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p3tran, γίνεσαι χαιρέκακος και το ξέρεις. Τζάμπα και βερεσέ θα ξεκινήσουν τα flames εδώ μέσα.


Ας πάμε στις ειδήσεις τώρα:


Hands-on Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Retro Studios becomes the first developer to prove the potential of the Wii-mote with first-person titles.


Readers have almost certainly heard the news: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption has been delayed into next year. Not exactly the development we were all waiting to hear. However, we do have some spectacular news to report, too, which is that Retro Studios has become the first developer to prove the potential of the Wii-mote with first-person titles. Corruption was sometimes-clumsily controlled at E3 2006, but thanks to a new control method designed specifically for pros, that's no longer the case.


As we played a new single-level demo of the Prime 3 at Nintendo's Wii event in New York City, the game's designers came upon and told us that we absolutely needed to try the new "expert" control mode. They explained that they hoped it would satisfy our cravings for first-person maneuverability similar to a mouse and keyboard configuration in FPSs on the PC platform.


We started up a new level where heroine Samus Aran explores a vast space station and immediately switched to expert mode. We're happy to report that it simulates the accuracy of PC first-person shooters almost perfectly, and we found ourselves soaring through levels, zipping around corners, pulling quick turns and zapping down enemies with pinpoint precision without seconds. Simply put, Retro has nailed it - and it makes the wait to 2007 for the game that much more difficult. We're not kidding when we write that Prime 3 feels like a brand new game with this control.


The latest level looks quite a bit more gorgeous than the two missions on display at E3 2006, both of which were also present again in addition to the third. In it, Samus treks through another futuristic station as it floats through the galaxy. She encounters a variety of old and new space pirates, must user her morph into ball form in order to navigate in-wall passageways, use bombs to blow away barriers, and more. Again, players will use the Wii-mote as an extension of Aran's hand to open some doors. Hit the A button and near some locks and the option to thrust Aran's arm forward and into the object, which can then be twisted and turned with a gesture, feels as responsive as ever.


Some of the game's in-game cinemas are very atmospheric and impressive. In one scene, Samus must go into morphball mode and drop a bomb to propel herself into a nearby airlock. When she triggers the airlock, a cut-scene ensues that shows the character jettisoned into space, where she floats underneath a gigantic ship and eventually grabs onto a protruding lever and pulls herself back in through a gap in the structure. It looks absolutely fabulous - and you'll be able to see it for yourself in some of our movies coming soon.


Samus is controlled with the analog stick on the nunchuck attachment; its Z button makes her jump and double-jump and the C button rolls her into morphball form. The Wii-mote, meanwhile, is simply aimed at the screen for near-perfect accuracy. The process of turning - an issue in previous builds - is no longer problematic with the inclusion of expert control. Pressing the A button fires her weapon and the B trigger is still used for locking onto enemies.


The game is not yet running in 16:9 widescreen mode, but Retro is still looking into it. It does, however, support progressive-scan. We have to say, the new level looks great. Texture resolutions have been bumped up, bloom lighting complements areas, and the particle effects system is better than ever. Really, watch our latest videos and we think you'll be pretty impressed. The game runs for the most part at 60 frames per second, but we did notice a few spots where the fluidity dipped.


After E3 2006, our optimistic outlook on Metroid Prime 3: Corruption transformed purely into hope that Retro would not overlook the controls. But our optimism is back and stronger than ever. There is no doubt in our mind now that Prime 3 is going to play and look great when it finally arrives next year. Samus officially joins Galaxy and Brawl on 2007's must-have list.


expert control video

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Περίμενε μέχρι αύριο. Όλα τα άλλα είναι απλά φήμες...


Aν και μπορώ να πώ ότι εμένα με ανησύχησε λίγο αυτό.


Τώρα να δούμε......


Excite Truck


We're hoping that there's more depth to the final game than what we experienced at Nintendo's event today (which was very similar to what we saw of the game at E3), because while it's a novel concept and it's always fun to make big jumps at high speeds, the game will need some creative multiplayer modes or other forms of variety to make it fun for more than a few minutes at a time and justify the $49.99 price tag. We hold out hope, but we didn't see much today that convinced us this is a game that should be sitting next to Twilight Princess on launch day.




auto to metroid re paidia einai poli taksidi..poli paixnidara.eksereunisi sto full.elpizw omws na to kanoun 16:9.einai pragmatika paixnidara.

bebaia genikotera to oti to kanan fps itan megali ekpliksei,mias k gnwrizan oti oi giapwnezoi den simpathoun ta fps.eleos pws ginetai na xanoun to prosanatolismo tous me ta fps...


ti paizei gia marti eurwpi??gmt..

Aν και μπορώ να πώ ότι εμένα με ανησύχησε λίγο αυτό.


Τώρα να δούμε......


Αν το βγάλουν Μαρτιο να πανε να πνιγουν στην Νιντεντο.:twisted:

Απο το Μαρτη και μετα δε θα μπορω να παιζω με το Wii :cry: (με καλει η πατριδα)


Καταπληκτικές οι screens p3tran!!!!


Πιστεύω να τσέκαρες και το βιντεάκι με το χειρισμό του Metroid.


Το μόνο που μένει μετά από όλα αυτά τα πορωτικά νέα και εικόνες, είναι να μας πούν ότι θα έρθει η κονσόλα Ευρώπη το Μάρτη, και μετά να αρχίσουμε όλοι μαζί τα βρισίδια! :-)





Παρατήρησα μία από τις εικόνες που πόσταρε ο privateer:



To D-pad του Wiimote είναι ίδιο με του DS-Lite.


Όμως το D-Pad του DS Lite είναι τελείως μάπα όταν θές να κάνεις διαγώνιες κινήσεις.


Ελπίζω να μήν ισχύει το ίδιο και για το Wiimote, αν και είμαι σχεδόν σίγουρος ότι θα έχει το ίδιο πρόβλημα.....


Interview: Madden NFL 07




Producer Jason Armenise:


So we've done a whole host of things that put the game far in advance of the GameCube and we think better than the Xbox. And in some cases, we're challenging the Xbox 360 on graphics. First of all, the game is HD compliant. You can play 480p and 16:9 widescreen. That means everybody who has a HDTV can play the game with their component outputs and play in 480p and 16:9 widescreen while running at 60 frames per second, which is awesome. Additionally we've upped the texture quality on players. Textures are a higher quality. In many cases, they are higher than the Xbox version. We've added a whole host of features like depth of field. We've added a feature we call cinematic lens effect, which is like when you look through an actual television camera and straight lines get a little bit bowed in real life. We've increased the shadows. The shadows are better. We have something called contact shadows so that if two players get close to each other you'll see the shadow of one bleed onto the shadow of another. We've increased the grass. Our grass looks like it has more depth to it. It looks more lush than GameCube. It's definitely a much better looking game than on GameCube and we think that it really is challenging Xbox 360 in some places.






30 games available to download on day one


30 games available to download on day one


The Nintendo Wii will launch in the US November 19th, priced just under US$ 250 (197 euros / GBP 133) and will come bundled with a copy of the game Wii Sports.


Japanese consumers will have to wait an extra two weeks for the launch on December 2nd, but the console will retail slightly cheaper, at 25,000 Yen (167 euros / GBP 113), without a copy of Wii Sports.


Japan will see 16 titles at launch and will range in price from 4800 Yen (32 euro / GBP 22) to 6800 Yen (46 euro / GBP 31). 25 titles are purported to be available at launch in the US, priced around US$ 50 (39 euro / GBP 27)


At a press event, Nintendo of Japan president Satoru Iwata also revealed the pricing structure for downloadable games via the WiiConnect24 service.


NES games will sell for 500 Yen (3 euro / GBP 2), SNES titles will cost 800 Yen (5 euro / GBP 4) and N64 games will retail for 1000 Yen (7 euro / GBP 5).


Consumers will be able to purchase downloadable titles with either a credit card or pre-paid points cards.


Around 30 games will initially be available to download from the Virtual Console service, including titles from the Mario, Zelda, R-Type and Donkey Kong franchises.


Nintendo hopes to increase the number of titles available via Virtual Console by ten games a month, quickly establishing a library of content for consumers to download.


The console itself will come with the motion-sensitive remote controller and 'nunchaku' thumb-stick attachment, with additional controllers costing 3800 Yen (24 euro / GBP 17) and 1800 Yen (12 euro / GBP 8) respectively.


The classic controller, primarily designed for use with NES and SNES titles, will retail in Japan for 1800 Yen, although a limited offer will see it bundled for free with a 5000 point pre-paid card.


Highly anticipated title The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be a launch title for Japan and will makes its way to US shores before the end of 2006.


The Wii's online service will also include a range of media functions, including access to news and weather channels, web browsing and digital photos.


Nintendo is due to host a press event tomorrow in the UK, releasing full details of the Wii launch, including games available from day one and new titles for the European region.

Interview: Madden NFL 07




Producer Jason Armenise:


So we've done a whole host of things that put the game far in advance of the GameCube and we think better than the Xbox. And in some cases, we're challenging the Xbox 360 on graphics. First of all, the game is HD compliant. You can play 480p and 16:9 widescreen. That means everybody who has a HDTV can play the game with their component outputs and play in 480p and 16:9 widescreen while running at 60 frames per second, which is awesome. Additionally we've upped the texture quality on players. Textures are a higher quality. In many cases, they are higher than the Xbox version. We've added a whole host of features like depth of field. We've added a feature we call cinematic lens effect, which is like when you look through an actual television camera and straight lines get a little bit bowed in real life. We've increased the shadows. The shadows are better. We have something called contact shadows so that if two players get close to each other you'll see the shadow of one bleed onto the shadow of another. We've increased the grass. Our grass looks like it has more depth to it. It looks more lush than GameCube. It's definitely a much better looking game than on GameCube and we think that it really is challenging Xbox 360 in some places.







ωραια δεν θα ητανε αμα αυτα που παραπλανητικα λεει αυτος ο τυπος ισχυαν?


ωραια δεν θα ηταν να μπορουσες να πεις για το wii οτι φτανει και ξεπερναει το 360?



αλλά ...αλλο xbox, αλλο xbox 360.









xbox 360














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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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