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ελα, blizzard!! τσακω' μια υπογραφη να γουσταρεις..




δωρακι απο το θειο πετρο 8)



και εξτρα μερικα shots απο αυτο που κατα τη γνωμη μου ειναι το πιο ενδιαφερον πραγμα στο ps3 μεχρι τωρα




φαινεται πως εχει παρα πολυ καλη σκηνοθεσια και animation, ειδικα στα combos.






οπως πχ εδω


  • Απαντ. 6,5k
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  • Τελ. απάντηση

edit: πάντως προτιμώ να διαλέγω αν θέλω να βλέπω ταινίες στην κονσόλα μου και όχι να μου το χρεώνουν επιπλέον με το ζόρι.


Kai ego otan bghke to dvd elega ti na to kano, de mou xrhazotan.. ana na pou telika mono me dvd asxoloume poia. Apo thn mia eine sosto ayto pou les apo thn allh you never know.. Kai gia mena pantos ena eksoteriko drive eine ligo enoxlhtiko.


Me aythn thn logikh den tha eprepe na mas xreonoun tipota parapano me to zori, tha eprepe na pername komatia kai na ta sinarmologousame, kati san ayto pou ginete sta pc dont you think?

ελα' date=' blizzard!! τσακω' μια υπογραφη να γουσταρεις..


και εξτρα μερικα shots απο αυτο που κατα τη γνωμη μου ειναι το πιο ενδιαφερον πραγμα στο ps3 μεχρι τωρα


φαινεται πως εχει παρα πολυ καλη σκηνοθεσια και animation, ειδικα στα combos.




Nai man ontos toubano. The godess of war if you catch me :D

To heavy rain? Iposxete orea pragmata. Kai to 8 days eixe oreo animation, thimizei klasikes amerikanikes tainies omos kai tora ayto pos na to pareis..

Kai ego otan bghke to dvd elega ti na to kano' date=' de mou xrhazotan.. ana na pou telika mono me dvd asxoloume poia.



to DVD omos arga i grigora tha kathieronotan.....eno to Blue-Ray den kseroume....mporei na xreotheis me 200 euro gia kati pou den tha xrisimopoiithei praktika pote


Το blueray είναι απαραίτητο εξαιτίας του όγκου του σε next gen κονσόλα ... όπως όλα τα πράγματα πάνε μπροστά, είχε έρθει η ώρα και για αυτό.

Στο μέλλον δηλαδή, αν κυκλοφορήσει καλώδιο HDMI για το 360, το οποίο θα συνδέεται εκεί που μπαίνει τώρα το HD καλώδιο, μπορούμε κάλιστα να έχουμε απεικόνιση 1080p από το HD-DVD drive με το υπάρχον setup.

"εκεί που μπαίνει τώρα το HD καλώδιο" είναι η ΑV έξοδος, σαν αυτή που έχει και το ps3 core.

Οπότε θα μπορεί και το ps3-core, και μάλιστα χωρίς να αγοράσεις εξωτερικό player.


Εχει γίνει προηγούμενη μεγάλη συζήτηση για αυτό με τον terzo και τον slay, και δυστυχώς δεν έχει ελπίδες το xbox360.


Αν προσέξετε λίγο τις ανακοινώσεις τις Microsoft για το HD-DVD θα καταλάβετε ... απλά προσπαθεί να μην πει πολλά για να κρύψει την τσιγκουνιά της όταν κατασκεύαζε το xbox, και σας αφήσει να ελπίζετε.

Kai ego otan bghke to dvd elega ti na to kano' date=' de mou xrhazotan.. ana na pou telika mono me dvd asxoloume poia. Apo thn mia eine sosto ayto pou les apo thn allh you never know.. Kai gia mena pantos ena eksoteriko drive eine ligo enoxlhtiko.


Me aythn thn logikh den tha eprepe na mas xreonoun tipota parapano me to zori, tha eprepe na pername komatia kai na ta sinarmologousame, kati san ayto pou ginete sta pc dont you think?[/quote']



Κοίτα στο PS2 το DVD είχε καθιερωθεί ήδη σαν φορμά, οπότε ήταν ευπρόσδεκτο σαν προσθήκη στη νέα κονσόλα. Βάλε στα συν ότι ήδη στο PSOne βγαίνανε πάρα πολλοί τίτλοι σε επιπλέον του ενός CD, επομένως ήταν ουσιαστική αλλαγή η μετάβαση σε ένα μέσο που παρείχε επιπλέον χώρο.


Με το Blu-Ray συμβαίνει το αντίθετο, η επικράτησή του είναι αμφίβολη και η Sony προσπαθεί να δημιουργήσει μεγάλη εγκατεστημένη βάση players ενσωματώνοντάς το στo PS3, βάζοντας τους καταναλωτές να επωμιστούν το υψηλό κόστος μιας νέας τεχνολογίας. Επιπλέον, ελάχιστοι τίτλοι της προηγούμενης γενιάς βγήκαν σε dual layer DVD, και ακόμα πιο λίγοι σε περισσότερα του ενός DVD. Σε 3-4 χρόνια ίσως να είναι απαιραίτητος ο χώρος σε μερικούς τίτλους, αλλά το να βγαίνουν μία χούφτα games σε παραπάνω του ενός DVD δεν είναι και τόσο τραγικό, όταν οι γραμμές παραγωγής υπάρχουν ήδη και το κόστος παραγωγής είναι χώμα.


Ο κόσμος πάει μπροστά .. το dvd ήταν καλό παλιά, αλλά για νέα γενιά παιχνιδιών ήθελαν κάτι παραπάνω.

Δεν βγάζουν το ps2.5 για να κρατήσουν μέχρι το 2012 το ίδιο πράγμα που έβαλαν το 2000.


Εξάλου τώρα , μετά από τόσα χρόνια στην standar ανάλυση έγινε το μεγάλο βήμα με αναλύσεις έως και 6 φορές μεγαλύτερες ... οι απαιτήσεις αν δεν θες να κοροϊδεύεις τους χρήστες, είναι αυξημένες.


παιδια μην γειωνετε το συμπαν!! για ονομα!!


το DVD αντικατεστησε το VHS. ειναι τεραστια η διαφορα.

και παλι πηρε πολλα χρονια.


Το vhs και το dvd είχαν την ίδια ανάλυση, και έδειχναν σε ίδιες τηλεοράσεις .


Οι κονσόλες κάθε χρόνο θέλουν όλο και περισσότερα έτσι και αλλιώς … τώρα που πήγαν σε HD μάλιστα όσοι μπόρεσαν έβαλαν μεγαλύτερο format.

Ακόμα και η Nintendo έβαλε μεγαλύτερο drive, παρότι ήταν πάντα η πιο "οικονομική" και παρότι έχει μείνει στην SD.


Η Microsoft απλά δεν πρόλαβε γιατί την έστησε το HD-DVD με την τρομερή καθυστέρηση του , δεν το έκανε για άλλο λόγο.


SCE interviews (Kutaragi, Kawanishi)


There are various interviews with SCE at E3, here's a brief summary of them.

"PS3 is a computer" (as a PC is an office computer), basically it's the message.


Ken Kutaragi interview @ ITmedia


(Most parts are at http://ps3.ign.com/articles/706/706133p1.html)

The playable devkits at the E3 floor are all connected to the network and new builds of games are sent there day by day via FTP even during the E3

The PS3 price may be too cheap, it's like no other. (See the IGN article)

2 million units at launch. (See the IGN article)


Ken Kutaragi interview @ Nikkei Tech-on


Contrary to the underestimation by people, there are over 10 playable titles at the show floor, unlike the days of PS1/2

There's not necessarily a correlation between the higher software development cost and the higher hardware spec. The criticism that regards PS3 as a too fat, too powerful hardware sounds like the excuse by those who avoid the challenge to new technologies. Until E3 developers hadn't known what other developers had been doing, apparently there are those who are surprised to see the states of completion of PS3 games not only among users but also among developers. I expect it can remove the excuse.

Many devkits are stacked in the data center at the E3 showfloor connected to the network. Developers can send data everyday via FTP like in arcard games development. Consumer games distribution will begin to focus on network more, for example using a BD as a key disc, game contents are updated via network, or you can carry over the data you played at an arcade to a PS3 at home. PS3 begins the evolution since the day one you purchased it along with the network, because there's no need to close it within a package. People will feel it in the very near future, sooner than March 2007.

PS3 is a computer, just like a typical computer which downloads a program from CD-ROM to HDD then executes it from an HDD as a cache. If the HDD space is small for you, you can buy a bigger HDD. In the next year even a PS3 with 120GB HDD may be released. It's not another version of PS3, it's just another configuration. Because PS3 is a computer. We may be able to sell it in BTO (built-to-order) for each customer. With that assumption, the internal of PS3 is designed with modularity in mind unlike home appliances and game consoles. In the way of thinking with which a computer is designed, we adopted standard interfaces and selected various parts with extensibility in mind.

Kutaragi feels potential in the "Eye of Judgement" game.

We have as many Cell as we'd like to sell them, so no worry about the scarcity. We started the manufacturing of Cell in Summer 2005. The more Cell the more better since we want to put Cell servers across the network. What's really difficult to secure were general parts in good times, such as passive parts, memory, HDD, boards, plate, and all other parts for 1 million per month production.

(Answering the question about what Sony President Chubachi is saying as "customer viewpoint" lately) I am hardly conscious of it, we've been always with the customer since we began PlayStation. PS is a part of daily life and SCE employees, families, and myself are all uses, in other words customers.


Izumi Kawanishi interview (SCEI corporate executive, software platform development division) @ ITmedia


The base system of the 20GB PS3 and the 60GB PS3 is the same, it's like PC motherboards with different interfaces but different peripherals. It's not that there are 2 models of PS3, they are variations.

It's natural that specs are different due to price ranges, just like hi-end and lo-end PC.

The PS3 spec is the same worldwide, but there'll be more variations in future.

The current PS3 can't output different pictures through HDMI and AV-multi. There may be a PS3 with 2 HDMIs in future

Games can be saved in HDD. The difference in 20GB/60GB PS3 such as HDMI, WiFi, memory cards slot, and HDD won't matter in playing games. If you feel the HDD is small you can buy a bigger one.

Though we wanted to add a motion sensor before we couldn't decide what kind of it should be built in and sensor devices were not good enough back then.

The new PS logo button is used to raise the system menu, to turn on/off PS3, and to make the system recognise the controller. It's powered by a battery charged with a USB cable from PS3 to controller. The controller can't be used for PS2.

PS3 has a standard web browser and a media player and XMB. It can play download contents and send data to PSP as a server. For the 20GB HDD PS3, PSP is connected via USB.

In the PS1 emulation in PSP, PS1 game code is not at all modified. Some games can be run on a general emulator and others will be shipped with a special emulator. They are booted from MemStick Duo. If users want PSP may support MemStick boot of user application in future.

The power supply unit of PS3 is internal. The quietness is equal to the PS2.


Izumi Kawanishi interview (SCEI corporate executive, software platform development division) @ PC Watch, by Zenji Nishikawa

(Some parts are the same as the interview above, such parts are omitted)


Though the PS3 hardware spec itself supports 2 screens output, the SKUs don't support it currently because its merit for users is unknown for now. HDMI x2 may be possible in future variations of PS3.

We know 1080p is not an easy task but as you see GT:HD it's not impossible. Just like PS2 which was said to have too little VRAM in the early days we are not much concerned about it now.

As for rendering resolution we recommend 1080p and 720p. Though we have no strict guidelines we recommend 1080p, anyway. But it depends on what resolution is prevalent for TV when a game launches.

As for the developer comment that they prioritize info density per pixel to pointless HD, it's OK that a game has a different priority, though SD is nor preferable.

As for the GbE port, the first PS3 configurations in 2006 have only one but in future configurations they can add more ports if they are needed.

Unlike PS2 and other game consoles with OS and drivers on a game disc with the assumption that the hardware spec doesn't change, PS3 allows the change of the hardware spec with demands of the times. The OS and drivers are installed in PS3 and it absorbs hardware differences, which resembles the current form of PC.

Since PS3 has Linux installed Linux programming is allowed. License fees are not required for individual developers. Licensed PS3 game developers can get SDK and technical support by SCE, on the other hand in the Linux world they don't have to pay license fee but the support is minimum. In Linux, Cell is under the hardware layer of the OS supervisor, but things inlcuding SPE are expected to be open to developers. But we don't intend to mix the PS3 as a game platform and the PS3 in the Linux world.

PS3 is always "PlayStation". But in the category of computer entertainment, it's not necessarily a game that's provided for PS3. In that case, it may compete with PC including Windows PC.

(Answering the question why there are no non-game apps in the E3 show floor) Well, it's because this is E3 (laugh)


EDIT: One more:


Izumi Kawanishi interview (SCEI corporate executive, software platform development division) @ AV Watch


DVD upconversion and progressive conversion will be implemented

PS3 targets 4K x 2K video output too

(Answering the question about Cell/RSX clockspeed that disappeared from the spec) We will announce the numbers later (But later Kawanishi referred to Cell as 3.2Ghz, so the interviewer speculates it's likely that the RSX spec has changed)

It has pics and movies of XMB in an actual PS3 unit which was shown behind the door.


1UP.com @ E3: "XBOX 360 is like the Death Star"


1up.com E3 podcast




"What have you seen on the PS3 that was even marginally better than the 360? I haven't seen anything on the PS3 that the XBOX 360 couldn't do."


"That's part of the problem with the [PS3's] price. Here's a machine that's $200 more and it doesn't even do anything discernably better."


Re: Graphics

"From having played Lost Planet today, I can say that Lost Planet was better in my hand playing with the controller than anything I saw on PS3... And you can get that demo right now on Live, and you should."


Their grades for E3 presentations?


Sony = C+


Nintendo = B


Microsoft = A


o logos pou den evale hd-dvd i ms einai :a) kathisterouse ipervolika na lansaristei san protipo k ta specs tou ara tha kathisterouse k to xbox, B) ithelan na to kanoun pio oikonomiko oste na xtipisei tous low budget players oste na to protimisoun.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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