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IGN's Top Ten Most Talked About Games


Here are the top ten games across all platforms for the week of 10/1/2006 - 10/8/2006:


1. Halo Wars (X360)

2. Assassin's Creed (X360)

3. Gears of War (X360)

4. BioShock (X360)

5. Alan Wake (X360)

6. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

7. Mass Effect (X360)

8. Fable 2 (X360)

9. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (X360)

10. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)



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Rumor: Wii Won't Work in Sunlight


According to these first impressions posted by high-volume Nintendo forums member OMBRENOIR17, the Wii's sensor bar simply didn't work during a Nintendo Wii event in New York when the sun was shining on it. It was reported to work as soon as the sun moved. Also interesting is that the blue lighting on the drive opening doesn't stay lit blue while the console is running, it's simply illuminated when booting up the system, similar to the start and select buttons on the Gameboy Micro. So the answer to the sunlight problem? Keep your gaming den like the dark, wet cave it should be.



Φυσικά και δεν θα λειτουργεί η sensor bar αν πέφτει κατευθείαν πάνω της το φώς του ήλιου.


Εφόσον η sensor bar λειτουργεί με υπέρυθρες, είναι ευνόητο αυτό.


Αν διαβάσουμε καλά το κείμενο, λέει ότι η sensor bar δεν ανταποκρινόταν, όταν ο ήλιος γυάλιζε πάνω της.


Δεν θα έχουμε τέτοια προβλήματα σπίτι μας. Έχουμε και κουρτίνες ;)


Συμφωνω, αλλωστε κανεις μας δεν εχει την τηλεοραση σου απευθειας εκτεθιμενη στον ηλιο, θα ηταν πολυ κουραστικο, οποτε πως θα επηρεαστει η sensor bar?


Το κορυφαιο comnment για αυτη την ειδηση ηταν αυτο:


Written by DepheCt (256) on 2006/10/09


Warning : Wii will NOT work under water.


“Anticipated” Wii launch titles


Wedbush Morgan Securities has released a list of what they believe to be the launch titles for the Wii in the US. There has been no confirmation of launch titles from Nintendo, but WMS created the list by talking to developers/publishers themselves. WMS has also included sales predictions for some titles.


Wii Sports (bundled with hardware) - Nintendo

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Nintendo

Excite Truck - Nintendo

Call of Duty 3 - Activision (200,000)

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance - Activision (200,000)

Rapala Tournament Fishing – Activision (50,000)

Tony Hawkʼs Downhill Jam - Activision (300,000)

World Series of Poker - Activision (50,000)

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 - Atari (200,000)

Trauma Center: Second Opinion - Atlus

Madden NFL 07 - Electronic Arts (500,000)

Need for Speed: Carbon - Electronic Arts (500,000)

Elebits - Konami

The Ant Bully - Midway m (100,000)

The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy- Midway (50,000)

Happy Feet- Midway (100,000)

Rampage: Total Destruction - Midway (50,000)

Avatar: The Last Airbender - THQ (200,000)

The Barnyard - THQ (200,000)

Disneyʼs/Pixarʼs Cars - THQ (300,000)

SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab - THQ (300,000)

Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII - Ubisoft

Far Cry: Vengeance - Ubisoft

GT Pro Series - Ubisoft

Monster 4×4: World Circuit - Ubisoft

Open Season - Ubisoft

Prince of Persia - Ubisoft

Rayman Raving Rabbids - Ubisoft

Red Steel - Ubisoft

Tom Clancyʼs Splinter Cell: Double Agent Ubisoft


Φυσικά, εφόσον τα παιχνίδια είναι region locked, δεν μπορούμε ποτέ να είμαστε σίγουροι αν οι παραπάνω τίτλοι θα είναι διαθέσημοι και για το ευρωπαϊκό λανσάρισμα του Wii.

psiloxalia launch titles :( mono to red steel 8a me odhgouse sthn agora ths




Από πού κι ως πού?


Απλώς δεν έχουμε πολλές πληροφορίες για τα παιχνίδια αυτά.


Εγώ βλέπω στην λίστα αυτή τουλάχιστον 5 system sellers.



Red Steel

Excite truck


COD 3 (το οποίο όλα τα hands-on λένε ότι είναι πολύ πιό διασκεδαστικό από τις άλλες εκδόσεις)


Αυτά για system sellers.


Από κεί και πέρα, τα


Trauma Center

DragonBall Z

Tony Hawk

Need for Speed

Avatar (RPG)

Prince of Persia

Splinter Cell

Μarvel Ultimate Alliance


Δεν σου γεμίζουν το μάτι???



Λίγο ιδιότροπο σε κόβω στο Wii, αν λάβουμε υπόψην τους launch τίτλους του XBOX360....


na sou pw tin alitheia de katalabainw ti kalitero exei to launch tou wii apo auto tou 360.to rayman system seller?apo pote?to excite truck?ok ta alla.need for speed multiplatform k mapa fisika,splinter cell multi,tony hawk(kala mi trelathoume kiolas),avatar de kserw ti einai tha to koitaksw,dragonball,baaaah,prince of persia de kserw ti akribws einai auto.

oso gia to launch tou 360 egw to brika polli kalo pantws.pgr3(hail),cod2(kala akoma prwto sto online),condemned(apisteuto game),kameo(poli kalo adventure) gia mena itan kraxtes k gia allous to perfect dark(egw to sixainomai)


me kalypse o xrest ;)


Λίγο ιδιότροπο σε κόβω στο Wii, αν λάβουμε υπόψην τους launch τίτλους του XBOX360....
opws epishs to 360 htan h prwth next gen konsola me oti ayto shmasinei... to wii sto lunch 8a einai allh mia next gen konsola
na sou pw tin alitheia de katalabainw ti kalitero exei to launch tou wii apo auto tou 360.to rayman system seller?apo pote?to excite truck?ok ta alla.need for speed multiplatform k mapa fisika,splinter cell multi,tony hawk(kala mi trelathoume kiolas),avatar de kserw ti einai tha to koitaksw,dragonball,baaaah,prince of persia de kserw ti akribws einai auto.

oso gia to launch tou 360 egw to brika polli kalo pantws.pgr3(hail),cod2(kala akoma prwto sto online),condemned(apisteuto game),kameo(poli kalo adventure) gia mena itan kraxtes k gia allous to perfect dark(egw to sixainomai)


Το θέμα δεν είναι ποιά είναι τα δικά μας προσωπικά γούστα, αλλά ποιοί τίτλοι από τους παραπάνω μπορούν να παρακινήσουν το κοινό σε αγορά της κονσόλας.


Οι 5 τίτλοι που έγραψα είναι system sellers παιδιά και θα το δείτε και στην πράξη.


Οι υπόλοιποι τίτλοι που έγραψα, με εξαίρεση ορισμένους, έχουν πάρα πολύ θετικά hands-on.


Το τί θεωρείς μάπα εσύ και το τί εγώ, αυτό αποτελεί καθαρά προσωπικές απόψεις και δεν χαρακτηρίζουν τα παιχνίδια τα ίδια.


Το Trauma Center π.χ, το θεωρούσα μάπα στο DS μέχρι που το έπαιξα και κατάλαβα πόσο καταπληκτικό παιχνίδι είναι.


Ας περιμένουμε περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες για τα παιχνίδια και ας μήν βιαζόμαστε.


Για το Red Steel είχαμε απλώς εξαιρετικό feedback από την Ubi καθ'όλη τη διάρκεια του project και γι'αυτό έχουμε ψιλοενθουσιαστεί με το τίτλο.


Αν αυτό γινόταν και για τα άλλα παιχνίδια, οι απόψεις μας θα ήταν διαφορετικές.


Και το κυριότερο από όλα, άθελά μας βλέπουμε τα παιχνίδια αυτά από πλευράς γραφικών και μόνο.


Να σου βάλω να επιλέξεις το COD3 μεταξύ XBOX360 και Wii, θα επιλέξεις το πρώτο, καθαρά λόγω γραφικών και ας λένε όλοι ότι το παιχνίδι παίζει πολύ καλύτερα στο Wii.


Απλώς βιάζεστε.




From NOM UK, official nintendo magazine.


We spent a whole day playing a brand new version of the game.


The most important improvments as far as we're concerned come in the form of vastly improved controls, partly due to the new controllers, which feature extremely accurate pointing devices and refined sensor bars. Mostly though its mainly down to hard work.


Red Steel now plays extremely well.


Destructable environments yada yada, push remote towards the screen to zoom. Gesture to defeated enemies to direct them they are free to go.


With mere months to go, the dev team are determined to keep some aspects of the game secret.


Split screen works very well.


The team couldn't resist showing us the new graphics, red steel team has started to implement some fantastic new effects. Anyone who's watched red steel footage in action should forget what they've seen so far. You'll have to trust us that the new stuff we've seen is truly amazing. We were treated to 3 areas and they all looked stunning. A red steel video has shown some truly unbelievable character animations. The traditional dojo at night, shows that the wii can throw special effects around like there's no tommorrow. There's a lightning storm outside and the rain is pouring down so hard that little rivers are running down the wooden pillars.


They must mean this pic which is not concept art: look at the left hand side of the screen.




It's a little bit like RE4's village area only far more impressive. Meanwhile "waterlogged passages" demonstrates the potential of the wii as far as textures and atmospherego and are (again) reminiscent of RE4. You're exploring a claustrophobic network of passages with water all around you.


Finally in one stage you have to escape a burning dojo and we're not exaggerating when we say it features the best fire effects we've ever seen.


All these effects will be shown off at their finest because the version of the game we played was in true 16:9 widescreen 480p at 60 frames per second. Ubisoft is achieving some amazing things with the wii hardware and we can't imagine how good wii games are going to look in the future if this kind of quality is achievable on a launch game.




Just as we started wondering whether ubisoft had something to hide, we're pleased to report that the developers silence has been worth it, the near finished version of red steel is delivering on all the promises that ubisoft has made since e3. This is going to be a must have for all action fans.

Το Trauma Center π.χ, το θεωρούσα μάπα στο DS μέχρι που το έπαιξα και κατάλαβα πόσο καταπληκτικό παιχνίδι είναι.
an den eixes ds kai briskosoun se ena magazi ki eixes diabasei oti to game einai kalo 8a se ekane mono kai mono ayto na dwseis 150e gia na pareis to ds? Emena oxi pantws en anti8esh to super mario DS 8a me ekane ;)

Για το Red Steel είχαμε απλώς εξαιρετικό feedback από την Ubi καθ'όλη τη διάρκεια του project και γι'αυτό έχουμε ψιλοενθουσιαστεί με το τίτλο.

an plasaristei swsta einai to mono isws mazi me to zelda pou poulane thn konsola

Και το κυριότερο από όλα, άθελά μας βλέπουμε τα παιχνίδια αυτά από πλευράς γραφικών και μόνο.

to mono apo pleyras grafikwn einai ontws la8os, alla den mporeis na 8es na prosfereis to kati kainourio kai na sthrizese se multi platform afou moiraia 3es oti ta grafika poulane


Να σου βάλω να επιλέξεις το COD3 μεταξύ XBOX360 και Wii, θα επιλέξεις το πρώτο, καθαρά λόγω γραφικών και ας λένε όλοι ότι το παιχνίδι παίζει πολύ καλύτερα στο Wii.
egw nai 8a to pairna se 360 kai 8a adiaforousa gia thn Ver tou wii (poso malista na agorasw thn konsola gia to cod3) apo thn stigmh pou exw 360 h 8a eixa thn pro8esh na agorasw 360 h ps3.

oxi panther de biazomai.egw lew auta pouxw dei.allwste ta lefta mas tha pame na skasoume.k fisika to parapanw post mou de antikatroptizei to ti aresei se mena.egw milaw genika.den einai system seller auta ta games opws k na to kanoume.ektos twn red steel k tou zelda.skepsou ta idia games se launch ps3-360.ti tha elegan oloi?

to thema einai oti sto koino tis ninty mporei na aresoun ola auta den antilegw.an tha pane kala opws les k pali de exeis adiko.kses giati omws?giati einai launch.panta se osa launch thimamai ginontai polla preorders eksantlisei tou 80% tou stock k paei leogontas.

oso gia to thema twn grafikwn entaksei toxoume pei polles fores.mporei na paizei kalitera sto wii to cod3,de lew.alla mi to skizoume teleiws k leme oti ta grafika den metrane.i megali isxis enos mixanimatos den einai mono i apeikonisei.boitha stin oso pio realistiki atmosfaira(gia mena einai apo ta kiriotera)alla k sto interactivity tou titlou,se kalitera alithofani animations pou tha boithane k to gameplay klp klp


GT Pro Series Hands-On

Is this the Wii's Gran Turismo? We investigate in our hands-on look at this cel-shaded racer


-Like another Ubisoft racer for the Wii, GT Pro Series will come packed with a wheel accessory that, when assembled, will let you snap your Wii Remote into a center slot and thus hold the Wii controller as you would you car's steering wheel. It doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but it actually feels good, especially when compared against our previous Wii racing games experiences where holding the rectangular Wii controller didn't add that much to the driving experience. Best of all, you'll be able to use this accessory with any future Wii racing game that comes down the pipe.


-As for GT Pro Series, the game is a cel-shaded racing game that's controls and driving model are considerably tighter than that of another Ubisoft Wii racer, Monster Truck 4X4. The cel-shading gives the game a slick look and removes the need for any graphical comparisons to hyper-realistic next-gen racing games such as Forza 2 and Gran Turismo HD


-Steering, as you might expect, is a matter of merely moving the controller left or right as you would steer your own car. In practice, the game is responsive to the controls--and the physics of the car felt nice, without being too punishing.


-Each of the more than 80 licensed cars found in the game, from makers such as Subaru, Toyota, and Honda, can be set up in two different styles--race or drift.


-As for game modes, most of your time in GT Pro Series will likely be spent in the game's championship mode that, like Gran Turismo, is split into a number of different levels. Each level has a number of smaller cups that consist of three or more races; different cups have differing requirements for entry.


-In all, GT Pro Series has a cool look, lots of game modes, and controls that feel good. It's too early (and too optimistic) to say if the game will become the Wii's Gran Turismo series just yet, but we're holding out hope that our favorable early impressions of the game are upheld when the final version is released later this year.




Four-player split-screen racing will be available with the game.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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