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"Official final specs listed below!"




Disc Media (DVD) Specs:

- PlayStation 2 DVD-ROM

- PlayStation 3 DVD-ROM




Disc Media (Blu-ray) Specs:

- PlayStation 3 BD-ROM

- BD-Video


- BD-R





apo auto vlepo oti ta prota games (opos egine k me to ps2) tha einai k se dvd k se blue ray disks. oso to megethos twn paixnidiwn tha megalonei tote tha protimatai to blue ray apo to dvd.


episis deite auto http://news.spong.com/detail/news.asp?prid=9485

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re paidia sorry gia thn erwthsh 8a exei eipw8ei polles fores mexri twra alla 69 selides einai polles gia na to psaksw:pote vgainei sthn evrwph kai poso tha exei to ps3?


Paidia geia sas, eimai kai ego fanatikos tou playstation!!Perimeno opos polloi tin nea konsola!!

Tha ithela na rotiso ta eksis an kai polloi rotate to idio,apla de ksero:

1)Giati eno iparxoun fotos kai pexnidia gia to ps3 akoma na kikloforisei kai argei toso poli??

2)Pote tha kilkoforisei arage stin Ellada??

3)Poso tha stoixizei peripou??

4)Se ola ta katastimata tha ine idia i timi agoras??Sigekrimeni diladi??

Paidia geia sas' date=' eimai kai ego fanatikos tou playstation!!Perimeno opos polloi tin nea konsola!!

Tha ithela na rotiso ta eksis an kai polloi rotate to idio,apla de ksero:

1)Giati eno iparxoun fotos kai pexnidia gia to ps3 akoma na kikloforisei kai argei toso poli??[/quote']

Oi fotos ths konsolas einai kata pasa pithanothta apla adeia koytia, h an oxi entelos adeia, sigoyra den yparxei mesa olo to hardware, einai pagia taktikh ayth, na deixnoyn dhladh to design, prin akoma oloklhrothei h konsola, to idio ekane kai h MS sthn E3 opoy ta koytia htan adeia, kai ta demos trexan apo devkits poy htan krymena apo piso, den einai kati to asynithisto ginetai panta kai apo oloys.

2)Pote tha kilkoforisei arage stin Ellada??

Otan tha kykloforhsei kai sthn ypoloiph eyroph, oi fhmes lene apo septembrh 2006 mexri arxes 2007, alla epishmos den yparxei kamia anakoinosh.

3)Poso tha stoixizei peripou??

Oyte ayto einai gnosto , alla kata pasa pithanothta kato apo 400 eyro.

4)Se ola ta katastimata tha ine idia i timi agoras??Sigekrimeni diladi??

Logika nai, toylaxiston sthn arxh.


Merika akoma nea gia blu-ray.



Sony DADC Announces Global Blu-ray Disc Roll-out


Blu-ray Disc Production to Begin in Late February 2006


Sony DADC today announced its disc production plans for the new Blu-ray disc format. Beginning in late February of 2006, Sony DADC will be ready to accept orders and manufacture 25GB Blu-ray Discs on a global basis. The first production will begin in Sony's Shizuoka, Japan facility and will accommodate both local and export demand. The Sony DADC facility in Terre Haute, IN will start production by May 2006, and the Salzburg, Austria plant will commence production by July 2006.


Throughout the remainder of 2006, Sony DADC will continue to add equipment on a global basis, and will reach a capacity of 5 million units per month for the U.S. and 2.5 million units per month for both Japan and Europe. This will be accomplished with a total of 30 replication lines. By the late summer of 2006, all facilities will be equipped to manufacture both the 25GB and 50GB versions of the Blu-ray disc format. The initial lines will utilize a sheet- type process. The spin process, which has been successfully developed, will be implemented when second generation lines are developed.


"Sony DADC is committed to playing a key role in the global establishment of the Blu-ray format. Over the last 18 months, our engineers have been able to perfect the production process for Blu-ray discs, and we are now ready to begin manufacturing," stated Dieter Daum, President, Sony Disc & Digital Solutions.


"Sony DADC has been privileged to be involved with Blu-ray manufacturing preparations both internally and with our customers for well over a year now. We will support all of our customers during the launches of BD video and PlayStation 3 in the coming year and beyond," states Bob Hurley, Executive Vice-President, Sales & Marketing.


CES 2006: Blu-ray Disc unveils new tricks



However, while the sheer amount of storage space is undoubtedly one of Blu-ray's greatest strengths, there's much more to it than that. To prove it, the Blu-ray Disc Association - which represents the format - used CES as an opportunity to demonstrate how superior it is to DVD for movies.


The most immediately striking change is naturally the picture quality; on a HD-ready set, the level of detail and wealth of colour is amazing. But it's the added potential for mind-blowing extras that will have film buffs choking on their popcorn.


Extras! Extras! Read all about them!


Several different opportunities are now possible thanks to Blu-ray. Menus are completely seamless and can be overlaid over the top of the movie, making everything look much slicker than anything the usual combination of DVD and standard resolution is capable of. Expect lavish presentation that's simply not possible with DVD.


Extra content can be downloaded, too. The example given at CES was a BD of Pirates of the Caribbean. When played, it will alert the viewer to new content available for download - in this case a deleted scene - which can be downloaded seamlessly while you continue to gawp at Keira Knightley.



Kati gia na mas proideasei gia tis media center ikanothtes toy PS3.


Hands down the best stand I saw at CES was Sony's. And in particular one pod showing their home network stuff.


They had a Set top box/HDD recorder with a DNLA compliant network server built in. Next to it they had a Vaio, also running a media server. And they had an LCD TV as a media player.


But they also had a PSP with some early new software which was being used as a media renderer. You could access both media servers and see all their content - combined into one list. They only had video working, but you could click on a video and it would start playing on the PSP. That was really good to see.



Then the guy on the stand asked me to flick the analog nub up. When I did this, the PSP 'threw' the video onto the TV. The TV immediately started playing back the video from where I'd left off. The PSP was then my remote control for play/pause etc. Flicking down on the nub pulled the video back down to my PSP.


It really was amazing to experience, and made a change from the other 'simple' server/client models going around.




I also asked the guy there if the PS3 would be DLNA compliant and he said yes. Of course, thats no confirmation, but Sony seem to be pushing hard this open home networking so I'm confident the PS3 will be a DLNA/UPnP media renderer.


That means it won't need MCE, just a UPnP server. Lots of software out there to do that, including being preloaded on NAS devices.




poli noris gia na aksizei. alloste ta prota games tha einai se dvd format. otan tha arxisei na xrisimopoieitai to blueray massively (opos egine k sto ps2 opou stin arxi ola ta games itan se cd-rom) ta blue ray disks tha einai mallon fthina k elpizo eidika gia ton meso xristi.


Sony showed off Playstation 3 at Consumer Electronics Show 2006 But the boxes were empty


THE PS3 WAS at CES after all, but it was only a mockup. It looked good, very good, but if you dug under the surface, it came up hollow. The good part is that they were shiny, and that is about it.


The problem is that people working on PS3s tell me that it is far from done. Several companies are hip deep in hardware debugging as you read this. Not that it is hugely surprising, after all, it isn't out yet, but one would expect that the hardware is nearly finalized and the bulk of the work is on the games right now.


Nope. Both are far from done. The evidence was quite clear at the keynote, there wasn't even a live demo of the box, something that Sony would kill to show right now to cut MS off at the knees. Instead they had pre-rendered video, oh yay, that is going to strike fear in the hearts of Redmond dwellers.


Now, if Sony fixes the bugs tomorrow, due to the time it takes to push a spin through the fabs, you won't see final PS3 silicon until March, April for boards and consoles in small quantities. Add another month for ramp up, and you are talking May for availability if absolutely nothing goes wrong.


Sources have told us that this rosy scenario is at odds with the work going on right now, expect debugging to go on for quite a while yet. Add minimum 4 months to the end date, and you have a possible release time. The long and short of it is, don't expect a PS3 before E3, and even that is a very long stretch.



PS3 Console Review Written by Josh Robinson (einai developer gia paixnidi tou ps3 kai den nomizo oti i microsoft ton plironei gia na pei afta pou leei!)


Iʼve spent some time the past year developing for the PS3. Actually it was a cinematic demo to be shown at e3 in 2005 at a closed door viewing. I was one of the few artists selected to work on it for the demo. My job was primarily asset creation. I was creating assets to populate the path where our camera would be flying during the demo. The company I work for is also working on a launch title that I am quite familiar with. In short' date=' Iʼve spent some time around the PS3 and or the teams developing for it.




Iʼve really had to sit here and think for a long time about what my first comment about the PS3 would be. Will I say, its GREAT or will I give it two thumbs down. Well my immediate impression of the PS3 is…where is it? Seriously, where is it? They have a case, a controller and a dev kit. But the system still doesnʼt even exist. So what is there to say? We received one of 5 PS3 dev kits in the United States some time ago. Several companies in the US as well as companies over seas were given the daunting task of creating a demo in less than 9 weeks on a first generation dev kit. Now Iʼll be honest with you. What most companies do is fake the entire demo. I mean they come up with some great visuals and neat tricks and scripted events. In the end however, its not a real time demo and its not running ON the actual box. We were the only company to my knowledge that showed something that ran it live on the box. Even then it was a scripted event. You could not pause the camera and fly around the scene. So if you saw the demo once, you saw it again the exact same way the second time. Also this was on a brutally early dev box. You could always tell where the PS3 dev box was because itʼs the room that had the f-bomb coming out of it half the day.




Lots of time has passed since that demo and the dev box has gone from a totally jimmy rigged computer and box of parts about the size of a small child, to a much more realistic size. Although its still the size of a normal pc. I have been pretty excited about the whole cell processing thing. I am not a very technical person but my understanding of it was pretty clear. (Multiple processors to handle individual events in parallel). Sounds pretty good to me! To hear people talk, youʼd thing that a processor revolution was about to happen. So Iʼve been pretty excited to say the least. Now in my opinion it doesnʼt matter how good the PS3 is. If the XBOX 360 is better, then it doesnʼt really matter how the cell processors work or how good they say it is. Realistically one of them will be better over all. Now Iʼve spoken with people who are on the technical side of the PS3. Iʼve also talked with people on the technical side of the XBOX 360. The consistent comment I am hearing from people on my end is, “The XBOX 360 is better”. They are saying that it is capable of just doing more. (shrugs) Now take that for what its worth. If you watch all the videos on the PS3 they will say how much more powerful it is than the XBOX and vice versa. Im just telling you what I am hearing. They proceeded to go into a lot of technical info that I donʼt understand. So I just nod.




The game that we are creating for a launch title is a “just get it out” title in my opinion. It doesnʼt look next generation. I donʼt see how anyone could debate otherwise. It looks good. But it looks good for a game that has come out in the last couple years or so. I mean we are talking about a box that will be with us for the next 5+ years! In 5 years will the games we are making today look good? The only way for that to be possible is if the new games coming out for the PS3 are drastically improved. So good that they can stand the test of time until the next system comes out. Weʼve all seen Gears of War for the xbox 360. If that even looks half as good when it comes out then Iʼll be floored! The game we are making isnʼt even in the same league as Gears of War. In fact there are many current games out that look just as good and are using the exact same specs. So, on our end we are either not pushing the bar or were just trying to “get a title out”. To be fair, this is a business. Sometimes you have to treat it as a business and not make the best title you can. The best title you can make usually costs 20-40million dollars/3 start overs and 4 years of your life. You just cant do that every time out. Its impossible. Our game just keeps getting moved back….and back…..and back…..and back. Again, where is the box? Where is the final system? When is it coming out? No one knows and in the mean time people in the industry are starting to get just a little salty. I mean I was at e3 2005 and PS3 was almost no where to be seen.




In closing, I started of VERY excited about the PS3. I was very confident that it was going to just destroy the XBOX 360 just on the name SONY alone. The more time that goes by the more I am becoming doubtful. Everything Iʼve developed or seen developed has yet to be “next gen”. The poly counts are not really any higher, im not seeing sub surface scattering, im not seeing much HDR lighting. (or they are faking it and not really doing it), Iʼm not seeing next gen fluid dynamics or object dynamics. I suspect that youʼll be able to have more dynamic objects in a scene than before. But im not seeing games doing this yet. We dont have a controller, there is no network code and there is no box. Its still the size of a normal PC. Oh well, at least they have normal maps. Although Iʼm over the normal maps fad ok everyone!




Iʼm confident that the PS3 will have a few “crazy” games that show it off to its potential. But I would expect the full capabilities of the box to not show up until the system has been released PUBLICALLY for over a year. This is the extra time the developers will need with a FINAL system to truly make next gen games.









dp489 wrote:


Hello, Josh. I registered just to ask the following questions:


Who are you?


Why should anyone believe a word that you say?


Why do you sound precisely like every other rumor-mongering semi-literate 'journalist' on your typical videogame forum?


Thanks in advance.


Apologies for reviving a month-old thread.







Well lets see here. I'm not sure if your ACTUALLY curious about my answer. But I'll certainly answer any questions you have to the best of my abilities.


Why should anyone believe a word that I say? Well i guess no one has to believe me. I guess anyone can flat out LIE about anything. For what its worth however, I am qualified to have an opinion. ( Unlike MOST the rumor mongering journalists your talking about). I have been in the gaming business as a professional 3D artist for the better part of 10 years. I am a published author on a major 3D package due out in the next 8 weeks. I have developed on the PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, and PC. I currently work for SONY and have spent almost my entire career developing on their platforms. I was one of the very very few artists in the United States lucky enough to work on a demo to be shown at a closed door viewing for e32005. Mr. Ken Kutaragi (founder of the Playstation and the president of Sony Computer Entertainment) Was the one giving the initial speach and tech specs for the demos at the viewing. It was almost 2 hours in length. The video may still be out there somewhere. I think you could actually watch the whole demo via gamespot at one time. i have copy of the demo on my pc. You could probably find it if you searched for it.


Sony Online Entertainment (the company i work for) is also creating a launch title for the PS3. We are also doing the Network Code that doesnt exist for the system yet. Also I've played the game that will be launching on the PS3. I see it every single day of my life. All these reasons (hopefully) add up to me being able to give a pretty accurate opinion of the PS3. I mean i just sat down and played it not 5 hours ago.


Im VERY excited aobut the ps3. dont get me wrong. But the delays that we have experienced during the production have been substantial. What most developers are doing are just making a PC game. Then when they get the final system they'll put it on the ps3. Thats it. No big crazy secrets there. ALSO, let me just say that this is very normal for a system launch. I am not bashing it by saying this. It was the same when the PS2 came out. You make a game then port it when you get the final hardware. There is no other way to do it because there is no system yet. Imagine the launch titles for the ps2 and compare them NOW to games like Metal Gear Solid 3! Its astonishing that it was done on the SAME system! It looks light years ahead of anything that was done 3 years earlier on the exact same hardware. This is all normal for a system launch. XBOX 360 doesnt have any crazy game out. i mean they look good but, they are all basically ports or sequals. the CRAZY games like gears of war will be out later when they have time to customize the shaders/network code specifically for the hardware.


I expect the first wave to be pretty standard PC quality games. (high quality, but nothing weve never seen). This is why i said that the REALLY good games will come out a year or so after the final launch of the title. It'll give the developers the time they need to properly use the cells for the betterment of the system. Then we'll start to see some crazy stuff. (crosses fingers)


But for now all im seeing on the system is the pretty standard 8000 poly characters with normal maps. (or faking normal maps doing paralax mapping). Im not really seeing good soft shadows yet. No sub surface scattering, etc... you'll definately get some games using HDR lighting, not much else is going on however that we've never seen.


Half Life 2 still looks better than anything ive EVER seen before. On the xbox 360 or the ps3. Especially their new lost coast level using HDR lighting entirely. And that game came out a year ago.


I expect a pretty late ship now. They will also most likely time it with e3 2006 and christmas. Thats where they will most likely make their big push. Shipping BEFORE e3 doesnt make any sense and shipping AFTER christmas would be...well something really bad would have to happen for them to intentionally miss the christmas sales.


I hope that answers any of your questions. WELCOME to DIF. I hope you stick around and check back from time to time when looking for game/movie reviews.



Name: Josh Robinson


Age: 27


Occupation: Professional 3D Artist


Favorite Movies and why: This question is impossible. So many good movies

in so many diff. areas. Welp, Braveheart / Glory / Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Van

Wilder etc...I guess if i had to just pic a single movie of ALL time it has to be The lord of the Rings Trilogy. This movie is just absolutely unbelievable.


Favorite Games: and why: Halflife 2 this is the greatest game ever

created...period. The technical achievement combined with the amazing

visuals and game design put this game on a pedestal above all others. If you dont agree that this is the greatest game ever made...I will fight you.


Hobbies: 3d modeling, Mixed Marital Arts, movies, games, and my friends!

Sports: Muay Thai, Mixed Martial Arts competing and training in both.


Brief Synopsis:

I am a 27 year old 3D artist with 9 years of professional experience. I

currently work at Sony Online Entertainment. I am even wrapping up the last

few chapter of the 3D Studio Max 8.0 Essentials book. (shipping after

christmas) After the book is complete I hope to release a series of

instructional DVD's through the same publishing company.


I have done high and low polygon production work. I've developed video games for the PC, Portable Play Station (PSP), Playstation 2 and the soon to be released Playstation 3.

I have developed on the PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, and PC. I currently work

for SONY and have spent almost my entire career developing on their



Sony Online Entertainment (the company i work for) is also creating a

launch title for the PS3. We are also doing the Network Code that doesnt exist

for the system yet. Also I've played the game that will be launching on the PS3.

I see it every single day of my life...


Im VERY excited aobut the ps3. dont get me wrong. But the delays

that we have experienced during the production have been substantial...


Xμμ....Περίεργα μας τα λέει πάντως και μάλιστα μοιάζει να απολογείται...ΑNYWAY


The video may still be out there somewhere. I think you could actually

watch the whole demo via gamespot at one time. i have copy of the demo on

my pc. You could probably find it if you searched for it...


Έχει κάποιος καμμία ιδέα περι τίνος πρόκειται?


I'm very aware of the NDA and I have not broken it or mentioned anything that is not public knowledge already. I have not leaked any technology, i have not shown the box, i have not shown any art or even mentioned the title. I did give some opinions however. that does not break NDA.


the email address is real. feel free to use it i'll reply to you from my office tomorrow. (why would a janitor have an email address)?


Here is a link to sony and the entire planetside team in 2001 (or 2002, i forget). My name is Josh robinson and im like three quarters of the way down.


(im a professional fighter also. which explains the comment at the end).


Here is a link to the manual of the entire game which lists me AND my screen name as Ferret. http://planetside.station.sony.com/howto/manual_detail.vm?handle=6.14


Here is a link to my personal website and some portfolio work: http://www.joshrobinson.com


here is a link to the demo i worked on at the close door viewing of the PS3. Its 2 hours long (just like i said it was).


(ken is on there speaking. in english just like i said)


this is my publisher


(i'll sign a copy when its out in 8 weeks and send it to you if you want). just need your address.


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