iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 25 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 25 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Developers Ponder Revolution Games 1up has asked five developers what they think is possible with five different game concepts using the Revolution controller. The five game concepts are conducting music, spell casting, lightsabering, surgery and telekinesis. We’ve all been pondering these concepts, but it’s awesome to hear what actual developers think of the idea.
Str Δημοσ. 26 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 26 Νοεμβρίου 2005 may the force be with u, revo-one!!!! (we are...)
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 26 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 26 Νοεμβρίου 2005 New Patent Details Virtual Console Interface? A patent filed by Nintendo which may possibly be related to the Virtual Console function of the company's next-generation console, code-named Revolution. The patent in question is rather long-winded, but a summary of the key points and how they could relate to Virtual Console have been provided below (Note: "Figures" relate to respective images presented towards bottom): * The patent refers to a series of emulator programs, meaning that should this patent refer to Virtual Console, the "first game machine" (which we assume refers to Revolution) has no dedicated hardware for Virtual Console titles. (Figure 4) * According to the images and descriptions provided within the patent, when deciding to play and/or download a title, the player will select the game first by platform, then by franchise and then which game within that franchise. Also, for games existing without a definite franchise, the patent indicates an "other" tab to select from that may accommodate those particular titles. (Figure 9) * When choosing a game, the player will apparently click once to bring up a screen displaying an outline of the game which uses animations, still pictures, a sentence description and/or sounds, and then click again to confirm the selection. (Figure 18) * Particular downloaded games will prompt the player to choose a number of displayed characters before engaging in gameplay, perhaps even characters that might not be normally attributed to that particular game. This notion coincides with what Nintendo President Satoru Iwata said back in June, stating that Nintendo is "doing several experiments, including working with the original Super Mario Bros.," and that "the game itself and the gameplay shall be identical, but the look will be different; it's possible that with Revolution, we may be able to see the old games with new looks." (Figure 22) * According to the patent, this technology will allow for older game programs to be supplied to the player at a low cost without the added burden of program-implanting costs for the game program maker. However, the patent in question does not further specify the exact meaning of "low cost." * For the NES and SNES consoles, those "extremely low in capability," the Revolution's CPU has the capacity to handle the processing of the downloaded game without the involvement of the GPU. * No unnecessary re-coding is required to get downloadable games to work with this technology, according to the patent. The full patent can be found here. ( Please keep in mind that while there is a possibility that this may be a patent for the Virtual Console service in Nintendo's next-generation console, it can not be determined if this type of technology will be implemented in the service or if Nintendo will opt to go in a different direction.
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 26 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 26 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Funcom Director Praises Revolution
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 27 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 27 Νοεμβρίου 2005 A Consumer-Friendly Revolution There’s always been a certain lack of consumer-friendliness in the video game industry, but in recent times, I find myself feeling more and more fed up with it. In my mind, with the launches of PSP and Xbox 360, Sony and Microsoft have subtly, yet significantly, insulted consumers. In Sony’s case, it was in the way that only the ‘Value Pack’ version of PSP was sold in the States, and in Microsoft’s case, it was in the differences between the ‘Core’ and ‘Premium’ editions of Xbox 360 that went on sale. As far as the ‘Value Pack’ goes, as everyone knows, it had absolutely nothing to do with value, but rather was about throwing a few worthless ding-dongs into the box to up the price by fifty bucks. And when it comes to the ‘Core’ edition of Xbox 360, Microsoft wouldn’t even include a wireless controller. Excuse me, but doesn’t that kind of contradict the very name of the system they’re selling? Then there’s Sony using already overpriced audio CDs to infect our computers with who-knows-what to limit our freedom even more, and all I can say is that I hope HDDVD somehow manages to beat out Blu-ray, which has the potential to be the most volatile tool yet for consumer restriction and oppression. Of course, business is business, and every company has its own way of sneakily swiping a few more dollars from our pockets. This is something that we generally accept. On the other hand, consumers are not stupid, and as the cost of living continues to rise, it’s inevitable that wallets are going to be more and more tightly clenched. Tough financial times affect massive corporations as well, and as such, it takes extra effort and a good amount of courage for a company to consistently show consumer-friendliness, keeping prices down and offering real value. If a company goes the extra mile, though, and on a consistent basis reaches out to consumers in this way, something immeasurably valuable can be gained – loyalty. For this to work, those in charge have to take a step back and look at the big picture instead of focusing on short-term profits. Still, it’s no guaranteed success, and as a result there’s regrettably little of such a stance to be seen in the market. We’ve taken a quick look at Sony and Microsoft, so what about Nintendo? Good news, kids – Iwata and company, already known to possess “Balls of solid adamantium, laced with mythril!” (props to Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy), are making great strides in fearless consumer-friendliness with each passing day. Sure, the company has always been pretty good toward consumers, making it a point to offer products at an affordable price and the best return policies in the industry, but in the last year or so things have really been kicked into high gear, and the future is looking ever brighter in this regard. For starters, let’s take a look at the McDonald’s Wifi Connection deal. How much you wanna bet Sony would never have focused on a partnership with a place as ‘common’ as everyone’s neighborhood Happy Meal vendor? Right after the announcement was made, writers all over the net expressed disappointment in the locale, wishing it had been somewhere ‘cooler’. The way I see it, though, it was the perfect deal. All-Access Gaming is Nintendo’s new commitment, and nowhere in the US is as All-Access as McDonald’s. No matter how old you are, what you look like, how much money you have – everyone is at home in a McDonald’s, like it or not. And for the record, I say a common, cheap fast food joint that pretends to be nothing more than a common, cheap fast food joint is a lot cooler than a fake, overpriced coffee shop pretending to be a haven for the hip and fashionable, but that’s just me. Then there are the inherent features of DS and what we know of the upcoming Revolution – download play, free online gaming, affordably priced hardware and software, true backwards compatibility, low power consumption, games designed for people of all ages/genders/backgrounds, simple user interfaces, and the Virtual Console, just to name a few. Looking at such features, it’s obvious that Nintendo is now more than ever putting itself in the shoes of those on the receiving end, making decisions to maximize value for consumers. We still know very little about Revolution, really. Let’s hope that what’s left to be revealed will further solidify The Big N’s reputation as a company worthy of loyalty. Here are a few features in this vein that I’d love to see in the upcoming console: A variety of storage options for downloads/game saves Sure, there are two SD card ports and 512MB of onboard flash memory, but why not enable further storage through the USB connections around back? Nearly everyone has some kind of flash storage device nowadays, and it would be a great convenience, not to mention a great alternative to pricey SD cards. Also, allowing Revolution game saves on GC memory cards would be a big plus. Region free game and movie playback The inclusion of these features could serve to attract the hardcore gaming crowd, and could make Revolution an attractive purchase to anyone looking for a sleek, affordable region-free DVD player, for which there is a big market, especially among gamers. Support of Divx and other codecs, with upgradeable firmware Let’s face it, this kind of thing is here to stay, regardless of whether content is obtained legally or illegally. The ability to play such files from memory cards or on disc would be a very attractive feature, and could be a decisive selling point. A pack-in game or cool interactive demo Revolution is all about a new experience, so it would be wise to include such an experience in the box itself. Mario’s next game is too big of a potential moneymaker to be a pack-in, but why not hire Toshio Iwai to create a wand-controlled (multiplayer!) new take on Electroplankton as an internal application? Sounds like a system-seller to me. As Reggie stated in his recent speeches, Nintendo is focusing on long-term success over short-term profits, forging a new path and finding new markets. Providing real value for the consumer is going to play a chief role in this, and judging from some recent announcements, it looks like the company is on the right track… Remember the game that NOA so cruelly held back from us at the end of the N64 era? Yep, Sin & Punishment. It evidently wasn’t thought of as a sure thing market-wise, hence it was never published. Fast-forward to now, the end of GC’s lifespan. Nintendo is unbelievably giving us both Chibi Robo and Odama, two titles that are as far from ‘sure things’ as could possibly be. What is this telling us? I say it means Nintendo loves us more than ever.
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 28 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 28 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Revolution "Broadway" cpu will be dual core and rumored to be finalized. RevoGaming has heard from sources inside the development community that IBM has finalised the Broadway processor and is showing it to developers. Details inside. The details come from two different sources inside the development community. One source revealed the information to RevoGaming around three weeks ago, whilst the other revealed it to us a few days ago. We were waiting for a word from another development insider before we would report it. Apparently, the "Broadway" processor is finished, and IBM has shown plans and a prototype to Nintendo. After some discussion, it has been shown to select developers. One source said that the processor was a dual-core one, whilst the other would not reveal any technical information. Both sources would not talk about ATi's "Hollywood" graphics chip or any other internal Revolution components. The names of the sources cannot be revealed at their request, nor the developers they work at. There is no official word from Nintendo, so this should still be classified as a rumour. RevoGaming will keep you updated.
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 28 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 28 Νοεμβρίου 2005 List of Nintendo Revolution games
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 29 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 29 Νοεμβρίου 2005 May 9, 2006: Revolution Day An e-mail sent out by Nintendo this morning confirms May 9, 2006 as the day for Revolution's unveiling. Details inside. The e-mail said that on the day "all the incredible details about Nintendo's upcoming games and hardware, including our next home console, code-named Revolution" would be revealed. This will be the Nintendo Pre-E3 2006 press event, which will be held at the Kodak Thatre in Hollywood, California (Home of the Academy Awards). Expect RevoGaming to cover everything about the Revolution at E3 2006 with RevoGaming correspondants in the buildings. Nintendo's 'Save the Date' Notice While the thought of E3 makes one's head spin, Nintendo's media and publisher briefings for E3 2006 have already been scheduled. {mosimage} On May 9th, Nintendo has indicated that everything (or certainly a lot more than we currently know) about Revolution is going to be made public. We presume the announcements would include such major issues as dates of availability, pricing, the final name of the console and the requisite list of developers making games. Certainly, we're also expecting to see a good number of actual games as opposed to technical demos. The media briefing will be at 9:30AM. Publisher and developer presentations are typically the same day in the afternoon with the Nintendo party to follow.
panther_512 Δημοσ. 30 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 30 Νοεμβρίου 2005 Μπράβο ρε iSpO!!!!! Πολύ καλή δουλειά!!!! Ήμουν απών λίγες μέρες και χαίρομαι που συνέχισες εσύ την ενημέρωση!
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 360s are hot, PS3 hides, and Nintendo wins In collaboration with Xbox 360 Fanboy, we are pleased to announce the results are in and they’re… well, they’re strange! While 36% of those polled have a 360 and 22% are hoping to get one, the largest group responded they are humbly waiting for the Revolution. Now, we could say this reads as Nintendo having really turned the ship around and, like a previous poll indicated, has generated an immense amount of goodwill towards its unique controller. On the other hand, the extremely poor showing by the PS3 indicates that perhaps there was some foulplay by the PS3 crowd in an effort to inflate the possible problems with the 360. The results read: 14% of 360 owners have overheating problems, 4% have problems with scratched discs, and a whopping 6% are DOA. Translation: A whopping 1/4 of all 360 owners have problems with their units. Thats a far cry higher than the 3-5% Microsoft claims. Assuming the system has been goosed by agents for another console, if we were to remove all negative 360 responses and add those totals to the PS3 column it would still indicate far less support for the PS3 than the Revolution, 22% versus 29%. In an August poll, the Revolution pulled a similar upset, before the controller had even been introduced. So, what is it? Has Nintendo done the impossible and positioned themselves back on top, or are Nintendo fans a little more… proactive than others?
epote Δημοσ. 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 HELL YEAH GOD DAMMIT! το μονο που με ανησηχει, ειναι μην ξανακανει καμια μαλακια η νιτεντο οπως την εποχη του nes-snes που ηταν τσολιας στα @@ των devs με ολα τα γνωστα αποτελεσματα (playstation βασικα) αλλα αν αφησει τα πραγματα λιιιιγο πιο χαλαρα και κρατησει το σφιχτο πυρηνα των δικων της devs να παραγει τα ποιοτικα σωστα παιχνιδια και ας υπαρχουν και καποια χειροτερα γυρω γυρω δεν ειναι κακο. αντε ΜΠΑΣ και δουμε κανα παιχνιδι. ΟΧΙ ΑΛΛΑ FPS ΔΕΝ ΑΝΤΕΧΩ ΑΛΛΟ! θα επρεπε να κανουμε κινημα κατα των fps ειναι φοβερη η κατασταση πια
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 me ta fps exei katantisei aidia to pragma, to gameplay exei na ananeothei apo tin epoxi tou doom! to telefteo fps pou epeksa itan to redneck rampage! ta exo varethei teleios! kai ego pistevo oti an den kanei kammoia malakia kai an ta paixnidia pou tha bgoun the xoun tin gnosti poiotita tis nintendo tha ta paei poli kalitera se afti tin genia.
panther_512 Δημοσ. 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Γενικά και εγώ πιστεύω ότι θα τα πάει καλά. Βασικά θέλω να πιστεύω ότι θα τα πάει καλά γιατί έχω βαρεθεί τη ζωή μου με τα σημερινά παιχνίδια. Μακάρι με το νέο controller να δούμε κάνα παιχνίδι με ανανεωμένο gameplay γιατί με βλέπω να αποχαιρετώ το gaming γενικότερα. Για πρώτη φορά εδώ και 15 χρόνια, έχουν περάσει 4 ολόκληρες μέρες χωρίς να μου κάνει κέφι να παίξω ούτε ένα παιχνίδι
Kraken Δημοσ. 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 ...γιατί έχω βαρεθεί τη ζωή μου με τα σημερινά παιχνίδια....χωρίς να μου κάνει κέφι να παίξω ούτε ένα παιχνίδι Μία από τα ίδια. Μακάρι να δούμε κάτι νέο ή κάποιο σοβαρό παιχνίδι γιατί θα το γυρίσουμε στα προ 10ετίας -και βάλε- παιχνίδια μου φαίνεται...
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