xrest Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Sony cuts PS3 titles from website Sony Computer Entertainment Inc has removed six listings for PlayStation 3 titles from its Japanese website, PlayStation.jp, and has stripped all mention of the PlayStation 3 console from the forthcoming releases page. The titles, including new Everybody's Golf, Gran Turismo and Genji games, were originally listed alongside PSP and PS2 releases for 2006, as we reported yesterday, and represented the first confirmed PS3 titles from SCEJ. However, the listings - which merely showed titles for the games, and gave no indication of whether they were set to be launch titles or not - presumably weren't meant to be revealed this early on, and have been pulled without explanation [always a good way to deal with something you revealed early, eh readers? - Ed]. A Sony spokesperson contacted by GamesIndustry.biz this afternoon declined to comment on the reason for the removal of the titles from the site, saying simply that" "We are working on the launch of PlayStation 3 and a confirmed list of titles will be announced at the appropriate time http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=62549
p3tran Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Virtua Fighter 5 for PS3 confirmed This month's issue of EGM apparently confirms that Virtua Fighter 5 is coming to the PS3. From the article: "[The] February issue of EGM reveals that Virtua Fighter 5 is coming to the PS3' date=' with the followup line '[b']and it might be exclusive.[/b]'" http://www.joystiq.com/2006/01/20/virtua-fighter-5-for-ps3-confirmed/ ε οχι και exclusive... ας βγει και στο ps3, οχι μονο στο 360 www.ztgamedomain.com αν δεν ανοιξει το παραπανω, παταμε "xbox 360" και στη λιστα με τα games επιλεγουμε το vf5. xboxaddict.com/news/january 2004/Virtua Fighter 5 For Xbox και σε αυτο το περσινο λινκ ο osaki, ο chief της SEGA ΑΜ2 studios λεει πως το εχουνε βαλει μπροστα απο τοτε.. παντως απο οτι λενε οι γιαπωνεζοι, το ηλεκτρονικο εχει τους παιχτες με "πλαστικοποιηση" και πολυ γυαλαδα, ενω η ποιοτητα των γραφικων ειναι ΚΑΤΩ απο το D.O.A.4 στο 360. και μιλαμε για το ηλεκτρονικο, οχι καποιο console beta.. ...οι εποχες που τα arcade machines ητανε οτι καλυτερο και οι οποιες παιχνιδομηχανες ειχαμε σπιτι μας ητανε κατωτερες, εχουνε περασει χωρις επιστροφη. αυτο ειναι καλο για ολους.
Exoskeletor Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 popo ta prota virtual fighter me eixean trelani. gia na doume ti exei na mas pei ayto. elpizo na mhn exei mono grafika
xrest Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 sxeetika me to deutero link pou edwses petran,sto xbox addict,katalaba oti mporei na nai gia xbox1.den dieukrinizei gia pou thanai,opote mallon einai akiro.basika k gw apo gnwsta site exw dei oti nai gia ps3.bebaia pisteuew oti tha bgei k gia 360.tha deiksei.kala to DOA4 den paizetai asta...k fantasou oti mono to DOA2 sto dreamcast exw paiksei
xrest Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 PS3 - Further Delay Evidence Sony's appearance at the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas has created intense speculation regarding the possibility of a launch delay for its Playstation 3 console, speculation which is being further fueled by industry analysts. MegaGames has already reported on various analyses claiming that PS3 may not arrive until Q4, 2006, but now further evidence is being presented suggesting that a delay in Sony's next-gen console launch may be unavoidable. Analysts are presenting evidence which goes a long way in convincing the market that Sony may be considering a delay in the PS3 launch. The first observations suggesting that something may not be quite right are those revolving around Sony's presence at CES 2006. Although Sony had a large enough booth at the show, PS3 was in a glass case far behind the company's main exhibits, i.e. televisions and mp3 players while the only PS3 content available was limited to a few non-playable demos. The next big giveaway that something may be up was Sony Chief Executive Howard Stringer's keynote speech, at the show, which failed to provide any launch information on the console which was expected to be Sony's hot item during CES and instead focused on PSP. Knowing that any delay in the Playstation 3 launch would cause the product a lot of damage in its fight for supremacy with Microsoft's XBox 360 console suggests that only a serious reason could be behind any delay. The latest news implies that Sony may be having a problem with its yield figures for the Cell chip. Yield is the ratio of usable chips per silicon wafer and manufacturers do their best to maximize it before beginning mass production of a chip. The choice to include a Blu-Ray drive with the new console may also contribute to production delays since Samsung and Pioneer both announced Blu-Ray drives that cost in excess of USD 1,000. Since some analysts have suggested that if a delay does happen it may only be 2-4 months, a staggered launch has been suggested. That plan calls for a Japanese launch for PS3 in spring or summer 2006, a U.S. launch November 1, 2006 and a European launch in March 2007. These plans call for very few launch titles, under the 19 that Microsoft had to accompany the launch of X360. Additional evidence of a delay comes from publisher Take-Two Interactive and its recent fourth-quarter earnings conference call during which Chief Financial Officer Karl Winter said that he expects PS3 will be introduced: ...near the end of our fiscal year. Take-Two's fiscal year ends Oct. 31. The accumulating evidence suggests that Sony may not be able to have the combination of hardware, price and titles necessary for a U.S. launch although it may just make it and get PS3 out in Japan. http://www.megagames.com/news/html/console/ps3-furtherdelayevidence.shtml
p3tran Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 sxeetika me to deutero link pou edwses petran,sto xbox addict,katalaba oti mporei na nai gia xbox1.den dieukrinizei gia pou thanai,opote mallon einai akiro.basika k gw apo gnwsta site exw dei oti nai gia ps3.bebaia pisteuew oti tha bgei k gia 360.tha deiksei.kala to DOA4 den paizetai asta...k fantasou oti mono to DOA2 sto dreamcast exw paiksei ..τοτε δες κι εδω http://www.gamestats.com/objects/748/748774/index.html ή ψαξε και σε καννα search engine. η sega συνεργαζεται στενα με την m$ εδω και πολυ καιρο.. οχι οτι τρελενομαι για vf, αλλα θα βγει..
Slay Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 PS3 - Further[/b'] Delay Evidence Siga ta nea stoixeia, to idio arthro prepei na einai h tetarth fora poy to blepo edo mesa, kai esy malista to exeis kanei deyterh fora post. H anadhmosieysh mias eidhshs se allo meso, den einai nea eidhsh.
xrest Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 ..τοτε δες κι εδω http://www.gamestats.com/objects/748/748774/index.html ή ψαξε και σε καννα search engine. η sega συνεργαζεται στενα με την m$ εδω και πολυ καιρο.. οχι οτι τρελενομαι για vf' date=' αλλα θα βγει..[/quote'] basika einai poli egkefaliko to vf.arketa diskolo to master it.giauto maresei.a k epeidi einai SEGA.to vf5 einai megalos titlos.eidika to vf4 evolution itan apisteuto.mwri sega stis dikies sou konsoles giati den ebgazes auta ta games pio prosegmena..
xrest Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Siga ta nea stoixeia' date=' to idio arthro prepei na einai h tetarth fora poy to blepo edo mesa, kai esy malista to exeis kanei deyterh fora post.H anadhmosieysh mias eidhshs se allo meso, den einai nea eidhsh.[/quote'] bebaia ta dika sou nea metrane...ti na sou pw..k den einai double post.simera i xthes dimosieutike sto megagames...ontws siga ta nea..toxoume ksanapei,allwste tou slay ta posts einai ta THE BEST.
Slay Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 bebaia ta dika sou nea metrane...ti na sou pw..k den einai double post.simera i xthes dimosieutike sto megagames...ontws siga ta nea..toxoume ksanapei,allwste tou slay ta posts einai ta THE BEST. nai e? gia bres moy loipon tis diafores, kai poia akribos einai h NEA eidhsh giati ego den blepo tipota neo. http://www.insomnia.gr/vb3/showpost.php?p=1008390&postcount=1288 Evan Wilson of Pacific Crest Securities said..... http://www.insomnia.gr/vb3/showpost.php?p=1010266&postcount=1332 Evan Wilson, an analyst with Pacific Crest Securities, stated.... http://www.insomnia.gr/vb3/showpost.php?p=1010392&postcount=1343 analyst Even Wilson has predicted..... H idia eidhsh einai anadhmosieymenh apo alla mesa.
xrest Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 PS3 - Further Delay Evidence Sony's appearance at the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas has created intense speculation regarding the possibility of a launch delay for its Playstation 3 console' date=' speculation which is being further fueled by industry analysts. MegaGames has already reported on various analyses claiming that PS3 may not arrive until Q4, 2006, but now further evidence is being presented suggesting that a delay in Sony's next-gen console launch may be unavoidable. Analysts are presenting evidence which goes a long way in convincing the market that Sony may be considering a delay in the PS3 launch. The first observations suggesting that something may not be quite right are those revolving around Sony's presence at CES 2006. Although Sony had a large enough booth at the show, PS3 was in a glass case far behind the company's main exhibits, i.e. televisions and mp3 players while the only PS3 content available was limited to a few non-playable demos. The next big giveaway that something may be up was Sony Chief Executive Howard Stringer's keynote speech, at the show, which failed to provide any launch information on the console which was expected to be Sony's hot item during CES and instead focused on PSP. Knowing that any delay in the Playstation 3 launch would cause the product a lot of damage in its fight for supremacy with Microsoft's XBox 360 console suggests that only a serious reason could be behind any delay. The latest news implies that Sony may be having a problem with its yield figures for the Cell chip. Yield is the ratio of usable chips per silicon wafer and manufacturers do their best to maximize it before beginning mass production of a chip. The choice to include a Blu-Ray drive with the new console may also contribute to production delays since Samsung and Pioneer both announced Blu-Ray drives that cost in excess of USD 1,000. Since some analysts have suggested that if a delay does happen it may only be 2-4 months, a staggered launch has been suggested. That plan calls for a Japanese launch for PS3 in spring or summer 2006, a U.S. launch November 1, 2006 and a European launch in March 2007. These plans call for very few launch titles, under the 19 that Microsoft had to accompany the launch of X360. Additional evidence of a delay comes from publisher Take-Two Interactive and its recent fourth-quarter earnings conference call during which Chief Financial Officer Karl Winter said that he expects PS3 will be introduced: ...near the end of our fiscal year. Take-Two's fiscal year ends Oct. 31. The accumulating evidence suggests that Sony may not be able to have the combination of hardware, price and titles necessary for a U.S. launch although it may just make it and get PS3 out in Japan. http://www.megagames.com/news/html/console/ps3-furtherdelayevidence.shtml[/quote'] arketa stoixeia einai ontws dimosieumena.to teleutaio mou post omws exei stoixeia gia pion akoma logo mporei na kathisterisei.mi trelenesai,molis blepeis delay,opws trelenontai polloi me ta sales figures pou postareis sto 360 topic.na dexesai k tin alli pleura
Slay Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 arketa stoixeia einai ontws dimosieumena.to teleutaio mou post omws exei stoixeia gia pion akoma logo mporei na kathisterisei.mi trelenesai,molis blepeis delay,opws trelenontai polloi me ta sales figures pou postareis sto 360 topic.na dexesai k tin alli pleura Mhn to koyrazoyme allo, h idia eidhsh einai grammenh me allo tropo, tipota neo den yparxei. Den exo kanena problhma na postareis eidhseis, opos den exo kanena problhma na les eleythera thn gnomh soy opoia kai an einai ayth, apla me enoxlei na blepo to thread na gemizei me to idio keimeno , xana kai xana kai xana, ligo perisotero prosoxh zhtao apo sena tipota allo. Epishs allo pragma h eikasia gia pithano delay, kai allo ta pragmatika stoixeia polhseon.
xrest Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Mhn to koyrazoyme allo' date=' h idia eidhsh einai grammenh me allo tropo, tipota neo den yparxei.Epishs allo pragma h [b']eikasia[/b] gia pithano delay, kai allo ta pragmatika stoixeia polhseon. an k den pisteuw oti einai eikasies,mono auto tha sou pw.allo i kakoproaireti pliroforisi,k allo,estw,ta posts me eikasies.k sigoura ta sales figures pou postareis de to kaneis gia pliroforisei,eidika otan gnwrizeis gia pio logo poulise toso.eisai gnwstis tou antikimenou.allwste gia ena proion pou etoimazetai na bgei mono eikasies kaneis mesw atomwn pou mporei na gnwrizoun kati parapanw Entelws kaloproaireta ola auta,akomi k an diafwnw teleiws na ginetai i pliroforisei mesw fan boys,se opoiodipote thema:-D
Slay Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 an k den pisteuw oti einai eikasies,mono auto tha sou pw.allo i kakoproaireti pliroforisi,k allo,estw,ta posts me eikasies.k sigoura ta sales figures pou postareis de to kaneis gia pliroforisei,eidika otan gnwrizeis gia pio logo poulise toso. Mporeis na to peis kai etsi, prin to launch toy 360 moy ta eixan spasei sthn kyriolexia me toys "analytes" toys, poy proeblepan tote to 360 na poylaei ekatomyria, des to san payback time. allwste gia ena proion pou etoimazetai na bgei mono eikasies kaneis mesw atomwn pou mporei na gnwrizoun kati parapanw opos hdh eipa den exo kanena problhma na ginontai post akoma kai oi eikasies ton "analyton" alla einai anagkh na blepoyme thn idia eikasia 4 fores? Kati allo tora' date=' poy den exei sxesh me PS3 (toylaxiston oxi amesh akoma) alla pisteyo tha endiaferei arketoys, bghke to trailer toy Silent Hill (ths tainias) kai deixnei akros endiaferon!!!!, tha kykloforhsei stis aithoyses thn anoixh (mazi me to PS3 ) http://mp3content01.bcst.yahoo.com/proot1/PubShare02/yahoointernal/11/21764261.mov [img']http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/3183/teaserposter5bc.jpg[/img]
xrest Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 20 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Mporeis na to peis kai etsi' date=' prin to launch toy 360 moy ta eixan spasei sthn kyriolexia me toys "analytes" toys, poy proeblepan tote to 360 na poylaei ekatomyria, des to san payback time. opos hdh eipa den exo kanena problhma na ginontai post akoma kai oi eikasies ton "analyton" alla einai anagkh na blepoyme thn idia eikasia 4 fores? Kati allo tora, poy den exei sxesh me PS3 (toylaxiston oxi amesh akoma) alla pisteyo tha endiaferei arketoys, bghke to trailer toy Silent Hill (ths tainias) kai deixnei akros endiaferon!!!!, tha kykloforhsei stis aithoyses thn anoixh (mazi me to PS3 ) http://mp3content01.bcst.yahoo.com/proot1/PubShare02/yahoointernal/11/21764261.mov[/quote'] katalabainw.de mou les mias k aneferes silent hill.ksereis tpt gia silent hill gia ps3?den exei akoustei tpt,k einai apta agapimena mou games
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