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The Official XBOX360 topic


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Μέγιστη βλακεία πάντως οτι πολλές εταιρίες μας έχουν στο φτύσιμο βλέπε 2ksports 2k6 θα αργήσει να έρθει ελλάδα μάλλον 27/1/2006. ποιά παιχνίδια σκοπεύετε να πάρετε για αρχή τη Παρασκευή? εγώ βλέπω

1. Κameo

2. PGR3

3. Codemned ???

ο χαμός θα γίνει το φεβρουάριο

oblivion, 2k6, κλπ κλπ 3/2/2006

  • Απαντ. 2,7k
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Sto beyond3d trexei edo kai liges ores mia fhmh oti h MS logo problhmatos sto hardware toy 360 stamataei thn paragogh mexri na lysei to problhma kai tha thn synexisei apo febroyario, phgh ths fhmhs mexri stigmhs einai ekrposopoi apo dyo diaforetikes allysides katasthmaton sthn amerikh , Target kai Best Buy, opos kai na exei einai mia fhmh opote parte thn me epifylaxeis.



re pedia akoma den ton ehete katalavei kai tou dinete simasia? afou xerete poso antikimenika ine osa grafei! lol .


kante pos den iparhei oti kai an grafei kai as postarei kai tha dite oti se ligo kero tha tin kanei me elafra apo dw mesa


Αφού σας το έγραψε (δις) ότι είναι ΦΗΜΗ , δεν το έδωσε σαν γεγονός .

Γιατί δεν διαβάζετε προσεκτικά πρώτα , ώστε μετά να απαντάτε με πιο σωστό τρόπο, για να μην έχουμε και παρεξηγήσεις .


Saints Row - Destructive models


Το τελευταίο μοντέλο physics της Havoc κάνει πολύ καλή δουλειά με την καταστροφή των αντίπαλων οχημάτων.

Ειδικά εάν έχεις ένα μπαζούκα μπορείς να καταστρέψεις μέχρι και το ελικόπτερο της αστυνομίας που σε κυνηγάει.

Πάρτε ένα όμορφο βιντεάκι (χωρίς ήχο) από μία πρόσφατη επίδειξη που έκαναν στο Gamespot.

Όποιον τον τσάντιζαν οι μπάτσοι στο GTA , εδώ θα βγάλει το άχτι του :)






Ναι αλλά το Max Payne δεν είχε τέτοια μοντέλα καταστροφής και δεν ήταν τοσο ανοιχτό σαν παιχνίδι όσο φαίνεται να είναι αυτό εδώ. Περιμένετε να κυκλοφορήσει πρώτα και μετά αρχίζουμε τις συγκρίσεις.


xthes stis 6 to apogeuma pernaga apo ena multirama k ksefortanane 360 mazi me accesories.mpainw mesa sa ligouris me ta salia na trexoun k to fidisio blema na diaperna ti gomena pou taksinomouse ta 360.mou xamogela auti k tis kanw ti omorfo kouti...kati allo perimene auti na akousei...eixa panw mou 500 euro k tous lew edw k twra mou to dinete k sas plerwnw.alla distixws apetixe i diplomatiki odos.efoson den to pira xthes,tha perimenw kalitera k to ps3.axxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...atimes ti mas kanete...(konsoles)

re pedia akoma den ton ehete katalavei kai tou dinete simasia? afou xerete poso antikimenika ine osa grafei! lol .


kante pos den iparhei oti kai an grafei kai as postarei kai tha dite oti se ligo kero tha tin kanei me elafra apo dw mesa


Ο Slay έγραψε μιά φήμη, το οποίο μάλιστα το δήλωσε 2 φορές μέσα σε μία πρόταση.


Σε παρακαλώ μήν επιβεβαιώνεις αυτό που έγραψα πρίν, δηλαδή ότι για ότι πληροφορίες μας δίνει ο Slay, πετάγεται και ένας έξυπνος να οξίνει τα πνεύματα με τα άτυπα σχόλιά του.


Πρωτες εντυπωσεις του Kyle απο το HardOCP για το 360 (αρθρο της προηγουμενης εβδομαδας - τωρα το ειδα)






We came into this review with a very skeptical eye, not wanting to be bowled over by high tech hardware, flashy graphics, catchy games or marketing hype. The reason we must be careful in these types of situations is that we are not only hardware enthusiasts, but we are also gamers at heart; products like the Xbox 360 cater to our weaknesses for high horsepower hardware and graphically impressive games.


Does the Xbox 360’s hardware live up to our initial expectations? Yes, very much so, and then some. It is hard not to be impressed with what we have seen, heard, and experienced. On the hardware level, the Xbox 360 delivers a true next-gen gaming experience that promises to deliver for a long time to come.


How about the gaming? Did the games we played live up to our expectations? The two games we did play, although our opinion is purely subjective, were a blast and I would certainly not hesitate to recommend either of them. With games on the horizon like Gears of War , Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Huxley and Halo 3, the future of gaming on the Xbox 360 is looking very, very bright.


So, how defective are the launch units?


This is a hard one to call, since of course other than people talking on the Internet there are no hard numbers to go on when we're talking about defective systems. Anecdotally damn near every interactive I've seen at retail has been frozen, turned off, or otherwise broken down. While I haven't had any issues with my unit yet, I think this is partly bad design, and partly people not realizing how to take care of their systems.


The 360 pumps out an extreme amount of heat. A lot. So much that you could heat a <insert absurdly large structure here> with it. After an hour or so you can put your hand anywhere near the unit and feel just how hot it can get inside your entertainment center. I've seen a unit in an enclosed kiosk that had been on for most of the day, and the sides of the plastic case where almost painful to touch. If you cover a vent, or don't have adequate ventilation, or even just high carpeting, I have no problems imagining your system dying.


Overheating is going to be a big problem with these things, and you have to set up your system and home theater with heat dispersion in mind. You've got five or six feet of cable between the brick and the console. Use that to ensure the power brick is a good ways away from the system, make sure air can move freely, and that the vents aren't blocked in the slightest. While this sort of thing is second nature to PC gamers, console people may not realize just how much of an issue heat is with the 360 and kill their system before they even know what hit them.


Of course, without a huge warning on the box or the instructions this is going to be a problem. Microsoft isn't being very upfront about how to properly set up the system, and they should have taken steps from the design phase on to make sure the system has no problem pumping out all the heat the innards generate. The 360 runs hotter than any other console I've ever seen, hotter than my computer, and a touch hotter than the space heater I'm using to keep my feet warm right now. Why Microsoft isn't being more aggressive with educating consumers of this problem is beyond me. Telling people to make sure to keep the unit cool is a lot less of a headache than forum post after forum post complaining about glitched up systems.




simfono oti apo apopsi epidoseon to xbox einai poio pano apo to ps2 ala mi xexname oti ta xorizei kai mia xroniki periodos tis kikloforias tou xbox me to ps2. opos itan paliotera to Nindento 64 me to proto playstation kai omos to playstation pali kalitero itan. Giati den metraei mono to mixanima ala kai i ipostirixi.

To poios einai kaliteros ston xoro tha fanei tora me to XBOX360 kai to PS3 pou apo oti exo dei einai sxedon isodinama! Opote katalavenete vourrrrrrrrrrrrrr gia marketing.

Ego tha perimeno kai to PS3 pantos kai meta tha apofasiso gia to poio tha paro!

kalo poli kalo,alla pc den einai etsi?akoma kai to max payne 2 pou einai palio,eixe perisoteri leptomeria


Φυσικά και δεν είναι Pc.

Είναι πολύ καλύτερο από τα αντίστοιχα παιχνίδια του PC αλλιώς δεν θα ασχολούμασταν μαζί του :)


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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