Daredevil Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Πχ εγώ θεωρώ ότι δεν υπάρχει "άμεσο" region free dvd' date=' γιατί μπορεί όταν το σπάσω να παίζει τις αμερικάνικες ταινίες, αλλά δεν θα έχουν όλες Ελληνικούς υπότιτλους !!!!!! (αστεία πράγματα βέβαια, [b']και κυρίως εδώ που τα περισσότερα games θα είναι κοινά[/b]) ma dwse ena link epitelous gi ayto pou les fantazome oti kaneis oti den katalabaineis poio sou eipe gia logopaixnia' date=' sou eipa egw oti den 8a nai region free? sou lew oti ousiastika kai region free mporei oi ekdoseis apo diaforetika regions na exoun limitations oso afora to functionality OPWS GINETE KAI STO PSP POU EINAI REGION FREE[/quote'] and den 3ereis loipon px agglika sto paradeigma pou edwse sou einai apla axrhsto to dvd kai onomase to opws 8es Και από ότι φαίνεται' date=' όλα τα games θα βγουν σε μία έκδοση αρχικά sony θα βγάλει κοινές εκδόσεις για όλο τον κόσμο[/quote'] to link akoma na to breis e? Τα psp games δεν έχουν κανένα limitation αφού παίζουν το ίδιο αν τα βάλεις σε αμερικάνικο ή ευρωπαϊκό psp.... είναι 100% region free το psp' date=' όπως και το ps3.[/quote'] However' date=' multiplayer compatibility across regions is not preserved. A Japanese version of a game cannot be played against an American or European version of the same game. For example, a user running the Japanese version of Ridge Racer cannot play (via wireless) with another user running the UK version of Ridge Racer. Similar cases also applied to the games Coded Arms and Wipeout Pure. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlaySta...Region_locking [/quote']
BlizardBill Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 ma dwse ena link epitelous gi ayto pou lesto link akoma na to breis e? Δεν έχει σχέση με την συζήτηση ακόμα και αν βγουν σε εντελώς διαφορετικές και ασύμβατες εκδόσεις τα παιχνίδια' date=' αφού πάλι θα μπορείς να πάρεις ps3 από την Αμερική χωρίς πρόβλημα . Ας τα βρούμε σε αυτό το πολύ "απλό" που συζητάμε, και μετά ας μπλέξουμε και με πιο πολύπλοκά πράγματα. εισαι ανεκδοτο!!και οταν η m$ βγαλει το κωλ0-hdmi, υποσχομαι να το παρω (αν και δεν το χρειαζομαι), να σε βρω, και ΝΑ ΣΕ ΒΑΛΩ ΝΑ ΤΟ ΦΑΣ!!!!!!! Καλά , και εγώ τους πίστευα στην αρχή , αφού δεν περίμενα ότι ήταν δυνατόν να λένε τόσο χοντρά ψέματα, και να θεωρούν ότι θα τα φάμε και δεν το πληρώσουν ποτέ. Αλλά κάποια στιγμή το ξεπέρασα … έτσι κάνουν οι εταιρίες , και μάλλον κάτι θα ξέρουν.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Δεν έχει σχέση με την συζήτηση ακόμα και αν βγουν σε εντελώς διαφορετικές και ασύμβατες εκδόσεις τα παιχνίδια' date=' αφού πάλι θα μπορείς να πάρεις ps3 από την Αμερική χωρίς πρόβλημα . Όταν καταλάβεις αυτό το πολύ "απλό" που συζητάμε, ας μπλέξουμε και με πιο πολύπλοκά πράγματα.[/quote']ase re bliz... oxi epeidh me kathgorhses oti lew oti nanai gi ayto sou lew dwse ta link gi ayta pou sou zhthsa kai yposthrizes sta post sou na enhmerwseis ton kosmo SWSTA kai EGKYRA egw gi ayto me ta limitation sto edwsa. kai gia oti xreiasthke sou edwsa ola ta link kai tis plhrofories nai kai fysika mporeis na agoraseis xronia twra oti 8es apo opou 8es (fysika an einai ektos eu prepeei na plhrwseis telwneio) alla den einai ayto to 8ema mas
Daredevil Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 re daredevil.. ti den katalaves ap auto pou sou eipa pio prin k to sinexizeis to thema?opws 3anaeipa den eimai manths kai den mporw na 3erw opoiodhpote incompatability mporei kai na mhn yparxei kai kanena ayto pou eipa file mou apo thn arxh einaio oti opois 8elei na parei amerikaniko as einai ligo prosextikos. alla oxi na mas leei kai o blizard oti leme oti nanai
kallair Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 ara to afinoume to thema opws einai me tis opoies aporeies mas na lithoun sto launch tou ps3. os tote to mono sigouro einai oti to ps3 tha einai region free. tora ti incompatibilities mporoun na dimiourgithoun, tha doume.
privateer Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 PS3 online still 'hazy', says Microsoft "Plagiarism's a good thing," according to Xbox Europe boss Chris Lewis, who wryly applauds Sony for "catching up" in online space by following Live lead. Not content with taking apart the controller, Blu-Ray player and pricing, Microsoft is now targeting its verbal attacks on Sony's online strategy as the US firm races to cement its market advantage ahead of PS3's launch. Sony used its pre-E3 media briefing to provide the most detailed demonstration yet of its next-gen system's planned online functionality. But Microsoft, which is now in the second generation of its successful Live service, has dismissed PS3 simply as playing catch up in this area by including features already established on Xbox. "I'm flattered that they've followed our clear direction," Lewis told Eurogamer TV, in the second part of an exclusive interview broadcast today. "Plagiarism's a good thing - that in itself isn't such a problem, it's what the market wants. But we've known that's what the market wanted all along." "It's good to see them catching up in that regard," he noted. "I think the service is still hazy in my view in terms of how it's really going to work for the consumer - how the pricing's going to work still to me seems very unclear." Microsoft used its press conference to talk up the ongoing achievements of Xbox Live, with Bill Gates announcing the next evolutionary step for the service, the cross-platform Live Anywhere initiative. Online is certainly what the US firm believes is its biggest asset in the next-gen battle, and Lewis picked upon the language used by his rival to press home what he believes is a significant advantage. "[sony] talk about the online component - the analogy used was the air conditioning unit in a car. From our point of view, right from version one, online gaming was built right into the heart of the first Xbox. For us it was the engine; it wasn't some peripheral component people may or may not want to use. It was right at the heart of the proposition then and now. "I think we can be very confident that our service continues to develop. It's a fully connected, seamless environment - we're in a fantastic position there already." Elsewhere in the interview, UK boss Neil Thompson discusses the importance of Viva Pinata to 360 as a "catalyst" to broaden the portfolio of 360, and argues that content will prove the decisive factor at retail this Christmas. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=65241
BlizardBill Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 opws 3anaeipa den eimai manths kai den mporw na 3erw opoiodhpote incompatability mporei kai na mhn yparxei kai kanena ayto pou eipa file mou apo thn arxh einaio oti opois 8elei na parei amerikaniko as einai ligo prosextikos. alla oxi na mas leei kai o blizard oti leme oti nanai Aς είναι προσεκτικός , αλλά αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι οι λόγοι που του έδωσες βγάζουν πάντα νόημα, ή είναι σωστοί. Πχ, Να μην πάρει Αμερικάνικο ps3 επειδή αμερικάνικα παιχνίδια θα έχουν ασυμβατότητες στην Ευρώπη ? (καμία σχέση ... αν υπάρχει πρόβλημα με κάποιο game, το παίρνει ευρωπαϊκό) Να μην πάρει γιατί [/b]ίσως σώζουν διαφορετικά τα "pal" games σε αμερικάνικές κονσόλες ? Απλά αστήρικτο ... και ακόμα και αν γινόταν , τι πειράζει ? Θα βρίσκεσαι στην Ευρώπη , θα παίζεις με ευρωπαϊκό game, και θα σε συνδέουν στην Αμερική επειδή έχεις αμερικάνικο ps3 ???
Daredevil Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 ara to afinoume to thema opws einai me tis opoies aporeies mas na lithoun sto launch tou ps3. os tote to mono sigouro einai oti to ps3 tha einai region free. tora ti incompatibilities mporoun na dimiourgithoun, tha doume.8a symfwnhsw mazi sou m8 @blizard ta links? 8a mou ta dwseis prwta kai meta 8a 3anakaneis dialogo me mena, mexri tote oti kai na les ta 8ewrw opws kai ta prohgoumena post sou akyra kai ena hint mhn perneis ta post twn allwn pou exw apanthsei hdh na to pai3eis e3ypnos ciao
BlizardBill Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Link δεν έχει, μέχρι να συνεννοηθούμε στα πολύ απλά... αν σου δώσω θα αρχίσει άλλη διαφορετική συζήτηση και θα έχεις ευκαιρία να αφήσεις αυτό που συζητάμε. Οταν ξεκαθαρίσει, πάμε σε άλλο θέμα. "[sony] talk about the online component - the analogy used was the air conditioning unit in a car. From our point of view' date=' right from version one, online gaming was built right into the heart of the first Xbox. For us it was the engine; it wasn't some peripheral component people may or may not want to use. It was right at the heart of the proposition then and now.[/quote'] Τι λένε οι άνθρωποι !!!! έχουν καταλάβει ότι χρεώνουν συνδρομή κάθε χρόνο, ή όχι ??? Βρίσκονται καθαρά σε άμυνα, επειδή εκτός των άλλων, η Sony αντιγράφει oτι σωστό έχουν κάνει, και το προσφέρει δωρεάν.
privateer Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 The DVD War Against Consumers Makers of new DVD players are going too far in copyright protection efforts, but buyers needn't take it lying down Blu-ray, however, goes beyond the AACS, incorporating two other protection mechanisms: The ROM Mark is a cryptographic element overlaid on a "legitimate" disk. If the player doesn't detect the mark, then it won't play the disc. This will supposedly deal with video-camera-in-the-theatre copies. STRANGLEHOLD ON CONTENT. Even more extreme is a scheme called BD+ that deals with the problem of what to do when someone cracks the encryption scheme. The players can automatically download new crypto if the old one is broken. But there's an ominous feature buried in this so-called protection mechanism: If a particular brand of player is cryptographically "compromised," the studio can remotely disable all of the affected players. In other words, if some hacker halfway across the globe cracks Sony's software, Sony can shut down my DVD player across the Net. The Blu-ray's DRM scheme is simply anti-consumer. The standard reflects what the studios really want, which is no copying of their material at all, for any reason. They're clearly willing to take active and unpleasant measures to enforce this. Last year's Sony/BMG rootkit fiasco comes to mind (see BW Online, 11/29/05, "Sony BMG's Costly Silence"). The possibility that they would disable thousands of DVD players, not because they're hacked but just because they might be vulnerable, would have been unthinkable a few years ago; it's clearly an option today. http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/may2006/tc20060526_680075.htm?chan=technology_technology+index+page_digital+entertainment
kallair Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 entaksei den perimename k diaforetiki apopsi apo tous ithinontes tis ms. tin douleia tous kanoun. siga min ebgainan k elegan mpravo stin sony. it's all about advertisement kai entiposeis to olo thema.
kallair Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 privateer auti i drm politiki mono sta xartia tha meinei. pes mou posoi tha sindean to dvd player tous me to internet k kata poso einai efikto na mas anagkasoun na valoume oloi sindesi sto internet oste na mporoume na xrisimopoiisoume to player. an i sindesi sto internet itan kati toso koino ston kosmo san na leme exo tilefono spiti mou, tote ena tetoio modelo drm exei vasi. alliws ta erga pou pithanon tha bgoun me auto to kleidoma, den tha agorastoun k tha apotixei i kikloforia tou kleidomatos autou. den einai kati pou tha ginei defacto se ola ta erga pou tha bgoun sto mellon k opoio ergo iothetisei auto to kleidoma einai sigouro oti tha exei elaxistes poliseis. edit. paromoio kleidoma exei k to hd-dvd protipo... asxeta an den to anaferei to dimosieuma sou privateer.
privateer Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 privateer auti i drm politiki mono sta xartia tha meinei. pes mou posoi tha sindean to dvd player tous me to internet ... To ps3 omws? Kai merika releases dates alla mhn ta parete kai tis metroiths
Daredevil Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Link δεν έχει' date=' μέχρι να συνεννοηθούμε στα πολύ απλά... αν σου δώσω θα αρχίσει άλλη διαφορετική συζήτηση και θα έχεις ευκαιρία να αφήσεις αυτό που συζητάμε.Οταν ξεκαθαρίσει, πάμε σε άλλο θέμα. [/quote'] ΥΓΘα σου βρώ και το link που λέει ότι τα games θα είναι κοινές εκδόσεις για όλο τον κόσμο όταν μπορέσω... έχει αναφερθεί αρκετές φορές εδώ. tote fysika htan mesa sto 8ema....
privateer Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2006 INTERVIEW WITH SONY-EXEC PHIL HARRISON "The Playstation 3 Is a Computer" Phil Harrison is Sony's head game designer. In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, he talks about accusations that Sony copied Nintendo's new motion-sensitive controller, why Blu-ray needs no copy protection, and what Playstation 3 has to do with MySpace. SPIEGEL ONLINE: How do you respond to people who say you stole Nintendo's idea for a motion-sensitive controller? Phil Harrison: On one level I understand why people say that. But it's a little stupid, if you don't mind me saying so. When we launched Playstation in 1994 we introduced the concept of real-time computer-generated 3-D-graphics for the first time. That was the innovation that drove the platform. When Nintendo released the N64 in 1996 and they had real-time CG 3-D-graphics, did you hear us say, "Nintendo, you've stolen our idea?" Of course not. These innovations are things that become possible because of a combination of technology, price and manufacturing capability. SPIEGEL ONLINE: But it is a bit striking that two consoles with motion-sensitive controllers are hitting the market at the same time. Harrison: We have been working on these innovations ourselves for a long time, and clearly Nintendo has been working on similar -- although not identical -- innovations for a long time, and that's natural. That's what technology is about. However, the difference between our strategy and everybody else's is that our controller, the Playstation dual analog controller, is the de facto industry standard controller in video gaming. I reckon, including the third party controllers that have been sold that are the same shape as this, nearly 400 million have been sold worldwide. This means that we have the standard for human machine interface for gaming in this controller. What we have done is to add an additional dynamic to this controller; namely freedom of movement. SPIEGEL ONLINE: How many games utilizing this feature will actually come out in the first year? Harrison: I expect every game to use the feature in some way. One thing we've all done when playing a game is move around the controller, whether you're playing a racing game or a football game. Now for the first time we can read both the primary input, which might be through the sticks, and learn what the player is doing through the secondary movement, and add the two together. This combination is a very significant advantage that's unique to the Playstation 3 controller. PHIL HARRISON Phil Harrison is Sony's head of game development, presiding over the Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios. He's been working for the Japanese game console manufacturer since 1992 and is considered one of the prime advocates of the Playstation brand in Europe. SPIEGEL ONLINE: The PS3 will play Blu-ray-discs. The movie industry, including Sony pictures, wants HDMI-interface and HDCP copy protection, which is now pushed back because Microsoft's HD-add-on-drive doesn't have the necessary interface. And now the cheaper version of the PS3 will also come without an HDMI-interface. So you're basically jeopardizing the strategy of Sony Pictures and other film studios to protect their content. Sounds like the decision may have been contentious at Sony? Harrison: Not at all. The Blu-ray-disc-association, which manages the format of Blu-ray-discs, defines the specifications. Not Sony, not Sony Pictures. We are one member of this consortium, but not the chairman or boss. The specification of Blu-ray disc is that by 2011, HDMI has to be included in all Blu-ray-disc players. We adopt that specification in our machine that we will launch in 2006 -- five years aheaed of the specification requirement. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Don't you think your colleagues at Sony Pictures will be worried that those are five years in which people will take HD content and pirate it and do things with it they're not supposed to? Harrison: No, because I think the fact is that the size of content is such that the only way to enjoy that content is from a disc. So it's not an issue, it's not a concern at all. SPIEGEL ONLINE: So the copy protection is the medium itself? Harrison: Yes. Ten years from now the idea of sending 50 gigabytes online will be commonplace, but today -- no way. Not easily. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Speaking of online, Microsoft has just announced "Live Anywhere", an integrated Windows-Xbox-Mobile environment. Is that something you're worried about because you don't have the same access to the PC market as Microsoft does? Harrison: No, it doesn't concern me and I don't think it concerns the consumer either. Once you adopt a game system as your primary entertainment device, that's what you want. We think that Playstation 3 is the place where our users will be doing their gaming, their movie watching, their Web browsing and a lot of other computer entertainment functions. That will satisfy them. Playstation 3 is a computer. We don't need the PC. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Microsoft also announced that they will design special games for the Japanese Market, admitting that they are still having great difficulties breaking through there. What are they doing wrong and what are you doing right? Harrison: Microsoft recognizes that they cannot sell "Halo" in Japan. They recognize that they cannot sell "Project Gotham Racing" easily in Japan. They need to come up with titles that are specific to that market. And that's something we struggle with sometimes. The Japanese consumer has very specific tastes, and we have to respect the tastes of that audience. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Is there a specific taste in the European market that you need to cater for as well? Harrison: I think the European and the US markets are a little bit closer together, but there are still some differences. You've seen with the success of "Buzz" and "EyeToy" and "SingStar" we have developed a social game concept in the European market, very successfully in Germany. That has taken the Playstation brand into new areas and Playstation hardware sales into new homes that I don't think we would have seen otherwise. Obviously there are certain challenges in selling certain types of games in Germany. Which is fine, and we respect that. SPIEGEL ONLINE: What specific challenges? Are you talking about age restrictions for certain games? Harrison: We fully respect the rules and regulations of the marketplace. But there are some games that, because of the ratings system, cannot be presented so clearly to the consumer. SPIEGEL ONLINE: As a gamer, what game would you yourself like to see on the new system? Harrison: I love racing games. That's probably the type of games I play the most. For the future of PS3, though, I think something that brings people together -- more that just a multiplayer online game but something that brings communication and community into gaming -- is what I'm most interested in. I think we can bring that social aspect -- I'm very inspired at the moment by what's happening with things like MySpace and Second Life and those kinds of experiences -- to video games very effectively. SPIEGEL ONLINE: You also mentioned MySpace in your presentation at the Electronic Entertainment Expo. Rather unusual for a console manufacturer ... Harrison: What we are trying to do is to recognize that the power of a network is not in the operating system, but in the people that are connected to it and what they contribute to the network. That's what makes a network powerful. The reason something like MySpace is powerful is because you have the combined effect of hundreds of thousands or millions of people adding and growing the content of that network. That's what's interesting. It's a very powerful force. SPIEGEL ONLINE: MySpace works because in many countries, nearly everybody owns a PC and nearly everybody's got Internet access. But to get into your network, you have to own a PS3. Do you think people will want to use the PS3 to create a network? Harrison: Playstation 3 has a browser, so you can get into MySpace from your Playstation 3. SPIEGEL ONLINE: It sounds like you're planning to do even more networking than yu have already. Harrison:Yes, we do. But I can't elaborate at the moment. http://service.spiegel.de/cache/international/0,1518,419072,00.html
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