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The Official PS3 topic


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Πολλά θα εξαρτηθούν από το πόσο θα κοστίζει η κονσόλα? Που ξέρουν πόσο θα πουλήσει αν δεν ξέρουν πρώτα πόσο θα κοστίζει? Αν είναι ακριβή, δηλ 400+, πως θα μπορούσε να πουλήσει τόσα μυρια? ???

Τα ακριβά μέρη της κονσόλας είναι το blueray-hdtv , θύρες επέκτασης , bluetooth κλπ, τα οποία θα βοηθήσουν τρομερά σε βάθος χρόνου να συνεχίσει να πουλάει το ps3 και σαν mediacenter αλλά και μικρός home υπολογιστής ,ώστε να ξεπεράσει τα προηγούμενα playstation.

Στην αρχή είναι βέβαιο ότι θα πουλήσει πολύ, αφού η Sony έχει 2 κομμάτια πάνω του (cell-blueray) που θέλει με κάθε μέσο να τα προωθήσει ώστε να γίνουν στανταρ και να αξιοποιηθούν παντού.

Οπότε είναι απόλυτα λογική η πρόβλεψη, και δεν βλέπω πως θα μπορούσε να γίνει διαφορετικά.

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With the Xbox 360 already out and about, let the PS3 rumor mills kick into high gear. Revolution-Europe Forums has word that the PS3 will hit Europe this September. Price and packaging has yet to be decided. Our tipster said that he knew for a fact this info was posted by someone who works for a Scandinavian game outlet.


If this is true (and this someone ainʼt lying through their stinkinʼ teeth), then this throws that March 2006 world-wide launch theory in the crapper. Smart money says Japan will get it first and then a staggered release for America and Europe. And no, I wonʼt gloat here in Japan. Heh, heh.



Sony: Shooting from the Chip ?

A top exec boss says that Sony's new cell chip which will power the PS3 will be as good as the Pentium series..


Others envision even broader uses for the chip. Mercury Computer Systems, a Chelmsford (Mass.) outfit that specializes in computers for medical and military imaging, has said it will develop the chip in CAT and MRI scanners as well as radar and sonar devices. Charles King, principal analyst at Hayward (Calif.)-based Pund-IT Research, says he sees the Cell becoming a powerful tool for computer animation, electronic diagnostic equipment, and 3-D design. Cell has the potential to influence any of these areas, says King.


But at this point, nobody besides Sony has any idea what the Cell will allow the PS3 to do. Game developers say they haven't seen a prototype that comes close to the blazing processing speeds and life-like graphics of the commercial-ready console Sony is promising. Though Sony declines to comment on such complaints, in November it failed to deliver on a promise to send game creators an upgraded prototype containing a graphics chip made by Santa Clara (Calif.)-based nVidia (NVDA).


Without the souped-up graphics chip, he machine we have is 10 times slower than the PS3 should be, says an exec at a game software maker who spoke on condition of anonymity. The graphics chip was supposed to be ready by November. But we're still waiting.





Read Article:businessweek.com




Τώρ χωρίς πλάκα θα υπάρξουν ή όχι????????Γιατί θα χρησημοποιεί, κι αυτά τα καινούργια DVD , Blue-ray, που χωράνε μέχρι 200mb κι έχουν γύρω στα 35Ε το ένα, τα άδεια.


Funisher fisika kai tha yparxoun kai opos sinithos tha balei kai h sony to xerakh ths gia na ftiaxth to chipaki. kai mhn sou fenete katholou periergo ayto. posoi tha epernan mia konsola an ikseran pos den tha spazotan pote?


ena einai pou 8a8ela na ma8w .. an epitelous 8a dior8wsoun tin kefali tou lazer wste na min psinetai ka8e fora pou paizoume kai meta na na skame na tin alla3oume .. i estw na mporoume na valoume ena pc drive opws kai sto xbox ....


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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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