xrest Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 emena auto pou mou kanei entipwsei einai oti exei mono 1mb l2 cache.pragmatika pisteuw oti an telika bgei toso dinatos o cell tote to 1mb einai ligo,otan i alithini dual core exoun sinolo 2mb k i intel exei k l3.bebaia o cell exei asimetrikous pirines opote isws giauto.parolauta oi 2 konsoles den pisteuw oti thaxoun tromeri diafora dinamis.k to 360 den exei kako cpu.3 simmetrikous power pc cpu exei..
epote Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 xrest: you need to read up more. ο cell ειναι in order επεξεργαστης σχεδιασμενος κυριος για multimedia εφαρμωγες που δεν χρειαζονται μεγαλες caches. Αν εβαζαν μεγαλη cache στον cell θα εχαναν την ικανοτητα προβλεψης των αποκρισεων της μνημης. γιαυτο εβαλαν 256kb τοπικη μνημη σε καθε ενα απο τα SPE ουσιαστικα δινοντας την δυνατοτητα προβλεψιμων latency καθως οι εντολες δεν πανε σε καποια cache αλλα περνανε απο το spe πραγμα το οποιο αρχικα θα γινεται σε επιπεδο compiler και αργοτερα σε επιπεδο προγαμματισμου. make no mistake ο cell θα δειξει τα "δοντια" του μετα τα 2-3 χρονια αναπτυξης επανω του... η cache του cell θα ειναι προβλημα αν του κανεις benchmarks βασισμενος στο office η κατι αναλογο
Slay Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Olh h synteyxh ton Kaz Hirai kai Jack Tretton apo to PSM PSM: What do you say to the Playstation 2 owner that knows the PS3 is coming in 2006, and isn't sure what that means for their current system? Kaz Hirai: We're into year five now with the Playstation 2 and we see a lot of life left in the Playstation 2 even after the Playstation 3 is launched. I think that a lot of publishers who were really not as aggressive in pursuing the older platform in terms of software support saw how the Playstation was in business for 10 years, so I think this time around you're going to see a lot more titles coming out for the Playstation 2, certainly next year and even beyond, obviously from first party, but also third party community as well. PSM: What ever happened with the PS2 HDD and the media software for it? Kaz Hirai: A couple of things there. One, we felt that a lot of those uses were suited for a portable environment, so you see a lot of that on the Playstation Portable. By the nature of the portability of the product, you going to have more uses for things like showing photos to your friends and what have you. That, as well as, quite honestly, the ramp up and the number of units were able to get out of the hard drive and the software support unfortunately did not mean we were going to have a 1:1 tie ratio with the Playstation 2s we had out in the market. We also had the redesign to the slim model PS2 as well, so, what we've done, again, in realize that these are all good functions to have, and we've incorporated them into the Playstation Portable. I think it's proven to be nice functionality that many people will take advantage of. PSM: Can we expect more totally original titles on PSP in 2006? Kaz Hirai: Yes. We certainly want to bring a lot of franchises to the PSP that are originally developed for that platform, but, at the same time, one of the things we want to accomplish with the Playstation Portable is to really expand the Playstation experience to the handheld enviroment. So both in terms of variations of existing franchises-Which, as you know, aren't just simple ports; they're using the same name but have completely different gameplay- we want to take advantage of the franchises we've built, but also being cognizant that you don't establish a new platform by just relying on existing franchises and you do need to push the envelope with great original content, like, for example Pursuit Force. PSM: Are you still committed to a spring launch for PS3? Kaz Hirai: We are still strategizing over that, and we've not come to a decision yet as to whether we want to with Japan first, the same time, three territories at the same time. Those things we're still looking at, and it's obviously a decision that needs to be made with us weighting a variety of actors, including how many units we can ramp up to, what is the manufacturing capacity, but, more importantly, what kind of software lineup are we going to have between first- and third-party in any of the three territories that will get the product first, being Japan, Europe, and the U.S. Which territory has the flow of software, the lineup of software? That will factor into it as well. So, basically, in a nutshell, it's too early to answer that question both from the manufacturing ramp up standpoint as well as the software lineup standpoint. PSM: Can we sqush the rumors of PS3 slipping into 2007? Kaz Hirai: [laughs] yes...unless we have no software, which I doubt very much, we're still on track for a sping 2006 launch. PSM: How much of an impact on PS3 will Microsoft's head start with Xbox360- however long it may be-have? Jack Tretton: I consider myself womewhat of a student of history, and while I don't think that the past is ever any guarantee of the future, a couple of things I like to point out factually that clearly are indicative of what you can expect going forward. Number one, we've never been the first platform to market. When we original launched the Playstation, the Sega Saturn hit the market before we did and ultimately that didn't help them prevail. The last time around with Playstation 2, the dreamcast hit the market first and ultimately that didn't help them prevail. Number two, if you say that this generation really came down to a battle between us and Microsoft, we sold three million PS2s before it hit the shelves in the States and if you look at the score now, it's 34 million for PS2 to roughly 14 million for Xbox. I think that, in Microsoft's mind, that three million we sold was really paramount. As far as what it would take for a lead by Microsoft to be significant, I don't think it's a matter of time, but rather a matter of units. PSM: How important to Sony is the idea of a simultaneous worldwide launch of Playstation 3? Jack Tretton: I don't think a consumer really cares whether or not if [the PS3] is available in another country before or after it's available for them. Everybody wants a new platform as asoon as they can get their hands on it, and I guess selfishly every territory wants to be first, but I think ultimately what the consumers are going to be excited about is going to be the software content that's available for it. The actual machine isn't very exciting unless you have compelling software to put into it. Often times, the first territory the system launches in suffers from the weakest launch lineup because the other territories have that additional time to do development and really get more games available and make each game that much better in time to hit the launch window. PSM: Are you confident that the final PS3 will deliver the quality of visuals seen in the E3 demos? Kaz Hirai: Yes, and I think the proof will have to be in the pudding. Because no matter what I say here, people are going to try dispel that and be skeptical until they see what we bring in terms of the final product. I'm going to say it's going to be just as exciting or even better than what people have seen, we will deliver, just as we have on the original Playstation. The Playstation 2, and most recently, the Playstation Portable. Jack Tretton: We wouldn't be making claims of what our platforms could do if we didn't feel we could deliver on them. We've actually got three internal [PS3] titles that we're working on at Sony Computer Entertainment America. On of them, WarHawk, is playable, and you can compare the graphics and see them live, and also with another one of our launch titles, a game from factor 5 called Lair, again live footage, that footage compares very favorablely to what was shown at E3 press conference. I think that, in the very near future, you'll see some comparable gameplay footage that will really put those rumors[PS3 can't be as powerful as we're claiming it is] to bed. PSM: There's been a lot of speculation about downscaling the PS3 in order to keep the price of the system down-is this really happening? Kaz Hirai: The specifications that were distributed at E3 are the only verison of the Playstation 3 that exists. I have not seem any revisions to that, certainly not any offical internal communication. (notes: SCEA has since clarified that it was never officially stated that the PS3 would serve as a full wireless router. The system will simply act as a basic hub for connecting other Ethernet devices via an existing connection to home wireless network.) PSM: When will we get to play actual PS3 game on real PS3? Kaz Hirai: It's hard to say when at this point in time, but what I can say is as soon as we feel that the quality of the software is up to where we expect it to be, and that we're confident of us being able to present that to everybody and have everybody go home with the impression that, yes, these guys are really pushing the envelope in terms of what they bring to gameplay, graphic quality, and everything else. If that takes longer, then again, people are going to be skeptical until the day we show that. If it take longer than a lot of people expect, and that cause more speculation, it is what it is. I don't think it's something we can do anything about until we come out with an exact showing of those games, and we'll present those games just as soon as we're good and ready to go. PSM: How will the Playstation online experience change with the introduction of PS3? Kaz Hirai: With the Playstation 3, you can expect to see a lot more of the freatures that make it exciting to be part of an online community, beyond just the gameplay. Wether it's matchmaking or other community features, those are a integral part of being an oline community. We're hard at work on integrating those functionalities, as well as other functionalities that people have come to expect, and even some new things that people will find very refreshing. PSM: What about the talk from others at Sony that PS3 online will be just like PS2 online, more or less? Kaz Hirai: I think that when people at SCEE or SCEA talk about keeping the oline model pretty much along the lines of what we have now[on PS2] what they're actually saying is that they want to make sure that we maintain all of good business model points that we had in the open model and try to improve upon those with our third-party publishing partners. PSM: Can you tell us anything about the pricing of the Playstation 3? Kaz Hirai: pricing [of the system itself] is again something we'll have to take a very close look at as we get closer and closer to launch. So at this point in time, it's really difficult to say what the pricing structure is going to look like. PSM: There some concern about PS3 being priced out of the reach of everyone but the hardcore early adopters. Is this valid? Kai Hirai: I woud say that our past performance is the best indication of our future performance, and for at least three platforms, I think we have been bringing an excellent value to consumers, but also providing them with cuttingedge technology. I go back to less than a year ago when people looked at the PSP, and I got questions like "wow, this thing is great, but what do you think? $500?" and I said, "well, the proof is in the pudding: we've done Playstation and Playstation 2 at an affordable price," and people just said "yeah, right!" response. But we went out there with a $249 value pack, and I think people were pleasantly surprised. I not saying, therefore, that the PS3 is going to be $249, $299, whatever, but I think we have pretty good history of providing value for what we bring to the consumers.
Slay Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Merika akoma stoixeia apo thn synteyxh toy Kojima sto PSM - "...Snake is on a mission not to go to a certain place, but a battlefield" - In MGS4, everyone around you may not be your enemy - "The whole environment changes in real time, so the player controling Snake has the option to make any sort of involvement they woul dlike to in order to progress the game" - Snake will go into multiple battles (different locations) - "...But in the near-future war, it's more like a business, so there's lots of money involved, meaning they'll hire mercenaries to fight on behalf of their country." - Kojima gives his prediction of what war will be like in the future and it seems that's what will be portrayed in MGS4. If you have seen the trailer you have somewhat of an idea of his vision. Reading this reminds me of Mercenaries. Each country fighting each other through the use of mercenaries/bounty hunters. - Kojima is still working out how many years after MGS2 this game will take place. He said it might be as many as 10 years. - Snake is aging faster because he is a clone. Apparently that's because the cloning technology was new in the 70s. I guess you can say it wasn't polished. - The whole thing with sanke injecting something into his neck in the trailer may not be in the game. - Kojima said " I might have second thoughts about a younger Snake if everyone thinks he looks too old." - CQC will return in MGS4 "People will have question marks if Snake can do CQC, but if you follow the story, you'll understand why he has it." - stamina will probably make a return in MGS4; "...still undecided on the food capture system." - The little Metal Gear with Otacon on it will replace the codec and be used for communication - will it only be Otacon on it? "That's a secret." ok, I will right this question out... Will you ever control it yourself to scout ahead or take pictures? "Yes. We're tyring to do it at this stage, but if the game comes out and those features are not in the game, please realize that it was because we couldn't do it for a good reason. We had the plan for a remote controlled robot for even MGS2, however, due to the specs of the PS2, we couldn't do it." - Kojima has thought about having a second player or even using the PSP to control it - Kojima on the bigger robots in the trailer; "I cannot say what that is or what it will do because of the plot. What I can say is taht the leg part of what you saw is not 100% robot. It's like biotechnology. It's kind of like a cyborg. Think of it as the ninja suit in MGS1. If you shoot the leg, blood comes out. But it's very fast because it's not a robotic thing - it's got muscles. So it can move quite fast. The upper part is a robot and is AI controlled. It's not very smart. We're gong to let you in on a little secret regarding that machine. If you watch the trailer again, when it comes out you can hear the crying noise of the cicada bug. In Japan, when you hear the cries of cicada, to most japanese people, it automatically makes them think of summer. And then it brings you back to your childhood, because there was so much nature in the past, so many cicada. The footsteps soudn it makes is acutally a horse. When it approaches you, you have the cicada sound and the sound of a horse approaching you. Also, the cires of the machine are from a cow. So, there's a horse, a cow, and a cicada. All that combined gives you a natural feeling. This is the mental, psychological way to kill an enemy. See, in a battlefield you have a tense feeling. But when this machine approaches you, you have the horse soud, and the cow cry, and the cicada cry, and it makes you forget where you are and think about your childhood. You feel a little peaceful." And then they strike? "Yes, then they attack. So it's very psychological" Can you talk about how Raiden is involved in the story? "Should Raiden appear? [Laugher] - Raiden is popular in Japan; there making him a cool character this time. "There's even potential you'll like him more than Snake!" - "...in MGS4, yes, we will try to make Snake control anything that's possible" That was reffering to vehicles.
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 i alitheia einai oti den exw asxolithei idiaitera me ta endotera tou cell.sigoura den tha xreisimopoiithei gia office klp.apla emena tha mou arese na xei bathos xronou i texnologia tou ps3-360.kati pounai diskolo bebaia mias k einai kleista sistimata
Slay Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Sto beyond3d exelisetai mia poly endiaferoysa koybenta (opos synithos) poy arxise me aformh ta sxolia enos Financial Officer ths MS sxetika me thn apodosh ton dyo konsolon. Kapoia stigmh o DeanoC (developer toy Heavenly Sword) egrapse ayto. We are definately not using FP16 HDR anymore, Marco implemented a cool method to get the same results using INT8. Faster and with MSAA, Winner Gia osoys den xeroyn o Marco ston opoio anaferetai einai o nAo epishs thamonas toy beyond3D, to ti akoloythise meta einai gia gelia, to pos phran dhladh ayto toy to sxolio ta X-bots (se alla forums) kai to diastreblosan oso den pairnei. Gia opoion exei to aparaithto epipedo na parakoloythisei thn koybenta (xerete poioi eiste) to thread einai ayto http://www.beyond3d.com/forum/showthread.php?t=26484&page=6
nestorn Δημοσ. 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 WarHawk and Lair for Launch Απο το ign.com... "According to an interview in the latest issue of PlayStation Magazine, Lair from Factor 5 and WarHawk from SCEA could both be PS3 launch titles. Jack Tretton, COO of SCEA said as much when questioned." "We've actually got three internal titles that we're working on at Sony Computer Entertainment America. One of them, WarHawk, is playable and you can compare the graphics and see it live. Also, with another one of our launch titles, a game from factor 5 called Lair, the live footage compares very favorably to what was shown at E3." Για να δούμε....και τα δύο φαίνονται πολύ εντυπωσιακά... WarHawk Lair
Slay Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 WarHawk and Lair for Launch Απο το ign.com... Ign.com pffff too slow http://www.insomnia.gr/vb3/showpost.php?p=971444&postcount=723 :grin: :grin:
nestorn Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Ign.com pffff too slow oυπς sorry....δεν σε προλαβαίνω φίλε slay.... :D ...τουλάχιστον έβαλα τις screenshots....
Slay Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 As einai kala to paidi poy kathise kai egrapse sto xeri olh thn synenteyxh apo to PSM etsi oste na ta postaro kai ego edo
nestorn Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Kapoia stigmh o DeanoC (developer toy Heavenly Sword) egrapse ayto... Mε την ευκαιρία του topic αυτού στο beyond3d και την αναφορά στο Heavenly Sword να πω οτι έχω διαβάσει άρθρο στο edge (προ Ε3) ενός dev του παιχνιδιου που αναφέρει πως αυτό που είδαμε στην Ε3 ήταν in-game γραφικά και σε αναλυση 1080p... Aν διαβάσει κανείς όλα(!!!) τα post στο topic του beyond3d θα δεί οτι αναφέρεται και εκεί... Κάπου η Sony μας έχει μπερδέψει με τα in-game και τα pre-rendered αλλα στην περίπτωση του Heavenly Sword είναι ξεκάθαρο οτι είναι γραφικά απο PS3... Και αν αυτά είναι work in progress αποτελέσματα απο alpha-dev kit δεν τολμώ να φανταστώ τι έχουμε να δούμε ακόμα....
iSpO_fAcTo Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 'The HD era really only starts when we are on the market' - Harrison Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison has claimed that Microsoft's Xbox 360 "doesn't have true HD functionality," saying that consumers seeking a HD experience will have to wait for the PS3 to arrive. Speaking exclusively to GamesIndustry.biz this week, in an interview to be published tomorrow, Harrison described the Xbox 360 as "a lot better than their [Microsoft's] first introduction to the console business," but questioned the console's claim to being a High Definition device. "The true definition of HD is the three elements of the HD value chain - the display, the content and the hardware to play back that content," he explained, "and PlayStation and Sony is the only organisation that has all three bits of the value chain together." "As you well know," he continued, "the Xbox 360 doesn't play high definition movies and doesn't have true HD functionality - PlayStation 3 is the only format that has 1080-progressive, which is the true definition of HD, so it's really premature to be talking about the HD era." "The HD era really only starts when we are on the market," he concluded. Harrison's comments refer to the fact that the PlayStation 3 is the only next-gen console which will support the top end of the HD standard, the 1080p resolution, and also the only device which will be able to play high definition movie content, thanks to its support for Blu-Ray discs. "High definition as far as the consumer is concerned means high definition movies, which means Blu-Ray disc, and that is the reason that people will buy high definition displays coupled with a player that is capable of playing movies and games - which is obviously PlayStation 3," he claimed. Also in our exclusive interview, Harrison discussed other aspects of Sony's attitude to the next-generation console from its key rival, Microsoft, along with the company's ongoing plans for the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable platforms and his belief that the games retail model is set to undergo a major shift in the coming years. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=62137
Exoskeletor Δημοσ. 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 holy psoloshit.. unreal engine e? gaamo, ante kairos htan na blepame toso detailed xarakthres
Slay Δημοσ. 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 Δημοσ. 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2005 An kai moy aresan ta unreal sto PC, sto ps3 epifylasomai logo toy controller, an kai exo thn poly isxyrh entyposh oti eixa diabasei sxolio toy Mark Rein poy elege oti tha yposthrizan mouse/KB sto ps3.
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