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The Official Nintendo Wii topic {8 Δεκεμβρίου κυκλοφορία σε Ευρώπη/250?}


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49 ευρώ απο το Play. Mολις παρήγγειλα το Zelda. Αστους αυτούς να το πουλήσουν όσα θέλουν. Υπάρχει λύση.


Ρε γμτ έχω προβληματιστεί πολύ με αυτό το θέμα...

Θέλω οπωσδήποτε να παίξω το νέο Zelda με το που θα κυκλοφορήσει, πιστεύω θα είναι έπος. Από τη μία σκέφτομαι ότι δεν με παίρνει να τα σκάσω για Wii, αν το πάρω θα πάρω μόνο αυτό και το Zelda, μετά θα κάθεται μέχρι να βρεθεί η ..."άλλη" λύση για τα παιχνίδια. Από την άλλη δεν μου πάει να το παίξω στο Gamecube, νιώθω ότι δεν θα είναι ολοκληρωμένη η εμπειρία με το συμβατικό gamepad. Σκέφτομαι το ενδεχόμενο να το "αγοράσω" τώρα στο κύβο, και μετά από κανα χρόνο που θα τσιμπήσω και το Wii, να κάνω "επανάληψη".Το μυαλό αυτό λέει. Η καρδιά λέει... τσίμπα ένα Wii να γουστάρεις, να βοηθήσεις και τη bigN :)


Eχω κανει ταμείο 'υπερ Wii' και αποταμιεύω λεφτά.:-D

Αστα δεν τα γλιτώνουμε τα 350 ευρώ (ή 300 χωρις ομως 2ο χειριστηριο).

Παντως αποψη μου ειναι οτι θα παιξεις το Zelda στο GC και μετα απο ένα χρονο που θα το πάρεις για το Wii, δε θα χει την ιδια γλύκα! Το παιχνίδι θα το γνωρίζεις ηδη.

Βεβαια αν έχεις προβλημα οικονομικο η αγορά για GC είναι ενδεδειγμένη. Θα δώσεις μονο 45 ευρώ και τελος.


Αν αποφασίσω να το παίξω στο Gc, θα μου έρθει δώρο από "θείο". Ξέρω είναι ιεροσυλία για τέτοιο παιχνίδι, αλλά δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να το αγοράσω για κύβο, άμα είναι θα πάω για full πακέτο Wii.


Τώρα περί ταμείων... Και γω έχω ταμείο, αλλά λέγεται "υπέρ ipod video/microsoft zune", περί τα 300ευρώ. Κοίτα να δεις τι βολικό που είναι το ποσό... Μήπως να κάνω rename το ταμείο σε Wii? Προβλήματα, προβλήματα ... :)


Comments from Michael Ephraim Managing Director of Sony Computer Entertainment Australia



“(speaking of Aussie price point) Nintendo is a great company as far as games development goes, they have been around for a long time, they know how to deliver an entertaining product. My only question for this Christmas on Wii is the price point. Even though itʼs affordable, at $400 plus whatever you need to buy accessories-wise, Iʼm guessing you need to spend about $500 to take home a Wii and enjoy it,”


“(discussing the Wiiʼs unique functions) Iʼve heard good things about it. For this Christmas, I think that price point is still not family entertainment because $500 is a lot to fork out, but we welcome the Nintendo heritage of gaming where they can appeal to a broader audience because long-term that is critical for the industry. What weʼve done on PlayStation 2 with social gaming has broadened the audience and weʼre glad that [Nintendo is] attempting to do similar things to open up the market to families and never-before gamers. Time will tell. For this Christmas I think the price for what it specifically does as a video games machine is a bit pricey,” said Ephraim, continuing by believing that itʼs a long term plan, for which Sony has “great respect for.”


“(on Nintendo DS) The DS really appeals to a lot younger, very female skewed [audience], and the DS has done a fabulous job. PSP is a product that if you go back to the analogy of PlayStation and PlayStation 2, they are leaders in their field as far as the consumer offering. Price points, perceptions, or consumers coming to grips with what the device truly offers and the value that it offers, does take time.”



Eksartatei ti orizeis ws "next-gen"...
next gen orizw mia konsola pou prosferei paixnidia ta opoia exoun na dwsoun kati poly parapanw apo thn prohgoumenh genia opws thn physikh kinhsh twn montelwn, thn alh8ofanh anaparstash topiwn, ta physics ton antikeime3nwn... mesa se ola yta kapou briskete kai o tropos xeirismou tou ekastote paixnidiou.


Kai mia parathrhsh to gameplay den einai mono to meso xeirismou enws paixnidiou ;)

next gen orizw mia konsola pou prosferei paixnidia ta opoia exoun na dwsoun kati poly parapanw apo thn prohgoumenh genia opws thn physikh kinhsh twn montelwn, thn alh8ofanh anaparstash topiwn, ta physics ton antikeime3nwn... mesa se ola yta kapou briskete kai o tropos xeirismou tou ekastote paixnidiou.


Kai mia parathrhsh to gameplay den einai mono to meso xeirismou enws paixnidiou ;)


E, όλα αυτά τα περιλαμβάνει το Wii.


Μόνο στα γραφικά δεν φτάνει τα επίπεδα των άλλων κονσόλων.


Να περιμένεις τα ίδια όσον αφορά AI, destructable environments, physics etc etc.


Παράδειγμα έχουμε το COD3. Ακριβώς ίδιο με το XBOX360, με μόνη διαφορά τον κατά πολύ καλύτερο χειρισμό και τα κατά πολύ κατώτερα γραφικά.


Εφφέ, AI, environments, enemy counts etc etc είναι ακριβώς τα ίδια.

E, όλα αυτά τα περιλαμβάνει το Wii.


Μόνο στα γραφικά δεν φτάνει τα επίπεδα των άλλων κονσόλων.


Να περιμένεις τα ίδια όσον αφορά AI, destructable environments, physics etc etc.


Παράδειγμα έχουμε το COD3. Ακριβώς ίδιο με το XBOX360, με μόνη διαφορά τον κατά πολύ καλύτερο χειρισμό και τα κατά πολύ κατώτερα γραφικά.


Εφφέ, AI, environments, enemy counts etc etc είναι ακριβώς τα ίδια.

fysika den eipa egw oti to wii den 8a einai next gen[" opws epishs to 360 htan h prwth next gen konsola me oti ayto shmasinei... to wii sto lunch 8a einai allh mia next gen konsola"], aplws ysterei se ena xarakthristiko kai yperterei(?) se ena allo, (alllh koubenta kata poso pali h N ekane la8os epilogh se hardware) to poso shmantiko einai to ena kai to allo 8a kri8ei sto telos.
fysika den eipa egw oti to wii den 8a einai next gen[" opws epishs to 360 htan h prwth next gen konsola me oti ayto shmasinei... to wii sto lunch 8a einai allh mia next gen konsola"], aplws ysterei se ena xarakthristiko kai yperterei(?) se ena allo, (alllh koubenta kata poso pali h N ekane la8os epilogh se hardware) to poso shmantiko einai to ena kai to allo 8a kri8ei sto telos.


Σε αυτό συμφωνώ απολύτως.


Αν και τρελός Wii fan, περιμένω να δώ τα πραγματικά γεγονότα για να σιγουρευτώ για τη κονσόλα.....








Wii Sensor Bar Hates the Sun?

Nintendo responds to rumors that direct sunlight can interfere with the reliability of the Wii sensor bar.


Nintendo's new Wii console utilizes a sensor bar -- placed on or near a television -- to translate precise movements from the Wii remote. The sensor bar is not necessary for every Wii game, but is integral for titles like first-person shooters, where pixel-perfect aiming accuracy is required.


Bearing all of this in mind, people who plan to play their Wiis in direct sunlight -- perhaps on the beach, in a greenhouse, or maybe on the surface of the moon -- have been in an uproar over recent rumors that suggest the bar's reliability may take a nosedive in direct sunlight.


Although we couldn't possibly care less about this non-issue, we contacted Nintendo of America for some clarification, and the subsidiary downplayed any interference problems.


"Our testing thus far shows no great risk of light interference when playing a game that relies on the pointer and sensor bar."


In a related story, some Nintendo fans are planning to protest in front of Nintendo of America's Seattle headquarters after learning that Wii discs are, in fact, inedible. More as the story breaks.



Wii Sales: Double PS3


Or so predicts investment firm Wedbush Morgan, anyway. Details here.


In a recently released research brief, investment firm Wedbush Morgan's Michael Pachter predicts that sales of Nintendo's forthcoming Wii console will be double those of Sony's PlayStation 3 system this holiday season.


"We think it is important to note that we expect total U.S. software sales of only $144 million for the PS3 and only $288 million for the Wii, with additional European software sales of $156 million for the Wii in 2006," says Pachter. "These figures are based upon an estimated sell-through of 1.2 million PS3s in the U.S. and a tie ratio of only two (given the likely limited release slate), and sell-through of 2 million Wii hardware units in the U.S. and 1 million in Europe with a tie ratio of three."


Wedbush Morgan's stance on the holiday sales war is realistic. After all, Sony has announced that there will only be 400,000 PS3s available for launch in North America. Nintendo, meanwhile, has stated that that approximately one million Wii systems will be ready for launch when Wii debuts, with another three million coming through December.


lol, basika e3artatai thn eyais8hsia, an milame oti kolaei an exeis phgh fwtos(para8yro) apo pisw sou 8a einai oti xeirotero, twra an milame oti apla den paizei sthn beranta mera meshmeri e enta3, kai to gameboy tote den mporouses na to pai3eis sto skotadi(akrws enoxlhtiko) :(


Nintendo conference has just started in Japan





● Miyamoto has just announced "Health Pack" (code name) for Wii (related to Family Health Check)

● A new cooking guide titled "DS Menu Collection" (similar to cooking Navi) for DS announced, and will have 1000 built-in recipes The new cooking game has a magnet stand so you can put your DS on your fridge while you cook. Magnet stand costs 1200yen. It's also Wi-Fi compatible. No idea what for yet.

● Wii-Experience videos.


● From Next Spring, "Wii Compact Software" will be sold... presumably, these are downloadable games (i.e., no disc or manual).

● 18 Wii games for Japan in 2006

● The plan is similar to DS strategy

● Big Brain Academy for 2007 Spring

● Around 60 Virtual Console games before the end of 2006, including PCE and MD.

● Zelda: Twilight Princess for Gamecube will be sold online only in Japan.


● Wii points Prepaid card

● Wii points Prepaid card 1000 (1000 yen) - 1000 Wii points

● Wii points Prepaid card 3000 (3000 yen) - 3000 Wii points

● Wii points Prepaid card 5000 (5000 yen) - 5000 Wii points (?) + classic Controller

● Power brick 3,000 Yen

●Composite 1,000 Yen

● S-Video 2,500 Yen

● D terminal 2,500 Yen

● Component 2,500 Yen

● 512MB SD 3,800 Yen

● Wired LAN Adapter 2,800 Yen


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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