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Nai etsi deixnei, an kai oi kakothelites tha arxisoyn pali na milan gia CGI kai ta sxetika (h mallon oxi mias kai to RE5 tha einai kai sto 360) pisteyo oti exisoy entyposiako einai kai to video ths Koei gia to Ni-Oh poy deixan, an kai ayto akoma den yparxei se kalh analysh oi perigrafes apo toys pareyriskomenoys lene oti eblepes akoma kai toys poroys sto derma toy polemisth, gia toso megalh leptomereia milame, kai sto sygkekrimeno demo deixan oti htan real time pagonontas thn drash kai metakinontas thn kamera mesa sthn skhnh.


na kanonisoume dhmosia signomh apo osous isxirizontan oti to killzone 2 htan bullshit otan bgei


fysika an ONTOS htan bullshit tha prepei kai emeis na praksoume analogos




"The most interesting thing for people buying TVs at the moment is that Toshiba have stated that their HD-DVD Player will ONLY output high Def on the player's HDMI output (plus other digital connections) the analogue output will be downrezed to 480 lines (in the US - expect the equivalent, no doubt, in Europe). The Toshiba player will also have a USB interface to allow connection to computers for enhanced content and interactive options direct off the disk. In addition mastering of the underlying DVD content will be based on 1080p - but there was no discussion on the resolution of the MPEG4 images."


gia na prosexoume ti mas prosferoun prin to agorasoume...

elpizo na min isxiei kati tetoio k sto ps3. pantos exo diavasei oti polles etairies tha kleidosoun tis analogikes eksodous.


Playstation Magazine claims to have an inside source on some interesting new Playstation 3 tidbits. Here's a list of the rumors:


#1 No More Memory Cards - All of those old memory cards you have won't be usable with PS3. Okay then, wha's the solution? Sony has actually decided to only use Memory Stick Duo cards(the same format PSP uses) for PS3 save data. However, if you play a PS1 or PS2 game on PS3, the system will treat the Memory Stick like it's a normal memory card). This is different from the PS2, which requires you to use a PS1 memory card for PS1 saves. What this means is that you won't be able to use any of your old saves if you play PS1/PS2 games on PS3(wonder if a DexDrive will work...). But there's an upshot to all this: Downloading and sharing saves via PC for all three Playstations and PSP(hint, hint) will be easy as pie.


#2 Peripherals Passed Up - PS3 won't have old style memory card slots, and we can confirm that it won't support PS1/PS2 peripherals that used the controller port. You will be able to play PS1/PS2 games just fine using the new PS3 controller (bizarre as it looks), but things such as dance pads and third-party controllers won't be officially supported. Of course, it's highly likely some PS2-to-USB adaptor will be made(there's already one for the PC) allowing for such a thing. The question, then, is when.


#3 The Specs Aren't Set - Sony revealed some impressive PS3 tech specs at E3, but they apparently weren't set in stone. Developers have begun to tell us about actual improvements being made to the system's specifications, including more system memory and other low-level upgrades that we won't physically notice, but are making the people producing the games simply giddy.


#4 The HDD Won't Be For Games - There were plenty of moans heard when Sony started talking about an add-on hard disk drive for th PS3. We all know how well the PS2 HDD did. Still, there will be a micro HDD released for PS3 at some point in time. The first capacity being pitched is 80 gigabytes, but developers are being told it won't be for use with games. Instead, Sony is planning to use it as pure storage; you'll do things like put downloaded movies on it, copy MP3s to it, and store your digital photos on it. Then, using the PS3's network hub capability, be able to watch/listen to it all on any capable device hooked up to your home network, like a PC, PSP or even another PS3.


#5 The PSP As A "Remote" - A lot of folks were left scratching their heads after Sony talked about using the PSP as a "remote" for the PS3. Well, here's how it works at present: Even if your PS3 is in "sleep" mode, you will be able to access it via a PSP using Wi-Fi. You can then manage media stored on it, control movie playback from another room, or simply turn it on. Whee!


#6 There's A TiVo-like Add-on - Plans call for PS3 to eventually receive a USB video input box that will make it capable of recording video and television programming to the optional micro HDD. In other words, TiVo. Sony is also making a lot of behind-the-scenes noise about being able to go on trips and download shows you've missed from your PS3 to your PSP -- over the internet. We imagine using a USB cable would work just fine, too.


#7 Most games will be 720p - Although many PS3 games will feature 1080i and 1080p high-definition modes, a majority of developers are using the 720p standard as their target resolution. This is great news because the majority of HDTV's out there don't support 1080p yet, and the ones that do are hella expensive. It's pretty, though.


#8 Speed OR Quality: It's Your Call - It's something PC gamers have been able to do for years: Run their games at a lower resolution in order to speed them up. As it stands, Sony is leaving the door open for developers to offer players the ability to make their games run faster and smoother by using lower resolutions like 480p(progressive) or 480i(the standard "regular" TVs use). Sony obviously wouldn't want to abandon the majority of gamers who have non-HDTVs do by forcing all games to run at 720p. It's nice to hear that HD-less folks will get a little speed (can't read) from the lower resolutions, but if you're like us, it's all about resolution, baby.




Me epifylaxh panta oi fhmes toy PSM mias kai exei pesei arketes fores exo stis fhmes poy exei dhmosieysei, eidika gia to thema ths mnhmhs, pisteyo oti to mperdeyei me thn mnhmh poy tha exoyn ta telika devkits kai poy panta einai perissoterh apo thn mnhmh ths konsolas.


Neo poly kalo arthro gia ton Cell , to trito sthn seira apo to Real World Technologies, analysei tis diafores sthn teleytaia revision toy Cell (DD2) kai exetazei kai alla themata opos gia paradeigma giati h sony dialexe ta 3,2ghz san syxnothta toy cell gia to ps3, to arthro einai arketa texniko, alla osoi den masate apo tetoia mhn to xasete.


  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

H IBM edose sthn dhmosiothta ena paper gia to pos eftiaxan to entyposiako Real Time Raycasting Demo poy edeixan sthn E3.

To programma syndyazei 2 eidoys dedomena, to proto einai fotografies apo doryforo, kai to deytero 3D ypsometrika dedomena poy phran me mia syskeyh poy onomazetai LIDAR to apotelesma einai ayto



apo to en logo pdf ta parakato synoptika stoixeia.


TRE Performance


The server has many rendering parameters that effect

performance including:


1) Output image size

2) Map size

3) Visibility to full fog/haze

4) Multi-sampling rate


For benchmarking purposes the following values will

be selected [figure 7]:


1) 1280x720 (720p) output image size

2) 7455x8005 Map size

3) 2048 map steps to full haze (10m map ->

20Km visibility)

4) 1.33 x (2 – 8 Dynamic) or ~2-32 samples

per pixel


With these settings the following rendered and

compressed relative image rates were captured:


Processor Performance

2.0 GHz G5 VMX 1 (No Image Encode)

2.4 GHz UP Cell 36

3.2 GHz UP Cell 50

2.4 GHz 2-way SMP Cell 75

to pdf to briskete edo http://www.research.ibm.com/people/a/ashwini/E3%202005%20Cell%20Blade%20reports/Video%20Surveilance%20demo%20-%20FINAL.pdf


Carmack: Xbox 360 "great", PS3 "pain in my ass"


During a recent interview with the US gaming magazine, Game Informer, id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead revealed a little about the developerʼs future plans and their thoughts on the next-generation of consoles.


Revealing that their next title after Quake 4 will be for the Playstation3 and Xbox360, Hollenshead reported that Co-Founder, Technical Director and videogame legend John Carmackʼs impression of both systems was “great” for the Xbox360 and “pain in my ass” for the more demanding Playstation3.


Hollenshead however did suggest that dev-kits for the Playstation3 are still in the early stages and could become easier to work with, although he believes that there will not be any drastic changes.


Given the projectʼs early stages its unknown as to whether the game will make a debut at E3ʼ06; so itʼs probably not worth hanging on for further information just of yet




To Amazon, ebgale timh gia to PS3 299$, tha exei para poly plaka an bgei alithino, kai gia na thymiso se osoys to exoyn xehasei, o Kutaragi prin kykloforhsei to ps2 eixe pei oti tha kostizei kato apo $900, kai tote oloi pisteyan oti tha htan poly akribo kai telika to ebgalan sta $299, opos epishs oloi oi analytes perimenan to psp sta $500 kai telika kykloforhse me thn mish timh, lete na akoloythoyn pali thn idia taktikh? tha deixei...



μακάρι να βγει αληθινό αλλά αμφιβάλω...πάντως αν γίνει κάτι τέτοιο δεν υπάρχει άτομο που δεν θα το πάρει και το xbox θα πεθάνει πολύ πρόωρα...


Έντονες φήμες για ανακοίνωση σήμερα για το ps3.Launch 15 Μαρτίου 2006 στην Ευρώπη και τιμή .....399 ευρώ!

Word is PlayStation 3 will be launched on 15th March 2006 in Europe and its price will be 399EUR. There is no official announcement from Sony Computer Entertain Europe yet, but we feel this is going to happen pretty soon. Stay tuned for more news!
πηγή gamershell



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