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Avrio tha postarw entipwseis kai kana quick review apo PGR3 kai PDZ,an vrw xrono ;)


Μην μου πεις ότι το πήρες κιόλας!

Αντε περιμένουμε εντυπώσεις και καμία φώτο άμα έχεις ψηφιακή :grin:

H gunaika sigoura kostizei akribotera' date='

kai mporei na peseis kai se kamia krya...[/quote']


lmao! Kορυφαίος! Και με λογοπαίγνιο ενσωματωμένο! Αnyway, το θέμα της υπερθέρμανσης είναι πιστεύω μια από τις παιδικές ασθένειες του 360 και το τίμημα που πληρώνουν πάντα λίγο πολύ οι λεγόμενοι early adopters...


Το είχες προπαραγγείλει σε γνωστό Ελληνικό κατάστημα ?

Ρωτάω γιατί εγώ είχα ακούσει για Παπασωτηρίου και τοπυς πήρα πριν από μερικές ημέρες και μου τα μασούσανε. (Δεν ξέρουμε και πρέπει να έρθει πρώτα κτλπ)


Πάντως ελπίζω να βρεις χρόνο να ποστάρεις τίποτα και να μην παρασυρθείς και το ξεχάσεις.

Με ρέγουλο τα παιχνίδια για να μην τελειώσουν γρήγορα :-P


P.S: Ρε συ PR πες τίποτα και για τις θερμοκρασίες για να δούμε τι παίζει τελικά.


X360 Burnout Revenge Revealed


Wondering what you should be looking forward to on your Xbox 360? Well, here's a game to add to your list. While Burnout: Revenge is already out on current generation consoles, the upcoming Xbox 360 version is going to come with a greatly augmented visuals and lots of enhanced online functionality. So basically, even if you have the one that's out right now, you're going to be missing out if you don't pick this one up. Of course, you'll need an Xbox 360 for that, and as of right now that's a difficult thing to acquire, but that's a whole different issue. Anyway, we got some official information straight from Criterion's Matt Webster. Read on to find out why the Xbox 360 version is going to be a big step up, and feel free to check out early screens of this fine looking racer.



IGN: Is the Xbox 360 version of Burnout going to be all new? A port from current gen? Ported from which version? Does the Xbox 360 version have a unique title?


Matt Webster: We're making the Xbox 360 version of Burnout Revenge. We wanted to make this the showcase version of the game, so not only will it give you the visuals that you expect from a 360 game, we've really concentrated on adding new features such as Live Revenge and Save and Share.




IGN: How will the already excellent visuals and sense of speed be improved on the Xbox 360? How are you taking advantage of the X360's three processors and graphics chip?


Matt Webster: We have a host of cool new effects going in to the game. The shader technology that we have to give us scratches and crumples are added to new physical deformation technology. The cars look even better than ever, and when they crash it looks and sounds amazing. For sense of speed, we've also spent considerable engineering effort to get a brand new motion blur effect. With the horsepower that the 360 gives us we can now do a real per-pixel vector motion blur, it makes even the entry-level cars feel faster than ever.




IGN: What will be new in the Xbox 360 version's single player? For instance, new cars? New modes?


Matt Webster: We're introducing 10 new crash junctions for single player. These are real standout moments for Crash mode utilizing all the design elements that we honed when working the current-gen version. Additionally we are bringing a number of unlockable cars into the game, but we'll bring news of that later. Our main area of focus for 360 was to concentrate on new online features that take Revenge further than it's ever been.


IGN: How is the X360 Burnout going to take advantage of the Xbox Live's enhanced functionality? What new online modes and features will it offer?



Matt Webster: Our major concentration was in online. We looked at how online games are played and came to the realization that they were all essentially the same. Join a lobby, play the game, come back the lobby. We wanted to take this much further and that led to the Live Revenge feature.


Gamers come together in the lobby and then we do something brand new. We look at how these players connect with each other in a real sense, and then we highlight these relationships to all players.


In Live Revenge, 6 players come together and the game looks to see who has played whom before. Maybe you've taken me down in a previous game, perhaps I am the highest ranked player, or maybe we haven't played each other before. Whatever the case, when the game starts, we fly the camera around each of the racers in the game, and then every player gets rival relationships specific to them called out.


For example, if you have taken me out in a previous game, it tells me that you are a Revenge Rival, and tells me what the score is between is. Simultaneously the game is telling you that I am coming after you, and that you are ahead in takedowns.




Perhaps I am the player with the highest Rank, the game will show me to everyone, calling me out and giving everyone a focus, a target to takedown. Everyone hates a winner! It's all about long memories and short tempers.


What makes this even cooler is that these relationships are persistent, we track them, we look at how they change, and we communicate that to the player. If I haven't been online for a while and we get into a game together then we'll highlight this fact to both you and I, telling us that there is a vendetta between us, and reminding us of the score. Persistence make this feature really powerful.


It's about building relationships, giving the player a focus and then tracking how these relationships change.


We feel that we are making a real change to how games are played and sustained online. In every game that you play, they'll be something going on, and that's before the real action has even started!


The other new feature that we are really excited about is called Save and Share. Burnout is always an amazing game to watch, we have the best action! We always have these times when you say "Did you SEE that?" With Revenge on 360, you can now SHOW people. Now, when you finish a World Tour event, you will be shown a replay of the action, that's one of the most requested features from our fans.

So what? Well we're giving the player the ability to make a highlight of the action. You hit the record button and save a section of this replay to the HDD or Memory Unit. The real innovation here is that you can select to SHARE the clip. The highlight will be uploaded to your own section of the server where you can share it with other gamers. They'll be able to download and rate your action and we'll keep track of the Top 20 Most Downloaded highlight reels. It's something that we've wanted to do for a long time, and now with the power of 360 we can do it all online.




IGN: Will it run at 60 frames per second, and how long will the load times be?


Matt Webster: It's Burnout and that means it's at 60Hz. For load times, they'll be as short as we can possible make them.


IGN: Can you name some X360 achievements that will be built into the game?


Matt Webster: We haven't finalized the naming just yet, but we have over 30 of them and they will reward gamers of varying skill levels, as well as those playing off and online.


IGN: When is it coming out?


Matt Webster: It'll be on the shelves in March 2006.


IGN: Thanks for your time.




Pantws o papasotiriou sto site tou evgale thn anakoinwsh:





Ta paixnidia kai ta accessories einai dia8esima apo simera.


Aπ'οτι εχω μαθει αυτο που εξαντλειται λογω του οτι υπαρχουν πολυ λιγα κομματια ειναι το Full πακετο .....των 399€ !!

Το "απλο" εχει ποιο καλη διαθεσιμοτητα ...


Xbox 360 sells 400K; Only 3% of units defective


According to Next Generation, technology research analyst P.J. McNealy estimates 300,000 to 400,000 Xbox 360ʼs have been sold in the U.S in the last week. The analyst went on to say, “I think [Microsoft] would have been happy to have sold another million if they could have. They just didnʼt have them.”


Apparently, major retailers have been left in the dark regarding replenishments, including Circuit City. And with the upcoming European launch this weekend, shortages could be even worse.


In related news, Microsoft says the number of faulty Xbox 360ʼs is less than 3% of total units, this being below the average for new consumer electronic products.




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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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