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Opos eipes to eipa apo monos mou! Fysika kai de perimena grafika! Gia na sou doso na katalaveis den eixa paiksei xbox pote mou dioti den etyxe! Akouga oti einai kalitero apo ps2 se grafika! Toulaxiston sto pro den diapistosa kamoia parolo pou to epaiksa apeytheias se 360...kai to leo epeidi pali kapoioi elegan oti to 360 tha veltiosei kapos tin apodosi! anyway den aksizei tora na milame oute gia titlous pou akomaden exoun vgei oute gia to 360 se ps3 topic! kouventa na ginete!


PS: poli voliko to asirmato ontos kai pio grigoro loading! oi termatofiskoules paratirise to ta trone orthioi!!! the end!!!

  • Απαντ. 6,5k
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IBM, Sony, Toshiba Broaden and Extend Successful Semiconductor Technology Alliance

Agreement Now Includes Early-Stage Research on Critical Emerging Technologies Targeted at 32 Nanometer (nm) Generation and Beyond


TOKYO, JAPAN and ARMONK, NY - January 12, 2006 - IBM, Sony Corporation and Toshiba today announced they have begun a new, five year phase of their joint technology development alliance.


As part of this broad semiconductor research and development alliance, the three companies will work together on fundamental research related to advanced process technologies at 32 nanometers and beyond. The agreement will help enable the three companies to more rapidly investigate, identify and commercialize new technologies for consumer and other applications.



Οταν λεμε πως η τιμη αναμενεται στα 550ε αυτο δεν ειναι 100% σιγουρο γιαυτο ειπα 500-600ε.

Απο την αλλη αν οντως εχει το BlueRay ενσωματωμενο και με την προυποθεση πως θα παιζει ταινιες BlueRay χωρις καποιο εξτρα εξαρτημα οπως ειχαν κανει στο PS2 για τα DVD τοτε να ειναι ολοι σιγουροι πως δεν θα πεσει πιο κατω απο τα 600ε. Εκτος αν βεβαια το Κοστος της SONY για μια BlueRay συσκευη ειναι 5 φορες πιο κατω απο της Pioneer και της Panasonic.

Οταν λεμε πως η τιμη αναμενεται στα 550ε αυτο δεν ειναι 100% σιγουρο γιαυτο ειπα 500-600ε.

Nai opos anamenotan kai h timh toy PSP sta 400-500 eidame telika poso ekane.


Απο την αλλη αν οντως εχει το BlueRay ενσωματωμενο και με την προυποθεση πως θα παιζει ταινιες BlueRay χωρις καποιο εξτρα εξαρτημα οπως ειχαν κανει στο PS2 για τα DVD

Exmmmm to mperdeyeis me to xbox, sto xbox ITHELES EXTRA remote control gia na paixeis DVD, sto PS2 den xreiasthke pote kanena extra gia na paixei DVD.


Sony acquires middleware tools for developers


Since E3 of 2005, Sony has been spending a fortune on obtaining middleware programs and tools for their developers. These tools and programs allow developers to spend more time in making the actual game rather than having to spend money and time on physics engines and such. Sony has bought the licenses to many next-gen middleware and tools, and is planning on shipping them with the final PS3 SDK kits for developers.


List of Tools and Middleware Licensees for PLAYSTATION®3

As of January 4, 2006

Sn Systems / ProDG tools

Alias Systems Corp.

SpeedTree RT = renders trees while maintaining a small memory footprint and low runtime load.

Autodesk Inc. = produces visual effects, color grading, and editing to animation, game development, and design visualization.

Avid Technology Inc.

Emergent Game Technologies Inc. (who recently merged with Numerical Design, Ltd.)

Unreal 3 Engine = physics engine along with animation tools

Firelight Technologies Pty Ltd.

Havok 3.0 = physics engine

Interactive Data Visualization Inc.􀀁

Metrowerks Games Team

Pixelux Entertainment Inc. = real-time physical simulation technology

RAD Game Tools Inc. = 3D geometry and animations

SiliconStudio Corp.

Blimey 2.0

Renderware 4


Maya 7.0 = animation and character modeling tool

Z Brush = texturing and modeling tool

DarkTree = rendering and pixel shading program

FaceFX = facial animation program

RTE1080 (Real Time Engine) = physics and real time pixel shading

Instinct Engine (possible PS3 middleware) = physics, animations, light and shadow determination

Endorphin 2.5


AGEIA PhysX Tools & Middleware Partners Program



Collada = open standard digital asset schema for interactive 3D applications


SoftImage = 3-D modeling and animation


EPHERE Productions = allows artists to create, model, animate, and render any type of hair, fur, or fiber-based object via the 3ds Max interface.


FerReel Animination Labs


Artificial Reality = using next-generation DirectX9-powered graphics, dynamic physics, and high performance networking


OC3 Entertainment = solution for synchronizing facial animations to audio dialog with realtime feedback


Fork Particle = Advanced physics and collision support


Over The Edge Entertainment = “The engine also features extensible graphics, particle effects, highly optimized scripting, skinned character animation and ragdoll effects, all of which integrates smoothly with AGEIAʼs technology.”


Orbaz Technologies = Orbaz Technologies is using AGEIA PhysX for collision simulation for Particle Flow Tools™ Box#2, a set of operators for Particle Flow for fragmentation/fracturing and dynamic collision simulation in particle systems.



Αναφερθηκα ποτε στο PSP ?

Να το πεις σε αυτους που αναφερθηκαν...

Οποτε το στοιχημα εδω περιοριζεται στο οτι το PS3 ΜΕ BlueRay δεν θα κανει λιγοτερο απο 500ε. Το τονιζω γιατι δεν μιλαω σε εκδοση ΧΩΡΙΣ BlueRay.

Περιμενουμε λοιπον και βλεπουμε..

Οσο για το αν εβλεπες DVD με το PS2 τσεκαρε το λιγο περισσοτερο γιατι η 1η εκδοση ηθελε τηλεχειριστηριο , η τελευταια δεν το χρειαζοταν.

Opos eipes to eipa apo monos mou! Fysika kai de perimena grafika! Gia na sou doso na katalaveis den eixa paiksei xbox pote mou dioti den etyxe! Akouga oti einai kalitero apo ps2 se grafika! Toulaxiston sto pro den diapistosa kamoia parolo pou to epaiksa apeytheias se 360...kai to leo epeidi pali kapoioi elegan oti to 360 tha veltiosei kapos tin apodosi! anyway den aksizei tora na milame oute gia titlous pou akomaden exoun vgei oute gia to 360 se ps3 topic! kouventa na ginete!


PS: poli voliko to asirmato ontos kai pio grigoro loading! oi termatofiskoules paratirise to ta trone orthioi!!! the end!!!



Den eides diafora sto pes5 toy ps2 kai toy xbox? tote koita ligo kalitera...katarxas den iparxei to downtime poy iparxei sto ps2 (otan mazeyontai polloi paixtes sti perioxi)...ta grafika einai pio ka8ara xoris na einai kati idiaitero omos....

Αναφερθηκα ποτε στο PSP ?

Να το πεις σε αυτους που αναφερθηκαν...

Kalos me sena tha asxolitho mono me to PS3 loipon :-D

Οποτε το στοιχημα εδω περιοριζεται στο οτι το PS3 ΜΕ BlueRay δεν θα κανει λιγοτερο απο 500ε. Το τονιζω γιατι δεν μιλαω σε εκδοση ΧΩΡΙΣ BlueRay.

PS3 xoris blu-ray den yparxei periptosh na bgei' date=' aytes tis malakies tis kanei mono h M$, esy les pano apo 500 ego leo 400 opote...

Περιμενουμε λοιπον και βλεπουμε..
Οσο για το αν εβλεπες DVD με το PS2 τσεκαρε το λιγο περισσοτερο γιατι η 1η εκδοση ηθελε τηλεχειριστηριο , η τελευταια δεν το χρειαζοταν.

PS2 Launch: The DVD Capabilities

Our first impressions of the PS2's movie playback capabilities.

by Timothy Horst

March 8, 2000


Another thing that must be mentioned is the use of the Dual Shock 2 as a controller for the DVD player. The cord of the DS2 is about a foot and a half longer than the original Dual Shock, which makes it a bit easier to kick back on the couch and watch movies. Of course, I live in a small Japanese apartment. The controls are pretty simple, but make no doubt about it, this is no substitute for a dedicated remote control. On the controller, you get the basics: pause, fast forward, rewind, chapter forward/chapter back, and subtitle/dubbing buttons.


...Οσο για το αν εβλεπες DVD με το PS2 τσεκαρε το

λιγο περισσοτερο γιατι η 1η εκδοση ηθελε τηλεχειριστηριο ' date=' η τελευταια δεν το χρειαζοταν.[/quote']

Tα πρώτα ιαπωνικά PS2 που κυκλοφόρησαν για να παίξουν DVD χρειάζονταν τη

memory card η οποία είχε ενσωματωμένο το software για DVD playback...Όμως

στα πρώτα αυτά PS2 η memory card ήταν μέσα στο πακέτο μαζί με την κονσόλα...

Σε όλα τα PS2 (κανονικά ή slim) που κυκλοφορούν τα τελευταία 4+ χρόνια το

software για DVD playback είναι ενσωματωμένο σε ROM μέσα στην κονσόλα.

Επίσης το τηλεχειρηστήριο είναι προερετικό αφού όπως γράφει και ο Slay o

χειρισμός γίνεται άνετα απο το dual shock...

Όλα τα παραπάνω μπορώ να τα επαληθεύσω καθώς το PS2 μου το πήρα

περίπου ένα 6μηνο αφότου κυκλοφόρησε (δηλ. είναι απο τα πρώτα μοντέλα) και

παίζει μια χαρά DVD movies χωρίς τηλεχειρηστήριο


To parako einai erothseis kai apanthseis ston Tommy Tallarico sta forums toy IGN, einai poly megalo alla axizei ton kopo, quoted einai oi erothseis unquoted oi apanthseis, kalo diabasma :mrgreen:




MoCityESQ posted:


I haven'r seen any PS3 gameplay footage as a joe-blow consumer. If you can answer (I understand if you can't) what PS3 games have you played? And honestly, how much better than 360 games do they look? Is it signifigant or minor?


Unfortunately I am under strict NDA and cannot mention any titles. The gameplay graphics look a little better than minor... but it more of the way the worlds and environments are being created and built. For example... in Project Gotham racing if you stop on the side of the road and look at a tree... it is basically just two texture maps pasted together in a cross pattern (like games have done for the past 10 years)... but some of the stuff I'm seeing on the PS3 has every element of a tree including branches, leaves, etc... and it all gets affected by the wind as your car passes by... as well as the lighting. Not saying the 360 CAN'T do that... I'm just saying that from what I've seen.... I'm a lot more impressed with the 1st generation PS3 titles compared to the 1st gen 360 titles.




kev1000000 posted:



I would like to ask Tommy what exactly he finds better in the PS3 over the 360. I saw he said Blu-Ray, but that cannot really be an advantage as no format has been a winner. Space is possibly an issue, but MS said specifically they are working on better compression techniques, and switching disks in a long game is really not too much of a hassle, definitley not enough to warrant the huge advantage towards the PS3.


Just curious as to what other things he see's the PS3 having advantages over the 360 in.


Thanks again Tommy.



With the latest round of movie studios signing up, most analysts have said that Blu-Ray will be the next format. But the advantage of Blu-Ray in the PS3 isn't going to be the space issue as much as it is format. Sony is positioning the PS3 to be the first consumer unit to play Blu-Ray. With this in mind, most publishers and developers are putting thier "A" teams on the PS3 knowing that more consumers will be (and are) waiting for Blu-Ray and the PS3. It's the same reason why people like Kojima (and many others) have been already showing games for a system still far from launch (I don't believe the SPRING '06 date for a second). My sources tell me to look for the PS3 in the US next fall.


E3 will be very interesting this year and it will probably be a lot more clear as to how close the systems and games will perform. I hope they both succeed greatly and I think the 80 million unit lead that Sony had on Microsoft & Nintendo this past generation will definitely start to shrink between Sony & Microsoft.





SilverNightX posted:


Damn, thats bad hearing that the PS3 might be more than just a slightly more powerful than Xbox 360... oh well. At least Xbox 360 has the power advantage over the Revolution.


Why on earth do people always seem to have to chose allegence to a particular manufacturer? And some of these fanboys have the nerve to call themselves hardcore?? I would think that a TRUE hardcore gamer would enjoy EVERY platform!!


Besides... what the hell difference does it make... isn't it about the games?? Every system has great games and crappy ones... WHAT'S THE BIG PROBLEM???






vkidd84 posted:


Hey Tommy,....big fan of JD btw .


with respect to the ps3, since youre so incredibly fortunate to see games way before us starved ps3 enthusiasts, i was wondering if you could lend me you're opinion on this.


Do the the ps3 games you've seen compare in any form to the controversial ps3 videos like killzone 3 or motorstorm. Do they show any promise of that kind of graphical detail being reached in the post-launch generations of Ps3 games?

Yes... some of the games I've seen on the PS3 compare to the Killzone 3 demo (in real-time) which for me is more what I was hoping "next gen" would be like. I also believe that the 360 is capable of that level of quality as well. Hopefully the developers will be pushing for both.





mike1975mlm posted:

Hi Tommy Tallarico you rock!


Hey what do you think about the PS3 gamepad? Do you like it?


Also I have heard a lot of people saying they don't feel the X box 360 games really look Next Gen. Do you think they will be saying the same thing about the PS3 games?

Great questions!!


I think the PS3 gamepad they showed at E3 this year was the biggest pile of crap EVER!!

(and people actually have the nerve to say I'm a Sony loving fanboy?!?!?)


Although I can tell you that the PS3 controller will NOT look anything like that stupid excuse for a boomerang they showed. All of the developers have been told to develop for a specific current brand controller which will have a similar button layout. That is all I can really say... BUT.. I can also say that none of the developers I know have got the final PS3 controller and from what I understand.. no final decision has been made exactly.


I think that some of the PS3 titles coming out at launch will be on par with the "not so next gen looking" launch titles of the 360. But from what I have seen... the PS3 will have a lot more titles that DO look and feel next gen upon launch... but it's always hard to say what titles will actually come out on launch... especially when no one exactly knows when the machine will launch! So the games I see might not come out on launch... too early to tell... all I know is that what I'm currently seeing on the PS3 impresses me more than what I saw on launch for the 360.





Smallone posted:


My gaming tastes are more like Vics but hey thats what makes us human.


Also T.T do you know if sony has there own version of xboxlive planed for the PS3 launch.


IMO the intergration of live and the dashboard into the 360 makes it an amazing system.



Yeah... most hardcore gamers are more in line with Vic... and that's totally cool. Which is why I find it hilarious that some people here are freaking out as if we don't give every game or genre a fair chance. They act like I'm the only one on the show. WE WOULDN'T WANT THAT!! The show would seriously lack (and not hit a wide audience) if it was two guys like me or two guys like Vic.


It's hilarious to me that some people here just don't get that.


I know that Sony is working on improving their lame excuse for online. Although they would never admit it in public... they know they got OWNED big time by Microsoft last round... BUT because they sold over 100 million units... they still had A TON more online players than XBOX Live ever had. In fact... there were more people playing SOCOM than total amount of XBOX Live accounts.


I don't think Sony will be able to match what XBOX LIVE on the 360 is accomplishing. I agree with you when you state that it makes the 360 an amazing system. One thing to keep in mind however... is that MOST console gamers DO NOT play online... in fact... a very SMALL percentage do. Which is why Sony isn't too concerned with creating the end all - be all online component. Do the numbers for online console gaming grow each year?? Sure! But how significant is it really?? Take the current PS2.. 100 million consoles and around 3 or 4 million people online (PLEASE don't quote me on the online number... but I know it is somewhere around there)... so basically, what that tells us is that 3 - 5 % of all current PS2 owners care about playing online. Now lets take the XBOX... I think they are around 25 million units worldwide and something like 2 - 3 million XBOX Live accounts... once again you see the comparison that around 5 -10% actually play online. It's probably safe to say that more hardcore online console gamers are XBOX Live users.


Hope that helps to shed some light on my views and thoughts. Bottom line... XBOX Live is awesome but most people who own consoles aren't interested in online... including me. I much prefer single player experiences.





wallydubskull posted:


hey tommy,



As for the "what you have seen so far" on the PS3 and the 360... do u think the PS3 stuff "launch" games look a little better than the 360 launch games because they recieved better dev kits and possibly also because some of sony's more talented devs are developing these games (insomniac, kojima, and guerilla)? the rush for devs to push games out for the 360 launch?


i was just wondering what you think might actually play into this disparity that you have been seeing. I owe no allegiance to any one platform and have been multi-plat for my 18 year (give or take) tenure as a "gamer"/nerd.


thanks for any feedback.



Your assessment of my views on why I think the PS3 has a current advantage right now are correct.


Better and more talented teams working on the system and the 1st gen 360 titles were rushed to market.


The reason they are getting the more talented teams?? Because everyone from within the industry is well aware about how serious Sony is in regards to remaining number one.... and what their plans are for keeping it that way. Ask ANY developer right now who they think will sell more units of hardware... Again... let me state that Blu-Ray and name recognition will help this cause.


This doesn't mean that people are going to abandon the 360. Quite the contrary! It's GREAT for publishers and developers to have muliple systems out there... we want to see them both be successful!


It's just pretty clear to the people who have been around that Sony will still remain number one... so of course (if your a publisher) you're going to put your best teams on that machine first.





wallydubskull posted:

oh, and to add to my previous list of questions, how do you think the 360 games look that will be out around the time of the PS3 launch? do gears of war, mass effect, huxley, and the other hold their own?


Yes. I think they do.




rockman1974 posted:


Hi Tommy,



I've been lucky to see a few things on the PS3 but man, when I say a few things, it's more like one thing. I'm nowhere near your position so I'm curious how a few things are coming along. From what you know, the controller will not be released as is (a la the boomerang). I have been told that the Duel Shock 2 is being used as the blueprint for all PS3 games. In fact I've been told that no one knows what the final design will be. I just wanted to know if you think Sony should just keep the PS2 controller and call it a day. I've been using that controller for what, 8 years now.


I also wanted to know what is your single most anticipated PS3 title. You can surely tell us one game you are looking farward to above all else, can't you...if it has been announced that is.


I also want your take on the real time vs pre-rendered footage we've been hearing so much about. It's starting to get on my nerves that everyone is saying everything on the PS3 is pre-rendered. After everyone says this, we see Kojima-san prove that MGS4 will be looking extremely nice in real time. So what's your take on this. Will PS3 be a Killzone-looking pumping machine or something else?


Thanks for answering man. It's awesome to chat it up with you here.



Great questions...


What you heard about the PS3 controller is correct.


Yes... I personally LOVE the PS controller exactly the way it is now. "PLEASE don't change it Sony!!"


Most anticipated titles for PS3?? Damn... can't really say... well I mean I could... but I'd get into trouble. So I'll just go with Killzone & MGS 4 for now.


Yes.. there seems to be a lot of over-reacting by people about what is REAL and NOT REAL on the PS3. All I can say for sure is that the REAL TIME games I've been PLAYING look pretty damn decent compared to the released footage that people have argued isn't real. Does is look exactly like the some of the trailers?? No... not exactly... BUT!!! It still blows you away and takes your breath away... makes you stand back in awe and go WOW!! Which is exactly what the 360 did NOT do to me upon launch. Hopefully we'll be seeing more WOW factor in the 2nd gen titles.


Hope that helped.







thegreatone18 posted:


Than I would like to ask, are you excited for Revolution at all? What are your thoughts on the controller and do you think this controller could change the industry in that they will incorporate this tech in next wave of consoles.... (PS4, Xbox 3)


What is your opinion on this coming gen, is Sony shooting themselves in the foot with high dev costs for PS3, was the early 360 release worth it, and really where do you see games in the next 10 years?


Of course this is all just your opinion, but I would like to know what you think.


I'm curious about the Revolution... but I wouldn't say I was excited neccessarily. I can't imagine playing a game for any period of time with that controller. Is it going to change the industry? I don't think so... but I will reserve judgment until I can actually play the games. I do know that most developers seem to be ignoring the system OR throwing their 3rd string squad on it. Which can't be good news.


I don't think anyone is shooting themselves in the foot by incorporating high dev costs. Reason being... some of the biggest selling games are the ones with the biggest budgets. MGS, FF, Zelda, Warcraft, Halo, Half-Life, etc... all huge sellers with high dev costs. I think Microsoft puts WAY TOO MUCH into thinking they had to release the machine first in order to beat Sony. If anything... they have allowed Sony to read the market in terms of what consumers are willing to pay. Everyone says Sony is gonna die because the machine might be in the $400 range. Um... NO! No one wanted the $300 Core system for the 360 and the 2 million or so pre-orders would have all walked out of the store with at least $500 worth of stuff. If I were Microsoft... I would have held on another 6 months or so and make the hardware and software even more incredible. What was one of the advantages that X-BOX had or the PS2?? Everyone knew it was a MORE POWERFUL and GRAPHICALLY BETTER machine... guess what... they just lost that advantage for the next 5 years. They still rule in online.. but as I previously stated... it's only a small percentage of actual gamers who care.


Games in the next 10 years?? Impossible to answer really... I've seen this industry change so much in the 15 years I've been in... I can only imagine where it's all going to be in a decade from now. Downloadable digital distribution will probably be the norm in 10 years from now. Games on DEMAND! No more waiting in line at the store or soldout items.


Just my thoughts.


Alfons_Rebane posted:


Hey Tommy,


Just curious, but did you reccomend not buying the PS2 when it came out? That was the most lackluster launch in video game history, (outside of the Jaguar) and I think that system turned out to be just fine. I'm not trying to be unfair here as I know you have said that you don't think that the 360 is next gen enough YET, but when do you think it will and what makes you think that you will be flabergasted when the competition arrives?



I would disagree that the PS2 had the most lacklust launch in history. In fact it was quite the opposite. No home console reached more people across the world in the history of the video game industry than the PS2. I don't feel that should be considered "lackluster" at all.


I HOPE by next Christmas the 360 will have impressive jaw-dropping software with that WOW factor that will pack a serious punch. Although Gears is looking to impress and that will hopefully be out much sooner. As far as what makes me think I'll be flabergasted when PS3 comes out... cause I've been seeing and working on PS3 & 360 titles for awhile now and the PS3 stuff is blowing me away.



evilxxvin posted:



Tommy thanks for answering some of the questions thrown at you. I will be attending CES 06 and hope to see you there. i hope you are wrong about sony not giving out any info on the PS3. Only time will tell. My question is in your honest opinion at what price point do you think the ps3 will retail for? do you think the RSX is a G70 or G71? and what do you wish all 3 systems should have added to the audio department?


I just mentioned that I haven't heard anything about Sony giving out info. I'm attending the Sony Keynote so I'm sure they'll make some mention of it. Don't think there will be playable demos there though... which I think was the originally question the person asked.


I think the PS3 will be between $349 - $399 and they will not be confusing the consumers by coming out with 2 different systems.

Did anyone actually think that was a good idea?? c'mon... seriously!! I think Microsoft failed miserably in that department. They thought that people would jump on the CORE system and no one did. Now the developers are stuck with creating content for the least common denominator for the next 5 years. Whoopsie!


I hope I'm not sounding like I'm against Microsoft or the 360... cause I'm not! As I've mentioned a bunch of times... I want ALL platforms to succeed!! I'm just stating my opinions based on my inside knowledge and what other developers and publishers have been saying "behind closed doors".



Alfons_Rebane posted:





I can agree with much of what you say, but the differences in power between the PS2/XBOX and the 360/PS3 differ greatly. The 360 and PS3 are FAR more comparable than their previous counterparts. I know you must understand this seeing as I also work in the industry and have extensive experience on both, as of course you do as well. I guess I just find it odd that you argue that the 360 in not next gen enough but by those very same standards, the PS2 would have been positively archaic and unable to deliver current gen gaming.


I totally agree with your statement about PS3 & 360 being a lot more comparable and close... EXCEPT for the fact that Sony will sell a lot more units because of Blu-Ray. In the "next gen overall entertainment content" department... Sony wins that one hands down. It will take 2 or 3 years for Blu-Ray to be fully accepted... but it will be there. Ah... but can't Microsoft add a Blu-Ray? Not in a successful way. History has shown that "ad-ons" for home console suck in terms of sales. I don't believe this will change.



In regards to your last comment... I felt that at the time the PS2 came out it was very NEXT GEN in terms of what it was delivering for the time. I do not however feel that the 360 is enough of an upgrade to the "causal gamer" in order for them to plop down $400 - $500 on a new system. I think that something as "next gen" as Blu-Ray will help people's buying desicions next year and they will seem like they are getting more than just a game system. Remember why the PS2 sold so well initially??? It was because people were buying it for the DVD player!! Back then... DVD wasn't as popular as it is now. In fact more people had PS2's in the US than stand-alone DVD players after the 2nd year of release. Sony is doing the exact same thing they did when they clobbered with the PS2. Except this time... it will be the FIRST and ONLY delivery device available. Sony isn't dumb, I really believe they know what they are doing. They are hands down the leader in this department over the last 10 years... look for them to repeat in the next 5.


Just my thoughts.






mkk316 posted:


Do you find that Japanese developers are more willing to take risks whereas Western devs tend to stick to what's already proven and safe? Dont get me wrong, Western devs still make really fun games, but I personally find myself enjoying Japanese games more.



Games like Halo, Tony Hawk, Madden, KOTOR, Half-Life, Warcraft, EverQuest, Grand Theft Auto... all high quality top sellers... but all done in this part of the world.


Another IMPORTANT thing to remember about the 360 in terms of world market share.


Microsoft was really banking on the 360 to sell great in Japan... results so far have been way under expectations. Looks like Sony & Nintendo might rule Japan once again... which is the 2nd biggest market in the world next to North America. It's the only reason that the GameCube even came close to the X-BOX for 2nd place this past gen. XBOX was killing GameCube in 95% of the globe. But without Japan... the GC was able to even out the numbers. Microsoft has promised success with the 360 in Japan... I'm sure the numbers will be better this time and it is still way too early to tell... but first implications don't seem positive as of yet.





Alfons_Rebane posted:


Well, the PS3 is certainly not totally hype. It is going to be an excellent system and is in some ways more powerfull than the 360. It is just not THAT much more powerful.


I agree 100% with the above statement. I also think the Blu-Ray will help Sony to sell more units worldwide.





phear-the-penguin posted:



Anyway yeah about yout PS2 not being lackluster and 360 is... well the 360 sold out everywhere upon release... sooo.



No worries... I think mostly everyone here is being respectful while still debating.



So here we go...



360 sold out everywhere??? True... but I wouldn't say that taking 4X the orders and then stiffing all the people you promised systems to is really considered to be a positive "sell out".






phear-the-penguin posted:


I really see nothing but promise for the 360. Its a greatly designed console, great graphics(carmack backs me up so don't doubt it), awesome online functionality, best controller or one of the best, and amazing 3rd party and First Party support. What does the PS3 have?


You ask... What does the PS3 have??


Every single thing you mentioned except a little bit better (minus the awesome online funtionality). PLUS Blu-Ray.


I really hope I'm not coming off as a Sony lover/Microsoft hater... cause I'm not. Just stating the facts as I know them.





kev1000000 posted:


So you're saying because the PS3 will be the first consumer-based Blu-Ray player, it has an advantage as a console? This i highly i doubt...



Then we shall agree to disagree then. PS2 has already proven that people around the world gravitated towards the machine NOT soley based on its lackluster launch titles... but on the price-point of a new entertainment delievery medium. Read what every analyst is saying. Blu-Ray has won, HD is blowing up bigtime and Sony is the only one able to deliver things like true 1080p.





phear-the-penguin posted:



I plan on getting an HD-DVD or BluRay but not right off the bat. I am waiting...


Not when you see some of the launch titles for the PS3... you'll be first in line!



goldenpp72 posted:


Tommy, the 360 has had what, over a million consoles shipped so far? Thats quite a bit more then the ps2 did if im not mistaken, I also can't go anywhere without hearing it mentioned, its not exactly gamecube level here, lets be realistic, the 360 IS a big deal right now, the question is, will it keep this momentum when sony launches their nuke? Hopefully.



500,000 not a million!


No... you are mistaken... the worldwide launch for the PS2 was much bigger. The DS has done better numbers initially. But then again... they COULD have had an amazing launch IF they would have delivered on the 2 million units they promised by Christmas. Yeah... people are talking about the 360 alright... "WHERE THE FLYING F*CK IS MY MACHINE *expletive deleted*!! I PAID YOU IN FULL 6 MONTHS AGO!! *expletive deleted*!! I GOT SCREWED BY GATES AGAIN!!!"



Now I'm just trying to push YOUR buttons.








mkk316 posted:


I severly doubt BluRay will quietly sneak its way into the market, Sony will make sure consumers know what BluRay is with what im sure will be an insane marketing blitz.


Agreed! THAT I will guarantee!!



I can't figure out why anyone would assume that Sony is going to fail in delivering a great unit? I do feel a bit of biased being read in a lot of these "360 is the best" posts.





feraljose posted:


Hey Tommy, if you're still around.


What is your take on the HD-DVD attatchment for x360?


History has ALWAYS proven that "add-on attachments" for video game platforms NEVER become popular... dating back to the old Sega-CD and 32X days... hell... even the hard drive for the PS2 was a massive waste. Unless you were a massive FF fan... there was no reason to even consider buying one.


I think a VERY small portion of the population would be interested in getting a device to play some Warner Bros. movies that they already have on DVD. Unless the thing comes out for under $100 and there is some massive cool new game support... It will be a commercial failure like all the others that have come before it.


Just my thoughts.





Hadious posted:




As far as I'm concerned there were no movies playing off Bluray, the players were all just prototypes.


By the way are you sure Warhawk was gameplay footage or just another pre-rendered video or CGI video ala Killzone / MGS4?



Not true. The movies WERE playing off of Blu-Ray. Many PC's/laptops were showing it off.


Warhawk IS true in-game footage. I've worked with the Incognito guys and know them well. It is NOT pre-rendered video.





SGD316 posted:



Hey Tommy, didn't realize you had joined IGN, respect for manning up with this militant fanboy lot and joining. Great work on the sound in advent rising btw. Youll find I am pretty much the most objective poster here. Anyway, enough of the intros.


What would you say graphically between the PS3 and the 360? Which looks better to best looking game versus best looking game and average vs average? How much of the PS3 stuff shown was actually in game and how much was just more sony cut scene fluff?

What do you feel the price point of the PS3 will be? As high as everyone is saying or did they successfully bait MS into overpricing their console?


What, if any, did any of the supporting companies of blu ray say regarding cost of production in comparison to HD DVD. What about quality? Hows the difference? Did you see the SED or OLED tvs and what did you think of those?


Does sony plan a live type online service that is uniform and streamlined?




Okay... lots to go over here...


From what I have personally seen, the PS3 looks better in terms of graphics. Don't know if that is because of the developers or the hardware... but PS3 looks better. My guess would be that it is the superiority of the teams themselves... which to me says that developers could probably create close to the same exact thing on a 360. I'm NOT a technical graphic guru so I don't know any specifics. I just know what I've seen and what the developers and publishers talk about... and it looks like (so far) the PS3 stuff is looking better.

A LOT of the PS3 stuff I saw at CES was pre-rendered cut scenes... not all... but a lot. But one of my points has always been... what does that really say?? It's easy to come at it from an XBOX fanboy standpoint and say... "WHAT A FARCE!! THAT'S BULL!! IT'S NOT REAL!!" but if you really break it down and think about it... what is it REALLY saying?? It's saying that a LOT of really talented developers and artists are currently working on PS3! Where is all of the 360 smoke and mirrors? Where are all of the cut-scene things for the 360 that compare to what is being shown on the PS3?? Don't get me wrong... I've seen some AMAZING things coming down the pipe for the 360 (Gears of War, etc.) but the shear number of amazing things I've seen from the PS3 would seem to dictate that more people are concentrating soley on the PS3 (Metal Gear Solid for example).


I believe the price of the PS3 will be between $349 - $399. It costs Sony $499 to make the machine and like they have previously shown in the past... they are willing to take a hit on hardware to get the initial installed base as high as possible. If I had to make an accurate guess right now... I would say $399 is likely.

I did not speak to anyone in regards to Blu-Ray production costs. To be honest... I was very difficult for me to tell any kind of difference between HD DVD & Blu-Ray... at least in the examples I saw. I'm not familar with SED vs. OLED t.v.'s. I could have been looking at them... but I don't know enough about them or are familiar with the differences.


Sony will be paying greater attention to online this round... but not to the extent that Microsoft has.


Hope that helps.








SGD316 posted:



Which then leads us back to the fact that 360 launch was an utter rush, MS folded like a deck of cards to get the console out first underpowered and undermanned game wise and now those short comings are being highlighted badly. Agree disagree?



I agree. The fact is that not only did the PS2 outsell the 360 this Christmas... but so did the PSP!


I have been stating since E3 that releasing the 360 for Christmas '05 was too early. XBOX established itself as the "more powerful" machine last gen... why they would give that up to Sony is beyond me?!?! They should have waiting until at least the spring or summer... have even MORE game available AND have the capacity to play next gen movies & music. The current XBOX still had a year left in it. They should have also shipped EVERY 360 with a damn hard drive!! It would have been cheaper in '06 to do that as well.


In my opinion Microsoft has made too many mistakes to recover and be the #1 selling hardware machine for next gen. The only battle now is for 2nd place which I feel they will probably win. I also believe they will narrow the 80 million or so installed hardware gap that currently exists between Sony & Microsoft.





matt_08 posted:


Is Warhawk a safe bet for PS3 launch?



I'm guessing YES. Incognito Studios have ALWAYS been there on launch for every Sony platform release including the PSP.





phear-the-penguin posted:



The only reason the PS2 sold more is because Xbox 360 sold out in the first couple hours. They were just fewer 360's then PS2's thats all. And there is only a 2nd place battle now... why are you sooo confident when PS3 hasn't even launched yet. Couldn't Sony have just as many or more problems as Microsoft at launch.


I think by Holiday 2006 people are going to see games that are just as good or better graphically on the 360, and they are going to see more games, and a cheaper system. I think Microsoft is in a pretty good situation right now.


Actually it was because Microsoft screwed up and didn't manufacture enough systems!! If they did, I'm sure they would have beat the PS2 numbers because their were a lot more pre-orders.


Why am I so confident?? Because I'm in the industry and I know what developers and publishers are saying. I've also NEVER been wrong over the past 15 years when it comes to picking which platforms are going to have a more installed based.


I don't believe Sony won't make the same mistakes on launch as Microsoft did because Sony is VERY aware of what Microsoft did wrong. So much so that some would say that it was Sony that tricked/forced/got Microsoft to make those mistakes!




Ποιός είναι ο Tommy Tallarico? Είναι δηλαδή αξιόπιστη πηγή?

Gaming Journalist, paroysiazei to show Judgement Day sto G4 TV (melos toy omiloy toy IGN) giayto ton blepeis kai ekfrazetai opos ekfrazetai :mrgreen: epishs exei grapsei (den xero an grafei akoma) moysikh gia merika paixnidia.


Αυτά που λέει ο Tommy, μου φαίνονται πολύ ενθαρρυντικά για το 360, σε πάρα πολλά σημεία.Και μακάρι να έχει καλύτερα γραφικά το PS3, για να το συνδέσω κι αυτό στην plasma μου και να παίζω single player, και μετά να μπαίνω στο live και να παίζω με τα φιλαράκια μου.Πάντως, ο τύπος φαίνεται αρκετά αντικειμενικός και καθόλου κολλημένος.


pantos ayto pou leei o typos pos ta games ton exoun entiposiasei perisotero apo tou xbopx to pisteyo kai ego. Ego arxisa me video tou xbox360 kai eixa pathi thn plaka ths zohs mou. eixa arxisi na mazeyo lefta. eixa katebasei 3 gb video. me to pou katebasa omos video tou ps3 kai eikones ekei eida th paei na pei next gen game. meta mou fenontousan aplos poly kala ta games tou xbox360. hmoun toso poromenos pou epeisa ena filo mou na parei to xbox360 kai tora den kaigome toso poly na to paro. mporei kapoia stigmh argotera an pesei h timh tou.


Oreos slay, nase kala gia to arthro


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