panther_512 Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 More Revolution Specs Uncovered Developers come forward to reveal new performance details on Nintendo's next-generation console. December 6, 2005 - Just yesterday IGN Revolution launched with technical details on Nintendo's next-generation console, codenamed Revolution. And today more development sources have come forward with both clarification and even more tech specs. The latest news begins to paint a clearer picture of Nintendo's aim with its next platform. We cannot stress this enough: Revolution is not being positioned as a competitor to either Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3. Nintendo has instead chosen to design a console that will be very affordable for consumers. For that very reason, say developers in the know, the Big N has opted out of filling the system with a massive supply of expensive RAM. In yesterday's article, we wrote that Revolution would include 128MBs of RAM, or possibly less. Developers have clarified the makeup based on officially released Nintendo documentation. Revolution will build on GameCube's configuration of 24MBs 1T-SRAM and 16MBs D-RAM (40MBs) by adding an addition 64MBs of 1T-SRAM. The result is a supply of memory in Revolution that totals 104MBs. That number does not consider either the 512MBs of allegedly accessible (but hardly ideal) Flash RAM or the Hollywood GPU's on-board memory, said to be 3MBs by sources. Revolution's Broadway CPU, developed by IBM, is an extension of the Gekko CPU in GameCube, according to official Nintendo documentation passed to us by software houses. The Hollywood GPU, meanwhile, is believed to be an extension of the Flipper GPU in GameCube. Since developers have not gone hands-on with the GPU, they can only go on Nintendo documentation, which is limited. Exact clock rates were not disclosed, but one development source we spoke to had this to say of the Revolution CPU and GPU: "Basically, take a GameCube, double the clock rate of the CPU and GPU and you're done." We presented that description to another informed studio, which clarified that the clock rates may even fall short of doubling those on GameCube. "The CPU is the same as Gekko with one and a half to two times the performance and improved caching," said a source. "Our guys experimented with it and think they'll be able to get about twice the performance as GameCube." "It's a gamble for the Big N," said another source. "It's not about horsepower for them -- it's about innovation and gameplay." We've also been able to unearth firm details on the storage capacity for Revolution discs. Recent rumors suggesting that the discs can hold 12GBs of data are false. In fact, Revolution discs can store 4.7GBs of data on a single layer or 8.5GBs when double-layered on a single-side. This is a massive jump from the 1.5GB capacity of GameCube discs and more than enough storage capacity for any non-high-definition game. Readers discouraged by Revolution's seeming lack of horsepower when compared to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 should remember that Nintendo is not interested in competing in the high-definition gaming arena, and as a standard-definition console, Revolution is more than capable. Capcom's Resident Evil 4 remains one of the most gorgeous games this generation and it ran on GameCube, a console at least half as powerful according to developer reports. Software houses we spoke with also waxed on the immediate advantage to Nintendo's approach with Revolution, which is, of course, system price.Every developer was in agreement that Revolution should launch with a price tag of $149 or lower. Some speculated that based on the tech, a $99 price point would not be out of the question. Stay tuned for more as it develops.
panther_512 Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Άν τα παραπάνω αληθεύουν, τότε πραγματικά η μεγάλη Ν κατάφερε κυριολεκτικά να ξεφύγει από τον ανταγωνισμό με SONY και M$. Και αν όντως η τιμή είναι $149 ή $99, τότε είναι ανόητο να μή πιστεύει κανείς ότι το Revo θα είναι η πρώτη κονσόλα σε πωλήσεις. Αν όλα τα παραπάνω είναι κοντά στη πραγματικότητα, τότε όπως είχα πεί και σε προηγούμενα posts, η μεγάλη Ν προσπαθεί να βάλει το Revo σε κάθε σπίτι. Και με τέτοια τιμή, είναι παραπάνω από σίγουρο ότι θα το καταφέρει....
Daredevil Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 koita na deis to paixnidi me thn pio dynath konsola to kane tote me to n64 kai den tis bghke, to paixnidi me to inovation nomizw oti ths bghke me to ds, an bgalei kai paixnidakia kala 8a poulhsei kai pera apo thn iapwnia kai ta 8 xrona
panther_512 Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Βασικά ρε Daredevil, λίγο άτυπα τα σχόλιά σου, δεν βρίσκεις? Το innovation όσον αφορά το DS που της βγήκε σε καλό, είναι στις φορητές. Δηλαδή, θέλεις να μας πείς ότι επειδή το "innovation" το χρησιμοποίησε μιά φορά, τώρα που το ξαναδοκιμάζει δέν θα πετύχει??? Και το σχόλιο για τα 8-χρονα πού κολλάει? Αν έβλεπες τα προηγούμενα posts, δεν νομίζω να post-άριζες αυτά που ποστάρισες.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 e den eipa oti den 8a piasei, anti8eta eipa oti 8elei na kinh8ei etsi opws ekane me to ds kai oti mporei kai na petyxei, e giata 8xrona kolaei se olh thn poreia tis n apo to snes mexri twra to 80% twn paixnidiwn ths einai gia xrona koita den lew fovero to lgnd of zelda wind waker alla bare8hka na skotwnw margarites, wraio to mario tennis alla den 8elw na paizw oti nanai me ton mario thn prigkhphsa kai tgon wario.
panther_512 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δεν μπορώ να διαφωνήσω με τις αναδιατυπωμένες απόψεις σου. Πιστεύω όλοι μας ελπίζουμε σε παιχνίδια που να απευθύνονται σε μεγαλύτερο ηλικιακά κοινό. Η Ν δείχνει να κινείται σωστά αυτή τη φορά. Είδομεν
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 ------------------------------ Version 6.2 -- 11.30.2005 ------------------------------ This topic is meant to show you that the Revolution controller will be comfortable, exciting, and work flawlessly. Anyone who has just touched, or used the controller, has only had positive things to say about it. Not a single person who has used it has had any complaints -- they are all just giddy about how great the Revolution will be. Also, many famous game designers, especially ones who create unconventional games, such as Black & White or Civilization, recognize the potential the Revolution has in transforming and changing, or evolving the industry as we know it, and have already stated their praises for the controller. That said, Let's take a look at the people who have used/seen the controller FIRST HAND. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- People Who Have Touched, Used, or Seen the Controller FIRST HAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iwata, Miyamoto, the Reggie-lution, other Nintendo execs and employees: Love it. (why did I include this source? I dunno.) Developers/Programmers of the World: Love it. IGN: Loves it. "It feels very comfortable..." "Whatever games are on Revolution, they are basically guaranteed to provide a totally different experience. And for that, we're beaming with anticipation." Gamespot: Loves it. "The Nintendo DS and the new Revolution controller have shown us that, at the end of the day, Nintendo is still able to dream up some truly unorthodox ideas, as well as make them work in ways players never expected. As such, we'll be anxious to see just what kids of new experiences we'll be playing next year when the console ships." Loves it. "At first, I was standing up and swinging my hand all around to aim - and my arms got really tired really quick. But once I sat down and relaxed, resting my hands on my legs as I would with a normal controller, everything clicked." "...pointing it to aim felt perfectly natural, right from the very first second, just like with a light gun. It always shot exactly where it felt like I was aiming, and was incredibly responsive to even slight wrist movements..." "As odd as it may look holding the two separate controller pieces, one in each hand, looking around felt incredibly natural, even more than my preferred PC-style keyboard-and-mouse setup." Kotaku: Loves it. "I touched the new Nintendo controller that was in Iwata-san's pocket. The presentation really didn't do justice to the controller's sleek goodness. Nintendo's products are getting more and more beautiful." "The new N controller was exceptionally light and felt comfortable to the touch." "Iʼve got some real hopes pinned on this machine - innovative titles, gameplay, you name it. Canʼt wait." Hironobu Sakaguchi: Loves it. Famous For: Final Fantasy, Chrono series, Mana series, Kingdom Hearts'>'>'>'>'>'>'>'> "When I first saw it, I thought 'It's great!' and 'It's just like Nintendo!' It makes you feel like you're actually touching the screen." "When shown such a new concept, software makers are, even as just normal people, left excited." Hideo Kojima: Loves it. Famous For: Metal Gear series, Zone of Enders "If the game creators and the users want to have a great steak for their anniversary, they go maybe to PS3. But if they want great dinner, great steak with their family, a little bit more casual during the weekends, they might select Xbox 360. Or why not have a great steak at your house everyday, they might choose Revolution." Masahiro Sakurai: Optimistic. Famous For: Kirby, Smash Bros., Meteos "I'm sympathetic for Nintendo's stance of reducing hurdles for games. For that reason, I think it's good that the controller buttons have been reduced to just one. A long remote controller shape with just one button. This has impact. The DS, with its touch screen, made games a ways easier to understand." Peter Molyneux: Loves it. Famous For: Black & White, Fable'> "There is a line at the end of the book 'Game Over' and it is: 'Never underestimate Nintendo'" Yuji Naka: Really Loves it. Famous For: Sonic the Hedgehog, Phantasy Star Online "I have seen the Revolution and I think everyone will be very pleasantly surprised, when Nintendo reveals everything." Also note that Nintendo has commented on Yuji Naka liking the controller 'quite a bit', and the fact that there has been a steady flow of 'Yuji Naka's interested in the Revolution' news posts for the past few months. Will Wright: Very Interested. Famous For: Sims series (Sims, SimCity) ""I'm really interested in the Revolution," he said, "to see how the controller works out. That looks pretty cool. It looks very interesting to me. I like the idea of taking the games more outside the box and more into that close-body kind of space."" Ken Sugimori: Loves it. Famous For: Pokémon ""You'll be able to do things with the Revolution that you could never do with consoles before," he says, adding with a laugh, "Personally, it's the kind of hardware where, more than making games, I'd rather play them."" Kouichi Suda: Developing for it and/or Loves it. Famous For: Killer 7 ""In truth, I have yet to get my hands on Revolution," Suda admits, but adds that he expects to get some hands on time shortly. Once he saw the controller at the product announcement, he felt that there was no choice but to make games for it. "I've already finalized a plan. Now, all that remains is to make it." Judging by Suda's comments, we can probably add Grass Hopper to the list of Revolution developers." Toshihiro Nagoshi: Loves it. Famous For: Super Monkey Ball, F-Zero GX ""I was surprised when I saw it, I was surprised when I touched it, and when I played the sample games, I was even more surprised!" Nagoshi states. "I doubt that there's a creator who doesn't get tickled after getting their hands on this. It combines all the elements required to let you enjoy games while feeling that you've become the character."" Yasuhiro Wada: Loves it. Famous For: Harvest Moon "Wada was at first taken back by the controller. He found it to be small and nicely designed, but as a controller, it crossed the bounds of his understanding. Once he got his hands on it, he suddenly got the idea and felt that it would work. This is similar to how he felt with the DS -- the feeling of various ideas appearing one after the other. "As a creator, this is the ultimate toy,"" Takanobu Terada: Pleasantly surprised. Famous For: Super Robot Wars "To be honest, I was expecting the Revolution controller to have an even more unique form, so I was initially disappointed. However, that quickly disappeared. With good use of the expansion terminal, isn't it possible to make, for instance, a versus shooting game without the use of the monitor, where the fight is through the controller alone? I feel that it is a great controller that can inspire many ideas, even aside from videogames." Hiroshi Tanibuchi: Loves it. Tells us we won't understand until we try it ourselves. Famous For: Powerful Pro Baseball "In truth -- and this is just between us -- I was able to get my hands on the controller. The on-screen characters move in accordance with the controller's movements -- it's such a fresh feeling. Although you probably won't understand until you've tried it yourself." "On the topic of Japan's favorite baseball series, he suggests good things for a possible GameCube version: "If we were to make it, we'd want to make a special Power Pro for the Revolution."" Kouichi Ishii: Optimistic. Famous For: Mana Series, Final Fantasy II-V "I believe creators will enjoy making games [with the controller]. However, you'll have to change game design methods from the core. For instance, you'll have to start by looking back at your play as a kid and think of what kinds of things you could do if developing for the Revolution. If you can do this, then surely you will be able to make a completely new form of play, different from current games." Michel Ancel: Really Loves it. Famous For: Rayman, Beyond Good & Evil "I feel just like a child with a new toy, opening millions of new doors of possibilities. More than an improvement, this way of playing is creating a new dimension. It's simple, when Nintendo unveils its hardware, every member of the team starts imagining crazy ideas. It's opening their minds. The fact of adding 3D gestures as the way of communicating with the game is just the perfect kind of innovation that can bring new games to new gamers. To me, it can bring the consoles what the mouse brought to the PC at it time. It's a 3D pointer with rotation information! Now, you're going to handle virtual objects, make recognition signs. It's closer to the way we act in real world, that's why it's going to be mass market. I'm sure that people will go crazy given the ability to interact so easily with virtual worlds. I'm just mad about it!"
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Funcom: Loves it. Famous For: Anarchy Online "...Nintendo proving that "next-gen" doesn't have to be just "this-gen" with more polygons and prettier textures, and for having the guts to try something truly revolutionary with the Revolution. I'm looking forward to the 360 and the PS3 as much as anyone, but I have to admit to a certain degree of "generation fatigue" before the next one's even started." "Seeing the Revolution remote changed all of that, and I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on it. Even if it ends up being a Nintendo-only supported gimmick, it's well worth it. Waving my hand around to make Mario run? I'm so there." Sega: Really Loves it. Famous For: Sonic the Hedgehog, Phantasy Star, Super Monkey Ball "SEGA has announced plans to show strong support for Nintendo's next-gen Revolution console, confirming that classic titles are more than likely to make an appearance on the platform." "It's all about entertainment rather than trying to be controversial or anything like that. It's pure, good old-fashioned entertainment." "We're very excited about the prospects of Revolution" "We're very interested in Revolution at the moment. We obviously haven't made any announcements, but we, like other people, are talking with Nintendo about what Revolution will be, about potential opportunities on Revolution." EA: Really Loves it. Famous For: Madden NFL, FIFA NHL, NBA Live, NASCAR'>'> "Game control is essential - it's the area where perhaps the most game-play improvement can be made" "...I think our sports titles might be the first to immediately take advantage of what this novel 'freehand' type of control has to offer." Radical Entertainment: Loves it. Famous For: Crash Tag Team Racing, Simpsons: Hit & Run'> "[The] Revolution controller = casual gamer paradise. A lot of people are really intimidated by buttons. Console controllers are scary things that make you look dumb if you don't know which button to press. I remember my frustration at switching from Nintendo to Sony and having to look for the Triangle button, Circle button, etc in Parappa the Rapper and it took time and dedication to feel comfortable with the controller. My wife is not a gamer, heck she doesn't even use the TV remote proficiently, preferring to use the numbers instead of the channel up and down keys. I think Nintendo have been watching the people who put down the controller too quickly and the people who play with their tongues out and tilt their controllers to get that extra bit of corning control. Revolution means people can have fun more immediately and we can hook them on that fun without the time and dedication needed to learn how to use a traditional controller." SUN Microsystems: Really Loves it. Famous For: Java, OpenOffice, Solaris "This is why I love Nintendo. Just when people think that innovation is dead and game design/implementation is becoming a barren wasteland, the House of Mario does something so off the wall that people stand up and take notice." Ubisoft: Loves it. Famous For: Beyond Good & Evil, Splinter Cell, Rayman, Prince of Persia, Myst "We're excited about the new controller and are looking forward to taking advantage of its innovative aspects." Activision: Really Loves it. Famous For: Doom 3, Call of Duty, Quake "What we're seeing from this controller is the same thing we saw with Nintendo DS. It's a system that's designed with an eye on enticing new players to the video game industry, and that's something we firmly support." THQ: Really Loves it. Famous For: WWF, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Destroy All Humans "We enthusiastically support Nintendo's next console because we believe their approach of continual innovation is very much in line with our own strategy of creating unique and innovative games for the next generation of hardware." Namco Bandai: Developing for it. Famous For: Tales series, Baten Kaitos, Katamari Damacy, Tekken, Soul Calibur, Gundam, .hack, Dragonball "The soon-to-be-merged companies disclose plans to become third-party publishers for Nintendo's next-generation console." SquareEnix: Loves it. Famous For: Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Chrono Series, Mana series, Romancing SaGa "What increased our interest further is that the next step is already being prepared for Revolution. [Nintendo's networking plan is] not just a portable, not just a console -- it's exactly what we wanted in that it's the birth of a completely new platform." "From here on, we'll have to challenge ourselves with content in response to what Nintendo offers. We would like to give strong support." Koei: Developing for it. Famous For: Dynasty Warriors, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Nobunaga's Ambition "We also have plans for the Xbox 360 and Revolution as well..." "We are committing ourselves to creating new types of games for each of those platforms, so we hope you'll look forward to those." Gearbox: Loves it. Famous For: Half-Life expansions, Halo: Combat Evolved, Brothers in Arms "In an interview with Dutch site, company president of Gearbox Randy Pitchforth stated that the Revolution's controller is "an interesting device", and that Gearbox are "looking forward to making games for it"." TIME: #2 on Things That Will Blow Your Mind,9171,1118338-2,00.html "When it comes to video-game controllers, Nintendo has always been an innovator. Back when Atari and its one-button joystick ruled, Nintendo devised a two-button controller with a directional thumb pad. Then came action-sensitive vibration, wireless connectivity and an analog stick for 360° steering. Now the company hopes to shake things up with a wireless controller for next year's Revolution console that will allow players to apply real-world physical experience to games." It's #2 on "Things That Will Blow Your Mind", right underneath a new airliner. What more do you want? Edge Magazine: Really loves it. "According to the magazine, the controller is "unthreatening and uncomplicated," and "begs to be picked up." Continuing on, it "makes you feel like a magician, becoming so settled in your hand there might as well be nothing there."" "there's a soft, rubbery finish on both [the crook in the underside and the main action button]...meaning although the handset looks hard, sharp-edged, and slippery, the sensation of holding it is effortless." "there's no immediate reason to believe that playing with Revolution will need any more playing with a mouse: rest your arm on your knee or sofa arm, and direct the action with gentle tilts and turns." "the controller isn't a clumsy compromise: it's fast and sensitive. Although the understandable anxieties still exist that using it will feel like wrestling a gumed-up ballmouse, the sensation is more like swooping a high-res optical mouse across a decent mat." "returning to TGS's show floor after playing the [Revolution] demos [was] a faintly surreal process. Suddenly, the 360 looks incredibly old-fashioned. Picking up a DualShock for a quick play of Rogue Galaxy seems preposterous. The [Revolution] controller makes it instantly apparent how much of a cheap fudge the 3-D controls of the last two generations have been." Other Third-Party Developers: Making exclusives for it. "We are seeing very strong third party support, and already talks about exclusive titles that will truly make use of the revolution controller and everything we are bringing in the machine." "Iwata also reveals that Nintendo has approached publishers and developers with gameplay concepts, proposing how their established franchises could benefit from Revolution's controller. The spokesman claims that, "without exception," all third parties have responded positively to such "concrete proposals," and Nintendo has found the meetings constructive and enjoyable. He refused to mention any specific collaborations, but he promised many familiar titles and suggested the Revolution could have a large launch line-up "in 2006."" ------------- Conclusion ------------- You tell me who to believe. Do you trust the people who CREATED everything we now and love about the gaming industry? Or do you trust the average Joe who has never even touched the controller, and chances are never even watched the video of the controller, or read anything about it? From the looks of it, the opinions across the board seem to be, "Try it, and you'll love it. But you really can't understand just how great it is until you use it yourself." I have removed some companies that were listed under "developing for it" because I lacked any good quote supporting it; however, I can guarantee you all the big third parties will make games for the Revolution (Konami, Capcom, etc...). If you want to, help me add to the list, but please provide an URL, or else I can't put it on the list. I'll continue contributing to this topic as more developers decide to develop for the Nintendo Revolution.
panther_512 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Μπράβο και πάλι iSpo!!! Τα 2 posts που έκανες είναι η απόλυτη απάντηση σε όσους πιστεύουν ότι η μεγάλη Ν έχει πάρει το κατήφορο/ή/θα απευθύνεται σε παιδάκια/ή/θα έχει μόνο first-party καλούς τίτλους. Η μεγάλη Ν θα αλλάξει μιά και καλή το τρόπο με τον οποίο παίζουμε παιχνίδια και μας φέρνει πραγματικά next-gen gameplay... Revolution Controller: Touch It Use your mouse to play with the Revolution controller, just like in your dreams.
nestorn Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Aπο το Revolution to be '2.5 times more powerful than Cube' Developers speaking to this week have commented that the the Revolution console, hardware kits for which began shipping to third parties recently, is shaping up to be around 2.5 times more powerful than GameCube. The picture we're building up of the final console is as follows: the Cube will be powered by the IBM CPU codenamed Broadway, which is very similar to the Gekko CPU used in the GameCube, but runs at around twice the clock speed and offers potentially two to three times the overall performance, and the ATI graphics chip codenamed Hollywood. While Broadway is well-understood by developers, the ATI part remains "a bit of a black box", according to one senior developer we spoke to. "We have theoretical throughput figures and stats from Nintendo, but nobody's seen the hardware yet - we're just treating it like it's a faster version of the GameCube GPU, at the moment." How much faster exactly it will be remains to be seen, but the chip - which "seems to be an evolution of the Radeon range" according to our source - will probably mirror the CPU by running at around twice to three times the speed of the existing part. In terms of RAM, the system is well-known to boast 512MB of Flash RAM which can be used to store save games and downloaded content, but this will not be accessible to developers, we were told. What they'll have available is 96MB of main memory, built on the same 1T-SRAM architecture as the Cube, and "a few megs here and there for other stuff" - such as 3MB of on-board memory on the graphics chip, which will be used for a frame buffer. "That's plenty, since the Revolution isn't supporting HDTV," one developer added. Εδώ που τα λέμε, αυτά ήταν περίπου και τα αναμενόμενα specs για το Revo... Δεν μένει παρα να δούμε και κανα game στην πράξη για να μπορέσουμε να βγάλουμε κάποια συμπεράσματα...
panther_512 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 nestorn, στο post #211 που βρίσκεται στην ίδια σελίδα αναφέρονται τα τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά του Revo αναλυτικότατα. Δεν χρειάζεται να ξανα-ποστάρεις τα ίδια πράγματα. Τώρα, όσον αφορά την υπολογιστική ισχύ: Το Revo δεν θα έχει High-Definition παιχνίδια, τα οποία είναι και τρομερά απαιτητικά σε υπολογιστική ισχύ. Εφόσον λοιπόν το Revo δεν έχει HD-games, η υπολογιστική του ισχύς φτάνει και περισσεύει για να δούμε καταπληκτικά γραφικά στα παιχνίδια, με όλους βέβαια τους περιορισμούς που συνεπάγεται η normal-definition TV. Αν π.χ, βγεί το COD2 σε όλες τις κονσόλες (XBOX360, PS3, Revo) και τα συνδέσουμε όλα σε normal-TV, πιστεύεις θα δείς διαφορά? Μάλλον όχι. Τη διαφορά θα την δείς μόνο αν συγκρίνεις Revo+normal-TV με XBOX360/PS3+HD-TV. Οπότε μην ανησυχείς για την υπολογιστική ισχύ του Revo. Και στο κάτω-κάτω της γραφής, η μεγάλη Ν δεν είναι τα γραφικά. Είναι το gameplay. Και αυτό είναι που έχει πραγματική σημασία στα παιχνίδια.
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Arcade title hints at Revolution play 4 Color Rebellion found an arcade game in Japan called Mazan: Flash of the Blade which uses a katana style controller in the same fashion as the Revolution. They report play ranged from swinging the sword wildly “bezerker style” to a more careful and studied approach, blocking and making better attacks. The point: “this is a game that can be figured out the first time you pick up the controller.” After a day of playing this game and gun games, compared to the punishing Taiko Drum Master, they think fears of tired arms from the Revolution controller are unfounded. They have videos of some truly masterful swordplay. Me wants one…
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Nintendo Gives Away Revolution Controllers Prior to system's launch, Club Nintendo members get a very special prize. Last year, Nintendo rewarded Platinum status Club Nintendo members with an awesome bonus item: a gold-colored two-inch tall Mario figure housed in a display that sported a commemorative "Touch DS!" plate. We assumed this gift couldn't be topped. Nintendo has proven us wrong. This year's Platinum prize, announced today, is a television remote control that just happens to look identical to the Revolution controller. The controller will have the exact shape and size of the Revolution controller, but will operate a television rather than Revolution games. In addition to the controller, Platinum members will get a year 2006 original wall calendar featuring the likeness of Kirby, Nintendogs, Mario and Zelda. Gold members will get just the calendar. The calendar will ship in December with the controller promised prior to the Revolution's release (which the site lists as taking place some time in fiscal 2006). Both items can be seen at Nintendo's website. This offer applies only to Japan, where Nintendo's Club Nintendo rewards program has a particularly nifty set of prizes, from special character-based GameCube controllers to Zelda poster sets. To qualify for the two special goods announced today, Club Nintendo members need to have reached Platinum or Gold status between 10/1/2004 and 9/30/2005. Both ranks require the purchase of an extraordinary number of games -- perhaps more than what it would take to obtain the items at auction.
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Nintendo to target casual gamers with Revolution Speaking at the 33rd annual UBS Global Media conference, Nintendo of America's chief marketing officer spoke candidly to an audience of analysts and investors about its approach to expanding the games market. Unsurprisingly, innovation and a desire to reach new, non-traditional audiences was a focus for Reggie Fils-Aime, as he discussed marketing games, and the forthcoming next-generation Revolution console to casual gamers, families and a female audience, in addition to the 18-24 year old male. The speech included several quotes praising the company's ambitions and continued innovation in reference to the Revolution console, including publishing powerhouse Electronic Arts, quoted as saying: "It's a brilliant controller, and as usual we can credit Nintendo with being innovative and neat and fresh and fun. They continue to pioneer in our industry... They make some of the best games in the industry... And we look forward to partnering with them." After stressing the continued success of the Nintendo DS which, according to Nintendo, is still outselling Sony's PSP, Fils-Aime pointed to the Nintendogs phenomenon, which has generated immense excitement amongst gamers young and old worldwide. The title has sold just under a million units in the US alone, and has attracted twice as many female players than usual. According to Nintendo, the DS has achieved total sales of around 6 million to date, compared to 4.26 million for the PSP. To bring home the point once and for all, Nintendo's president was quoted in the presentation as saying: "If we cannot expand the market, all we can do is wait for the industry to slowly die."
nestorn Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 .... στο post #211 που βρίσκεται στην ίδια σελίδα αναφέρονται τα τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά του Revo αναλυτικότατα. Δεν χρειάζεται να ξανα-ποστάρεις τα ίδια πράγματα.... Tο έχω δεί εννοείται το post που αναφέρεις και τα προηγούμενα απο αυτό. Το άρθρο που έβαλα είναι συμπληρωματικό του προηγούμενου και αν το διαβάσεις θα δείς οτι αναφέρει και τοατα τη γνώμη μου εμπεριέχει και νεες πληροφορίες αλλά αν σας κουράζει ζητώ συγνώμη Το Revo δεν θα έχει High-Definition παιχνίδια' date=' τα οποία είναι και τρομερά απαιτητικά σε υπολογιστική ισχύ. Εφόσον λοιπόν το Revo δεν έχει HD-games, η υπολογιστική του ισχύς φτάνει και περισσεύει για να δούμε καταπληκτικά γραφικά στα παιχνίδια, με όλους βέβαια τους περιορισμούς που συνεπάγεται η normal-definition TV. Αν π.χ, βγεί το COD2 σε όλες τις κονσόλες (XBOX360, PS3, Revo) και τα συνδέσουμε όλα σε normal-TV, πιστεύεις θα δείς διαφορά? Μάλλον όχι. Τη διαφορά θα την δείς μόνο αν συγκρίνεις Revo+normal-TV με XBOX360/PS3+HD-TV. Οπότε μην ανησυχείς για την υπολογιστική ισχύ του Revo.[/quote'] Τα πράγματα δεν είναι ακριβώς έτσι φίλε panther....εντάξει μπορεί η ανάλυση 1280x720 να απαιτεί περισσότερη μνήμη και τα textures που χρησιμοποιούνται να πρέπει να είναι αντίστοιχης ποιότητας σε σχέση με την 640x480 αλλά δεν είναι η διαφορά τόσο μεγάλη ωστε να υπερκαλύπτει τη διαφορά ισχύος μεταξύ των μηχανημάτων...Εξάλλου πέρα απο την ανάλυση παίζουν ρόλο και τα πολύγωνα και η γενικότερη λεπτομέρεια που έχει ένα game ο αριθμός των οποίων είναι ανεξάρτητος της ανάλυσης...Επίσης στα γραφικά υπάρχουν χίλιες άλλες τεχνικές (bump mapping, lighting κτλ) οι οποίες βελτιώνονται συνεχώς στα πιο νέα τσιπ. Αυτό που θέλω να πώ με όλα αυτά είναι πως αν το Revo διατηρήσει την 5ετίας αρχιτεκτονική του Gamecube με διπλασιασμένο το ρολόι στην GPU και CPU δεν θα έχει πολλά απο τα στοιχεία που θα έχουν τα αντίστοιχα chip του PS3 π.χ. Έτσι παιχνίδια όπως το COD2 που αναφέρεις μπορεί να μην είναι καν εφικτά στο Revo λόγω fiillrate, polygon count κτλ ανεξάρτητα απο την ανάλυση που θα τρέχουν..εκτός και αν είναι επιπέδου αυτής της γεννιάς... Και στο κάτω-κάτω της γραφής, η μεγάλη Ν δεν είναι τα γραφικά. Είναι το gameplay. Και αυτό είναι που έχει πραγματική σημασία στα παιχνίδια. Αυτό ελπίζω να είναι το κρυφό όπλο του Revo (μαζί με την τιμή του) και εδώ μπορεί να βασιστεί...Γιατί σε γραφικά μάλλον θα είναι έτη φωτός πίσω σε όποια αναλυση και να το δεί κανείς
Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις
Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.