκε το χειριστηριο του Revolution μεχρι σημερα διαβαζαμε για τον ενθουσιασμο ολων των εταιρειων. Παραλληλα ομως ηταν εμφανες απο τα σχολια τους οτι υπηρχε και ο φοβος του αγνωστου. Ηταν σαν να σκεφτονταν ολοι το ιδιο, οτι "Ναι, επιτελους μου προσφερεται κατι καινουργιο και πρωτοποριακο! Σιγουρα μπορω να δημιουργησω κατι πολυ καλο... αλλα καλυτερα ας περιμενω να δω πως ακριβως λειτουργει αυτη η κονσολα." Δεν εχουν να αντιμετωπισουν μονο μια καινουργια κονσολα αλλα συνολικα μια καινουργια ιδεα για τα παιχνιδια.


Ετσι δεν περιμενα καποιο πολυ καλο παιχνιδι ως launch title στο Revolution.

Για αυτο οτι εχω δει και διαβασει για το Red Steel φαινεται, αν και ειναι λιγο νωρις για να βγαλουμε ασφαλη συμπερασματα, παρα πολυ καλο για ειναι πραγματικο για ενα παιχνιδι που μαλλον θα ειναι launch title στο Revolution! Αν ειναι ετσι τα launch title πραγματικα το μελλον θα εχει πολυ ενδιαφερον! :-D


ωρε kostacurta... εγω το εκανα edit στο 5λεπτο αλλα εσυ πηρες φορα και εγραφες.. :)


οκ, no high definition = κακο πραγμα για το ετος 2007 και επειτα. :-? :neutral:

οι αναλυτες λενε οτι η nintendo εξακολουθει να εχει πρωτο στοχο ηλικιες 8-15,

οποτε ποιος 8χρονος εχει HDTV θα μου πειτε? ok, πασο.

επισης 88mb (συνολικη) μνημη (αν ισχυει) ειναι περιορισμος (xbox1 64mb) :-|

και η ιδια η nintendo ειπε οτι ειναι 2 με 3 φορες πιο ισχυρο απο το cube.. :oops:


στο arstechnica λεγονται διαφορα... και επισης στο G4f υπαρχει ο han_solo απο την Factor 5 o οποιος λεει τα δικα του..

καμια σχεση με τα specs που διερρευσαν, αυτος μιλαει για ισοδυναμα πραγματα με 360...:-D

μακαρι να εχει δικιο αυτος και ολοι οι υπολοιποι αδικο.



παντως περα απο ολα αυτα, ειναι ενδιαφερουσα η υλοποιηση του χειριστηριου, και σιγουρα το nintendo εχει απο πισω ατομα που ξερουνε απο arcade παιχνιδια

τα παραπανω μαζι με την υποσχομενη χαμηλη τιμη σε hardware καθως και τα φτηνοτερα games,

κανουνε τη nintendo να μοιαζει σαν την τελεια περιπτωση 2ης κονσολας.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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