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CryEngine 2 on PS3


H νέα μηχανή γραφικών της εταιρίας Crytech (γνωστή απο το Farcry) θα

χρησιμοποιηθεί και απο το PS3....O Cevat Yerli είναι dev της Crytech...


GameStar/dev: How does porting work from x86 to X360?


Cevat Yerli: In general the architecture is different of course, but they are

quite a bit more similar then Xbox360 and PS3. The cpu's of PC, 360 and PS3

have only one similarity - multi-threading. As a generic cpu the Xbox 360

processor is the most powerful one, if you're taking the 7 Spu's of the PS3

into account things change. Before we had the PS3 devkits we thought PS3

and Xbox 360 were closer in design than PC and console. That's not the case

though *laughs*


GameStar/dev: So you are optimizing your engine for the cell spu's?


Cevat Yerli: Sure. We have to, because we want to utilize PS3's power in full.

Accordingly the PS3 will get it's own engine architecture, kind of a

sub-architecture of CryEngine 2.


GameStar/dev: You outsourced the Far Cry Instincts port. Now you have to port yourselves?


Cevat Yerli: Umh ...


GameStar/dev: ... the graphics interfaces are requiring an extra effort?


Cevat Yerli: Yeah, because of OpenGL ES for the PS3 we have to recode our

whole rendering. If you look at it closely, CryEngine 2 will have 2 solutions for

each system in total. If a developer abstracts that, the technology is

optimized very specifically. Otherwise you cannot utilize the whole power.

Alternatively you can abstract it in a way that it is not running on all system,

then the strongest platform is losing out the most ...



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As Sony stays mum on PS3, doubts grow

Analysts worry about launch date, eventual costs


Jan. 19, 2006 -BURLINGAME, Calif.


Sony's future as a hardware company and legacy as a media company are both riding on PlayStation 3 — its long-awaited next-generation game console. But the less Sony says about the device, the louder skeptical voices grow.


Sony hasn't said much about the PS3 since May 2005, when it spilled details about the console's new processor and high-definition graphics. It's been mum since then. And when no new details were presented at the Consumer Electronics Show this month — either during Sony Chief Executive Howard Stringer's keynote speech or under the roof of the company's megabooth, where it showed off a demo of the machine but wouldn't provide any other details — the buzz got only stronger.


Now industry observers are wondering when the machine will finally debut and what the price tag will be — both for consumers and for Sony itself.


The outcome will be big for Sony: The size of the videogame industry is nearing $30 billion, and Microsoft and Nintendo are simultaneously trying to position their own consoles as digital hubs in living rooms across the world. (MSNBC.com is a Microsoft - NBC joint venture.) On top of that, the game machine is key to Sony's high-stakes bet on Blu-Ray, the next-generation, high-definition DVD format.


First there's the issue of the launch date. Sony's last word on this remains spring 2006, but almost nobody believes it (τον Slay τον ξερουνε στο Forbes?:-D ) — at least not for the North American launch — because of a history of delays for previous products. Thanksgiving looks to be a better bet, at least to Evan Wilson, an analyst with Pacific Crest Securities.


If the PS3 does launch in November, Sony will have given Microsoft a full year's worth of potential sales of its next-generation console, the Xbox 360. "Microsoft's lead time in building share for this console generation is real," says NPD Group's Anita Frazier. "The longer that lead time is, the greater the initial risk for Sony."


Then there's the worry that there won't be enough PS3s to go around when the machine finally does launch. Gamers had these fears realized the last time around, when only 600,000 of them got their hands on an Xbox 360 during the last two months of 2005. "But that was the most restricted launch supply of any major console platform," says Frazier.


Other analysts have estimated that Sony could launch about a million PS3s before 2006 is over — but that's the same number of units that were shipped by Sony during the launch of the PS2, and if a million units wasn't nearly enough in November 2000, it won't be enough in 2006 either.



High costs for customers — and Sony?


Finally, the high-end console looks as though it could break the proverbial piggy bank — not just for the consumer but for Sony too.


The company made sure to warn consumers in May 2005 that the new machine would be expensive. It didn't say how expensive, but with advanced components like a new "Cell processor" and a high-definition Blu-Ray disc drive, the PS3 will likely cost consumers more than the Xbox 360, which retails for $400.


Even at a pricey $500, Sony will be taking a loss on each machine, just as it did with each earlier PlayStation model. The company will hope to make money selling software for the console down the line — the same strategy Microsoft and Nintendo have taken.


But Sony's use of the Blu-Ray disc drive means even more is at stake for the company — Nintendo and Microsoft aren't including a high-definition player in their consoles (though Microsoft will offer an optional HD-DVD drive for sale before the year's end). The PS3 will cost Sony more to make, but the payoff in the future could be worth it.


Even the cheapest new Blu-Ray DVD players will retail for about $1,000. David Carey, president of electronics-component specialist firm Portelligent, says the Blu-Ray drive could add about $100 to the cost of owning a PS3.


Other components will drive up the cost of the PS3, Carey says. Based on his estimate that Microsoft loses about $100 for every Xbox 360 sold, he projects that Sony could see a $200 deficit per set-top box. That means consumers will pay $200 less than the cost of goods.


"This is more about egos and market share than it is about profits," says Carey. "This is a chest-pounding thing for Bill Gates and Howard Stringer. However, it's great for consumers to get this underwritten hardware."


Microsoft could already be recouping its lesser losses with surprisingly good sales of games during the holiday season. According to Wedbush Morgan Securities, Microsoft sold 4.3 games for every Xbox 360 — this in a season when overall game unit sales were down more than 10%. If each game is priced at $50, Microsoft might earn about $25 in profits per game, suggests Carey. If the average Xbox 360 owner buys four games, Microsoft will have recouped the estimated $100 loss.


If the company actually sells the approximately 5 million units it boasts it will ship by June, Microsoft will be on its way to making some serious money off the console and its games.


Sony, with loss-leading machines that could cost the company $200 each, might need to sell eight games per machine to make up the difference — a big challenge. "Compelling content is what drives the long-term success of these systems," says NPD's Frazier.


For the first time Wednesday, Sony announced six game titles that it said will launch with the PS3 in Japan. That's good news. In fact, it's the only news we've heard from Sony regarding the PS3 in a long time.


© 2006 Forbes.com



Mixed opinions from devs on Cell programming



Different developers are expressing opposing opinions on developing for the Cell processor.


Punch Jump is reporting that several developers believe it will be "three to four generations of games before the processor can be taken advantage of."


Microsoft's Xbox 360 launched in October 2005, and so developers will have had much more time to adjust to the new hardware. Sony could face problems trying to catch up if developers are struggling to utilise the Cell processor effectively.


"Instead of one potential problem, now you have seven," said Andy Sites, Sony Online Entertainment producer.


However, Seb Downie, Lead Tester for Guerrilla Games, has said quite the opposite. After many people asked about the differences in developing for PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3, Downie referred to a fellow developer:


"I was chatting to Michiel and he was telling me how crazy-easy it was compared to the PS2 and how much quicker things have been going for them."


In addition, Sony have put a lot of effort into providing middleware tools to make development easier. It's believed this is part of the reason Sony included the NVIDIA "RSX" graphics card. The Cell is said to be capable of handling graphics as well, but a GPU would be a lot more familiar to developers.


The Cell chip is a state-of-the-art processor built from ground-up by Sony, IBM and Toshiba. It features one main PowerPC core, and eight Synergistic Processing Elements, or mini-cores. The chip will form a major part of the PlayStation 3 hardware, but only seven SPEs will be active, in order to improve chip yield.


Sony Computer Entertainment Acquires Zipper Interactive, Developer of Top Selling SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals Franchise


Leading Online Console Game Creators Join SCE Worldwide Studios Network


FOSTER CITY, Calif., Jan. 24 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) announced today that leading game developer and long-time partner Zipper Interactive, creators of the top-selling SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs franchise, joins its newly formed global development operation, SCE Worldwide Studios. In an effort to further its commitment to long-term creative excellence in game development on PlayStation® platforms, the addition of Zipper Interactive marks the second studio acquisition by SCE following Guerrilla B.V. in December 2005.


Based in Redmond, Wash., Zipper Interactive is the award-winning developer of the SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs series for both the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system and the PSP (PlayStation®Portable) system, with franchise sales of all SOCOM titles surpassing seven million units worldwide. As the breakthrough online franchise on PlayStation 2, the critically acclaimed SOCOM series has consistently ranked number one within the platform portfolio across all global markets.


Building on an already strong and close working relationship between Zipper and Sony Computer Entertainment America, the two companies have signed an exclusive development agreement in January 2006. This move brings a studio well known for technology innovation formally into the PlayStation family and becomes a key creative force of SCE Worldwide Studios. Its day-to-day operations will continue to be run SCE WWS Foster City Studio. Financial terms of this arrangement are not disclosed.


"Zipper Interactive is one of the most well-known and respected development teams in the industry and we have enjoyed a great working relationship with the company since July 1999," said Phil Harrison, president, SCE Worldwide Studios. "Zipper's tremendous achievements and expertise in creating top-selling games with fantastically loyal online communities is a great addition to our development organization. We are delighted that Zipper Interactive is now a core member of the SCE Worldwide Studios network."


"We were first drawn to Sony Computer Entertainment by their vision for growing the videogame industry," said Jim Bosler, president and CEO, Zipper Interactive. "We've enjoyed an incredible relationship with SCE for more than six years. This has allowed us to combine our cutting edge technical and design capabilities with SCE's creative insights and extraordinary support to become the leader in the online console multiplayer field. As a part of the Sony Computer Entertainment group we can look forward to introducing innovative titles that push online functionality and community experiences even further."




Evan Wilson, an industry analyst working for Pacific Crest Securities, has recorded a prediction that the PS3 will launch this November with one million units in North America. He slates the European launch for March 2007 and the Japanese launch to happen this summer.


The one million-unit mark is not really an incredibly low number, considering the PS2 was slated for approximately the same launch total but ended up getting slashed to 500,000 units. The Xbox 360 also had its own launch trouble, with only 600,000 units available at launch in North America. Both of these two recent launches incurred extreme shortages that left consumers unhappy. Even though one million units are substantially larger than the PS2 and Xbox 360 totals, shortages are still very likely.


It is also important to remember that this is just an educated insider, and he is throwing out likely numbers based off of speculation. The one million-unit mark seems like a good guess since that is what Sony went for last time around. But no matter how high or low the launch number ends up being, there will still be shortages. So, if you want a PS3 on day one, do yourself a favor and place a preorder. Otherwise you are more than welcome to join me at midnight in front of my local Best Buy retailer, PSP and copy of Lumines are required.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Ema poia, afoy skeftomai na psaxo ola ta gaming sites poy to anadhmosieysan kai na kano ena post me ola ta links mpas kai parei telos ayto to bioli, an kai den to nomizo.

Ema poia, afoy skeftomai na psaxo ola ta gaming sites poy to anadhmosieysan kai na kano ena post me ola ta links mpas kai parei telos ayto to bioli, an kai den to nomizo.



Ειναι βρε συ μεχρι να το εμπεδωσετε ....:-) :-)


Aν και δεν ειναι ακριβως η ιδια ειδηση ....


Για όσους ενδιαφέρονται για το τεχνολογικό κομμάτι του PS3 παραθέτω και άλλο

μέρος της συνέντευξης του Cevat Yerli την Crytech....


GameStar/dev: The new PC processors and the upcoming consoles are

heavily applying multithreading. How are you gonna utilize the potential?


Cevat Yerli: We're scaling the individual modules , like animation, physics and

parts of the graphics with the cpu, depending how many threads the

hardware has to offer. We're going to support both multi-cpu systems and

multithreading and multicore. With 3 cpu's with 2 hardware threads each (dual

core cpu's) it's possible that we are going to scale for 6 threads. Maybe we're

not gonna do it though, depending how fast the individual cores or the

cpu-threads are running respectively. We're developing a system that's

analyzing how much threading power is available and we are going to scale



GameStar/dev: x86, PowerPC and PowerPC + Cell. All architectures have

their own threading organization ...


Cevat Yerli: The 360 solution resembles Hyper threading. In principle it's 2

cpu's with 2 Hyper threads each. If you're asking the hardware

manufacturers, that's not the case though. But analyzing it from a software

developerʼs standpoint it's no different from hyper threading. That means that

you're supposed to have 6 threads, but it's only 1.5 threads by 3 in reality.

With PS3's cell things are looking differently: the main cpu has 2 threads

(slightly better than hyper threading) and then you're getting the synergetic

processors.The 8th spu was cut.


GameStar/dev: Yields?


Cevat Yerli: A pure manufacturing reason. The spu's are not as flexible as

your conventional cpu, that's why we have to scale differently.


GameStar/dev: Between the individual architectures it's almost impossible

to port the whole code. You have to at least modify the low level commands.

x86 and PowerPC are different, but how easily can you port from one console

to the other considering they're both PowerPC based?


Cevat Yerli: You can't port it either really. We're the only german developer

that has a PS3 dev kit I believe. Accordingly we can look at the hardware in

real life rather than speculating about it. The PS3 is a system that needs

further adaptions that are especially written for the PS3 architecture - simply

porting just isn't working....


Πονοκέφαλοι λόγω του multicore Cell απο ότι φαίνεται, αλλά τα αποτελέσματα μάλλον

θα βγάζουν μάτια (τουλάχιστον στα χέρια ικανών devs...)




Πονοκέφαλοι λόγω του multicore Cell απο ότι φαίνεται' date=' αλλά τα αποτελέσματα μάλλον

θα βγάζουν μάτια ([b']τουλάχιστον στα χέρια ικανών devs[/b]...)

To trelo ths ypotheshs einai oti h dyskolia programmatismoy toy ps2 tha bgei kerdos gia ton programmatismo toy ps3, kai ayto giati oi poio ikanes omades doyleyan se ayth thn genia gia paixnidia toy ps2, kyrios giati eixe makran thn megalh bash xrhston opote kai oi publishers ekei erixnan to megalo baros, tora logo ths dyskolias programmatismoy toy ps2 ayto odhghse poly ikanoys programmatistes na grafoyn kodika gia to strifno emotion engine, kai opos lene polloi apo aytoys tora, o cell kai genikotera to ps3 toys fainontai paixnidaki.


Aυτό τουλάχιστον είπε ένας dev της guerilla αν θυμάμαι καλά....

Όπως και να έχει πάντως τα σοβαρά next-gen games θα θέλουν περισσότερα

resources και χρόνο για να φτιαχτούν λόγω αυξημένων απαιτήσεων....

Το θετικό είναι οτι σχεδόν όλοι οι devs (ακόμα κλασικοί PC devs όπως η Crytech)

έχουν στρέψει το βλέμμα στις νέες κονσόλες....εκεί είναι το μέλλον όπως φαίνεται...


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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