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The Official PS3 topic


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e nai logiko afou k8e xrono bgazei ena sequel h ea, ahm dld to ps3 8a bgzei ta idia grafika me to pc? pws ki ayto? den 8a bgazei 10 fores kalytera? lol

Se game poy einai PC port? mpaaaa den to nomizo :grin:


In other news, kai sygkekrimena apo thn synteyxh toy Phil Harrison poy exei shmera to Gamesindustry.biz


Why is it that you don't want to talk about the PS3 at the moment?


I think there are a couple of reasons for that. One is that we always have a strategy for when we share particular new information with the world, and we're in a period when we would rather focus on selling PSPs and PS2s - obviously this Christmas is a huge Christmas for retail. PlayStation-branded products, hardware and software, are the most important thing to retail around the world right now - that's where they're making their money - and it's important that we remain focused on exploiting our current business to the absolute maximum.


Clearly next year the emphasis will start to shift, and we will start to share with you at the appropriate time a lot of the cool things about PS3. We also perhaps didn't feel the need to be overly scared into making any announcements just because somebody else had launched beforehand - that wasn't part of our plans and isn't part of our plans.



Ante na erthei h CES na mathoyme kai na doyme fresko pragma.


ehm kala egw pantws 8a perimena kati perissotero apo ena pc port me tosa pou xoun pei,mlkia pantws oxi mono gia to ps3 kai gia to xbox360 h kai opou allou to bgaloun, gia na mhn pare3h8w den lew oti einai mlkia ta grafika alla me tosa pou xoun pei kai oi dyo tous ta port me xalane.


lol h synentey3h mia xara den sas leme apo twra gia to ps3(pera apo ola ta koula pou exoume pei peri human brain, hd true era klp klp) giati 8eloume na sas piasoume ligo kotsous na sas plasaroume kai kana ps2 mexri thn anoi3h pou 8a bgaloume to ps3


We also perhaps didn't feel the need to be overly scared into making any announcements just because somebody else had launched beforehand - that wasn't part of our plans and isn't part of our plans.
nai ok den eipan akoma oti 8a ftiaxnei kafe....
(pera apo ola ta koula pou exoume pei peri human brain, hd true era klp klp)

Tora eisai adikos, h Sony DEN exei kanei ayto to geleio sxolio me to human brain, to sxolio htan apo kapoion trito asxeto, oyte kan me to games industry nomizo den eixe sxesh o sygkekrimenos poy to eipe, oso gia to true HD era, einai logiko na tonizoyn ta pleonekthmata toys poy den exei o antagonismos, kai mporei tora na mhn exei megalh shmasia oti to ps3 yposthrizei 1080p alla se 2-3 xronia tha exei, kai mhn xehnas oti oi tainies sto blu-ray tha einai 1080p.


Oso gia to ps2, protimo na dosei yposthrixh kai zoh sto mhxanhma oso perissotero mporei, para na to petaxei se mia gonia na pethanei opos ekane mia allh gnosth etairia. :grin:


P.S. kai h allh etairia mallon to idio tha ekane an den ths kostize polla fraga na to synthrei sthn agora.


Και όμως έτσι είναι.... το Ps3 θα είναι το πρώτο true HD μηχάνημα, και έτσι θα έχει νόημα να υπάρχουν και trueHD τηλεοράσεις.

Σε λίγο θα γίνει χαμός και θα πέσουν και οι τιμές.... γιαυτό μαζεύετε λεφτά και μην τα πετάτε στο xbox360 :)

Και όμως έτσι είναι.... το Ps3 θα είναι το πρώτο true HD μηχάνημα' date=' και έτσι θα έχει νόημα να υπάρχουν και trueHD τηλεοράσεις.

Σε λίγο θα γίνει χαμός και θα πέσουν και οι τιμές.... γιαυτό μαζεύετε λεφτά και μην τα πετάτε στο xbox360 :)[/quote']me 400E de pairneis oute epiplo gia na akoumpiseis mia HDTV me 1080p :P


btw , telika i Dell 2405 itan to kalytero monitor pou mporousa na parw sto PC!!

Paizei apsoga to 1080i apo to xbox360 kai makari na vlepw kai 1920x1200 apo to PS3 :P


E meta as enhmerwsei kai tou katanalwtes ths oti tous poulaei fykia gia metaxotes kordeles :razz:

Ayto pou 8elw na pw bebaia einai oti den prepei na peftete 8yma twn exageliwn ths ka8e etairias.Tha poun otidhpote gia na petyxoun to skopo tous.

HD einai 720p/1080i/1080p.


To oti 8a pesoun oi times einai sigouro.Na ginoun oikonomika prosites tetoies o8ones einai adynaton na ginei syntoma.Isws na exei bgei to xbox 3 kai ps4 mexri tote.Gia paradeigma mia Sony Qualia 006 (1080p) kostizei gyrw sta 13000$.


e ok na xame na legame einai oloi twra, opw ki analyseis typou giati to kapaki pou to xoume balei emeis stis 13 moires kai oxi stis 12 8a apoferei + 10% sto perfomance, genika se floodaroun me 4012 pragmata anousia kai poulane entypwseis kai oi men kai oi de kai opoion parei o xaros, proswpika kalh h hd era alla meta pou 8a ala3w tv(se 4-5 xronia) den mporw ka8e dyo xronia na skaw 2xiliara gia tv, opote ti 1080i bgazei ti 1080p en me endiaferei pros to parwn kai kapws etsi blepw thn plhopsfia twn gamer ws exei ayth thn stigmh. kala gia tis taineies blu ray to 8ewrw megalh mlkia otan 8a xoun ftasei sto pic tous ta diskakia ayta(pas sto video club kai exei mono ayta katastash) na ta paizeis apo thn konsola sou, 8a einai kati san na paizeis dvd apo to ps2 h to xbox, protimw na skasw alla 100-150 eyrw tote na parw ena kalo mhxanhmataki


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