kostacurtas Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 Revolution Near-Final Development Kits Speculation The red Kotaku phone rang with info from Australia. Take it for what itʼs worth, but apparently a major Ozzie game company just got their near-final Revolution kits. “Apparently, only the largest publishers are getting them right now and not many have yet received them outside of Japan”, says our tipster. Itʼs not clear how the company is deciding timeframes and who will get them. For the past few months, this Australian company has been using GameCube development kits with a wired Revolution controller. Things most likely are moving as scheduled for the new Nintendo console, and there are tons of companies talking Revolution and currently developing games for it. http://kotaku.com/
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 Revolution to support external HDDs & other 3rd party storage devices During a recent conversation with CNN Nintendo President Satoru Iwata suggested that the Revolution would support a multitude of storage options. Referring to the console's USB ports, Iwata confirmed that "practically any storage method can be used". The Nintendo Revolution will not feature an internal hard drive. Instead, the unit will utilize 512 MB of flash memory and built-in SD memory card support. In addition, Iwata's remarks imply that Nintendo intends to, ultimately, leave the best storage solution up to the consumer's discretion. A freedom that could give Nintendo an edge, in terms of consumer satisfaction, over Sony and Microsoft. http://www.joystiq.com/
privateer Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 Revolution's Horsepower Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said that his company is not interested in waging a technology war against Microsoft and Sony, whose next generation consoles promise more power and in turn high-definition graphics. The Big N's still-codenamed Revolution system is in contrast designed to be quiet, small and affordable. Nintendo has invested millions in an innovative new controller that has the potential to permanently change the way people play games - for the better, the company hopes. As a result, players would be hard-pressed to find any Nintendo executive willing to go on the record about Revolution technical specs. In fact, former Nintendo of Europe marketing chief, Jim Merrick, indicated in an interview last year that the company may never divulge details on Revolution's horsepower to the public. Obviously, Nintendo is unable to take the same approach with game studios, many of whom are currently working with Revolution development hardware and in possession of finalized system specifications. IGN Revolution is in regular contact with software houses making titles for Nintendo's new generation system. Last year we relayed to our readers initial system specs based on insider reports. Today, we present updated information on Revolution's "Broadway" CPU and "Hollywood" GPU, which are provided to Nintendo by IBM and ATI respectively. For today's report we spoke to a variety of trusted development sources, all of whom are in possession of Revolution development hardware - some more finalized than others. The studios who updated us with this information have asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, but we can verify that the specifications forwarded to us are current and come by way of either official Nintendo documentation or benchmark tests with working Revolution kits. Insiders stress that Revolution runs on an extension of the Gekko and Flipper architectures that powered GameCube, which is why studios who worked on GCN will have no problem making the transition to the new machine, they say. IBM's "Broadway" CPU is clocked at 729MHz, according to updated Nintendo documentation. By comparison, GameCube's Gekko CPU ran at 485MHz. The original Xbox's CPU was clocked at 733MHz. Meanwhile, Xbox 360 runs three symmetrical cores at 3.2GHz. Clearly, numbers don't mean everything, but on paper Revolution's CPU falls performance-wise somewhere well beyond GameCube and just shy of the original Xbox. However, it's important to remember that the CPU is only one part of the equation. Revolution's ATI-provided "Hollywood" GPU clocks in at 243MHz. By comparison, GameCube's GPU ran at 162MHz, while the GPU on the original Xbox was clocked at 233MHz. Sources we spoke with suggest that it is unlikely the GPU will feature any added shader features, as has been speculated. "The 'Hollywood' is a large-scale integrated chip that includes the GPU, DSP, I/O bridge and 3MBs of texture memory," a studio source told us. The overall system memory numbers we reported last December have not greatly fluctuated, but new clarifications have surfaced. Revolution will operate using 24MBs of "main" 1T-SRAM. It will additionally boast 64MBs of "external" 1T-SRAM. That brings the total number of system RAM up to 88MBs, not including the 3MB texture buffer on the GPU. By comparison, GameCube featured 40MBs of RAM not counting the GPU's on-board 3MBs. The original Xbox included 64MBs total RAM. Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 operate on 512MBs of RAM. It is not known if the 14MBs of extra D-RAM we reported on last December are in the current Revolution specifications. "The external RAM can be accessed as quickly as the main RAM, which is a nice touch," a developer we spoke with alleged. Lots of numbers, but what do they all mean? The short answer is that Revolution is exactly as Nintendo has publicly stated: a console whose primary focus is not quadrupling raw horsepower, but rather a potentially gameplay-changing new controller. Nintendo's new hardware supports this innovative new peripheral and not the other way around. Looking back, it makes sense. In early 2004, Nintendo's former president Hiroshi Yamauchi said that it was unnecessary to accelerate the release of next generation consoles; that current machines were more than adequate. The Big N announced that it would release a series of peripherals to extend the life of GameCube, but only halfheartedly supported the approach with limited microphone and bongo-enhanced titles. Sources close to Nintendo have, however, told IGN Revolution that the company was experimenting with in-development GameCube controllers very similar to Revolution's freestyle-style unit. The problem research and development faced at the time was that these controllers encountered unavoidable latency issues, which made them nearly incompatible with fast-paced software. Apparently the Big N overcame this particular hurdle. Whether or not Revolution is, in fact, a vehicle for the new freestyle controller or not, systems specs rarely tell the whole story. We would remind readers that during an era when polygon numbers meant everything, GameCube's polygon peaks were lower than PlayStation 2 and Xbox. However, few would disagree with the assertion that Resident Evil 4 - a title developed from the ground-up for Nintendo's system -- was one of the prettiest games of the generation. A spokesperson for ATI had no comment, except to say that the provider was excited to be working with Nintendo on the Hollywood GPU. IGN Revolution contacted Nintendo of America for comment, but the company did not return our query in time for publish. http://revolution.ign.com/articles/699/699118p1.html
panther_512 Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 Αναμενόμενες οι τεχνικές λεπτομέρειες. Φυσικά, αυτό που δεν αναφέρεται είναι ότι το Revo δεν θα έχει HD παιχνίδια. Αν λοιπόν αναλογιστούμε καί αυτόν τον παράγοντα, η υποδύναμη του Revo φτάνει και με το παραπάνω για να μας παρουσιάσει καταπληκτικά γραφικά. Πιστεύετε αν το XBOX360 και PS3 δεν είχαν HD, θα είχαν την υποδύναμη που έχουν? Φυσικά και όχι. Αν πάντως όντως κάνουν το Revo να συνδέεται με ότι σκληρό δίσκο θέλουμε, αυτό θα είναι ένα ισχυρό ατού έναντι των ανταγωνιστών. Όσο για αυτά που λές φίλε xrest, εφόσον παρακολουθείς 15 χρόνια την παιχνιδοβιομηχανία, θα πρέπει να ξέρεις πολύ καλά ότι το κύριο χαρακτηριστικό της video-game βιομηχανίας είναι οι αιφνίδιες και συνταρακτικές ανατροπές. Κολοσσοί χάνονται στην αφάνεια από τη μιά στιγμή στην άλλη και τούμπαλιν. Βλέπε ATARI, SEGA για παραδείγματα. Η μόνη εταιρία που κατάφερε να μείνει στα πόδια της είναι η μεγάλη Ν. Και το 3d-party support φαίνεται ισχυρό αυτή τη φορά. Βλέπε προηγούμενα ποστ με καταλόγους των παιχνιδιών υπο σχεδιασμό. Οι περισσότερες μεγάλες εταιρίες έχουν ήδη ξεκινήσει ποικίλα project για το Revo. Πάντως αυτή τη φορά ίσως, ίσως να δούμε να γράφεται ιστορία μπροστά στα μάτια μας. Γιατί αν το χειρηστήριο συνοδευτεί από ανανεωμένο gameplay, τότε θα αλλάξει για πάντα ο τρόπος που παίζουμε παιχνίδια. Ίσως να πιάσει αυτή η ιδέα και το όνομα της Nintendo να αποκτήσει τη δόξα των παλιών εποχών που λέγαμε: "Πάμε σπίτι να παίξουμε Nintendo?" Κατ'εμέ, όλες οι ενδείξεις εκεί μας οδηγούν.
xrest Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 Αναμενόμενες οι τεχνικές λεπτομέρειες. Φυσικά' date=' αυτό που δεν αναφέρεται είναι ότι το Revo δεν θα έχει HD παιχνίδια. Αν λοιπόν αναλογιστούμε καί αυτόν τον παράγοντα, η υποδύναμη του Revo φτάνει και με το παραπάνω για να μας παρουσιάσει καταπληκτικά γραφικά. Πιστεύετε αν το XBOX360 και PS3 δεν είχαν HD, θα είχαν την υποδύναμη που έχουν? Φυσικά και όχι. Αν πάντως όντως κάνουν το Revo να συνδέεται με ότι σκληρό δίσκο θέλουμε, αυτό θα είναι ένα ισχυρό ατού έναντι των ανταγωνιστών.[/quote'] to perimena pio dinato..ekei einai k ta specs tou xbox.apla to revo einai pio kainourgio(ara perissotera grafika kolpa) k me ligi perissoteri mnimi.dld einai ligo kalitero apo to xbox?
panther_512 Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 to perimena pio dinato..ekei einai k ta specs tou xbox.apla to revo einai pio kainourgio(ara perissotera grafika kolpa) k me ligi perissoteri mnimi.dld einai ligo kalitero apo to xbox? Μπά, δεν νομίζω να είναι τόσο μικρή η διαφορά. Υπάρχει μιά διαφορά αρκετών χρόνων μεταξύ των κονσόλων και της τεχνολογίας. Μή κοιτάς μόνο τις ταχύτητες των ρολογιών. Στα PC παραδείγματος χάρη, αν συγκρίνεις δύο κάρτες γραφικών με ίδια μνήμη και ταχύτητες, αλλά με διαφορά 2 ή τριών ετών μεταξύ τους, θα δείς απίστευτη διαφορά στην απόδοση. Στα ρολόγια φαίνεται σαν λίγο καλύτερο από το XBOX1. Στην ουσία όμως, πιστεύω είναι αρκετά γρηγορότερο, λόγω πιό καινούργιας τεχνολογίας.
xrest Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 30 Μαρτίου 2006 nai auto eipa k gw.oti logw oti thanai pio neo sistima sigoura thaxei kapoia diafora.ante na doume kana demo kati giati mexei piasei treli periergia,gia to ti mporei na bgalei to revo.
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 31 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαρτίου 2006 Global Launch still on for Revolution Despite previous rumors, Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata stated that his previous comments may have been taken out of context and that a worldwide launch for the Revolution is still planned. After saying, "We don't think it's necessary to do the simultaneous worldwide launch simply because others are doing this", speculators assumed that this meant the idea of an international launch was out the window. On the contrary, Iwata actually meant that the Revolution isn't launching globally just so Nintendo wouldn't be outdone by Sony and Microsoft. http://revolution.qj.net/Global-Launch-still-on-for-Revolution/pg/49/aid/13411
deus Δημοσ. 31 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαρτίου 2006 δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση το revo να είναι απλά λίγο πιο δυνατό απο το xbox εδώ καλά καλά δεν ξέρουμε αν το xbox είναι τόσο πιο δυνατό απο το cube. βλέπε resident evil 4 ας πούμε.
xrest Δημοσ. 31 Μαρτίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαρτίου 2006 δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση το revo να είναι απλά λίγο πιο δυνατό απο το xbox εδώ καλά καλά δεν ξέρουμε αν το xbox είναι τόσο πιο δυνατό απο το cube. βλέπε resident evil 4 ας πούμε. re paidia to resi itan paixnidara.alla apo grafika ti eixe?kala to xbox itan pio dinato apo ta alla 2 sistimata.blepe games pou ftiaxtikan apokleistika panw tou
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 1 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Απριλίου 2006 Violent Sword Game on Revolution Sources within Nintendo of Europe have confirmed for AMN that an un-named company will reveal a wholly exclusive action game involving swordplay, action and violence in the coming days to weeks for Nintendo Revolution. We were told this project would feature themes including blood, violence and swordplay. While the source AMN talked with was unable to reveal anything more, through talking to a number of other sources within the industry, weʼve learned that Ubisoft is currently developing an exclusive Revolution first-person shooter codenamed “Katana” for Revolution. This first-person game combines shooting elements with swordplay ones, according to sources. Whatʼs more, itʼs incredibly violent and adult-themed. Readers should definitely note that weʼve been unable to confirm whether these two projects are related. http://revolution.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=6519
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 1 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Απριλίου 2006 Nintendo President Says Revolution Still Full Of Surprises He won't give details on new console now, but all will be revealed at E3 in May. "Our primary focus with the Nintendo Revolution has been to create a system that can do things that the other systems can't, that has functionality that the other systems don't have. And speaking to that, there are some other unique features of the Nintendo Revolution hardware that we haven't discussed yet that we will be announcing at E3". http://www.mtv.com/games/video_games/news/story.jhtml?id=1527445
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 1 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Απριλίου 2006 Bob Ross Paint Video Game "My indie game development group, which consists of students, indies and professionals in the game industry, AGFRAG Entertainment Group secured a worldwide exclusive licensing agreement with Bob Ross Inc. just before the Game Developers Conference took place. We are talking with various companies and plan to make an announcement near E3 regarding which platform(s) the game will be developed on first and maybe a surprise. The Nintendo DS and Nintendo Revolution are PERFECT platforms for what we have in mind! We like the way Nintendo carves their own path of innovation and creativity and we strive to do the same". Joseph Hatcher Designer/DD AGFRAG Entertainment Group http://gonintendo.com/?p=1777
deus Δημοσ. 1 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Απριλίου 2006 re paidia to resi itan paixnidara.alla apo grafika ti eixe?kala to xbox itan pio dinato apo ta alla 2 sistimata.blepe games pou ftiaxtikan apokleistika panw tou εγώ μπορώ να ζήσω με αυτά τα γραφικά για την προηγούμενη γενιά αν είναι καλό το gameplay, ίσως και για αυτή τη γενιά αν είναι εθιστικό το game με το χειρισμό του στο revo. προς το παρόν έχω κολλήσει την αρρώστια του oblivion
Daredevil Δημοσ. 1 Απριλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Απριλίου 2006 Bob Ross Paint Video Game "My indie game development group' date=' which consists of students, indies and professionals in the game industry, AGFRAG Entertainment Group secured a worldwide exclusive licensing agreement with Bob Ross Inc. just before the Game Developers Conference took place. We are talking with various companies and plan to make an announcement near E3 regarding which platform(s) the game will be developed on first and maybe a surprise. The Nintendo DS and Nintendo Revolution are PERFECT platforms for what we have in mind! We like the way Nintendo carves their own path of innovation and creativity and we strive to do the same". Joseph Hatcher Designer/DD AGFRAG Entertainment Group http://gonintendo.com/?p=1777[/quote'] :? arxisame pali tis anousies kai blakwdes kinhseis...... sto snes den eixan 3anabgalei ena paint mazi me mouse pou phge apato?, telika mou fainete h N den 8a alla3ei pote
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