BlizardBill Δημοσ. 17 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Ωραία, βγήκαν 2 το οποία τα κηνυγάει να τα φέρει το avsite. Μέχρι να δούμε κι άλλες λύσεις και να κατακλυστεί η αγορά έεεεχουμε ακόμα... Ακόμα δεν υπάρχει τρόπος να τις αξιοποιήσεις αφού δεν υπάρχουν ταινίες, και η υψηλή ανάλυση έχει χρησιμότητα μόνο για τα windows. Περίμενε λίγους μήνες , και θα δεις αν αρχίσει να ενδιαφέρετε και ο κόσμος και οι εταιρίες μαζί του . Και το ότι υπάρχει έστω και μια τόσο φτηνή, δείχνει ότι η τεχνολογία έχει ωριμάσει, και είναι θέμα καθαρά της αγοράς πλέον .
Exoskeletor Δημοσ. 17 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Ιανουαρίου 2006 xrest, thimase otan eixe bgei to ps2 pou elege pos ipostirizi dvd? to ipostirize sosta to dvd? kati thimame ginotan me ton polykanalo hxo. to xbox htan kalytero sto thema tou dvd alla kai pali sigrinonte me ena kalo dvd player? oute kata dianoia E ayto tha ginei kai pali. Ean kapoios biasth tora mporei na to metaniosei. oso gia ths SED, e olo bgenoun kenourgeia pragmata kai bgenoun kai bgenoun kai tha bgei ps3 kai tha bgoun kai oi sed kai tha bgoun kai nea players pou tha pezoun ta panta kai kai kai. de mporoume na ta exoume ola. ean kapoios perimenei na bgoume ooola prota tha exei gerash. Alla ontos tora agora hdtv den tha htan kai h kalyterh lysh. an exei anagh omos kapoios tora na parei tv? ti tha kanei? o brother mou pantreythke kai phre sony bravia hdtv 32"". tou exei kaei 2 fores se 1 mhna. exei kai stetheropoihth tashs kai thn prosexei san ta matia tou... ti na pei kaneis
xrest Δημοσ. 17 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Ιανουαρίου 2006 xrest' date=' thimase otan eixe bgei to ps2 pou elege pos ipostirizi dvd? to ipostirize sosta to dvd? kati thimame ginotan me ton polykanalo hxo. to xbox htan kalytero sto thema tou dvd alla kai pali sigrinonte me ena kalo dvd player? oute kata dianoia E ayto tha ginei kai pali. Ean kapoios biasth tora mporei na to metaniosei. oso gia ths SED, e olo bgenoun kenourgeia pragmata kai bgenoun kai bgenoun kai tha bgei ps3 kai tha bgoun kai oi sed kai tha bgoun kai nea players pou tha pezoun ta panta kai kai kai. de mporoume na ta exoume ola. ean kapoios perimenei na bgoume ooola prota tha exei gerash. Alla ontos tora agora hdtv den tha htan kai h kalyterh lysh. an exei anagh omos kapoios tora na parei tv? ti tha kanei? o brother mou pantreythke kai phre sony bravia hdtv 32"". tou exei kaei 2 fores se 1 mhna. exei kai stetheropoihth tashs kai thn prosexei san ta matia tou... ti na pei kaneis[/quote'] kalous apogonous sto bro sou. exeis dikio.basika as bgei to ps3 na to paroume k mia HDTV pou na ipostirizei 1080p thanai teleia.egw to ps2 toxa parei jp.eixa trelathei me ti dinatotita oti tha blepw dvd!!alla twra einai diaforetika.o mparmpas otan tha parei to ps3 dvd tha to leei k auto xwris na kserei ti kanei..giati tha to balei k panw stin standart tv.bebaia tha mou peis ti mas noiazei ti kanei mia toso mikri agora san tin diki mas alla min nomizete oti ta pramata einai diaforetika stin ipolipoi eurwpi. pantws fisika k to blu ray tha ginei o king tou multimedia xwrou,alla pote?se 3 xronia?fantasou eimaste eidi sto 2006 k polloi ligoi kseroun ti einai ta hd-dvd k blu ray gia na katalabeis oti milaw teleios theoritika k oxi eidika gia to ps3 tha sou pw to eksis.oloi apo to ps3 tha perimenoun tin kataliksei tou format autou.k epeidei tha kseskistei tha iothetithei kiolas,to pio pithano. teleios thewritika milame panta.opws to blepw
Daredevil Δημοσ. 17 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Ιανουαρίου 2006 o brother mou pantreythke kai phre sony bravia hdtv 32"". tou exei kaei 2 fores se 1 mhna. exei kai stetheropoihth tashs kai thn prosexei san ta matia tou... ti na pei kaneis opws exw dhlwsei (den anaferomai se konsoles) sony 8a perna mono laptop apo hlektrikes-hlektronikes syskeyes 8ewrw oti bgazei yperkthmhmena proionta an kapoios perimenei na bgoume ooola prota tha exei gerash as perimenei an 8elei na orimasei prwta h texnologia ayth (egw se pola perimenw 2hs h triths genias analoga (to xbox kai to xbox360 htan oi e3aireseis kai den to metaniwsa )
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Syntoma tha exoyme nea gia to Killzone' date=' meta apo 8 mhnes apolyths siophs, enas apo toys developers egrapse sta forums toy motherh wrote: Not long now for some news. Not long now. It never really gets lifted, only the specifics of the things we can talk about are lifted bit for bit. As for any dates... not long now. I still wont be able to talk about A LOT of things. Seb Downie - Lead Tester - Guerrilla Game[/quote'] Ωραιος αυτος ο developer...Φοβερες δηλωσεις εκανε μετα απο 8(!!) μηνες σιωπης!! :-)
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 .bebaia tha mou peis ti mas noiazei ti kanei mia toso mikri agora san tin diki mas Ενα παραδειγμα για αυτο που λες για το μεγεθος της Ελληνικης αγορας ... Ειναι απο το site που ασχολειται με τα δορυφορικα... "MTV Greece! Συντάκτης: Satleo Διερεύνηση της αγοράς έκαναν για μία ακόμη φορά οι άνθρωποι του MTV, οι οποίοι κατέληξαν στο συμπέρασμα ότι η αγορά παραείναι μικρή και ο ανταγωνισμός με τους τοπικούς παίκτες θα τους άφηνε πολύ λιγότερα έσοδα από ό,τι τους δίνει αυτή τη στιγμή η Νονa... Ελκυστική δεν βρήκαν την ελληνική αγορά ούτε οι άνθρωποι του iTunes, οι οποίοι για τους προσεχείς μήνες δηλώνουν ότι έχουν σοβαρότερες προτεραιότητες... (Δες) " Aυτα.....και αλλα πολλα ... Δυστυχως παιδια ..πρεπει να καταλαβουμε (οχι μονο απο το παραπανω παραδειγμα) οτι δυστυχως ειμαστε τελευταιοι στην Ευρωπη ...
Slay Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Ωραιος αυτος ο developer...Φοβερες δηλωσεις εκανε μετα απο 8(!!) μηνες σιωπης!! :-) ta shmeia stixhs xereis ti einai etsi? xanadiabase loipon ti egrapsa me ayto to epipleon hint.
Slay Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Apo to teleytaio teyxos toy Edge, merika sxolia apo publishers. Consider the words of one publishing representative: “We have commitments to all formats and it’s still early days, but right now our publishing plan hasn’t changed much from last-gen. We’re committed about 50 per cent to PS3, 30 per cent to 360 and 20 per cent to Revolution. This could change – depending on what happens with Revolution, we could ramp up our Nintendo activity and there may be some opportunities in the online 360 space that could change our activities there – but our projections are built around PS3 as the next generation cornerstone." Consider the biggest third-party outifit in existence, Electronic Arts, which has no less than 20 360 games in the works - but is happy to confirm that it's working on a larger number for PS3. Consider another publishing representative’s take on it: “The truth is, most developers we’re working with who have console backgrounds want to be working on the PlayStation 3. We’ll be bringing more PC content on to the Xbox 360 and often releasing dual PC/360 versions at around the same time, but our dedicated console properties will be leading on the PlayStation 3 in almost every instance."
Slay Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 H Pioneer pisteyei oti tha poylhthoyn 4-7 ekatomyria PS3 mesa ston xrono, kai oti aytos tha einai kathoristikos paragontas gia thn exaplosh toy Blu-ray. BH: What's interesting is that the gamers out there... there weren't many of them who were thinking about watching movies on their PS2s. But since the PS3 is going to be high-definition and Blu-ray capable right out of the box, it's going to be a real wildcard for the growth of this format. AP: You're right. The PS3 is going to represent an almost overnight population explosion of Blu-ray capable players. That's not something that's really happened before. The PlayStation 2 helped, because that came well down the road after DVD launched, but it did help to get a lot of players out there. But this is something new. The PS3 is launching right at the forefront of Blu-ray Disc. If Sony ships the kind of numbers we expect them to this year, that will provide a very rapid growth of players out there hungry for titles. We've been hearing between 4 and 7 million units could ship. And if you look at PlayStation Portable, with UMD discs, everyone is shocked at how many titles have shipped for that platform. And they're selling as well or better than the game software. So I think Sony has proven that they can drive a new video format like this with their gaming platforms. BH: It's certainly been a surprise to me. Given that the PSP probably has a fairly limited format life, people still seem willing to buy those same movie titles again in a new format. AP: Especially if there's a perceived value to them. You know, certain titles seem to have that attached value. If and when Star Wars ever comes out in high-definition... (laughs) I don't think I even need to finish that sentence. BH: Well, I've heard it straight from Lucasfilm reps that it IS coming eventually. And given that Fox is exclusively backing Blu-ray Disc... AP: Right. We'll see. (smiles)
ProEvoFan Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Ego apti meria mou exo arxisei na diakrino kati! Oso plisiazoume sti mera pou tha vgei to ps3 olo kati arxizei siga siga na fenete...siga siga miloun pio poloi idikoi gia ti konsola kai fenete oti milame gia mia panisxiri mixani pou tha xtypisei kokkino se poliseis!!! i laspologia kai oi fimes synexizonte vevaia oso den akougontai episima anakoinoseis alla tha meiothoun otan episima pleon i sony tha arxisei na dinei plirofories! PS:mou fenete oti i sony me ton ena i ton allo tropo katafernei na kanei to kosmo olo na milaei gia ti konsola tis! im i wrong?
p3tran Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Ego apti meria mou exo arxisei na diakrino kati! Oso plisiazoume sti mera pou tha vgei to ps3 olo kati arxizei siga siga na fenete...siga siga miloun pio poloi idikoi gia ti konsola kai fenete oti milame gia mia panisxiri mixani pou tha xtypisei kokkino se poliseis!!! i laspologia kai oi fimes synexizonte vevaia oso den akougontai episima anakoinoseis alla tha meiothoun otan episima pleon i sony tha arxisei na dinei plirofories! PS:mou fenete oti i sony me ton ena i ton allo tropo katafernei na kanei to kosmo olo na milaei gia ti konsola tis! im i wrong? δεν εχεις καθολου αδικο σε αυτο που λες στο p.s. σου. ομως εμενα με ενδιαφερει να παιζω games, οχι τι θα καταφερει το τμημα μαρκετινγκ με ορθοδοξους ειτε ανορθοδοξους τροπους...
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 ta shmeia stixhs xereis ti einai etsi? xanadiabase loipon ti egrapsa me ayto to epipleon hint. Eγω τα ξερω τα σημεια στιξης ....εσυ το χιουμορ το ξερεις ?? xanadiabase loipon ti egrapsa και εγω me ayto to epipleon hint.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 den 3erw ti lete ecs emena pantws:( twra pou efyga apo uk mou xei lhpsei to edge :'((((( kai den prokeitai na dwsw 15 e na to parw apo dw :'(((
Slay Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Medal of Honor: Airborne Details Revealed Prepare to face the Nazi horde again "January 17, 2006 - Electronic Arts today announced details regarding Medal of Honor: Airborne, the next iteration in its long-running WW2 first person shooter franchise. According to the company, players will assume the role of Boyd Travers, Private First Class of the legendary 82nd Airborne Division, as he battles his way across war-torn Europe beginning with the 82nd's first combat deployment to Sicily during Operation Husky through the harrowing jump into Normandy prior to D-Day until the triumphant crossing of the Rhine into the heart of Nazi Germany itself. Each of the game's missions will begin with a "fully interactive" parachute drop into enemy-held territory. EA states that the ability to choose your starting point for each mission "dramatically changes the way each mission plays out" as the player will "view the entire operation from the air, and then control your parachute to choose your landing spot." Unlike previous games in the Medal of Honor series, players will have the ability to customize the various weapons they will have at their disposal. Furthermore, Medal of Honor: Airborne will feature a free-roaming environment and photorealistic characters to add to the "intensity" of the game. As with previous games in the series, the Medal of Honor development team consulted with both military and historical experts in order get the most authentic feel for the game as possible. Consultants include Captain Dale Dye, who has served as the Military Technical Advisor for the last seven games in the franchise. The game is tenatively scheduled to release for the PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Xbox, and PlayStation 2 in Winter 2006."
xrest Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 18 Ιανουαρίου 2006 exw mia erwtisei koitazontas ksana ta specs tou ps3 exei sinoliki l2 mono 512?mipws xreiazotan o cell parapanw cache,gia analiseis klp.pisteuw oti einai poooooli ligi i l2.k tou 360 me tous 3cores to 1mb pali ligo fainetai.toxa ksanapei k slay mou xes pei oti den xreiazetai pio poli l2 dioti oi dual core pouxoun 2mb l2 px,exoun alles doulies na kanoun apo mia konsola.epanerxomai omws logw enos arthrou pou diabasa(anantech an thimamai kala),simeiwnontas oti i l2 tou cell k tou 360 einai poli ligi k mporei na dimiourgisei bottleneck.opws k oi cpus stous gpus twn 2 konsolwn.apla me endiaferei to ps3 k to anaferw dw epeidi o cell einai pio teras alla exei mono 512!
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