Slay Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Nintendo's Official StanceWhat does the Big N have to say about Revolution's tech specs? ehmmm
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 The IGN Revolution Conspiracy, Itʼs Real Remember back when IGN released a “3 dvd cases high” mockup of the Revolution before it was ever revealed? Well remember how it looked just like the Revolution, stand and all? They knew what it looked like all along. Once again, in this case they know something about the controller that we donʼt. Remember, Miyamoto said the controller held another secret. Letʼs look at the clues. Playbomb - IGN Conspiracy When IGN released pictures of the Nintendo Revolution with itʼs controller, it was noticed that while the bottom two buttons on the controller are “a” and “b” in the refecltion they were “x” and “y” with a lowercase “a” beside the “y”. Quite peculiar IGN, it seems to indicate that “x & y” are one in the same, exactly the same two buttons as “a & b”. Donʼt believe us? Think we tampered with the picture? Link below. IGN Controller Picture w/reflection, directly on IGN: Also, in the official video on IGNʼs website demonstrating the controller (which was released by Nintendo) the buttons are now “x & y” rather than “a & b” which is shown in the official pictures. Yet “a & b” are labeled on the controller to the left of the “x & y” buttons. Once again, indicating either 1. a hint that all four buttons will be included or 2. that the buttons are indeed the same, that all 4 buttons are contained in only 2. Donʼt believe us again? Think we are messing around? Link below. IGN Controller Video, directly on IGN: Last but not least, IGN has once again released a document with the buttons labeled as “x & y”. The 3d Controller Interactive Applet. It should be noted though this time that the “x & y” are lowercase and have no “a & b” beside them. The applet was made by a high ranked IGN user named Paladin69, who we believe was asked to do this by Matt of IGN. Why? Because Matt specifically put out a notice that he wanted 3D graphics artists to send in some portfolio work and strut their stuff for an un-named project. Lo and behold here it is shining in glory. Still skeptical? Once, again, follow the link below. IGN Controller 3d Interactive Applet: Our conclusion is this: Most logically it boils down to 2 possibilities. 1. “x & y” and “a & b” all function within two buttons, they are one in the same. Tilt the controller forward slightly and “x & y” immediately become “a & b”. This would eliminate the need for moving the thumb between 4 buttons. The bottom half of the controller would bring 4 button functionality with 2 button charm. While this could be cool, it is doubtful that is what all of this indicates because many SNES games require you to be holding down a few buttons at a time or a combination you wouldnʼt have access to with a “tilt to switch” method. 2. The bottom half of the controller will include a touchpad type area or a surface changing area in which the player can choose between a 2 button or 4 button layout. Nintendo would do this. Why? Because choice is everything. By making the 4 button layout optional Nintendo doesnʼt have to jeopardize ease of use. Currently the Revolution controller is very ergonomical, symmetrical - allowing for both left handers and right handers to play it with equal ease and at the same time achieving a very simplistic look. Nintendo doesnʼt want to ruin that. The virtual NES console can be controlled by turning the Revolution controller 90 degrees counter clockwise on itʼs side. However, with only 2 buttons the SNES cannot be controlled without the addition of the controller shell. Our guess is that by making the button layout on the bottom half of the controller convertable is they kill two birds with one stone. They achieve 4 button functionality without ruining the controllers ergonomic design AND allow the SNES virtual console to be adequately controlled without purchase of the controller shell. Weʼre guessing L and R would be tilt left, tilt right. There are many problems with the SNES theory though. Itʼs most likely that some kind of touchpad or surface changing technology is incorporated. One suggestion was that it was originally “x & y” but when it was changed to “a & b” they had to airbush the button lettering out and forgot to change the reflection. We find this highly unlikely, especially since the applet, which is newer than the video and controller pictures, has “x & y” buttons and that in the video it has both as well (just like in the controller reflection picture). Technically, itʼs not really an IGN Conspiracy, though they know more than they are letting on. Itʼs a Nintendo conspiracy, considering all of it is directly from Nintendo. Remember, Miyamoto said there were more secrets to the controller. A summary of theories concerning are below, comments to be posted at the bottom. Though Iʼll warn you - itʼs quite a scroll ladies and gentleman. -TE At the Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference, several industry leaders lectured at the podium in the Ritsumeikan University lecture hall. Among them was Nintendoʼs Shigeru Miyamoto. Shiggy spoke about the Nintendo Revolution free-hand controller and the viability of the nunchaku peripheral that attatches to the controller. Ending his lecture he sated, “Thereʼs another secret, but Iʼm not going to go into that here. Thatʼll be for a later date.” Obviously there are even more revolutionary aspects to the Revolution; this has definitely been confirmed. The next big secret that Nintendo plans to reveal - what could it be? Will it be revealed before E3 2006? Letʼs hope so. Could another secret of the Revolution involve the controller, could it be a new type of display not yet used in console gaming? If you arenʼt convinced of the latter, refer here to one of our previous articles to see our opinion on the subject entitled “Miyamoto Hints Virtual Gaming Future“, we believe you will finish reading with new insight into Nintendoʼs intentions. If you donʼt feel like reading the other article without first knowing what it is about, it covers many quotes from Nintendo leaders that imply a new visual manner to play games may be coming with the Revolution. Also, Kotaku was present at the conference and noticed Miyamoto doodling in his pamphlet what seemed to be a penguin. Check it out here. Could this be a character for the new IP? Could it be a new sidekick for Mario? Who knows. Letʼs pretend that the Revolution turns out to be an entirely open source project and is meant to put game creating in the hands of the players. Wouldnʼt it just be fitting for them to make a deal with Linux and get rights to base a game off Tux? That would be cool. All we know is a game where the main hero is a penguin would work exceedingly well with Nintendoʼs new free-hand controller. Imagine you are controlling this cool penguin with the controller, sliding him all over the icy lands of the game and hopping around. A character that spends much time sliding around on ice would be awesomely fun to manuver with the Nintendo Revolution free-hand controller and could potentially be of high enough caliber of a game to justify a new franchise.
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Miyamoto Hints Virtual Gaming Future Well Miyamoto is at it again. He knows very good and well every time he starts talking about the future of gaming that us little gamers everywhere all start to have our little wet dreams about a home virtual reality console. However, that doesnʼt seem to be stopping him from flapping the trap. Weʼll get to that in a second, in the mean time letʼs start this article off with a couple quotes from Nintendoʼs leadership to make things spicy. Nintendo President Satoru Iwata on the Nintendo Revolution, “We invented the current way a console is played - in front of a television and holding a controller - but maybe that image will change.” We know, this is one of those mysterious comments. So letʼs take a gander and break it down. So we can 100% without a doubt infer from Iwataʼs quote that at least one of two things will change when it comes to the Nintendo Revolution. Either 1. An aspect of the Revolution, optional or standard, will eliminate the need for a television - or 2. We will not be holding a controller. Obviously we know that we will be holding a controller, we have seen the controller with our own eyes finally and I think every one of us who are sane can tell that it is meant to be held. So that leaves us with one option, a TV does not have to be used. If you do not agree then you are blind to the painfully obvious option of some sort of new display. So now the question is what kind of new display will it be? Another quote: Nintendo Producer/Director Shigeru Miyamoto on how he would change gaming if he could have his way (which he has a very high influence in Nintendo), “I think maybe if I could do anything, I would make it so you donʼt have to sit in front of a TV and play. If you could have a machine that you just plugged in and played inside a virtual world that - would be just great.” So right about now, in combination with the giant shockwave Nintendo On sent through the gaming masses, visors are on everyoneʼs mind. We arenʼt talking Virtual Boy here. Visors have become much different and highly advanced. So some of you might be thinking Miyamoto was just answering the question. Just saying what he would do if he had high influence in the gaming industry. Itʼs not like he would ever say something like that twice when he knows that everything he says imbues massive speculation throughout the gaming community. What if the Revolution has no optional or standard VR aspect? He wouldnʼt say something that could potentially lead gamers to dissapointment and bring down the Revolutionʼs wow factor when comes the full unveiling. He certainly wouldnʼt say that twice! Think again. During an interview with Business Week when asked what he thought was in store for the future of gaming Miyamoto described a future in which televisions are no more, “Itʼs convenient to make games that are played on TVs,” he said. “But I always wanted to have a custom-sized screen that wasnʼt the typical four-cornered cathode-ray-tube TV. Iʼve always thought that games would eventually break free of the confines of a TV screen to fill an entire room. But I would rather not say anything more about that.” We know the Nintendo Revolution wonʼt be emitting some giant hologram that you have to physically run around in, so this is definitely Miyamoto talking about a visor of some sort. Tsk tsk Miyamoto. How dare you torture us so! Especially since a visor would work so perfect with the Nintendo Revolution controller. Nintendo said there would be a full unveiling of the Nintendo Revolution before the end of the year. Recent news suggests that the Nintendo Revolution internal hardware specifics may not be released this year at all. Currently it is speculated that perhaps we may get news around December 2nd. Guess weʼll just have to wait to see what the rest of Nintendoʼs tricks include. In the mean time, keep dreaming, it looks like it may very well pay off after all.
v52ND Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 ithela na sindesw to xbox sto switch tou diktiou....gia na perasw me ftp an ginete linux mesa.....tou edwsa ena ip edixne tin swsti endiksi sto switch alla den evlepa ton diskotou!thelw na me kserete kanenan tropo sindesis na perasw linux!to xbox den exi chip
Slay Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 anoixe ena kainoyrgio topic , kai xanakane post, ayto poy rotas den exei kamia sxesh me to sygkekrimeno thread.
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Developers Having Fun With Nintendo's Revolutionary Controller Earlier this week in New York, Nintendo gave MTV News the rare opportunity to go hands-on with the company's 2006 home console, code-named the Revolution. Many ideas spring to mind when playing demos on the first game console designed to detect the movement of the controller as it's maneuvered in midair. Waving the controller could lead to new ways to make Mario hop, throw a "Madden" pass or steer a stolen vehicle in "Grand Theft Auto" (see "First Look: Nintendo Revolution Controller Feels Smooth As Puppet Strings"). But what are actual game developers dreaming up? With the Revolution already garnering praise from design heavyweights like "Metal Gear Solid" inventor Hideo Kojima and "Sims" creator Will Wright, MTV News reached out to game makers willing to go on the record about their early experiments with the console and its controller. Jack Sorensen, executive vice president of worldwide studios at THQ, where an undisclosed number of Revolution games are under development, said he first used the controller in the summer, about a month before the device's public unveiling. A Nintendo fishing demo had him hooked. Once they got controller development kits, his team got to work testing ideas. "Within a matter of weeks we had literally dozens if not well over a hundred kinds of play patterns that could be done with the controller," he said. "There's almost too much that people can think of, which is a sign that it's inspirational." He expects the controller to work well with first-person shooters, "combat-style games" and real-time strategy titles. Those are all genres that have worked well with mouse-driven commands on a computer and, he said, can similarly benefit from the Revolution's ability to let players control onscreen images by pointing the controller at them. "In certain genres this is going to feel so good that it's hard to imagine Sony and Microsoft not also offering this as an option," he said. Sorenson wasn't as sold on using the wireless controller for driving games, suggesting that a conventional controller's analog stick might allow for less awkward handling of tight corners. He was highest on an idea that wasn't immediately apparent in the New York demos but could be possible with the system's "nunchuck" controller setup, in which a cell-phone-size device topped with an analog stick is held in one hand, while the wireless movement-sensitive remote-control-like controller is held in other. Players might use the analog stick in that setup to move a character, while using the main controller for an entirely separate activity. That concept might harness the same skills used in real life to drive a car and fiddle with the radio at the same time. For a more game-based yet completely hypothetical scenario, Sorenson said to picture it with Mario. "There's a certain freedom in being able to have your thumb on the joystick moving Mario around in a 3-D space — almost not thinking about it — and then having a separate cursor that says 'Oh, there's a fire, go put that out.' And every time you shake your motion controller at it something can happen." An idea like that might not suit Guha Bala, president of Activision's New York development studio Vicarious Visions, who said that some two-handed controls could "be like patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time." Bala's company has been one of the most highly regarded American development studios on Nintendo's other experimental system, the Nintendo DS. His team has been toying with the Revolution controller for several months. "There are a number of things you can imagine that a Revolution controller [could do] that would be quite cool," he said. He rattled off a bunch: "Wielding a baseball bat, for example, or a golf club, tennis racket or anything like that or in a fighting game or a first-person shooter or Spider-Man casting a web or Tony Hawk trying to manipulate a skateboard." Bala said the controller could offer a great variety of distinct context-sensitive controls as a game demands them. A player in a role-playing game who needs to cast a spell at one moment could suddenly use the controller as a magic wand, for example. Better yet, players could design their own gestures to trigger different spells. "What we hope to do is unlock some creative potential in the user so they can start defining their own moves," he said. Nintendo had offered THQ and Activision as examples of non-Japanese developers who are already exploring the system's possibilities. The company also pointed to "Splinter Cell" and "King Kong" publisher Ubisoft, whose spokesperson, David Hawk, said, "We have some wonderful ideas for the console and plan to support Nintendo's latest offering, with more details to follow at a future date." And what of EA, the largest of the Western third-parties? "Although we are excited about the gameplay possibilities that it introduces, it is a bit too early for us to give specifics on how the new controller will influence the development of our games," EA spokesperson Tammy Schachter said. Nintendo Executive VP of Sales and Marketing Reggie Fils-Aime offered his own EA insight. "I've heard some of the reaction of the EA sports guys, and they're the ones that are off the hook with what you can do with a two-controller setup." He anticipates that many developers, jazzed by demos like the ones offered in New York, will offer enough support to produce a satisfying array of titles by the time the system hits stores in 2006. That will only happen, though, as long as the bean counters at those companies will allow it — a challenge complicated by Nintendo's sometimes strained relationship with third-party developers, who tend to throw more support to Microsoft and Sony's consoles. "For them, what's important is our launch lineup," said Fils-Aime. "What's important is a very strong first six months out of the gate, and, frankly, some conversations and arm-twisting and encouragement to do unique titles that leverage the controller." And what will Nintendo offer to lead the charge? The company isn't saying. When asked how the Revolution might work with a "Mario" game, a room full of Nintendo employees demoing the system for MTV News suddenly got very tight-lipped.
Str Δημοσ. 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 ta lefta mou, 150 euros, ego ta exo stin akri pleon... kai tha ksodeftoun mono gia 1 pragma...
panther_512 Δημοσ. 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Μπά, μου φαίνεται λίγο δύσκολο να πάει παραπάνω η τιμή του.
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Nintendo patents in displacement mapping discovered Patent-surfing is the latest trend when trying to find out what console manufacturers are up to—some patents (and trademarks) give away a lot of information, but others are just red herrings or reveal little about the future. While Nintendo have been cagey about releasing the specifications for the Revolution, an eagle-eyed blogger from Germany has uncovered a patent that may tell us more about its graphical capabilities. Nintendo have filed two patents relating to displacement mapping, a technique for rendering detailed surfaces while keeping the polygon count low. One involves specialist hardware for vector operations, optimising the graphics hardware so that displacement mapping is computed efficiently; the other relates to reducing the strain on the CPU caused by rendering a 3D world in 2D. Itʼs fairly likely that the Revolution will adopt this technology to some extent—an industry insider commented, when questioned, that advances in graphics technology, especially optimisations, are to be expected for the next generation and are “interesting, but not revolutionary”.
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Revolution controller is “inspirational” We love hearing developers talk about the Revolution controller. Fresh from his own hands-on private time with the controller, MTV Newsʼ Stephen Totilo lets us know what some industry types are dreaming about: * Donʼt worry about developers running out of ideas; THQʼs Jack Sorenson says, ”Thereʼs almost too much that people can think of, which is a sign that itʼs inspirational.” * Vicarious Visionsʼ Guha Bala warns some control schemes will ”be like patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time,” while allowing “there are a number of things you can imagine that a Revolution controller [could do] that would be quite cool.” * Ubisoft spokeman David Hawk said,”We have some wonderful ideas for the console and plan to support Nintendoʼs latest offering.” Unfortunately ideas alone wonʼt get Nintendo anywhere, and man with the plan Reggie Fils-Aime knows that: ”Whatʼs important is a very strong first six months out of the gate.” Inspiration aside, developers are going to look to Nintendoʼs own first-party titles to lead the way and create a new language of gameplay they can adopt in their own titles; however, if Nintendo hopes to surpass the Gamecube, third-party support must grow. First six months.
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Reasons Why The Nintendo ON Or Similar Technology Could Be Real (Also Includes Crazy Conspiracy Finds): 1. Pablo Belmonte did three known interviews. In his first interview he claimed that it took him two weeks to make the ON video. In his second interview he claimed it took him one week to create the ON video and in his third interview with 1up he claimed it took him 5 days to recreate the ON video. 2. He claimed that it originally took him four weeks to create the ON video but that he lost everything in a hard drive crash however he was able to save the famous castle scene of all things. If you have a hard drive crash how could you save part of it but not the other parts? Doesnʼt make sense to me. Especially since the part claimed to be saved is the coolest part of the entire video. 3.The Quotes: “I think maybe if I could do anything, I would make it so you donʼt have to sit in front of a TV and play. If you could have a machine that you just plugged in and played inside a virtual world that - would be just great.” -Miyamoto (E3 2005) “We invented the current way a console is played - in front of a television and holding a controller - but maybe that image will change.” -Satoru Iwata (Around E3 2005) In the future, what do you think video games will be like? “Itʼs convenient to make games that are played on TVs. But I always wanted to have a custom-sized screen that wasnʼt the typical four-cornered cathode-ray-tube TV. Iʼve always thought that games would eventually break free of the confines of a TV screen to fill an entire room. But I would rather not say anything more about that.” -Miyamoto (After TGS 2005) 4. The controller is designed to manipulate 3D space and would work amazingly with a 3D Visor. 5. If you turn up the volume very loud during the part where all the castles are zooming by it sounds like they repeatedly say: Reggie… Nin-ten-do Reggie… Nin-ten-do Reggie… Nin-ten-do Reggie… Nin-ten-do ETC! This has been talked about by many people and it sounds like a robotic voice. I listened to it myself and yes it does really sound like itʼs say that. Pretty clear if you turn it up as loud as you can. 6. Throughout the video there are several strange reflections that look like the console shown at E3. 7. I personally canʼt see how it is possible to recreate the entire Mario castle scene so perfectly and many many times. One person emailed me saying that they could have pulled the graphics out of the rom set, however, how could they also anime it so well like the moving flag and also since the music with it perfectly? Itʼs just to perfect and even if they could take some stuff out of the rom itʼs obvious that the graphics engine would not be running in the art program. 8. Not really big proof but the Nintendo ON logo is the exact same on logo on the console shown at E3 and the Freehand Style controller. Yes the ON logo is a standard on logo for any appliance but I never seen it used on a console before. 9. They have not unveiled the final name of the console yet or shown any games yet. Why? They could have shown at the very least a few tech demos. UNLESS it would give away all the secrets which could be a new way to view the game. A 3D Visor perhaps? 10. There was a second Nintendo ON video which was only 11 seconds long. It was shown on May 19th which was the very same day Nintendo showed off their console. The design was very similar to the ON video made by Pablo Belmonte and it showed other sides of the ON not previously shown which would indicate that it had to be done by Pablo Belmonte. I canʼt see someone else being able to completely mimick the same design as Pablo Belmonte. Especially in only hours from the Revolutionʼs unveiling at E3. 11. The Nintendo ON video was released on May 12th which was the same day that the Xbox 360 was unveiled on MTV. 12. Pablo Belmonte made quite a splash with his ON video and yet Nintendo never offered him a job. Unless he already works for Nintendo and that could be how he got all the high resolution renders for the video. Perhaps he works for Nintendo and was given the task to create the ON video. 13. He calls him sell Psyco3leR Why is the P and the R captialized? “Public Relations” perhaps? 14. The music for the entire ON video was extremely well done. Is Pablo also a music expert? He was able to combine unique Mario tunes with some of the music featured in the movie “The Rundown” starring The Rock. However I never heard of some of the music variations before and it was combined together very professionally. 15. In the ON video it shows the ON next to a GameCube and a square box with arrows pointing to the ON video. The square box looks very similar in design to the Revolution. Could this be some kind of a hint? Could the GameCube be signifying backwards compatability? Could the box with a ? on it be similar to this theory? 16. Software developers have not yet seen final software development kits and some smaller developers have been turned down. Most likely to hide whatever big secrets Nintendo has. 17. “When you see the Revolutionʼs graphics you will saw Wow” -Iwata. Well considering the specs are vastly underpowered and Nintendo even said that they donʼt care about having the best graphics why would the president of Nintendo make such a statement? Well if theres a new way to view the game like a 3D Visor that could be why he said that. 18. If there wasnʼt something super big in the works then why is the console taking so long in development? It is not scheduled to come out until late 2006. Nintendo said sometime in 2006 but face it, the are not going to fully unveil and start marketing it until E3 in May and they are going to want to put a few months of advertising in so that people will learn about it before Nintendo releases it. Also developers said they were told it would be released around Thanksgiving. Why so long? The specs are low and it looks like a very simple system and the games have been in development for quite a while now or at least they should be. The games for the Xbox 360 where in development for less then a year before coming out. So whats taking the Big N so long? A 3D Visor perhaps? 19. I have spoke with several art designers who claim that there is no way the ON could have been in the short amount of time Pablo Belmonte claimed so. 20. This is kind of a weird one but a while back I was on a site who hosts thousands of commercials one of the commercials was Pabloʼs Majoraʼs Mask commercial which was listed as a Japanese promo for the game. Japanese often times use CG for commercials. Could this have just been a simple mistake? Or did Pablo take the video from that site and claim it to be his work? Doubtful but you never know. 21. On May 9th last year a site appeared on the site it played the ON music in the background and has some weird numbers on it. The site soon disapeared and now takes you to another site. Anyhow the site was made days before the ON appeared and is still registered to end on May 9th of 2006. The same day the Revolutio will be truly unveiled. Kind of strange. 22. The share quality of all the special effects and animation in the video is just crazy. So many tiny details and some I hard to imagine someone easily rendering. For example in some parts of the video where the camera pans around the ON you can see through the vents in the base of the ON. Thats pretty weird actually. If it was just a simple render then this would not be the case. You can also see between the Brain and the Visor that lays on top of it. Amazingly high quality CG if thats all it is. 23. In the beginning where they show the N64 and Mario 64 during the part where they are going through the systems they show what appears to be an early beta version of Mario 64. I have never seen videos on the internet from an earlier version of Mario 64. I tried to find some and couldnʼt find anything. How would he have gotten them and surely he wouldnʼt have used beta footage thats hard to find over regular release version footage. 24. At E3 Nintendo said that you will be able to make small loki style games on the Revolution. In the ON video it says “Make Games”. 25. At E3 Reggie said “Let your right brain run wild” and in the ON video the base is called the Brain. 26. In the ON video it shows that the Brain can hook up to a TV or a Monitor. If this video was suppose to have been made weeks before E3 then how would Pablo know the Revolution could hook up to a monitor when that feature wasnʼt unveiled until about a week before E3 in an IGN interview? 27. Strange logo appeared on one of the Nintendo webcams during E3. Just simply saying “ON” and then “Nintendo” on the right of it. 28. Both the ON and the Revolution shown at E3 has a Auto Loading DVD slot. 29. The original slogan for Revolution was “Touching is good but feeling is better” which in the ON video it says “Feel Games”. 30. The site appears to go through a masking site so you really canʼt see who owns the site. At least I canʼt find the original owner. The UK ON site is no longer around. 31. Even before the ON video was released rumors ran crazy with the existence of a 3D Visor. Many blogs surfaced claiming to have inside information regarding the Revolutionʼs unknown secrets. One of the more convincing of blogs is by a guy that goes by the name of N5_DEV and his blog can be found here. Before TGS where the Freehand Style controller was unvieled: I asked N5_DEV some questions: First I asked: How do you control that game itself? With 2 controllers : one in each hand. They are motion sensitive. You can use one to aim someone in a FPS for example. You can simply walk in the game by using one of the pressure sensitive buttons. I asked: When can we expect the Visor to be fully unveiled? TGS? He said: The main part, but probably not the whole thing, will be detailed during the TGS. Could he be talking about the controller being a part of the Visor? I ask: How powerful is the console compared to the Xbox 360 and PS3? He says: You cannot compare these systems because revolution uses a totally different way for graphics. But if you compare grahics and not hardware, Revolution is by far the most powerful. He seems to be hinting that the Revolution is underpowered but that you will still be amazed because of the way the graphics are displayed. So far everything he says has accurately described the the controller. HOWEVER he could have been hinting at a controller design similar to this which seems to also accurately fit his cryptic hints. 32. What is stopping the Nintendo ON from simply being an addon to the console? What if Nintendo released a standard $200 package which included the console shown at E3, the Freehand Style controller with Numbchuck attachement and perhaps one NES, SNES, N64 game of your choice for download? Then as an addon feature you could purchase the ON for an additional $200-300. Perhaps thats what the ON video was trying to show then they showed the Brain next to a square box with a ? on it. Nintendo really might try to market both products. It would cater perfectly to the casual gamer who may not want the Visor functionality and yet give the hardcore gamer the chance to use the 3D Visor to furthermore enhance their gaming experience. So if the Visor idea failed a second time it wouldnʼt kill the Revolution as it was only an addon. Nintendo said that there will be a lot of addons for the Revolution and considering they invested quite a bit of money researching wireless and WiFi technology and said that the Revolution will support WiFi out of the box you canʼt help but wonder why this couldnʼt work with the ON? The Xbox 360 and the PS3 wonʼt even support WiFi. You have to buy an adaptor for them and the Xbox 360ʼs adaptor is $100 for a part that probably costs them $1 to make. Again N5_Dev claimed that the ON was an addon. 33. The video just ended in the middle of the Mario scene. Most of the other videos Pablo made had at least some sort of ending like his logo. It just cut off in the middle of the audio and video sequence. Almost like it was ripped from something. He claimed that he lost the rest of the video and that is all he could recreate. What was the rush? Why did he feel that he HAD to release it on May 12th? If the original version was 30 minutes long and he was recreating it why did he not redo everything up to the 30 minute mark like the original? Doesnʼt make sense to me. Why the rush? He said he worked on it day and night? Why? 34. In the pic where it shows the Brain, GameCube and the square box with the ? in it could mean that the GameCube stands for backwards compatable with the Brain and the square box could simply stand for the older systems for backwards compatability. 35. Nintendo has never said that a Visor or anything like it was in the works. They simply said the ON was fake. Maybe a different Visor is in the works or maybe the ON has been change and is no longer called the ON. 36. Without HD it might be possible to accomplish the ON videoʼs graphics in HDless resolutions depending on the graphics capability. Miyamoto is known for changing Mario over the years so it is possible that the Mario design in the video is really Miyamotoʼs newer version of Mario. OR it could have simply just been some prerendered stuff to give people an idea since the games are still in very early development when that video was released. 37. Why would Nintendo rent the largest theater if there wasnʼt going to be something big unveiled. Check this theater out. Also there are a few people getting confused because Nintendo used a smaller Kodak theater. Let me clearify that Nintendo has never used this specific theater. This is a big thing for Nintendo. You can see in the older E3 Press videos that their older theaters they used where not even close as luxuriest as the theater they are using next year. Microsoft and Sony has never used such a theater either so I bag the questions “Why Nintendo?” The emmy awards are handed out in this exact theater. I hardly doubt itʼs going to be used to show a few more details for the Revolution and thats it unless they really do have something major in the works. I donʼt consider Displacement Mapping, Cube Mapping, Nurbs, price for console, backwards compatability, or a small extra controller functionality a big secret and I highly doubt they would not only use the Kodak theater to unveil it. Specially considering they are already advertising about E3 to major press members. 38. It has been reported that the console shown at E3 was hollow and had nothing in it. Also the front slot would not open as if it was glued there. Of course this was a simple prototype design but still a bit strange none the less. 39. Where is Pablo Belmonte these days? He has no website, doesnʼt even say anything online that I am aware of and he doesnʼt seem to be working on anymore videos. Supposely he made this video as it has his logo on it as well as is in Spanish but for some reason it doesnʼt seem to fit his style. Why did he call it Nintendo ON V.2? Kind of weird. 40. Kind of a strange thing happend. A while back I emailed Emagin asking if they where partnered with SeriousGamer007. This was when SeriousGamer007 was really pushing that he was working with Emagin. I got a responce back FROM SeriousGamer007 saying yes he was. Did Emagin forward my email to SeriousGamer007? Kind of strange that they would do that and it would also show they donʼt read through peoples emails. I think I still have the email if anyone requires proof. 41. OK many of you may or may not remember the phone call with Bruce. It was a 1 minute video that was supposely a conversation with a guy who works for Emgain which is a company who makes 3D Visors and according to the guy Nintendo is indeed working with them. A lot of people claim this phone call at the least to be real. You can listen to it here. 42. This is kind of a strange one. About 5 minutes and 16 seconds into the video on the part that goes over you head you can see two small black dots. It looks like it perhaps connects to the Brain for maybe recharging the batteries. Would Pablo Belmonte go that far into detail for just a small fan video? 43. Another strange quote: Well, the concept of a home system today is defined as hardware that you tether to a box, and you are tethered to it via a controller; we think thatʼs an old paradigm. We think that the consumer wants something much more innovative than that. Coupled with the concept of strong community and immersion into the gameplay, we think thatʼs what we need to deliver on from a consumer proposition standpoint. -Reggie Fils-Aime (Around E3 2005) This is a weird quote. I really donʼt know what to think of this one. It would explain the theory of the ON attachement and the theory of there being several parts to the system (Base Unit, Visor, Controller, Possibly a Memory Module). Either way you look at it, itʼs just a very strange quote that seems not to make much sense as well so far we are seeing that standard system with controller and TV yet Nintendo is saying that image might change. They keep on pushing out those hints. 44. This is a cool video I just found thats about the ON. Donʼt know who made it and I am almost sure itʼs fan made but I still like it. Check it out here. Also this video from a GIC in August was pretty weird as well. Though it doesnʼt answer the secrets to the Revolution. 45. This is kind of a strange one. About 5 minutes and 16 seconds into the video on the part that goes over you head you can see two small black dots. It looks like it perhaps connects to the Brain for maybe recharging the batteries. Would Pablo Belmonte go that far into detail for just a small fan video? As you can see there is enough information to fuel the ON/Visor rumors for a lot longer. There has been nothing that completely debunks the possibility of a Visor ever being in development. Half of what Nintendo says hints at a Visor with all their crazy quotes and half of Nintendo seems to be targeting a totally different stragedy. So what do I believe? In the end I would have to say that I do not believe that the ON or anything like it is coming for the Revolution for all of the reasons I stated in the first post. That said I still canʼt confirm this 100% and there really are a lot of crazy stuff that supports the ON/Visor theory. I donʼt care who you are you can not say with 100% certainy that a Visor is not coming. Nintendo isnʼt talking and has hardly revealed anything yet. I do think something big is in the works and I do think it has something to do with viewing the game but what exactly I just donʼt know. Something is strange. Nintendo is to calm. Though the GameCube made them money their home consoles have sold horribly and now Nintendo is as calm as ever. They know they have something big that will change gaming forever. They show no signs of fear or worry. Would the Freehand Style controller alone be enough to conquer the next gen game consoles?
orionas Δημοσ. 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Nintendo has been frequently questioned about the power of the Revolution, and reply to these, Nintendo came out with this statement. Our competitors would have you believe that the next generation of gaming will be solely defined by high definition graphics. High definition graphics look fantastic, but come at a price. To shine, high definition games must be played on high definition televisions, which aren't cheap. Games with high definition graphics are expensive to develop because they must be developed in both standard and high definition formats. Those development costs are passed on to you in the form of more expensive software. Finally, playing games with high definition graphics requires a system with loads of RAM and costly high-end graphics chips, both of which make it prohibitively expensive for most consumers. Sharper graphics are certainly part of the next generation. We know that games for the Revolution will look brilliant whether played on a standard television or on a high definition television. However, is that all there is to next-generation gaming? We feel that sharper graphics should be combined with a new way to interface with the game itself. Our controller is a sharp departure from the current standard, to be sure, but it will provide a level of interactivity you can't get currently. We believe in providing a single system that can play not only the previous generation's titles, but also games from a massive library built over 20 years of creating innovative and exciting games. We also believe in providing a complete wireless online experience right out of the box. Nintendo has created a gaming system that is sleek and compact in size, powers up quickly with minimal load times, makes game development easy and fast, is easy to use, and is affordable for everyone. We are confident that gamers and non-gamers alike will support the truly next-generation experience only Nintendo can provide. Once you have a chance to play games on the Revolution, we think you'll agree! Nintendo of America
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