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Αυτή τη φορά όμως είμαστε στο 1% που δεν είπα ψέματα ούτε ανακρίβεια για το xbox360, οπότε άσε τα σχόλια.

(αν πω κάτι τέτοιο , τα λέμε)



Darkstar καλός ήρθες ... με ωραία νέα μάλιστα.

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η μεγαλη διαφορα υπερ του 360' date=' ειναι οτι μολις πας να περασεις επανω στα γραφικα καννα FSAA,


στο 360 δεν θα πεσει το fillrate, απλως θα χρησιμοποιηθει περισσοτερο bandwidth απο το εξιδεικευμενο κολπο (που εχουμε συζητησει παλιοτερα) που εχει ο Xenos, την EDRAM. (32 GB/sec εξωτερικα, 256 GB/sec εσωτερικα)

αυτη η μοναδα εχει πολυ γρηγορη μνημη και λογικη για να διεκπεραιωνει τετοιες δουλειες χωρις να επιβαρυνεται τιποτα αλλο στο συστημα.



ομως το fillrate στο ps3, θα πεσει ριζικα προς τα κατω, αφου το RSX δεν εχει αντιστοιχη μοναδα EDRAM με πολυ υψηλο bandwidth να το βοηθησει.

το RSX στηριζεται αποκλειστικα στο 128bit bus (22.4 GB/sec) που το συνδεει με τη GDDR3 μνημη για να κανει render.

η συνδεση του με το cell (35 GB/sec), δεν θα το βοηθησει πουθενα οταν μιλαμε για anti-aliasing.



οποτε καταλαβαινει κανεις οτι αν μιλαμε για games με next-gen graphics και φιλτρα και full screen anti-aliasing,

το ps3 θα ειναι πισω απο το 360 στο οπτικο αποτελεσμα. και αυτο για αναλυσεις 720p


αν τωρα αναλογιστει κανεις οτι στην αναλυση 1080p, χοντρικα υπαρχει το διπλασιο φορτιο απο οτι σε 720p....... τελειωστε τη φραση μονοι σας.. :)


τα παραπανω εχουνε υπολογιστει απο αλλους πολυ πριν απο εμενα. δεν τιθεται θεμα να μην ισχυουν..[/quote']

Αφού είναι τόσο ρόδινα τα πράματα με το FSAA στο xbox360 δεν αναρωτιέσαι γιατί δεν χρησιμοποιείται πολύ τότε; Εγώ το χω απορία


1080p && FSAA?

Κάπως υπερβολικό σε βρίσκω....

Εξάλλου ουτε καν οπτική διαφορά αξιοσημείωτη δε θα δεις. Είναι όπως είπε και το άλλο παιδί σαν να οδηγάς καταμεσήμερο λιακάδα με αναμμένα τα φώτα


ontos eimaste theama...oxi ego, orismenoi...vgazo tin oura mou apekso giati toso kairo apla prospatho na sas iremiso... ;-) alla varethika opote den asxoloume... episis poios eipe oti to takken tha einai etsi se teliki morfi?


ρε δε σου χω πει να μη με αμφισβητεις? ποτε θα το εμπεδωσεις επιτελους?


ek merous olon zito sygnomi!!! k.petro (mias k eisai megaliteros kata 10 xronia apo mena) de tha to ksanakanoume pote ayto... kato i XOUNTA !!! ;-)


...λες και εχω εγω κανενα προσωπικο οφελος να ειναι το ps3 μαπα. τς τς



XA! oxi more...pros theou...den exoume katalavei tpt tetoio... fantazomai otan egrafes aftin tin protasi gelages k o idios! ;-)


Ωραία η συζήτηση για τις τιμές, αλλά γιατί τρώγεστε για το ποιό είναι καλύτερο;

Στο κάτω κάτω όποιος θέλει ας πάρει το ένα και όποιος θέλει το άλλο.

Η κάθε πλατφόρμα έχει κάποια αποκλειστικά παιχνίδια και με βάση αυτά αποφασίζει ο καθένας.

Όποιος θέλει τα παιχνίδια και των δυο αγοράζει και τα δύο.

Στο σπίτι μου όταν θέλω κάτι για χαβαλέ με φίλους, βάζω donkey konga στο gamecube.

Αν θέλω να χαλαρώσω βάζω R-Type final και SSX 3 στο PS2 (το έχω και για gamecube και xbox, αλλά στο PS2 είχα ξεκινήσει να το παίζω και εκεί είναι τα save μου)

Αν θέλω FPS βάζω halo 2 στο XBOX.

Τις υπόλοιπες κονσόλες που έχω πλεον δεν τις χρησιμοποιώ, αλλά αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι αν κάποια στιγμή θελήσω να παίξω ένα παλιό παιχνίδι θα με ενοχλήσουν τα γραφικά του.


Ας κοιτάξουμε το πιο βασικό, που είναι το κόστος παιχνιδιών (μέχρι να βγει κάποιο καλό hack) και των περιφεριακών.


Το PS2 μου το είχα πάρει προσφορά από το multiramma στο mall όταν άνοιξε, με 119€ με 2ο χειριστήριο + παιχνίδι.

Δεν είχε όμως μνήμες, που οι 2 κάναν 60€.

ontos eimaste theama...oxi ego' date=' orismenoi...vgazo tin oura mou apekso giati toso kairo apla prospatho na sas iremiso... [...']


XA! oxi more...pros theou...den exoume katalavei tpt tetoio... fantazomai otan egrafes aftin tin protasi gelages k o idios! ;-)


Ωραίος! Αξιόλογη προσπάθεια για να ηρεμήσουν τα πνεύματα!! :mrgreen::mrgreen:


Έχεις δίκιο όμως. Υποψιάζομαι ότι όντως ο p3tran έχει συμφέροντα από το xbox. Προσανατολίζομαι πώς η μεγαλύτερη πιθανότητα είναι να είναι από τα άτομα που τα βάζει η microsoft στα forum για να βρίζει το ps3. Δουλεύουν από το σπίτι και πληρώνονται με πόντους στο gamescore του live και με kudos.


Ο StavrosD πάντως θίγει ένα μεγάλο ζήτημα. Πόσο θα κάνουν τα παιχνίδια του PS3? Υπάρχει καμμία ένδειξη? Δεν έχω καταλάβει, θα κυκλοφορούν σε BR ή σε DVD?


Sony starts Blu-ray lines

50GB discs will spin in October, says company


By Jennifer Netherby 5/19/2006


MAY 19 | Sony DADC officially launched Blu-ray disc production in the U.S. last week with the ability to manufacture 750,000 single-layer BD discs a month, just ahead of the formatʼs launch at the end of



The company now has three Blu-ray replication lines in the U.S. with the ability to make 25,000 single-layer 25GB Blu-ray discs a day.


But some replication business insiders claim those numbers are low; in comparison, European replication equipment maker Singulus claims its HD DVD line has a daily output of 20,000 discs from one line, which would make it nearly three times more efficient than Sony DADCʼs Blu-ray production. Singulus doesnʼt provide outputs from its Blu-Line Blu-ray replicating line.


Sony DADC is the only U.S. company currently replicating Blu-ray discs and as such is expected to handle production for all Blu-ray studios.


Sony DADC said it expects to add manufacturing lines and increase capacity to nearly 5 million discs a month by October, ahead of the critical fourth quarter. By then, it says, it also will be able to make dual-layer 50GB discs on six lines.


Itʼs unclear when the studios will have a title on a 50GB disc ready for market. Blu-ray supporting studios—particularly Buena Vista Home Entertainment—have been awaiting the 50GB discs, however. Greater capacity will allow for more high-definition bonus features that could be key to luring consumers to the format.


Sony reps declined to say what they expect initial volume to be or what the cost of manufacturing would be for initial Blu-ray titles. However, it is expected to be more than DVD or HD DVD costs.


“Sony DADC is thrilled to be the leading optical disc manufacturing facility in the U.S. and have a full Blu-ray BD-ROM line ready for production,” Sony DADC president Dieter Daum said in a statement announcing the start of production.


Sony DADC has an offset printer and packaging line dedicated to Blu-ray production. It also has a Phase Transition Mastering machine, which can master Blu-ray and standard-definition discs on one system. A second Phase Transition machine will be added this summer and three more packaging lines will be added by October.

The company will begin offering Blu-ray disc authoring services to customers in July.




Ένα σχόλιο από τον Rich του [H]ardOCP:


Iʼm a little worried about Sony. Besides this upcoming HD format war where one device is going to go the way of Beta-Max, you have Sony, once again, producing an all-in-one type of device like they did the PSP. You would have thought they would realize that most gamers want game boxes. A little extra ability isnʼt bad, but for the most part we just want to game.


Και άλλο ένα για την τιμή της κονσόλας από τον Tycho Brahe του Penny Arcade


In any case, recline in your hyperseats while I manage this interloper.


It had been my hope that the stratospheric budgets of this generation would represent the death of exclusivity, a sweet and credulous fantasy made even more unlikely by the capacities of wildly disparate storage mediums. After this E3, it became clear that it was the same old thing again, only now everything costs more. In some cases, a lot more. What I'm trying to say is that costs a lot.


By which I mean that I will never purchase a PS3 at the price they are asking for it. Let Gabriel be your jungle guide through that choked mess. His genetic weakness for consumer electronics means that he must shiver in autumnal midnight lines and haul his quarry home to savor bitter launch titles. I have no such defect.


I consider myself a person who games on the PC primarily, I own multiple consoles because I love games, but primarily because incestuous exclusivity arrangements necessitate it if I am to discuss with you the breadth of the medium. I am an observer of that scene. As such, I can with a glad heart make what I consider to be rational decisions about where a thousand dollars might go. I'm complaining about the US price, now - our friends in the old country are in for even more savage treament. No. It is very clear that they assume we will purchase whatever gunmetal loaf they flop down on the slab. With a song on my lips, I defy them.


I thought four hundred dollars was pretty fucked when we got our 360s. Indeed, I pretty much considered it the ceiling. It should be the ceiling. I'm aware there is a chart out there showing the price of all consoles adjusted for inflation, and where the PS3 lands in the matrix. This would be great if I were buying it with money I used to have, or perhaps spending valuable, inflation adjusted "Future Bucks."


(CW)TB out.


Sony's motion-sensing controller is 'flattering', says Miyamoto

Nintendo legend criticises rivals' reliance on familiar titles


Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has described Sony's decision to include motion-sensing technology in the PS3 controller as "flattering", whilst criticising the company for simply producing the same games with better graphics.


In an interview with Canadian publication the Edmonton Sun, when asked if he thought Sony had copied Nintendo's idea for the Wii's remote controller, Miyamoto replied: "Itʼs kind of what always seems to happen. But the fact that they looked at what we were doing and decided it was a good path is kind of flattering; it kind of reinforces in our minds that weʼre doing the right thing."


"What theyʼve done is just take your standard controller and add in this motion-sensing device thatʼs similar to what we did back on the Game Boy Color many years ago. Maybe if they were to completely copy and go with a remote and a nunchuk and two motion sensors, I might be a little more concerned. But I donʼt think theyʼre anywhere close to that."

Miyamoto went on to discuss Sony and Microsoft's showings at E3, stating: "Theyʼre talking about the next generation of the same old videogames - itʼs the same old experiences with new graphics."

"And while there are people who enjoy that, weʼre really talking about the next leap in interactive entertainment, and really bringing interactive entertainment not just to videogame fans but to everyone."


However, questions have been raised as to whether gamers want to play with a controller that requires plenty of physical movement, rather than one which allows them to simply sit on the sofa. But according to Miyamoto, there are plenty of options available: "The fact of the matter is, if you want to, you can play in much the same style as you did before."


"You can sit with Zelda and just with little movements you can control the game perfectly well. Similarly with tennis, by kind of slapping the Wii remote against your hand, you can play the game that way if you really want to."


"As people get better and better at the individual games, it may be that their motions drift from the more exaggerated to the less exaggerated. But at the same time, I tend to find that moving around a bit more tends to be more fun."


As for the Wii name, which has met with a mixed reception in the UK, Miyamoto said that some Japanese gamers have also found it hard to get used to: "In Japan, a lot of gamers thought it was a strange name, and the comment we got the most was that it doesnʼt sound like the name of a game system."


"What we did find with the casual gamers or the non-gamers - because it does sound so different and unique - it doesnʼt sound like a game system. And thatʼs a plus for them."


Ο StavrosD πάντως θίγει ένα μεγάλο ζήτημα. Πόσο θα κάνουν τα παιχνίδια του PS3? Υπάρχει καμμία ένδειξη? Δεν έχω καταλάβει' date=' θα κυκλοφορούν σε BR ή σε DVD?[/quote']

Μόνο σε BR, και σε μία region-free έκδοση για όλο το κόσμο.

Το BR δεν θα επηρεάσει ουσιαστικά την τιμή κατά την Sony, και αυτό δείχνουν και οι τιμές των πρώτων BR ταινιών που κάνουν 20$... 3-5 παραπάνω από των dvd.


ego gia na eimai ilikrinis ligo parapano apta dvd ta perimeno...kai as lene oti tha einai idia i timi... makari alla de to vlepo...vevea gia mena k afto pali einai to ligotero..dld ti na kanei 70 opos tou 360 ti na kanei 80...ta 10 eyro mas peiraksan...? to thema einai ti games tha doume k an ta aksizoun ayta ta lefta..dld k apo oti exo dei os tora sto 360 ta 70 eyro mou fainontai kapos + oti einai se dvd k tha perimena na einai kapos pio ftina...alla eipame an ti vriskei kapoios giati na mi ta dosei...ego px gia to pro tha edeina k 100 eyro...tha ta vgaze ta lefta tou pistepste me! ;-)


Why the PS3 will rock


Ok, enough with all the doom and gloom, right now the PS3 is reeling from a somewhat lackluster E3 showing and the negative publicity that comes with announcing a high priced piece of hardware. It's time to put put some things in perspective.


The real reason behind all the hubbub is that for the first time in ten years of being on top Sony appears vulnerable, and Microsoft and Nintendo fanboys are relishing every second. Appearances can be deceiving.


1) The PS3 games at E3 may not have looked leaps and bounds above what's on the 360, but there are months of development time left, titles like Heavenly Sword, Warhawk, and Resistance: Fall of Man already look fantastic.

2) The only 360 game I saw on the show floor that really impressed me and that made me want a 360 was Gears of War. At the Sony booth I had fun with Motorstorm, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword and Resistance: Fall of Man, heck just days after E3 I found myself wishing I could get my hands on them again. I felt no such pining for most of the 360 games, Crackdown? Shadow Run? Saints Row? Please.


3) Nintendo isn't a threat (no offense), they've successfully targeted a different demographic and aim to coexist with Sony and Microsoft, that's why the "PSWii" and "Wii60" avatars are so popular all of a sudden. While the Wii is going to be fun, there are certain epic experiences you just won't be able to get on it.



4) The controller will be a hit, I know because I've held it. For all this talk of innovation the fact is most of us still play games the same way, with a standard controller (why do you think Ninty's releasing a "shell" for the WiiMote?) Many would agree that the Dual Shock design is perfect, which is why there was such a big ruckus when the boomerang pad was shown, why break what 'aint broke right? Sony's new controller keeps all the best bits of the old Dual Shock while infusing added functionality and control via the L2, R2 trigger buttons and tilt sensitivity. And all this noise about Sony copying Nintendo? Who really cares, Sony "copied" the analog stick and rumble feature from the N64 controller and implemented a better solution, who's to say the same won't be the case here?


5) Sony has the most powerful hardware. Sorry Microsoft fanboys but it's true, and even you know it, right now you're going through the same denial Sony fanboys went through when the original Xbox specs were announced. The evidence might not be so apparent just now, but it will become so in the future, this first generation of launch titles is looking just as good, if not a little better than the second generation of 360 titles. That says something.



6) You'll get used to the price, and realise it's probably worth it. Considering what you get in the package, a blu-ray player, 60GB hard drive, the ability to run Linux and homebrew, wifi, memory card slots, a fully fledged media centre and the most powerful gaming machine ever to grace God's green earth, $600 really isn't that steep.


7) Sony still has the biggest guns. There's just no challenging Sony's lineup, let's quickly run though a list of titles that traditionally debut on Sony hardware:


Onimusha: We haven't heard a peep yet, but you can bet it's in development and if it's predecessors are anything to go by, it'll blow us away.


Devil May Cry: Personally, I say to hell with all the rumors, this one's coming to the PS3 first and it'll most likely stay there. DMC was notably absent at E3, and now we know why. Come the Tokyo Game Show we'll get our hands on a playable build of this delightfully devilish dish.


Ratchet and Clank: The short clip we've seen looks amazing, Insomniac are witches, and they've cast a spell on us.


Jak and Daxter: Naughty Dog are capable of doing things with Sony hardware that would make you swear the team thinks in binary. Rumors abound of an MMO set in the Jak universe, the idea of a Massively Multiplayer Online Adventure Platformer has me bouncing off the walls.


Gran Turismo: It has to be emphasised that you haven't seen a single frame of GT5. What was shown at E3 was GT4 running in 1080p. PGR what?


God of War: It's coming, it has to be... and it will make you its manslave. Can you even fathom how amazing it'll be fighting a giant kracken in high resolution, blood spurting and scales glistening as twin blades cut arcs of death through the frigid air? Can you?


Silent Hill: Think back to the first time Silent Hill mentally scarred you.


Final Fantasy: You will be ownt.


Kingdom Hearts: Considering how good these games looked on the PS2 hardware,


Shadow of the Colossus: You didn't play Shadow, you experienced it


Metal Gear Solid: Kojima's MGS games have always resonated with emotional and philosophical depth, the technical and visual artistry on display knows no peer. Plus they' re damn cool.


Castlevania: Symphony of The Night, but real this time. Let's see it Konami.


SOCOM: With the power of the PS3 behind them, Zipper will finally be able to deliver a SOCOM experience that runs smoothly, looks great and delivers depth of gameplay we all know and love.


Wipeout: I'd be surprised if we didn't hear something about a Wipeout game coming to PS3 very soon and considering how much fun Wipeout pure was, a next gen Wipeout is a civic responsibility.


Lair: Have you seen this game!? No one knows exactly what it's about, but holy aunt Jemima does it looks tasty!


Soul Reaver: Probably the most intricate and detailed story ever written for a videogame, the Soul Reaver series needs a PS3 entry. There's no evidence of a new game in the works but it would kick much buttock to wander the landscape of Nosgoth powered by the PS3...oh, oh, Nosgoth Online!


Killzone: Conspicuously absent at E3, rumor has it Sony didn't want to take the focus off Resistance: Fall of Man. When next we see Killzone, it'll be big, very big


Bottom line is that E3 was only the tip of the PlayStation iceberg and it focused mainly on launch window titles and new IP's, Sony's saving the big guns, and it won't be long before we start seeing and hearing more from them.





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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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