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The Official Nintendo Wii topic {8 Δεκεμβρίου κυκλοφορία σε Ευρώπη/250?}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Συμφωνώ με αυτά που λές, αλλά όλοι οι devs αναφέρουν ότι η υπολογιστική ισχύς του Revo φτάνει και περισσεύει εφόσον τα παιχνίδια δεν θα είναι high-def.


Και η διαφορά στις αναλύσεις είναι τεράστια. Μιλάμε για ένα συντελεστή 3. 3 φορές περισσότερα pixels στην HD-TV. Δεν είναι λίγο πράγμα.


Όσο για τη CPU και τη GPU, πιστεύω ότι δεν αποτελούν απλώς υπερ-χρονισμένες version αυτών του Gamecube. Σίγουρα θα υπάρχει υποστήριξη των νέων τεχνολογιών στα γραφικά. Ούτως ή άλλως μιλάμε για 5 χρόνια διαφορά μεταξύ των 2 κονσόλων και η τεχνολογία πετάει, ενώ τα κόστα παραγωγής πέφτουν συνεχώς.

Σύγκρινε απόδοση μιάς κάρτας γραφικών πρίν 5 χρόνια με μιά κάρτα ίδιας τιμής που βγήκε σήμερα. Η διαφορά είναι τεράστια, ενώ η αρχιτεκτονική τους μπορεί να μή διαφέρει και πολύ.


Πάντως αυτό το PPE που λέγαν όλοι ότι θα είχε μέσα του το Revo άραγε πού πήγε???

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Nintendo discusses Revolution at UBS conference


Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America CMO, spoke to an audience of investors at a recent UBS conference. The Reginator discussed Nintendoʼs strategy of marketing their next-gen console to more casual gamers. Here were some key points covered in his presentation:


* Iwata was quoted in the presentation as saying: “If we cannot expand the market, all we can do is wait for the industry to slowly die.”

* Nintendogs has sold nearly one million copies in the US alone, more than half of the buyers were said to be female.

* The presentation featured the following comment by publisher, EA in regards to the Revolution: ”Itʼs a brilliant controller, and as usual we can credit Nintendo with being innovative and neat and fresh and fun. They continue to pioneer in our industry…they make some of the best games in the industry…and we look forward to partnering with them.”

* According to Nintendo, the DS is outselling the PSP in both Japan and the U.S., with total sales of the systems reaching around 6 million for DS, versus 4.26 million for the PSP.


It appears that Nintendoʼs Blue Ocean strategy is working in the portable market. Do you think the low-tech, game innovating DS is the precedent for Nintendoʼs upcoming console strategy?



....όλοι οι devs αναφέρουν ότι η υπολογιστική ισχύς του Revo φτάνει και περισσεύει εφόσον τα παιχνίδια δεν θα είναι high-def...


Η παγίδα σε αυτές τις δηλώσεις είναι οτι η ισχύς του revo φθάνει και περισσεύει

όπως λές, αλλά για τα games που έχουν σκοπό να φτιάξουν για την κονσόλα...

Δεν έχω δεί (και ούτε πρόκειται κατα τη γνώμη μου) κανέναν dev να λεει πως

π.χ. το unreal 2080 :) θα βγεί στο Revo και η μόνη διαφορά σε σχέση με τα

360/PS3 θα είναι οτι θα τρέχει σε 640x480 αντί για hi-def...


Μην παρεξιγήσεις τα λεγόμενά μου, δεν λέω οτι τα γραφικά είναι πάνω απο όλα.

H nintendo είναι κυρίαρχος στα games σε άλλους τομεις όπως ατμόσφαιρα

και gameplay, όμως στο τεχνολογικό κομμάτι σε αυτή τη γεννιά είναι πολύ πίσω

και δεν νομίζω πως πρέπει καν να μπαίνουμε σε συγκρίσεις σε αυτό το θέμα...


Viva La Revolution ;)


Δεν μπορώ να διαφωνίσω σε αυτά που λές.


Το μόνο που μένει είναι να δούμε με τα μάτια μας επιτέλους καμιά screenshot από παιχνίδια για το Revo.


Άντε να δούμε γιατί μέχρι τον Μάιο έχει πολύ καιρό ακόμα...


........Anyway, people are really getting hooked on the whole idea that Revolution is 1.5x GameCube, or slightly better than Xbox, etc. Okay, I can understand the concern: we're talking about a system that will potentially have 25% the main RAM as a system like Xbox 360 or PS3. It's going to have some graphical drawbacks. But, at the same time, developers don't have a chipset in their hands yet. Until they do, you can't start talking about who kind of specific tricks IBM, ATI, and Nintendo have hardwired in there. It's unlikely that ATI has worked with Nintendo for years to create the exact same chipset as GameCube, only with a little more clockspeed. No, it's likely there will be some of the latest shader tricks, etc........




θεωρητικά πάντα το xbox είναι ανώτερη κονσόλα απο το gamecube αλλά παιχνίδι στα γραφικά του resident evil 4 δεν είδα ακόμα και παιχνίδια ίδια ακριβώς soul calibur 2 ας πούμε σε xbox & cube το προτιμούσα στο cube φαινόταν καλύτερο...

βέβαια για revo και xbox360 φαίνονται τεράστιες διαφορές αλλά το θέμα είναι αν θα μπορούν όντως να το εκμεταλευτούν οι developers


Μα δεν τίθεται θέμα σύγκρισης μεταξύ Revo και XBOX360 ή PS3. Η υποδύναμη των δεύτερων είναι κλάσης ανώτερη του Revo.


Από τα XBOX360 και PS3 περιμένουμε γραφικά που θα μας αφήνουν με το στόμα ανοιχτό.

Από το Revo περιμένουμε ίσως το μέλλον στο video-gaming.


apoti katalabainw o cpu tou revo thanai xronismenos girw sto 1,5ghz.katholou asximo,k proswpika me afinei arketa ikanopoiimeno.tis ati o gpu itan eidi poli dinatos apto cube opote an ton auksisoun alles 2,5 fores thanai poli dinatos k autos.

k kati allo.file deus to resident evil 4 an i capcom to bgaze exontas to miallo tis apoklistika sto cube tha bgaine poli ma poli kalitero.san grafika den me entipwsiase katholou.exontas dei paixnidia sto cube-apokleistikotites-exw peistei oti ti mporei na bgalei.file mou to starfox se grafika itan kati to monadiko.gia mena to starfox-ninja gaiden-shenmue(dc)-mgs2(ps2) itan ta kalitera deigmata tis "128bit" genias


Hollywood Information


One of the two sources who gave us information on IBM's "Broadway" processor today gave us information on the "Hollywood" GPU from ATi. Details inside.


The source provided the following information under conditions of anonymity, as well as some other general Revolution statements:


- "Hollywood" is based on ATi's RV530 GPU

- The GPU has been optimised significantly (more on that below)

- The graphics are not as bad as IGN might make them sound

- The Revolution's RAM, whilst being around 128MB, is highly optimised


Here are the specs for the RV530, thanks to Anandtech:




600MHz Core Clock

1400MHz Memory Clock

512MB Maximum Memory for "XT"

256MB Maximum Memory for "Pro"

128-bit Memory

12 Pipelines

Maximum 16x32MB 1.4ns GDDR3


High Optimisation


The source described the Revolution's optimisation like this:


Although he acknowledged that Revolution will not be as powerful as 360 or PS3, he said that the optimisation level of Revolution is similar to that of the GameCube: although it did not have the highest hardware specification, it managed to churn out the best graphics in titles such as Resident Evil 4.




The RAM is 1T-SRAM, as previously reported. The source mentioned some optimisation of the RAM but did not clarify.


We remind you that this source is very trustworthy: the information that we broke exclusively on IBM's "Broadway" is now mirrored in the comments of various developers to IGN.




de toxei thapsei poli to ign mwre.........elate twra......"it managed to churn out the best graphics in titles such as Resident Evil 4".pou to dan auto twra telospantwn...me tis wraies mpares kiolas.anyway.kalo fainetai to revo sta texnika xaraktiristika tou.tha deiksei twra.o gpu tha mporouse na tan poli kaliteros


Ναί, συμφωνώ ότι ο GPU θα μπορούσε να ήταν καλύτερος, πάρα ταύτα όμως είναι εξαιρετικά δυνατός, αν αναλογιστούμε κιόλας ότι θα παίζει παιχνίδια μόνο σε 640Χ480. Και καθώς είναι τελευταίας γενιάς, έχει μέσα του όλα τα ωραία οπτικά καλούδια. Το κακό είναι η 128-μπιτη μνήμη, αλλά και πάλι η απόδοσή της είναι πάρα πολύ καλή.


Η κάρτα αυτή στα PC βαράει από 50-80fps στα τελευταία παιχνίδια που έχουν βγεί, σε αναλύσεις 1024Χ768 και πάνω, με full detail και AA.


Οπότε, μιά high optimized version της στο Revo πιστεύω θα κάνει θαύματα.


Για Benchmarks τσεκάρετε παρακάτω:




Nintendo's Official Stance

What does the Big N have to say about Revolution's tech specs?


Our competitors would have you believe that the next generation of gaming will be solely defined by high definition graphics. High definition graphics look fantastic, but come at a price. To shine, high definition games must be played on high definition televisions, which aren't cheap. Games with high definition graphics are expensive to develop because they must be developed in both standard and high definition formats. Those development costs are passed on to you in the form of more expensive software. Finally, playing games with high definition graphics requires a system with loads of RAM and costly high-end graphics chips, both of which make it prohibitively expensive for most consumers.


Sharper graphics are certainly part of the next generation. We know that games for the Revolution will look brilliant whether played on a standard television or on a high definition television. However, is that all there is to next-generation gaming? We feel that sharper graphics should be combined with a new way to interface with the game itself. Our controller is a sharp departure from the current standard, to be sure, but it will provide a level of interactivity you can't get currently.


We believe in providing a single system that can play not only the previous generation's titles, but also games from a massive library built over 20 years of creating innovative and exciting games. We also believe in providing a complete wireless online experience right out of the box.


Nintendo has created a gaming system that is sleek and compact in size, powers up quickly with minimal load times, makes game development easy and fast, is easy to use, and is affordable for everyone. We are confident that gamers and non-gamers alike will support the truly next-generation experience only Nintendo can provide. Once you have a chance to play games on the Revolution, we think you'll agree!


Nintendo of America




MTV Goes Hands-On with the Nintendo Revolution Controller


Earlier this week, MTV News went hands-on with the controller for Nintendo's next-generation console, code-named the Nintendo Revolution.


The demonstration, which was held in a hotel located in midtown Manhattan, centered around the demo games utilized back at Tokyo Game Show 2005 to show off the functionality of the Revolution's controller. The demos included using the controller as a fishing pole and steering a plane, as well as a point-and-shoot demo reminiscent of the NES title Duckhunt and a re-worked version of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes for GameCube.


Following the presentation, Nintendo representatives offered a few comments. "I want a Western," Nintendo Head of Localization Bill Trinen said. "I want to stand there and draw my gun." According to MTV News, Trinen also discussed the possibility of the controller for cooking and fitness games as well as two-controller, two-fisted boxing games.


Nintendo of America's Vice President of Sales and Marketing Reggie Fils-Aime was also present at the event. Prior to the start of the demos, he posed a question to the audience: "What I would want to challenge both current gamers as well as new gamers [with] is, 'What do you want in your experience?' Do you really want to see beads of sweat on the player? Or do you want to play games in a whole new way?" Afterwards, Fils-Aime mentioned that with the controller, survival-horror games might have the player using one controller to point the gun and another as a flashlight to scan the scene.


MTV News also mentioned that it would be providing comments from developers who had also received hands-on time with the controller at a later date.




H nintendo akolouthei ton dromo tis microsoft kai diafimizetai sto mtv? :)


EA Wants a Revolution


The unstoppable third party throws its support behind Nintendo's next console.


....................EA has not yet announced any games for Revolution, but the company is in full possession of alpha development kits and is already underway with software for the console. First EA-developed Revolution titles are expected to be unveiled at the Electronics Entertainment Expo 2006, which kicks off next May in Los Angeles.




Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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