Slay Δημοσ. 26 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 26 Ιανουαρίου 2006 kai ego se ayth thn timh ta perimeno, 20-25 ta single layer, bebaia mporei na brethoyme xana pro ekplhxeon ;-)
Slay Δημοσ. 26 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 26 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Oloklhro to review gia to opoio milaei to Engadget, dystixos h metafrash apo ta germanika einai apo to google giayto kai exei merika koula. Blu ray burner for the first time in the test If Samsung had still completely overslept the start of the DVD burners, the Koreans want to completely in front be at the next generation of the optical storage media also thereby and strike the Japanese competition of Sony & CO a Schnippchen. The drive assembly is already finished, one waits only for the new copy protection AACS , it was said. In order to support the statement, received the computer magazine c't an engineering SAM-polarize the BD burner Sh-b022 for one day to the test. Image The Sh-b022 presents itself with schicker black front screen. The ejection button flashes in the case of burning blue. The drive assembly can already describe Blu ray Discs. CDs and DVDs read it only. The sales version is to be able to burn it however also. Samsung supplied a special version of Nero with the version number 7.0.4. With this it succeeded to us to describe a again-recordable einlagige Bd-re25 with nominal 25 GByte storage location completely. If one counts on 1024 byte per kilobyte, then 22.23 GByte fit on a Disc. Two-part versions, which are so far not yet available, are to swallow the double. The combustion with 2X (corresponds to a transfer rate of 8990 KByte/s) lasted 43:40 minutes. The drive assembly described but announced a once recordable blank (Bd-r) from the fundus of the editorship meanwhile not, that the mark was not supported by the write strategies in the firmware. Our bench mark program h2benchw could address the drive assembly without problems and determined quite good transfer rates. A Bd-RH is picked out with on the average 8.6 MByte/s, a Dvd-9 with 6,0 MByte/s, an Dvd r with 11,6 MByte/s and an CD-r with 4,4 MByte/s. The middle access times moved between 259 ms with the Bd-RH and 114 ms with an CD-r. The error correction during the reading worked with a badly burned test DVD r very well and with one scratches test CD Rome well. Badly pressed Dvd Rome did not recognize the Sh-b022 however. With a scratched audio CD we heard starting from 1.2 mm scratch width of interferences, copy-protected music CDs however with an exception everything were already played. At the back of the drive assembly Samsung inserted inside a small exhaust. The housing had however no ventilation openings and in such a way whirls the small Quirl air in the housing only in disorder, as soon as one inserts a Disc. The noises remain however nevertheless in pleasant ranges. With a BD it reaches 1.6 Sone, when playing a video DVD 1.9 Sone and with the selection CD Rome still very good 3.9 Sone. With an earlier test of a Sony drive assembly for Professional Disc for DATA (the professional variant Blu ray of the Disc) the high temperature than very problematic emerged. The Samsung burner remains however cool. Directly after burning we measured uncritical 42 °C on the Discoberflaeche. A view in the housing inside revealed the new technology. Thus Samsung on CONTROLLER chips of Sony trusts and into its Pickup Head two lenses built, one for CDs and DVDs and a larger for Blu ray the Discs. Rubber buffers intercept vibrations. (cannot provide the picture cause imageshack makes trouble uploading it...see source) The read-write head bring along two lenses, the upper small for CDs and DVDs, the lower large for Blu ray Discs. Result Samsung goes as the first through the goal and presents the first functioning Blu ray burner outside from fairs and reglementierten conference rooms. The fact that we were allowed to move the test equipment without restrictions with our measuring tools, still in the development, to body witnesses of self-confident its the Korean. The Sh-b022 works already now better than so some Retail drive assembly. Sometimes we had to insert a Disc twice, before them were recognized, serious problems gave it however none. The developers have still until April time to insert the missing functions. The finished drive assembly is to describe and to read be able then also two-part BDs with 50 GByte. To do also the software developers do not have some, except the special version of Nero wanted other program, which is alleged "Blu ray ready", with the drive assembly to co-operate. Only with the final sales devices one will see, how the new features of the Blu ray films in action look and whether the AACS was implemented error free. Samsung already gives a Vorgeschmack, which hardware is needed for the Blu ray drive assembly with IDE connection, first: Thus one needs a 3-GHz-CPU and a diagram map with at least 128 MByte memory for the expenditure by hp films, to be recommended a Geforce 7800 or ATI Radeon X1800. so far gives it however no models, which exhibit the necessary copy-protected interfaces HDMI or DVI with HDCP. Without these one will be able to show the films if necessary in dissolutions of standard, but not in hp one will see in such a way the first drive assemblies, if they come according to Samsung starting from April on the market, probable in complete PCS with according to equipped OEM Grafikkarten. Samsung did not call a price for Europe so far, in the USA is the Sh-b022b 500 US dollar to cost. You read the complete test in the computer magazine c't, expenditure 4/06, those starting from Monday, which is available 6 February
ProEvoFan Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Isos kai ayto einai lathos... alla an ena blueray burner kanei 500$ tote ena aplo drive kostizei poli ligotero sosta? ara ayto pou tha exei mesa to ps3 tha einai akoma fthinotero sosta? de kostizoun ta parts mias konsolas oso stin agora to kathena ksexorista... ara de nomizo na anevasei tin timi tou ps3 to bluray drive...mia skepsi kano etsi... ypothetika milao panta...:roll:
Slay Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Isos kai ayto einai lathos... alla an ena blueray burner kanei 500$ tote ena aplo drive kostizei poli ligotero sosta? ara ayto pou tha exei mesa to ps3 tha einai akoma fthinotero sosta? Nai sosto einai ayto poy les, eidika an to drive to ftiaxneis esy, kai oxi kapoios tritos gia sena to kostos einai akoma mikrotero, alla kai pali tha einai arketa akribotero apo ena aplo dvd drive, alla melontika to kostos tha exei pesei toso poly poy axizei to risko tora btw koita ligo ta pm soy.
p3tran Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 ..περι blue ray απο τον αντιπροεδρο της pioneer...
nestorn Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Απο το jeux-france : "In an article published by the Barber, Sony Computer Entertainment confirms once again that PlayStation 3 should leave during spring 'the device launching will be specified in May, at the time of the world Living room of the video games E3, in Los Angeles. Useless to excite itself: the PSP had been announced for March and it arrived last September, without that affecting the sales.', indicates George Fornay, European vice-president of Sony...." H μετάφραση είναι λίγο περίεργη λόγω babelfish αλλά το νόημα βγαίνει...
DIMERR Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 27 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Paidia pote perimenoume twra episimi anakoinwsi kai parousiasi twn specs tou ps3?
ProEvoFan Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Opos exei pei kai o slay kai opos ola deixnoun mallon sto festival tis sony...ego prosopika pleon perimeno nea se kathe event pou tha lamvanei meros apo do kai pera...
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Moore Says MS Can't Touch PS3 Launch In a surprising bout of sincerity, Peter Moore admits that there's nothing Microsoft can do to touch the PlayStation 3 at launch. Bill Gates caused a stir last year when he said that Microsoft was prepping Halo 3 to launch alongside the PlayStation 3, to give gamers pause before siding with Sony. But in a recent interview, Microsoft's Peter Moore admitted to tech site Engadget that whatever his company tries to do, Sony is going to have a sell-out on its hands: "They'll launch and it'll be very successful. There's no doubt, regardless of whether I throw a title in there or an update of Live or whatever, that it's not going to affect their launch." "You don't think they're not going to sell out of PlayStation 3s, do you? You think that if I could create a piece of IP so that PlayStation 3s would arrive at Best Buy and they'd sit on the shelves? Come on, it's not going to happen."
nestorn Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Aπο το PS3-live.... As you will have been able to note it since the beginning of the month, through several job offers, various studios hustle with the wickets of the developers PlayStation 3 . The Japanese magazine Famitsu still adds one of them to the list: the Success studio , already creative several plays on various platforms. Success announces two titles PS3 for this year: A RPG without title, and a simulation temporarily entitled Hitsuji Walled . Currently, to summarize, there are 71 editors who work on 102 plays for PlayStation 3, the majority not having any date of planned exit. With Success, has list of PS3 games planned for 2006 éleve with 8 titles : Fatal Inertia , Koei, spring 2006 Mahjong Taikai , Koei, spring 2006 Ni-Oh , Koei, Be 2006 Shin Ten Makai VI , Idea Factory, Be 2006 Vampire' S Rain , AQ Interactive, winter 2006 Sonic the Hedgehog , Sega, 2006 Unnamed RPG , Success, 2006 Hitsuji Walled , Success, 2006 Mετα και απο αυτό δεν νομίζω οτι υπάρχει αμφιβολία για το αν το PS3 θα κυκλοφορήσει μέσα στο 2006 (τουλάχιστον στην Ιαπωνία).....Κατα τη γνώμη μου το αργότερο μέχρι τον Ιούνιο θα έχει κυκλοφορήσει στην Ιαπωνία και για Ευρώπη και Αμερική πιστεύω το αργότερο μέχρι τα Χριστούγεννα να έχει κυκλοφορήσει (δεν είναι χαζή η Sony να χάσει την εορταστική-καταναλωτική περίοδο) ...
Donacgr Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 makari nestorn alla to exei kanei i sony aretes fores afto! vlepe PS2 pote kikloforise kai posa liga komatia eixan erthei! eixa proparagelia apo ton noemvrio kai to pira ton ianouario me tin proti fournia pou eixan vgei kai estaxa kai tote 260 xiliades draxmes giati se anagazane na paresi 2o xiristirio (outos i alos tha eperna) karta mnimis (outos i alos tha eperna) ala mazi kai 2 paixnidia apo ta opoia ego mono ena ithela giati ta prota paixnidia itan kapos geleia etsi!?
nestorn Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 makari nestorn alla to exei kanei i sony aretes fores afto! Έχεις δίκιο, απλά με βάση αυτά που διαβάζω σε αυτό το συμπέρασμα καταλήγω (χωρίς να σημαίνει βέβαια οτι θα πέσω μέσα)... pira ton ianouario me tin proti fournia pou eixan vgei kai estaxa kai tote 260 xiliades draxmes giati se anagazane na paresi 2o xiristirio (outos i alos tha eperna) karta mnimis (outos i alos tha eperna) ala mazi kai 2 paixnidia apo ta opoia ego mono ena ithela giati ta prota paixnidia itan kapos geleia etsi!? Αυτό είναι πράγματι μεγάλη απάτη απο πλευράς $ony ή εκάστοτε καταστήματος και δεν είναι σπάνιο φαινόμενο...Πρόσφατα διάβαζα οτι το ίδιο έγινε και με το 360 στην Αγγλία... Πάντως εγώ προσωπικά αν δεν έχει κανένα launch game που με ενδιαφέρει δεν θα βιαστώ να πάρω το PS3(όπως δεν είχα πάρει αμέσως και το PS2)... Εξάλλου και οι κονσόλες αυτής της γεννιάς έχουν πολλά φοβερά games για να με απασχολήσουν(έχει δει κανείς το Okami?) μέχρι να βγεί το killer app (κατ' εμένα) στο PS3...
nestorn Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 It is the Famitsu magazine which is stuck to it, by bringing back the remarks of Japanese analysts, who reflect the forecasts of their American fellow-members. Eiji Maeda , of Daiwa Institute of Research , estimates that PlayStation 3 will be launched to Japan between April and June , but will not have a line-up provided before the summer or the winter. Jay Defibaugh , of the Swiss Credit First Boston (currently working for the Swiss branch Credit of Tokyo), envisages an almost similar date, between May and June. Although Sony intends to leave the console next spring, the analysts envisage a delay of launching, since only 2 plays are currently planned for this period. Indeed, it will be necessary to await the end of the year to reach 8 titles , which remains very weak... And it is this factor which is likely to weaken the sales of the console in 2006, according to Eiji Maeda , although it estimates that it will be the gaining console parmis the next-gen. Maeda estimates that the Blu-Ray reader of the PS3 will not be a sales point as significant as was reader DVD of the PS2. It estimates that the PS3 will cost at least 40000 yens (285 ?) , whereas the Revolution should at most cost 30000 yens (215 ?). Moreover, from here the exit of the console next-gen of Sony, it thinks that Microsoft will have lowered the price of Xbox360 . Hiroshige Gotoh , journalist at IT , think that the Revolution has the potential to gain the war next-gen, thanks to its innovations and its very special lever. Defibaugh (of Swiss Credit ), thinks that the Japanese market will be dominated by the PS3 if the sales of Xbox 360 remain also weak in the future. Defibaugh and Maeda think both that PlayStation 3 will have 50% of the shares of market at the end of 2006 , against 30% for Xbox 360, and 20% for the Revolution.
DIMERR Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Opos exei pei kai o slay kai opos ola deixnoun mallon sto festival tis sony...ego prosopika pleon perimeno nea se kathe event pou tha lamvanei meros apo do kai pera... Kai pote einai ayto?
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 28 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Opos exei pei kai o slay kai opos ola deixnoun mallon sto festival tis sony...ego prosopika pleon perimeno nea se kathe event pou tha lamvanei meros apo do kai pera... Αυτο ελειπε ..να μην υπαρχουν νεα ...... Αυτο που περιμενεις ειναι και το ...αυτονοητο .... Μακαρι να συμβει αυτο που λεει και ο Nestorn .... ειδωμεν !!
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