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PS3 WILL play used or borrowed games


While US Sony reps think the best way to deal with gossip is silence, Sony Europe spokespersons have apparently decided to put this particular rumor to rest. According to the London Guardian's

tech blog, SCEE PR manger Jennie Kong blasted the rumor as " false speculation." "PlayStation 3 software will not be copy protected to a single machine but will be playable on any PlayStation 3 console," she told the Guardian. [Thanks Lefein and stoner02]



B) logw DRM efage megala prostima sta mousika cds. den skopeuei na kanei ta idia lathi sto mellon.

i oli fimi pou exei ksespasei den einai tipota allo apo rumours pou anadimosieuountai(klassiko pradeigma tetoiwn "krousmatwn" itan k to olo skandalo pou eixe ksespasei me to free online gaming tou ps3 stin E3).

heheh ma ayto to anaferw, thn eixe faei thn mynhsh dioti poulhse me logotypo audio-cd enw den htan bash tou protypou, aplws twra to protytpo einai diko ths xwris na elegxete apo to dvd forum


kai fysika h diapseysh dden leei tpt allo apo ayto pou eixan pei PlayStation 3 software will not be copy protected to a single machine but will be playable on any PlayStation 3 console,"


an kai bgainoume off topic pali ta mperdeueis. to prostimo to efage i sony sta mousika cds epeidi to drm pou efarmoze, egkathistouse sto pc kati m@l@kies xoris tin adeia tou xristi.

sta dvds erga i sony skeftetai na stamatisei to arccos epeidi mono xrimata spatalaei k den vlepei apotelesma. genika i sony skeftetai na allaksei pleusi oso afora ta drm kleidomata.

auto pou sou eksigousa ego sto proigoumeno post mou sxetika me ta licenses einai oti pleon i sony einai dimiourgos tou blueray protipou k exei ta dika tis ergostasia. ara den xreiazetai na plirosei kanenan gia na parei kapoio license gia na ftiaksei blueray diskakia. auto omws den tis dinei to dikaioma na kleidonei ta arxeia se 1 mixanima mono. iparxoun kapoioi nomoi pou prostateuoun ton katanaloti. i sony ekane tin blakeia k pige na tous "paravlepsei" mia fora k tin patise...


den lew gia to teleytaio DRM kleidwma pou sou ekane install sto pc 412 spyware milaw an 8ymamai kala gia to pasignwsto panakribo kai axrhsto telika fysiko kleidwma meso bad sectors etc (http://www.metafilter.com/comments.mefi/13670), ayth basika ftiaxnei to license gia to prooion ths kai sthn ousia mporei na bgalei oti license 8elei. Fysika kai to kleidwma se mia konsola mono einai outopia den prokeite na to kanei (to opoio fysika kai ginete yparxoun pola programmata sto net pou kleidwnoun se ena mhxanhma mono, kai ta windows sthn ousia pouliounte me license gia ena computer ki ayto epitanxanete apo to activation, sto lew giati tera ftiaxnw ena app me tetoio kleidwma meso machine ID kai den parabiazeis kanena dikaiwma katanalwth) milaw perisotero gia ena license me skopo na apotrepsei thn fysikh pwlhsh metagxeirhsmenwn mesa apo magazia kai thn nomimh dhmiourgia backup


i sony ekane tin blakeia k pige na tous "paravlepsei" mia fora k tin patise...
kala ayto pou ekane htan oti to xeirotero kai ta dvd me to arcoss yparxoun mhxanhmata pou den paizoun

φιλε nfs το λινκ αυτο ειναι απο τον αιωνα τον απαντα (nov.05)' date=' απο την εποχη που το ps3 θα εβγαινε την ανοιξη και θα εκανε οσο το xbox.



ομως ΣΗΜΕΡΑ το engadget επιβεβαιωνει οτι ΔΕΝ ΙΣΧΥΕΙ αυτο:

.....We pinged our peeps at Sony to find out what they had to say before we took this to the court of public opinion, but before they could get back to us it seems Jennie Kong, UK PR Manager at SCEE told the Guardian that "this is false speculation and that PlayStation 3 software will not be copy protected to a single machine but will be playable on any PlayStation 3 console." So to those worked up about this potential rumor, apparently for now you can fear not about your used or rented game habit, it'll apparently be safe in the future console. Good thing too, man that coulda been uglytown.



και παρ'ολο που μερικοι εδω μεσα πριν λιγες μερες μου βγαλανε ΑΝΑΞΙOΠΙΣΤΟ το engadget (vaio-bluray φιασκο!), υπενθυμιζω οτι προκειται για ενα απο τα εγκυροτερα sites.


οποτε, οποια και να ειναι η πολιτικη της sony σχετικα με τις μεγαλες αλυσιδες καταστηματων, (παλιοτερα ειχε παει στα δικαστηρια οσους κανανε import psp στην ευρωπη)

αφου οι χρηστες τουλαχιστον θα μπορουν να κανουνε αγοραπωλησιες μεταξυ τους, ολα οκ.


den thimamai na eixe bgalei kleidoma me bad sectors i sony gia cd alla gia na to les kati tha ksereis.

ta windows sthn ousia pouliounte me license gia ena computer ki ayto epitanxanete apo to activation

nai alla ta windows mporeis na ta metapouliseis sosta? ta games tou ps3 den tha mporouses. katalava ti ennoeis me ta licenses k ta dikaiomata se sxesi blueray k twn cds. to drm xrisimopoieitai omws gia na kleidwneis arxeia na paizoun gia ton nomimo katoxo. kata poso mporei i sony na petixei na peisei tous katanalotes na agorazoun stin ousia mono licenses k na min exoun ta pliri dikaiomata tis kopias pou agorasan, mou fainetai aplws akatorthwto. o monos tropos itan autos pou eipe o petran me tin ftini kostologisi twn paixnidiwn. alla k pali den iparxei o praktikos tropos efarmogis mas tetoias drm politikis mias k tha ithele activation k loipes tetoies m@l@kies. den psteuo na ipirxan polloi pou na kalovlepan tetoia taktiki. san "fakelwma" tha fainotan twn xristwn tou ps3. ekei na deis antidraseis pou tha ipirxan!:-P

nai alla ta windows mporeis na ta metapouliseis sosta?
to cd nai(nomizw dld den exw katsei na diabasw to license:P) alla o allos activation pif 8a kanei kai 8a tou meinoun gia 12 meres :P


mou fainetai aplws akatorthwto.
den exeis adiko alla kamia fora den 3es ;)


an "fakelwma" tha fainotan twn xristwn tou ps3. ekei na deis antidraseis pou tha ipirxan!
kati tetoio den kanei kai h valve? kai basika kai h ms se fakelwnei me to live kai h sony 8a se fakelwsei me to diko ths klp klp an ginei kati tetoio den nomizw oti 8a yparxoun kai trelles antidraseis..

eDimensional disputes Sony's PS3 controller claims

Motion-sensing pad could have rumble feature, says manufacturer


Gaming accessory manufacturer eDimensional has told GamesIndustry.biz that it is possible to create a six axis motion-sensing controller which also has a rumble feature - despite Sony's claims to the contrary.


Sony recently announced that the PlayStation 3 DualShock will not vibrate, as this would "interfere with information detected by the sensor".


This was disputed by technology firm Immersion, who in 2004 won a lawsuit that claimed Sony had illegally made use of its "haptic" (rumble) technologies. Sony is currently appealing against the decision.


Now Immersion has granted eDimensional a patent license to use "advanced vibro-tactile, spinning-mass gaming technologies" in its products. eDimensional will make use of Immersion's TouchSense feedback technology together with virtual reality motion-sensing technology in the forthcoming G-Pad Pro Gyroscopic controller for PC and PS2.


"This announcement is of interest because Sony has said that they will remove vibration from their new PS3 controller because it interferes with the six axis sensing capability of the product," an eDimensional representative told GI.biz.


"But as is demonstrated by the eDimensional announcement, making these two features work together is not difficult but requires knowledge of haptic technologies."


"Based on that information, it sounds like there is more to the story than Sony is telling us."


Immersion's Mark Belinsky commented: "Adding eDimensional as an Immersion licensee means that we're supporting the combination of touch feedback along with motion sensing."


"Together, these technologies define what most gamers would call 'next-generation,' and we're pleased to be working with eDimensional to make it happen."


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