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"Και σοβαρά ρε παιδιά, μόνο αφελείς θα πίστευαν ότι η IBM έδωσε καλύτερη cpu στο Xbox360, από την αντίστοιχη συνεργασία IBM-Toshiba-Sony, και το τεραστιότερο project που έχει υπάρξει ποτέ, για μια νέα , καλύτερη Cpu.

Απλά απίστευτο, ακόμα και για του τελείως άσχετους, οπότε δεν μένει τίποτα στο xbox, εκτός το Live , η χαμηλή τιμή του, και οι λίγη μήνες που θα βγει νωρίτερα."


To αρθρο μιλαει για GPU.Αυτη του 360 την κατασκευαζει η ΑΤΙ και την αντιστοιχη του PS3 ,η Νvidia....

H ΙΒΜ και το ποια CPU "εδωσε" σε καθε εταιρεια, που κολλαει??

Xenos's parent die also has a 32GB/s connection to the daughter
The one key area of bandwidth, that has caused a fair quantity of controversy in its inclusion of specifications, is that of bandwidth available from the ROPS to the eDRAM, which stands at 256GB/s.


ti legame gia to arthro toy kyle?

The ROP's can handle several different formats, including a special FP10 mode. FP10 is a floating point precision mode in the format of 10-10-10-2 (bits for Red, Green, Blue, Alpha). The 10 bit colour storage has a 3 bit exponent and 7 bit mantissa, with an available range of -32.0 to 32.0. Whilst this mode does have some limitations it can offer HDR effects but at the same cost in performance and size as standard 32-bit (8-8-8-8) integer formats which will probably result in this format being used quite frequently on XBOX 360 titles. Other formats such as INT16 and FP16 are also available, but they obviously have space implications. Like the resolution of the MSAA samples, there is a conversion step to change the front buffer format to a displayable 8-8-8-8 format when moving the completed frame buffer portion from the eDRAM memory out to system RAM.

poly endiaferon kommati, telika oi fhmes epibaibeothikan oti tha yposthrizei mono FP10 HDR, se antithesh me thn RSX poy tha exei 128bit (32FP) , bebaia prepei na mathoyme perisotera gia thn RSX gia na doyme me ti kostos erxetai to 32FP, genika para poly kalo arthro, kai toy axizei parapano apo mia anagnvsh poy toy ekana sta grhgora, tha to xanadiabaso prosextikotera kai isos epaneltho me sxolia, den xero an ayth h arxitektonikh tha einai apodotikh opos isxyrizetai h ATI (h nvdia diafonei) pantos einai sigoyra poly poly endiaferoysa.


entaxei katalabaino poy to pas ;-) alla tha elega oti moiazei perissotero me to flipper para me to GS, an exeresoyme bebaia thn unified arxitektonikh poy einai monadikh, epishs ayto poy exei endiaferon einai oti h edram sto xenos den tha bgazei to teliko apotelesma sthn othonh, tha to grafei sthn kanonikh mnhmh kai apo ekei tha bgainei sthn othonh.


loipon meta apo mia deyterh anagnosh mporo na po oti to olo paixnidi tha paixtei edo

ATI, probably understandably, weren't too keen on giving many details out in regards to the prioritisation methodology, probably because there is some fairly proprietary logic behind it, but also because for the most part you shouldn't need to know much about it other than "it happens". From ATI's comments it sounds like a fairly complicated procedure, but conceptually it appears to monitor the vertex buffer and pixel export buffer (just before the transfer to the daughter die) and, depending on application program mix, there is an equation that prioritises between pixel shading and vertex shading dependant on the size of the buffers and how full they are.

afora ton scheduler kai to load balancing, h ATI yposthrizei oti einai kataplhktiko kai oti doyleyei teleia alla den mas leei pos (toylaxiston oxi akoma) akribos sto idio shmeio htan kai ta sxolia apo thn Nvidia edo kai kairo , otan elegan oti den tha mporoyn na kanoyn toso kalo balancing oste na petyxoyn kalyterh apodosh se sxesh me arxitektonikes me xehoristoys shaders, gnomh moy einai oti h ATI kanei dokimes sthn plath (h me tis plates) ths MS, an ayth h arxitektonikh apodosei tha thn yiothethsei kai stis gpu poy tha pane sta PC, an oxi tha meinei me xehoristoys shaders sto PC, alla epeidh to xbox einai kleisth arxitektonikh yparxoyn elpides kapoioi ikanoi developers na paroyn kalytera apotelesmata (optika) apo toys alloys, an laboyme ypopsin kai to sxolio toy Huddy apo prohgoymeno arthro,

Rather than separate pixel and vertex pipelines, we’ve created a single unified pipeline that can do both. Providing developers throw instructions at our architecture in the right way, Xenos can run at 100% efficiency all the time, rather than having some pipeline instructions waiting for others.
odhgoymai sto symperasma oti to scheduling kai to load balancing den einai kai toso aytomata kai idanika oso thelei na isxyrizetai h ATI, tha deixei sthn praxh ayto omos, epishs symplhromatika sxolia apo ton Dave kai kapoies mikres dieykriniseis yparxoyn edo http://www.beyond3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=23953&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=100

To τμήμα μάρκετιγκ του xbox αποφάσισε να το ονομάσει ΧΒΟΧ 360 γιατί αν το ονόμαζε Xbox 2 (όπως ήταν και το πιο λογικό) θα έμοιαζε να είναι παλιότερης γενιάς σε σχέση με το sony ps3.


ayta tora ti einai , apla games poy prokeitai na bgoyn? kapoy kapos kapote? h launch titles? gia tetoia fainontai para polla, epishs den exo empistosynh sto sygkekrimeno site, koita gia paradeigma poia edose san launch titles toy ps3


-6Gun 2 - BattleBorne Entertainment

-Avalon - Climax Studios

-Dark Sector - Digital Extreme

-The Darkness - Starbreeze Studios

-Devil May Cry 4 - Capcom

-EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 - EA Chicago

-Eyedentify - TBA

-Fifth Phantom Saga - Sonic Team

-Final Fantasy PS3 - Square Enix

-Formula One PS3 - SCE Studios Liverpool

-The Getaway PS3 - SCE Studios Soho

-Heavenly Sword - Ninja Theory

-I-8 - Insomniac Games

-Infraworld - Quantic Dream

-Killing Day - TBA

-Killzone PS3 - Guerilla Games

-Metal Gear Solid 4 - Kojima Productions

-Mobile Suit Gundam - TBA

-MotorStorm - Evolution Studios

-Ni-Oh - KOEI

-Omikron 2 - Quantic Dream

-Possession - Blitz Games

-Project Delta - Playlogic International

-ShadowClan - Tiger Hill Entertainment

-Tekken PS3 - Namco

-Vision GT - Polyphony Digital

-Warhawk PS3 - Incognito Entertainment


mporo na balo to xeri moy sth fotia gia arketa apo ayta oti DEN tha einai launch titles.


re paidia ama den goystarete to xbox360 min postarete!

entaksei mas peisate oti to ps3 tha einai kalytero!!!

toylaxiston se ayto to topic na mathenoyme ta oraia nea poy vazei o privateer gia to xbox360 emeis poy eimaste fun !!!


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