panther_512 Δημοσ. 17 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Ιουλίου 2006 Χμμμ, ναί. Εξαρτάται πόσο θα παίζεις. Εγώ π.χ δεν το κόβω να παίζω παραπάνω από 2-ωρο την ημέρα, άρα μιλάμε για 2-4 εβδομάδες. Τώρα αν πορώνεσαι πάνω του με τις ώρες, ε τότε φυσικά και πάς για επαναφορτιζόμενες. Παίρνεις μιά τετράδα ΑΑ 2300mA με 15 ευρώ, βάλε άλλα 20 για ένα καλό charger και είσαι άρχοντας. Θα κάνεις απόσβεση σε ένα μήνα (που λέει ο λόγος). Εμένα με ενδιαφέρει πιό πολύ η ευαισθησία του χειρηστηρίου στο φωτισμό. Πρέπει οπωσδήποτε να δούμε ένα εκτεταμένο τέστ σε διάφορες συνθήκες φωτισμού για να ξέρουμε τί παίζει.
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 17 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Ιουλίου 2006 EA - Wii Could Be First Overall Electronic Artsʼ Jeff Brown had some very choice comments for Nintendo, itʼs fans, and the Wii in general which he let loose during EAʼs software showcase last week. "Everybodyʼs saying that the Nintendo Wii is so unique that itʼs going to be the second system people buy, meaning if you own a 360 or a PS3, youʼll probably also buy a Nintendo Wii. The funny thing is, some people say that discursively, like itʼs some sort of dig at Nintendo - and what they donʼt get is that if youʼre second on everybodyʼs system, youʼre first overall." "One of the things that we noticed after E3 is we thought, you know, weʼre going to support Nintendo, theyʼve got an extraordinarily loyal base of consumers all over the world, and we had a number of games we planned to make for Nintendo Wii. That said, we were very surprised by the level of enthusiasm we saw at E3 and subsequently for the Wii." (Brown on support for all 3 consoles) "I donʼt want to be indiscreet, but the truth is EA is most committed to the platform with the biggest installed base. Weʼve always been very practical and open about the fact that this is a business; if you do well in business, you get to keep making more games, and you can hire more people to make more different kinds of games - as long as you remember that this is a business first."
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 17 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Ιουλίου 2006 THQ Loves The Wii THQ's president and CEO Brian Farrell is very enthusiastic towards the Wii. "We love the Wii - itʼs all about having fun, right? Games are about having fun and sometimes this industry takes itself a bit too seriously. "A lot of our properties, like Cars and Spongebob and others, really map well… Potentially even wrestling - I can think of a lot of great things to do with the controller for that product as well." "Itʼs all about competition between the platform holders and we love that actually. Their job is to drive hardware into the market - for a software publisher, thatʼs nirvana. The more hardware, the more intense the battle to drive hardware into homes, the better the addressable market for companies like THQ." "Because of high development costs itʼs going to be harder and more costly for someone to do an exclusive title. Weʼve done exclusive titles in the past; weʼre always open to having those discussions. I think what youʼll see with the Nintendo Wii, though, because it is a unique platform, youʼll see unique if not exclusive titles."
privateer Δημοσ. 18 Ιουλίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 18 Ιουλίου 2006 Red Steel Devs Shed Light on Multiplayer, Wii Functions
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 18 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Ιουλίου 2006 New Wii Games To Be Show At Games Convention The Leipzig Games Convention is shaping up to be a pretty big event for Nintendo…and why not? The event is the biggest European gaming convention there is. Reports are coming in now that Nintendo will be showing off Wii titles that havenʼt even been announced yet. No word on if these titles will be from Nintendo themselves, or from other 3rd party companies.
apple64 Δημοσ. 21 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 21 Ιουλίου 2006 H EA ανακοίνωσε την ημερομηνία έκδοσης του καινούργιου Need for speed για το Wii για τις 3 Νοεμβρίου!!! Φυσικά στην συνέχεια το μαζέψανε... 3 Νοεμβρίου λοιπόν έρχετε....... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
privateer Δημοσ. 21 Ιουλίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Ιουλίου 2006 Electronic Arts has denied that a Need For Speed: Carbon release date posted in error on its press website reflects the launch timing for the Nintendo Wii. Earlier there was much excitement when the European date for several versions of Carbon went up as November 3rd. The PlayStation 3 version was left as "TBC", but the Wii was included with the rest. "The date was put there by mistake and it is now listed as 4th Qtr 06. We will make an announcement shortly and with the US already confirming their date we expect to be around the same time but it's still TBC," an EA representative told us this afternoon. "Naturally it goes without saying the Wii release date was also an error and not an insight into the console's launch," he added, having clearly noticed what we were really interested in. Nintendo has previously said that the Wii will be released in the fourth quarter of 2006, and that the actual date will be announced in September.
privateer Δημοσ. 21 Ιουλίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Ιουλίου 2006
panther_512 Δημοσ. 21 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 21 Ιουλίου 2006 To παιχνίδι λέγεται Re-Mission και φτιάχτηκε για να βοηθάει ψυχολογικά παιδάκια που έχουν καρκίνο. Δεν αναγράφεται κάπου ότι θα βγεί για το Wii. Κυκλοφορεί για PC και δίνεται δωρεάν σε παιδάκια που έχουν καρκίνο.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 21 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 21 Ιουλίου 2006 [img'][/img] DOOOOOOOOOOMED :(
panther_512 Δημοσ. 23 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Ιουλίου 2006 Miyamoto Shares Wii Secrets The origins of the nunchuck, Miyamoto's Wii games, and more.
panther_512 Δημοσ. 23 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Ιουλίου 2006 Comic-Con 2006: LucasArts Comments on Wii The makers of Star Wars and Indiana Jones confirm future Wii support. In a Star Wars panel this afternoon at the San Diego Comic-Con, LucasArts representative Steve Sansweet confirmed that the company that would be working with all three next generation systems, most importantly for us, the Wii. During the Q&A session, a younger gamer took the microphone and asked if the company would be showing support for the newest motion-controlled Nintendo console. Sansweet's responded simply by stating the likeness between the Wii controller and a lightsaber, followed by a statement that LucasArts would be supporting every next generation system. No word was given as to what possible titles could be on the way, and there was no further comment on the Wii. Nintendo fans were speculating that the somewhat "bad history" between LucasArts and the Big N could hurt the chances of a Star Wars or Indiana Jones Wii title, so the affirmation of total next gen. support is great news. More as it develops.
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