Slay Δημοσ. 3 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 3 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Pithanon kaka nea oso afora thn CES Sony: No PlayStation 3 announcement at CES 2006? San Mateo (California) - A spokesperson for Sony's PlayStation division denied to TG Daily this morning that the company would be making a PlayStation 3 related announcement at CES 2006. "Although we are participating in many CES activities with Sony," said the spokesperson, "we have no new announcements on PlayStation 3 planned at this time." Sony Corporation has planned special announcements on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, which had been presumed by many in the press and elsewhere to pertain to PS3.
nestorn Δημοσ. 3 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 3 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Sony: No PlayStation 3 announcement at CES 2006? Oύπς αυτά είναι ΠΟΛΥ κακά νέα άν είναι πράγματι αληθινά... Μήπως τελικά η είδηση απο το Kotaku που ανέφερα πιο πρίν είναι αληθινή??? Πάντως αν δεν έχουμε κανένα νέο σχετικά με το PS3 στην CES δεν νομίζω οτι υπάρχει περίπτωση να κυκλοφορήσει άνοιξη ή Ιούνιο-Ιούλιο (όπως αναφέρει ο πρόεδρος της Ubisoft)....Επίσης άν κυκλοφορήσει σε περίπου ένα χρόνο απο τώρα δεν ξέρω και αν το hardware(όπως το είδαμε) θα είναι αρκετό καθώς η τεχνολογία θα έχει προχωρήσει αρκετά ως τότε (και το xbox360 θα κάνει party )... Όμως δεν νομίζω πως η Sony θα χάσει τόσο πολύτιμο χρόνο...εξάλλου οι "spokesmen" της Sony πολλές φορές έχουν διαψεύσει (για λόγους τακτικής) πράγματα που συνέβησαν μετά απο λίγο καιρό (π.χ. pricedrop του ps2 πρίν την Ε3 2004)... Σύντομα πάντως θα ξέρουμε...
nestorn Δημοσ. 3 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 3 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Aπο το Sony PS3 delay is pure speculation About two months ago, we at GameSHOUT fell into the same speculation that the Sony PlayStation 3 would not be released until 2007. A few days later, Sony contacted GameSHOUT and told us that they were still on track for a Spring 2006 launch date. As of this morning, January 3rd, 2006, Sony again informed GameSHOUT that the Sony PS3 will be released in May 2006, and that the recent reports of a delay are pure "myths". During the weekend, many sites and news agencies have reported that the Sony PlayStation 3 is full of bugs, and that the game machine is not ready for the Spring 2006 launch. However, please keep in mind that these are pure speculations. Notice how much of the rumour is based on a "March 2006" launch. Sony never told us on what month the launch will occur. Σε συνδυασμό με τα παραπάνω post αντε να καταλάβεις τι γίνεται..???... Είναι δυνατόν η κονσόλα να κυκλοφορήσει το Μαϊο και να μην έχουμε δεί καθόλου playable κώδικά???
Daredevil Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Είναι δυνατόν η κονσόλα να κυκλοφορήσει το Μαϊο και να μην έχουμε δείκαθόλου playable κώδικά??? e basika einai alla to apotelesma pio 8a einai?
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 PS3 Console Review Written by Josh Robinson (einai developer gia paixnidi tou ps3 kai den nomizo oti i microsoft ton plironei gia na pei afta pou leei!) I’ve spent some time the past year developing for the PS3. Actually it was a cinematic demo to be shown at e3 in 2005 at a closed door viewing. I was one of the few artists selected to work on it for the demo. My job was primarily asset creation. I was creating assets to populate the path where our camera would be flying during the demo. The company I work for is also working on a launch title that I am quite familiar with. In short, I’ve spent some time around the PS3 and or the teams developing for it. I’ve really had to sit here and think for a long time about what my first comment about the PS3 would be. Will I say, its GREAT or will I give it two thumbs down. Well my immediate impression of the PS3 is…where is it? Seriously, where is it? They have a case, a controller and a dev kit. But the system still doesn’t even exist. So what is there to say? We received one of 5 PS3 dev kits in the United States some time ago. Several companies in the US as well as companies over seas were given the daunting task of creating a demo in less than 9 weeks on a first generation dev kit. Now I’ll be honest with you. What most companies do is fake the entire demo. I mean they come up with some great visuals and neat tricks and scripted events. In the end however, its not a real time demo and its not running ON the actual box. We were the only company to my knowledge that showed something that ran it live on the box. Even then it was a scripted event. You could not pause the camera and fly around the scene. So if you saw the demo once, you saw it again the exact same way the second time. Also this was on a brutally early dev box. You could always tell where the PS3 dev box was because it’s the room that had the f-bomb coming out of it half the day. Lots of time has passed since that demo and the dev box has gone from a totally jimmy rigged computer and box of parts about the size of a small child, to a much more realistic size. Although its still the size of a normal pc. I have been pretty excited about the whole cell processing thing. I am not a very technical person but my understanding of it was pretty clear. (Multiple processors to handle individual events in parallel). Sounds pretty good to me! To hear people talk, you’d thing that a processor revolution was about to happen. So I’ve been pretty excited to say the least. Now in my opinion it doesn’t matter how good the PS3 is. If the XBOX 360 is better, then it doesn’t really matter how the cell processors work or how good they say it is. Realistically one of them will be better over all. Now I’ve spoken with people who are on the technical side of the PS3. I’ve also talked with people on the technical side of the XBOX 360. The consistent comment I am hearing from people on my end is, “The XBOX 360 is better”. They are saying that it is capable of just doing more. (shrugs) Now take that for what its worth. If you watch all the videos on the PS3 they will say how much more powerful it is than the XBOX and vice versa. Im just telling you what I am hearing. They proceeded to go into a lot of technical info that I don’t understand. So I just nod. The game that we are creating for a launch title is a “just get it out” title in my opinion. It doesn’t look next generation. I don’t see how anyone could debate otherwise. It looks good. But it looks good for a game that has come out in the last couple years or so. I mean we are talking about a box that will be with us for the next 5+ years! In 5 years will the games we are making today look good? The only way for that to be possible is if the new games coming out for the PS3 are drastically improved. So good that they can stand the test of time until the next system comes out. We’ve all seen Gears of War for the xbox 360. If that even looks half as good when it comes out then I’ll be floored! The game we are making isn’t even in the same league as Gears of War. In fact there are many current games out that look just as good and are using the exact same specs. So, on our end we are either not pushing the bar or were just trying to “get a title out”. To be fair, this is a business. Sometimes you have to treat it as a business and not make the best title you can. The best title you can make usually costs 20-40million dollars/3 start overs and 4 years of your life. You just cant do that every time out. Its impossible. Our game just keeps getting moved back….and back…..and back…..and back. Again, where is the box? Where is the final system? When is it coming out? No one knows and in the mean time people in the industry are starting to get just a little salty. I mean I was at e3 2005 and PS3 was almost no where to be seen. In closing, I started of VERY excited about the PS3. I was very confident that it was going to just destroy the XBOX 360 just on the name SONY alone. The more time that goes by the more I am becoming doubtful. Everything I’ve developed or seen developed has yet to be “next gen”. The poly counts are not really any higher, im not seeing sub surface scattering, im not seeing much HDR lighting. (or they are faking it and not really doing it), I’m not seeing next gen fluid dynamics or object dynamics. I suspect that you’ll be able to have more dynamic objects in a scene than before. But im not seeing games doing this yet. We dont have a controller, there is no network code and there is no box. Its still the size of a normal PC. Oh well, at least they have normal maps. Although I’m over the normal maps fad ok everyone! I’m confident that the PS3 will have a few “crazy” games that show it off to its potential. But I would expect the full capabilities of the box to not show up until the system has been released PUBLICALLY for over a year. This is the extra time the developers will need with a FINAL system to truly make next gen games. Josh
Slay Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 PS3 Console Review Written by Josh Robinson (einai developer gia paixnidi tou ps3 kai den nomizo oti i microsoft ton plironei gia na pei afta pou leei!) Iʼve spent some time the past year developing for the PS3. Actually it was a cinematic demo to be shown at e3 in 2005 at a closed door viewing. An mas pei gia poia etairia doyleyei, gia poio paixnidi milaei, isos kai na pistepsoyme esto kai mia lexh apo ayta poy leei, se ena agnosto kata ta alla site, epishs ti boliko giayton, to demo poy kai kala edeixan sthn E3 htan kekleismenon ton thyron, epishs to site einai down.
Slay Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Epic: UT 2007 might make PS3 launch Mark Rein says game will be ready "when it's done," whether or not that coincides with the debut of Sony's next-generation console; will ship on PC first. After several weeks of confusion about whether Unreal Tournament 2007 will be a PlayStation 3 launch title, definitive word on the status of the game has emerged. Ironically, that word is that the game's release date on PS3 is still undetermined. Following a report in the January 2006 PSM magazine which indicated the game would be a launch title for the PlayStation 3, Epic Games has stated for the record that it only might make the console's launch. Why? Because, like most of the game industry, Epic isn't sure exactly when Sony plans to ship its next-generation console. "Do you know when the PS3 launch is? Neither do we," said Epic vice president Mark Rein. The outspoken developer echoed the infamous tagline of his colleagues at id Software, telling GameSpot, "but we know when UT2007 will be done: WHEN IT'S DONE!" (Emphasis in the original.) Currently, the PlayStation 3 is only tentatively scheduled for an "early 2006" release. Rein continued, saying, "The question of whether we're a launch title or not is unanswerable because we don't know if the PS3 will be out before we're done or not. ... We won't ship the title on any platform before it's done and it is too early to say when that will be."
nestorn Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 PS3 Console Review Written by Josh Robinson Πολλά αντιφατικά νέα κυκλοφορούν τον τελευταίο καιρό σχετικά με το PS3 και η αλήθεια είναι οτι δεν ξέρει τι να πιστέψει κανείς.... Πάντως το παραπάνω άρθρο μου φαίνεται λίγο "περίεργο" στην καλύτερη, αφού τα επιχειρήματά του είναι ακριβώς αυτά που ακούμε απο τους ανθρώπους της M$ εδώ και καιρό...Εχω διαβάσει εντυπώσεις απο άλλους προγραμματιστές οι devs σε διάφορα forum και συνεντεύξεις αλλα κανείς δεν είναι ΤΟΣΟ αρνητικός...Εντάξει δεν είπε κανείς οτι τα πρώτης γεννιάς games θα είναι "άπιαστα" (όπως συμβαίνει και με το 360) αλλά ο κύριος αυτός ούτε λίγο ούτε πολύ λέει πως θα είναι μάπα... Για να δούμε τι θα δούμε....
nestorn Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Περισσότερα τρελά νέα (ή ψευτικες φήμες?) για το PS3 :D Εγώ το βρήκα στο beyond3d αλλά είναι απο ένα ιαπωνικό site.... Tι θα λέγατε για 4 SPU στον RSX?
xrest Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 to rsx einai ena g70.min perimeneis trela hardware pramata apo tin nvidia,opws me tin arxitektoniki tou cell.mia iperxronismeni gtx einai,se 0,09(epitelous gia tin nvidia..).auta. treleneste mauta pou leei o einai dinaton..kala den katastrafike k o kosmos..tha to anakoinwsei i sony entos 2 minwn.diskola na bgei mesa sto kalokairi,paizei ligo gia may,pio pithano gia septembri,me stadiako launch se ameriki,eurwpi(noembri,dekembri).an eimoun stin sony den tha anisixousa gia iapwnia(giati to 360 tha paei kala mono an spasei o diaolos to podari tou,ante mono to revo einai alla entaksei),alla gia us-europe.bebaia k pali mporei na perimenei mias k 1,5 mina meta to launch tou 360,i konsola einai san na min exei bgei.dioti ta noumera pou petixe to 360 kata pasa pithanotita tha ta petixei i sony se mia mera an exei arketes konsoles na diathesei.eilikrina an eimoun sony den tha anisixousa gia tpt akomi
Slay Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 To idio site poy elege oti den tha yparxei anakoinosh ths Sony gia to Ps3 sthn CES, shmera leei to anapodo!!! But there will indeed be a great deal of gadget news, including anticipated announcements from Sony on its forthcoming PlayStation 3 console Anyway tha xeroyme syntoma
Slay Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Kapoia nea sxetika me to Blu-ray Sony Pictures announces 20 Blu-ray launch titles Beginning this Spring, SPHE will support the rollout of BD-compatible players, PCs and drives from a variety of consumer electronics and computer companies by offering a wide-breadth of high-definition movies and other promotional materials," said Mr. Feingold. The first slate of BD titles encompasses a diverse mix of genres including The Fifth Element, in multichannel uncompressed audio Bram Stoker's Dracula, Desperado, For a Few Dollars More, The Guns of Navarone, Hitch, House of Flying Daggers, A Knight's Tale, Kung Fu Hustle, The Last Waltz, Legends of the Fall, Resident Evil Apocalypse, Robocop, Sense and Sensibility, Stealth, Species, SWAT and XXX. Black Hawk Down and The Bridge on the River Kwai will also be available on 50 GB, dual-layer Blu-ray Discs Summer 2006. "With the announcement of these first 20 titles, I am delighted to say that the age of Blu-ray has truly arrived," said Mr Feingold. "BD delivers the most advanced high-definition experience available to entertainment enthusiasts today, while offering filmmakers a limitless canvas to express their artistic vision." In addition to 1920x1080p HD master quality, consumers will benefit from Blu-ray Disc's immense improvements over current DVD technology including enhanced menu navigation, increased added-value and new interactive capabilities. "MGM has always been committed to presenting its films in the best formats available," said Blake Thomas, head of MGM Home Entertainment. "The Blu-ray high definition format allows us to give movie lovers what they deserve: the absolutely best viewing experience available today." Commencing Summer 2006, SPHE will begin adding bonus BD Java games, and other anticipated features, to new release titles including Underworld Evolution that will street day-and-date with DVD. The studio announced it will also deliver four catalog titles per month beginning this Summer, accelerating to 10 titles per month by the fourth quarter 2006. Also being readied for Summer release is the complete television series of sci-fi favorite, "Stargate Atlantis," in high-definition. "Our strategy is to release new feature films on Blu-ray Disc day-and-date with DVD to drive consumer awareness, excitement and sales of high-definition movies. We will also release a continuous slate of catalog titles that film enthusiasts love to own, to further maximize consumer interest," added Mr. Feingold. Paramount announces 10 Blu-ray launch titles Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment Announces Debut Line-up for Blu-ray Disc Format; Studio Selects Ten Launch Titles to Introduce Paramount HD Content LOS ANGELES --(Business Wire)-- Jan. 4, 2006 Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment announced today its upcoming slate of "Paramount High Definition" titles for the launch of the new Blu-ray Disc format. Among the titles to be released in conjunction with the Blu-ray hardware delivery to retail stores are recent hits such as "Four Brothers" and "Sahara," sci-fi thrillers "Aeon Flux" and "Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow," action-adventures "The Italian Job" and "Tomb Raider," the renowned music documentary "U2: Rattle and Hum" and Tim Burton's "Sleepy Hollow." The ten title launch slate also includes "We Were Soldiers" and "Manchurian Candidate" starring Academy Award® winners Mel Gibson and Denzel Washington, respectively. Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment will continue its roll out of Blu-ray titles throughout 2006 and beyond, including the highly anticipated release of "Mission Impossible 3" alongside "Mission Impossible" and "Mission Impossible 2." "Paramount is pleased to demonstrate its support for Blu-ray with these launch titles," said Thomas Lesinski, President, Paramount Pictures, Worldwide Home Entertainment. "We feel confident that the breadth and quality of the 'Paramount High Definition' line-up will provide consumers with a compelling home entertainment experience for years to come." Fox announces 20 "first wave" Blu-ray titles Continuing its unwavering support for the Blu-ray format, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment announced today the first wave of feature films to be released by the studio on the much-anticipated new Blu-ray Disc (BD) platform. The broad range of titles chosen will optimally demonstrate the next generation format's superior high-definition audio and visual elements. The initial titles in development include such action-packed blockbusters as FANTASTIC FOUR, THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN, BEHIND ENEMY LINES and KISS OF THE DRAGON, the CGI-animated comedy ICE AGE along with many others that will bring Fox's total number of first wave releases to 20 titles. The company plans to debut its initial line-up of BD titles to coincide with the Blu-ray hardware launches in North America, Japan and Europe in 2006. Twentieth Century Fox will also plan simultaneous releases of its films on BD and DVD as the format takes hold and household penetration grows. "Blu-ray is the superior high definition technology that fully delivers on the promise of a next generation format and represents the bright future of home entertainment," noted Mike Dunn, President Worldwide, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. "The release of our films on Blu-ray will provide consumers with in-home entertainment beyond anything they have imagined." Fox's commitment to emerging technologies is dedicated to enhancing the consumer experience of its products and providing for backward compatibility with their existing home entertainment libraries while also aggressively protecting its intellectual property from piracy. The Blu-ray member companies fully embrace the Studio's steadfast commitment to the fight against piracy and the preservation of the integrity of its properties. Twentieth Century Fox joined the Board of Directors of the Blu-ray Disc Association in 2004 and remains an active contributor to the formats continuing development. Kai merikes eikones apo ta koytia tainion Blu-ray Epishs h Pioneer anakoinose oti tha kykloforhsei Blu-ray player kai recorder gia PC mesa ston Ianoyario. Blu-ray Launch Set for January For next-generation DVD systems, Pioneerʼs early launch of its Blu-ray products turns up the heat on the rival HD-DVD format.December 27, 2005 Pioneer Electronics said Tuesday it will unveil the Blu-ray DVD format in January—far ahead of expectations—dealing a blow to the rival HD-DVD format whose backers had once hoped for a head-start in the $40-billion market for next-generation DVD systems. Pioneer will display a Blu-ray drive for personal computers at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, which starts January 5. The drive will start shipping in Japan by the end of January 2006, said the company. The North American launch will come in the first quarter of 2006.§or=Industries&subsector=EntertainmentAndMedia
BlizardBill Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δηλαδή σε λίγο θα έχουμε 1080p ταινίες σε blueray, το ps3 και για παιχνίδια, και από ότι βλέπω έρχονται και οι τηλεοράσεις σε λογικές τιμές. Εδώ μια συζήτηση για ένα πολύ καλό monitor 37 ιντσων με 1920x1080 ανάλυση, που έρχεται κάτω από 2.000 ευρώ , και φαντάζομαι τι θα γίνει σε 6-7 μήνες. Και εδώ κάποιες γνώμες από ένα αντίστοιχο στην Αμερική.
Slay Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 4 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δηλαδή σε λίγο θα έχουμε 1080p ταινίες σε blueray, το ps3 και για παιχνίδια, και από ότι βλέπω έρχονται και οι τηλεοράσεις σε λογικές τιμές. ontos , epishs den xero an prosexes ayto: Black Hawk Down and The Bridge on the River Kwai willalso be available on 50 GB, dual-layer Blu-ray Discs Summer 2006.
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