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Upstart Studio Targets Revolution


Polish software house making two projects for Nintendo's next generation system.


Upstart Nibris, a small development studio based in Poland, has revealed that it is working on two projects for Nintendo's next generation console, codenamed Revolution. The games exist in pre-alpha form - one earlier than the other - and neither has a publisher, but the developer is hopeful that both works will get picked up in the near future.


Nibris head Piotr Orlovsky recently chatted with IGN Revolution about the company and its would-be Revolution titles.


Orlovsky explained that Nibris consists of about 14 people, most of whom have experience with PC games, and that the studio is still without Revolution development hardware. However, it is working in conjunction with a big Polish publisher to gain access to GameCube development kits, whose architecture is similar to that of Revolution.


The studio is in talks with three publishers for its Revolution projects, according to Orlovsky. "We have many ideas that can only be realized by Revolution," he said.


"We do not make games for money, but for sheer pleasure. We create games which we would like to play, but they are missing from the market. Our games are only for Nintendo - only DS and Revolution can realize our visions," Orlovsky explained. "We agree with Nintendo that the market needs new ideas, not just larger amounts of polygons. Of course it doesn't mean that we will not pay attention to the graphics -- definitely not! However we want the games to provide entertainment in the first place. Our aim is to make the player feel emotions and feelings. We desire real smiles, sadness, fear and tears. We believe we are able to achieve this."


Lofty goals, to be sure, and Nibris is currently looking for more talented individuals to help tackle the challenge.




The company's first and more advanced Revolution project is called Raid Over the River. A DS version is also in development. Raid Over the River is a vertical shooter in which players control an air combat vehicle through a series of missions. The title will employ an "easy to learn, but hard to master" flight model, 10 different levels taking place in changing time and weather conditions, and at least four different aircraft, each with differing attributes. Available flight vehicles will include a fighter-class plane, bomber, transporter or AWACS, according to Nibris.


Conceptual screenshots of the title have been included in this article.




The company's second game, Sadness, is nothing like the first. Nibris would like to keep the specifics a secret for the moment, but Orlovsky did provide a general overview in his own words.


"All I can say now is that it is going to be a gothic horror [game], which will scare not with the amount of blood but with sheer atmosphere. Imagine a game in which you do not use guns or knives but you will have to protect yourself with the objects you find exploring the ground -- a stone, a stick, etc," he said. "Some examples of using the controller - you swing a torch with it to scare the rats off; you slit the throat (controller as a piece of glass or a knife); if you want to climb the wall you will have to hook a rope over the piece of a wall sticking out (controller serving as a lasso). And this is only the beginning."


Orlovsky noted that the title will be designed from the ground up as a single-player experience and aimed at adults with strong nerves. "Let me mention that the scenario will have associations with narcolepsy, nyctophobia and paranoid schizophrenia," he added. "The scenario will surprise you."


Neither project has a release date, although a DS version of Raid Over the River is scheduled to debut at E3 2006. Nibris has suggested that the Revolution build may also appear in some form.


The upstart studio clearly has some uphill battles before any of these concepts can be made into playable, presentable works, but it's definitely got heart and dedication on its side.


Publishers interested in contacting Nibris can visit the studio's official website at http://www.nibris.net.


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Tecmo Launches Pangya Site

What will the colorful Revolution golf game look like? We've got screens.


Tecmo has launched the official overseas site for the Revolution version of Pangya Golf, which will debut later this year with the launch of Nintendo's next generation console in the Land of the Rising Sun. The site features some basic details about the game - all in Japanese, of course - and a few screenshots of the PC version of Pangya Golf. We've posted them to this article because the Revolution build is likely to look very similar.


Pangya is a "casual golf game" that will make use of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for community features and online bouts. The Revolution build is developed by Ntreev Soft, the same company responsible for the already-available PC title. The PC game is unusual in that it is free to download, but users must pay to upgrade their characters with new clothes and artifacts.


Tecmo has not yet revealed how different Pangya for Revolution will be, but the game will undoubtedly make full use of the system's innovative freehand-style controller for more intuitive golf swing mechanics.




IGN Revolution contacted Tecmo's American branch for details on a possible US release, but a spokesperson for the subsidiary said that at least so far there is no plan to bring the game over. However, that may change in the future, particularly if the title sells well in Japan.


Readers fluent in Japanese can check out Tecmo's page for the Revolution build of Pangya Golf right here


And we highly recommend that viewers check out some puzzling videos of PC Pangya Golf in action in the two links below.


video #1


video #2




Nintendo Revolution prediction: second console of choice


We're here at the Games Marketing Conference in San Francisco. The first session consisted of a trends overview, but there were some good nuggets of truth (and opinion) bandied about, including a warning by Michael Pachter, the oft-quoted managing director of research at Wedbush Morgan Securities.


Pachter warned, "People have written off the Revolution and that's foolish."


The meat of his argument comes down to the fact that there will be few killer exclusives on the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3. The Grand Theft Auto series that was so instrumental in selling the PlayStation 2 will be available on both Xbox 360 and PS3. Meanwhile, Microsoft has little unique leverage either: "Microsoft has one game now: it's Halo, and everything else sucks," he said. Pachter predicted that households today that own both a PS2 and an Xbox will be more likely to own either an Xbox 360 or a PlayStation 3 and a Nintendo Revolution as Nintendo's first-party development generates interest in that console and its unique gameplay.




UK game industry types talk Revolution


GamesIndustry.biz has a feature that follows in the grand tradition of asking game developers to wax thoughtful on Nintendo's revolutionary Revolution system and, most interestingly, how it will differentiate itself from the Gamecube's lackluster retail presence.


Relentless Software's Andrew Eades said, "Gamers in the know will buy a Revolution as a 2nd machine to play another Miyamoto classic, but the mainstream consumer needs something less abstract to latch onto. The Revolution must be both niche and mainstream." Our entirely informal poll indicated a plurality of gamers were not only interested in getting the Revolution as a second choice in a next-gen combo platter, but were also interested in getting the console as their primary gaming system.


Frontier Developments' David Braben says, "There is also a potential downside - assuming it is a huge success, it could be a pyrrhic victory; I am not convinced that others - third or first parties - can't offer similar styles of controller for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, eroding the Revolution's advantage." Think SplitFish whose DualFX controller, though it may not be a copy of the Revolution controller, offers a similar interface. There's already rumors that Sony and Microsoft are working on similar functionality for their respective systems; is Nintendo's final trump card going to be enough to keep competition at bay?



Nintendo Revolution prediction: second console of choice


We're here at the Games Marketing Conference in San Francisco. The first session consisted of a trends overview' date=' but there were some good nuggets of truth (and opinion) bandied about, including a warning by Michael Pachter, the oft-quoted managing director of research at Wedbush Morgan Securities.


Pachter warned, "People have written off the Revolution and that's foolish."


The meat of his argument comes down to the fact that there will be few killer exclusives on the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3. The Grand Theft Auto series that was so instrumental in selling the PlayStation 2 will be available on both Xbox 360 and PS3. Meanwhile, Microsoft has little unique leverage either: "[b']Microsoft has one game now: it's Halo, and everything else sucks[/b]," he said. Pachter predicted that households today that own both a PS2 and an Xbox will be more likely to own either an Xbox 360 or a PlayStation 3 and a Nintendo Revolution as Nintendo's first-party development generates interest in that console and its unique gameplay.



autos kati exei piei o pachter..nai to ps3 k to 360 den exei tpt na prosferei.k i ms mono to halo exei...lol..auta na min elegan k tha mastan mia xara.


Βεβαια, το συμπέρασμά του δεν είναι και άτοπο.

Ένα από τα ποιό δυνατά ατού μιάς κονσόλας είναι οι αποκλειστικοί τίτλοι. Όταν χαθεί αυτό το ατού, όλα παίζονται. Τώρα οι πιό πολλοί τίτλοι είναι για όλες τις κονσόλες και αυτό είναι πρόβλημα τόσο για την M$ όσο και για τη Sony.


Αλλά αν η M$ δεν είχε το Halo, πιστεύεις θα πουλούσε?


Ή αν το Halo έβγαινε και για PS3, ποιός θα αγόραζε το XBOX360? Ελάχιστοι πιστεύω. Ακόμα και αν αργήσει ένα χρόνο για να βγεί στην αγορά, ο κόσμος θα περίμενε να παίξει το εν λόγω παιχνίδι στο PS3.


Ποιό πιθανό είναι να δούμε στα σπίτια ένα PS3 και ένα Revo, παρά ένα XBOX360 και ένα PS3.


Βέβαια όλα εξαρτώνται από αυτά που αναφέρονται στο 2ο post, δηλαδή:

Το Revo είναι στην ουσία το χειρηστήριό του, και σε αυτό βασίζεται.

Αν η M$ ή η SONY καταφέρουν και βγάλουν παρόμοιο χειρηστήριο, τί απομένει στην μεγάλη Ν?



Βέβαια, λίγο δύσκολο να βγάλουν στο άμεσο μέλλον κάτι παρόμοιο + το γεγονός ότι η Ν πατεντάρισε τα πάντα επάνω στο χειρηστήριο.



Τα έχουμε ξαναπεί τί στοχεύει η μεγάλη Ν.


Αποσκοπεί σε διαφορετικό καταναλωτικό κοινό.


Αν είναι η δεύτερη επιλογή των hardcore gamers και η πρώτη των casual, τότε αυτόματα γίνεται η πρώτη σε πωλήσεις.


Και να μή ξεχνάμε ότι η Ν είναι πρώτη σε αναλογία κέρδους σε σχέση με Sony και M$.


Είναι η πιό επικερδής επειχήρηση.


e logiko einai exei tapio kerdofora brands (pokemon, mario etc) alla ton teleytaio kairo exei arxhsei kai anakyklwnei ta panta se shmeio ekneyrismou (Mario podosfairaki,mario voley mario tennis mario oti nanai)


opws epshs 3exasa sto prohgoumeno post,an kai sympa8w thn N arketa, ayto to pragma pou blepei pantou daimones pou 8eloun na thn klepsoun na thn antigrapsoun naspasoun thn konsola ths thn exei psilokatastrepsei.


de diafwnw mazi sou panther.sigoura to ps3 me 360 exoun pio koina paixnidia se sxesi me to revo.bebaia sauto pou les gia casual k hardcore exw na pw oti i prwti epilogi twn casuals tha nai to ps3(opws sinebei k me ola ta play),to 360 to blepw se mia semi-casual fasi,to revo omws to kobw se hardcore katastasi.

einai pio epikerdis epeixirisei logw xamilou kostous sistimatos k fisika ma fisika twn foritwn tis.Aaa k twn first party paixnidiwn tis.

Na simeiwsw kapou dw oti i ninty to innovation to anakalipse sto controller tou revo.tha xreiastei innovation k sta games pantws..k megaliteri ipostiriksei apo tous 3rd parties.k mi mou peis oti tin exei giati apo n64 k meta panta lene oloi oti tha programmatisoun,alla sto telos katantaei o teleutaios troxos tis amaksis.

Makari na iposteirize HD gaming pantws

e logiko einai exei tapio kerdofora brands (pokemon' date=' mario etc) alla ton teleytaio kairo exei arxhsei kai anakyklwnei ta panta se shmeio ekneyrismou (Mario podosfairaki,mario voley mario tennis mario oti nanai)


opws epshs 3exasa sto prohgoumeno post,an kai sympa8w thn N arketa, ayto to pragma pou blepei pantou daimones pou 8eloun na thn klepsoun na thn antigrapsoun naspasoun thn konsola ths thn exei psilokatastrepsei.[/quote']


Αν έχεις διαβάσει τα προηγούμενα posts ( αν και σίγουρα τα έχεις διαβάσει), η Ν προσπαθεί να αλλάξει πολλά πράγματα με το Revo, καθώς και να ξεκολήσει μιά και καλή τη στάμπα της εταιρίας για μικρά παιδάκια.


Όσο για τις αντιγραφές, μα δεν τα λέει η Ν αυτά, οι αναλυτές και τα γεγονότα το λένε.


Τα χειρηστήρια της M$ και της Sony είναι μετεξελίξεις αυτών της Ν.


Εσύ δηλαδή πιστεύεις ότι δεν θα βγάλουν παρόμοια χειρηστήρια? Μα ήδη άρχισαν να βγαίνουν από τρίτες εταιρίες.



de diafwnw mazi sou panther.sigoura to ps3 me 360 exoun pio koina paixnidia se sxesi me to revo.bebaia sauto pou les gia casual k hardcore exw na pw oti i prwti epilogi twn casuals tha nai to ps3(opws sinebei k me ola ta play)' date='to 360 to blepw se mia semi-casual fasi,to revo omws to kobw se hardcore katastasi.




Χμμμμ, λίγο ανάποδα τα λές. Το XBOX360 και το PS3 είναι ο ορισμός του hardcore gamer.

Ο casual gamer πρώτα απ'όλα αποθαρύνεται από τα πολύπλοκα παιχνίδια και χειρηστήρια. Εγώ που είμαι hardcore pc-gamer και τα χειρηστήρια του XBOX, Gamecube και PS2 μου σπάνε τα νεύρα.

Σε καμία περίπτωση ο casual gamer δεν θα προτιμήσει το πολύπλοκο σε σχέση με το απλό.


Casual σημαίνει να γυρίσω από τη δουλειά και να παίξω κάνα μισάωρο, άντε μιά ωρίτσα να ξεκουραστώ. Να παίξω κάτι απλό. Όχι να χαθώ μέσα σε κουμπιά, πολυσύνθετες ιστορίες, επικές μάχες και άπειρα quests. Αυτό είναι το casual.


Και γι'αυτό η Ν έχει αβαντάζ αυτή τη φορά όσο αφορά αυτό το καταναλωτικό κοινό.

Αν έχεις διαβάσει τα προηγούμενα posts ( αν και σίγουρα τα έχεις διαβάσει), η Ν προσπαθεί να αλλάξει πολλά πράγματα με το Revo
nai alla ayto to panagia mou mhs mas klepsoun ton controller symexizei thn dyshdaimonia ths(dld katse ola 8a einai aytos o moxlos? ki an einai den to 3erei oti an ths to antigrapsoun 8a ta xasei ola?),
καθώς και να ξεκολήσει μιά και καλή τη στάμπα της εταιρίας για μικρά παιδάκια.
gia ta paixnidia den 3erw pantws diafwnw na xasei ton xarakthra pou exei aplws na mhn bgazei 412 asxetous titlous me mario



Όσο για τις αντιγραφές, μα δεν τα λέει η Ν αυτά, οι αναλυτές και τα γεγονότα το λένε.
den eipa oti den ginontai isa isa aplws prepei na ma8ei na paizei ki ayth me aytous tous orous.

intendo Revolution Attachable DVD Drive

Nintendo's Official description of the Revolution's media capabilities hint that Nintendo may sell a DVD drive attachment separately.




We don't know if we simply missed it during the hustle and bustle of E3 2005 or of Nintendo has since updated its official documentation on Revolution, but recently discovered wording on the console's DVD solution suggests that it may not use a dongle after all. Take a look at the official description of the console's media capabilities, quoted verbatim from Nintendo's press release.


Two Disc Formats, One Slot: Instead of a tray, a single, innovative, self-loading media bay will play both 12-centimeter optical discs used for the new system as well as Nintendo GameCube discs. Owners will have the option of equipping a small, self-contained attachment to play movies and other DVD content.

It's the second sentence that threw us for a loop. A small, self-contained attachment to play movies and other DVD content. Unless we're missing something, a self-contained attachment seems to suggest that Nintendo might sell a Revolution DVD-drive separately.


An odd choice of words in the press release or a vague confirmation that a separate drive is in the works? Let the speculation begin.




News Source: ign.com

Χμμμμ' date=' λίγο ανάποδα τα λές. Το XBOX360 και το PS3 είναι ο ορισμός του hardcore gamer.

Ο casual gamer πρώτα απ'όλα αποθαρύνεται από τα πολύπλοκα παιχνίδια και χειρηστήρια. Εγώ που είμαι hardcore pc-gamer και τα χειρηστήρια του XBOX, Gamecube και PS2 μου σπάνε τα νεύρα.

Σε καμία περίπτωση ο casual gamer δεν θα προτιμήσει το πολύπλοκο σε σχέση με το απλό.


Casual σημαίνει να γυρίσω από τη δουλειά και να παίξω κάνα μισάωρο, άντε μιά ωρίτσα να ξεκουραστώ. Να παίξω κάτι απλό. Όχι να χαθώ μέσα σε κουμπιά, πολυσύνθετες ιστορίες, επικές μάχες και άπειρα quests. Αυτό είναι το casual.


Και γι'αυτό η Ν έχει αβαντάζ αυτή τη φορά όσο αφορά αυτό το καταναλωτικό κοινό.[/quote']

:-D panther mou to blepw diaforetika.olos o kosmos pou paizei konsoles exei sto nou tou ta klasika xeiristiria.k otan erxetai apo tin douleia tou k thelei na paiksei,tha balei ena pro,ena fifa ena need for speed.dld casual mainstream games gia casual mainstream koino.e i ninty den exei casual koino me ta games pou kseroume oti exei...apla to playstation me tin terastio gama games pouxei antapokrinetai sto casual gaming ama to thelei kapoios.i ninty se kammia periptwsei mexri twra.thimisou pws einai ta mario,zelda,donkey kong,star fox klp..


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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