Exoskeletor Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 edo http://www.gamespot.com/pc/driving/grandraidoffroad/screenindex.html exei merikes eikones akoma kai ena video. looks good
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 nai? apo pote? anyway sto erothma apo poy apodeikneietai apanthse o Nestorn, an htan free tha eixan ola ta paixnidia AA, profanos den einai free, h poio sosta einai free ypo proypotheseis. Αλλα εκτος αυτου δεν κανω διαλογο με ατομα που προβαινουν σε χαρακτηρισμους προς τους συνομιλητες τους και εχουν ενα ειρωνικο υφος στην πλειοψηφια των μυνηματων τους...ειδικα οταν καποιος εκφρασει μια διαφορετικη αποψη.. Επισης αποφευγω τυπους που νομιζουν οτι τα ξερουν ολα, δεν κανουν διαλογο αλλα προσπαθουν να μεταφραζουν τα παντα κατα το συμφερον τους .... Ελπιζω να απαντησα στο ερωτημα σου .... Ξερω οτι θα "βαλεις τον σκυλο σου να κλαιει " για το αν ασχολουμαι μαζι σου , αλλα ειλικρινα εγω στεναχωριεμαι για την σταση σου αυτη και θα σε παρακαλουσα να ριξεις λιγο νερο στο κρασι σου και να μην εισαι τοσο απολυτος σε αυτα που λες ..... Ζητω απ'ολους συγγνωμη για το off-topic ...
Slay Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Απο τοτε που με ειπες ανοητο ...... Epeidh den thymomoyn na soy exo pei pote kati tetoio, ekana ena grhgoro search kai ontos den brhka mynhma moy poy na se xarakthrizo etsi, alla epeidh mporei na mhn epsaxa eparkos, mhpos mporeis na moy breis esy to sygkekrimeno post? h na moy peis peripoy prin poso kairo egine gia na to psaxo kalytera? Se periptosh poy ontos to eipa zhtao prokatabolika sygnomh, an kai exo thn isxyrh entyposh oti me mperdeyeis me kapoion allon. P.S. Einai bebaia dikaioma soy na me agnoeis , xoris na doseis kan kamia exhghsh, apla pisteyo pos prokeitai gia parexhghsh.
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Επειδη ειλικρινα δεν θελω να το συνεχισουμε , οσο με αφορα θεωρω το θεμα ληξαν ..... Επισης σβηνω απο προηγουμενο μυνημα μου και την αναφορα μου στον εν λογω χαρακτηρισμο ...
xrest Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 oi fotos tou parapanw game einai kales.aplws einai apla omorfo kathws oute xrwmata exei ena amaksi exei sena xwro(erimo)pou den leei k polla.moreeeeeeeee.ferte k alla na blepoume.an k mono to mgs4 gia mena pou tha bgalei telos..halo3 k mgs 4 twraaaaaaaaaaaa
nestorn Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 oi fotos tou parapanw game einai kales.aplws einai apla omorfo kathws oute xrwmata exei ena amaksi exei sena xwro(erimo)pou den leei k polla..... Συμφωνώ οτι είναι απλά όμορφο (όχι κάτι το ιδιέταιρο δηλαδή)...Tα χρώματα που λές δεν νομίζω οτι παίζουν ρόλο καθώς η παλέτα που χρησιμοποιείται είναι σίγουρα 24 ή 32 bit οπότε δεν νομίζω οτι κερδίζουν κάτι με το να μην βάζουν πολλά χρώματα στο παιχνίδι, πέρα απο την κάλυψη ίσως κάποιων pixels χωρίς FSAA...Aν θυμάσαι και το Metal Gear 3 σχεδόν πράσινο ήταν(αλλά φοβερό) Eπίσης ναι μεν δεν έχει πολύπλοκο background αλλά η draw distance είναι πολύ μεγάλη, ενώ εντυπωσιακά είναι και κάποια φίλτρα που χρησιμοποιούνται για να φαίνεται πιο θολό το background... Σίγουρα βέβαια το background ΔΕΝ ΣΥΓΚΡΙΝΕΤΑΙ με αυτό :D Y.Γ. Δεν λέμε κάτι διαφορετικό απλώς πρόσθεσα κάποια στοιχεία χάρην συζήτησης
xrest Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Συμφωνώ οτι είναι απλά όμορφο (όχι κάτι το ιδιέταιρο δηλαδή)...Tα χρώματα πουλές δεν νομίζω οτι παίζουν ρόλο καθώς η παλέτα που χρησιμοποιείται είναι σίγουρα 24 ή 32 bit οπότε δεν νομίζω οτι κερδίζουν κάτι με το να μην βάζουν πολλά χρώματα στο παιχνίδι' date=' πέρα απο την κάλυψη ίσως κάποιων pixels χωρίς FSAA...Aν θυμάσαι και το Metal Gear 3 σχεδόν πράσινο ήταν(αλλά φοβερό) Eπίσης ναι μεν δεν έχει πολύπλοκο background αλλά η draw distance είναι πολύ μεγάλη, ενώ εντυπωσιακά είναι και κάποια φίλτρα που χρησιμοποιούνται για να φαίνεται πιο θολό το background... Σίγουρα βέβαια το background ΔΕΝ ΣΥΓΚΡΙΝΕΤΑΙ με αυτό :D [img']http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/5842/heavenlysword20050518033759052.jpg[/img] Y.Γ. Δεν λέμε κάτι διαφορετικό απλώς πρόσθεσα κάποια στοιχεία χάρην συζήτησης ontws alla an sauto to game eixe asximo draw distance tote asto.....opws k gia ta filtra.pistepse me auto to gamw kanei goutsou goutsou sti koilia tou cell,g70...oute pou idrwnei...
Slay Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 O Tommy Tallarico paroysiasths toy show Judgement Day sto G4 TV egrapse sta forums toy IGN (to G4 anhkei ston idio omilo me to IGN) Unfortunately I am under strict NDA and cannot mention any titles. The gameplay graphics look a little better than minor... but it more of the way the worlds and environments are being created and built. For example... in Project Gotham racing if you stop on the side of the road and look at a tree... it is basically just two texture maps pasted together in a cross pattern (like games have done for the past 10 years)... but some of the stuff I'm seeing on the PS3 has every element of a tree including branches, leaves, etc... and it all gets affected by the wind as your car passes by... as well as the lighting. Not saying the 360 CAN'T do that... I'm just saying that from what I've seen.... I'm a lot more impressed with the 1st generation PS3 titles compared to the 1st gen 360 titles. T.T.
nestorn Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Απο το ign.com .... Japan's Biggest Developers Comment on 2006 Satoshi Komuro -- Sony Computer Entertainment Publicity Komuro gives himself 80 out of 100 for the year, claiming that there were a few things left undone that he'll finish up in 2006. He promises to surprise everyone in 2006 with PlayStation-related developments, noting that the Tokyo Game Show showing of PlayStation 3 was just a glimpse at the system. The game that left the greatest impression with Komuro was Shadow of the Colossus. Yoshinori Yamagishi -- Square Enix Producer Yamagishi gives himself a 70 out of 100, citing the successful release of Radiata Stories and the announcement of Valkyrie Profile. He promises to stick with the release dates for the two new Valkyrie games, and adds that Valkyrie Profile 2 will support progressive output in order to show just how good the current generation can look even with all the next generation systems coming out. For the next generation, he's excited about the PS3 based on the specs, although he states that it's difficult to clearly see the future for any of the next generation hardware at this point. He expresses the wish that Microsoft had slowed things down a bit between the announcement of the Xbox 360 and its release. The game that left the greatest impression with Yamagishi was Killer 7, although he also liked Resident Evil 4. Hideo Kojima -- Konami, Metal Gear Solid Producer Kojima gives himself a low 35 out of 100 for the year because he didn't release anything new. He wanted to leave Metal Gear Solid 4 to his staff so that he could start up a new game, but was unable to do this. Regarding next generation development -- specifically Metal Gear Solid 4 -- he jokes that Konami had already started work on Xbox 360 games back when Metal Gear Solid 3 finished completion, and it's somewhat annoying to have to play catch up. He doesn't seem too keen on the idea of multiplatform development, stating that he believes it important for game designers to concentrate exclusively on a single platform so that they can bring out the platform's special features and better target its audience. He does admit to wanting to make games for all three next generation platforms, though, giving the nod in particular to Revolution as a platform that, as a designer, it would be "foolish" for him to pass up on. Revolution isn't the platform he most wants to support, though. The games that left the greatest impression with Kojima were Shadow of the Colossus and God of War, both of which he praises for having well defined themes, game settings and world views. Akihiro Hino -- Level 5, CEO Hino rates himself 90 out of 100 for 2005, with the 10 points taken off for the amount of trouble he believes he caused people related to the Rogue Galaxy project due to the tough schedule. He jokes that if he'd been able to follow the original plan for the game precisely, Rogue Galaxy would've gotten a perfect score in all the magazines. Asked about next generation systems, he says that when considering the type of software that he makes, he'd put more weight behind the PlayStation 3, although this doesn't mean that he's uninterested in the other hardware.The year 2005 game that left the greatest impression with Hino was Shadow of the Colossus. Yu Suzuki -- Sega AM Plus Manager Suzuki gives himself a 60 for the year. Asked about the PS3, Revolution and Xbox 360, he refers to Xbox 360 as being PC-like, Revolution as being toy-like and PS3 as being like a super home appliance. As a programmer, he states that he's most interested in whatever has the most horse power, even if it means the system is difficult to handle (he breaks off into one of those car analogies people like to use when describing system power -- we'll spare you the details). He closes off by stating that if the PS3, like the PS2, allows developers to gradually harness its power, he's interested in it. With work on Psy-Phi complete, Suzuki says that he's now started researching massively multiplayer Online RPG development (this includes Shenmue Online). Kazunori Yamauchi -- Polyphony Digital President The father of Gran Turismo gives himself an 80 for the year because of the successful overseas release of Gran Turismo 4 and the new challenges he took, including the new Gran Turismo for the PlayStation 3 and Tourist Trophy. When asked what he's undertaking for 2006, he mentions finishing Tourist Trophy and concentrating on development of the new Gran Turismo (he seems to be referring to the PS3 title). For 2005, he was most impressed by Shadow of the Colossus. Με τέτοια ονόματα να δηλώνουν σχεδόν ευθέως την προτίμησή τους στο PS3 (δεν ξέρω αν είναι λόγω σωβινισμού βέβαια ) πως να μην σαρώσει πάλι σε πωλήσεις η $ony ???.... Πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα είναι η άποψη του Yu Suzuki... μακάρι να δούμε κανένα καινούριο Shenmue επιτέλους.... Τέλος προσέξτε οτι οι περισσότεροι αναφέρουν το Shadow of the Colossus ώς το καλύτερο του 2005...Aντε να το δούμε επιτέλους και στην Ευρώπη....
nestorn Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Bρήκα στο beyond3d ένα topic το οποίο νομίζω έχει εναφερθεί και εδώ παλιότερα όπου αναφέρεται σε ένα "benchmark" (??) της ibm, το οποίο ο Cell στα 2.8 GHz και με 8 SPE το έτρεχε στα 30+ fps ενώ ένας dual-Apple Power Mac G5 στα 2.7 GHz το έτρεχε στα 0.85 fps....H διαφορά όπως και να το δεί κανείς είναι τεράστια αλλά ο λόγος που το παραθέτω δεν είναι αυτός, αλλά το πως ήταν σεταρισμένο το σύστημα...Δείτε παρακάτω: 30+ frames per second with only one Cell processor – No graphics adapter assist – 1280x720 (HD 720P) resolution HD 1080P at 30+ frames per second via 2 way SMP Advanced SPE shader function – Ray/Terrain intersection computation – Texture Filtering – Normal computation – Bump map computation – Diffuse + Ambient lighting model – Perlin Noise based clouds – Atmosphere computation (haze, sun, halo) – Dynamic multi-sampling (4 – 16 samples per – Image based input (16 bit height + 16 bit texture) – 29 KB of SPE object code – 224 KB of SPE local store data M-JPEG compression via SPE Performance scales linearly with number of available Written completely in C with intrinsics To εντυπωσιακό είναι πόσες λειτουργίες σχετικά με γραφικά μπορεί να εκτελέσει ταχύτατα ο Cell και απο αυτό καταλαβαίνουμε πόσο διαφορετικά θα λειτουργεί το σύστημα με τη συνεργασία Cell και RSX μέσω των 35 GB/sec που επικοινωνούν και πόσο ισχυρό μπορεί να είναι το PS3 σε σχέση με αυτά που έχουμε δεί ως σήμερα...είμαι περίεργος τί θα δούμε στις 4 Ιανουαρίου...
Daredevil Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 και πόσο ισχυρό μπορεί να είναι το PS3 σε σχέση με αυτά που έχουμε δεί ωςσήμερα...είμαι περίεργος τί θα δούμε στις 4 Ιανουαρίου... ahm to 1% tou an8rwpinou egkefalou den exoume pei?lol ante kalh xronia
Exoskeletor Δημοσ. 1 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Ιανουαρίου 2006 sto playstation 7 me 8 diladi tha exei ftasei to 100 e? orea xronia polla
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 1 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Ιανουαρίου 2006 PS3 Riddled With Issues, Delay Likely? An industry insider who goes by the name Fishie (how very appropriate) says that he got some hands-on time with Playstation 3 games in Japan and wasnʼt too happy with what he saw. From his comments: PS3 Info Before I Head Out Of Japan Friday Towards Noon, Thats Tokyo time. Have fun waiting a while longer boys. No way that thing is coming out in March. The games just arent there and lots of other isseus I cant delve into right now. Before you start thinking that Fishieʼs post is, um, fishy, he has earned himself a tad more credibility than the typical poster by reporting dead-on facts about the 360 a few weeks before E3. Back then he called the 360 titles underwhelming and said that while there may be some kickass stuff, most people wonʼt be floored. So, what does this mean for the PS3? Will it be a rocky starty or a delayed launch, or is Fishie just full of crap? http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/ps3/rumor-ps3-riddled-with-issues-delay-likely-145801.php
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 1 Ιανουαρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Ιανουαρίου 2006 More Dirt on the PS3 Problems As the year of the Xbox 360 launch wraps up, the year of the Revolution and PS3 launches (maybe) is already beginning to show some signs of juicy gossip. We reported Friday about what a man named Fishie claimed was his first hand experience with what he called a very not-ready-for-prime-time Playstation 3. Today Iʼve got an interesting conversation between an in-the-know and a friend that occurred a few months ago. This conversation delves more into the specific technology issues Sony is allegedly having with the PS3 and why. It also touches on some of the similar issues Microsoft had with the Xbox 360. In-the-know says: Sony will have to scramble and scramble hard to make spring release In-the-know says: and in case they actually manage that their content will stink since all games are way too far off Friend Mole says: lol Friend Mole says: i thought it was easy to program for Friend Mole says: unreal enine demo Friend Mole says: that was up in no time In-the-know says: an engine demo is not a full featured game In-the-know says: a game needs testing and extensively so In-the-know says: suppose you have an engine that can render a thousand butterflies Friend Mole says: yea? [NOTE: He was most likely talking about the Factor 5 dragon game ʽLairʼ] In-the-know says: and can do that in hi def at 60fps In-the-know says: you make one of the butterflies fully controllable instead of random In-the-know says: and its still 60 fps In-the-know says: but suddenly the engine starts cracking even without touching a controller In-the-know says: then you need to start looking what code is making it behave that way In-the-know says: start optimizing and changing parameters so external shit doesnʼt cause that sorta stuff Friend Mole says: hmmm In-the-know says: lemme give another example In-the-know says: You have a 350 horsepower engine In-the-know says: 350hp in tests In-the-know says: put it in a car and use faulty screws In-the-know says: and the engine will tear your nice car apart Friend Mole says: hmm, are things that severe over in sonyland? In-the-know says: then just try to find out what is wrong In-the-know says: itʼs that severe with every game Friend Mole says: wow Friend Mole says: do you think they foresaw these problems? In-the-know says: yah Friend Mole says: wow In-the-know says: I mean In-the-know says: its always like that In-the-know says: MS has the same problem In-the-know says: but Sony miscalculated the added complexity of the cell infrastructure and its adverse effects on development Friend Mole says: so what did MS do right where Sony misstepped? In-the-know says: MS did a shitload wrong as well In-the-know says: none of the early games really show of the XBox Friend Mole says: has to do with out of order processing? In-the-know says: that is giving them a big image problem right now with people calling it xbox 1.5 In-the-know says: yah that too Friend mole tells us we should go take a look at what he calls the only footage of Playstation 3 code in motion. Itʼs for a game called Fatal Inertia and you can catch two bits of gameplay at GameSpot. Check back in the new year for more PS3 and revolution goodies from In-The-Know, Friend Mole and a cast of molish thousands as we continue to try and get you the goods before theyʼre official. My sincere desire is to beat our Xbox 360ʼs leak story, which ran on Feb. 17 ( nearly three months before the official televised unveiling) and laid out the details of the console with nearly 100 percent accuracy. http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/ps3/more-dirt-on-the-ps3-problems-145977.php
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